Searches for Lisa

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
The dog has been found! Finally!

Sounds as if they MAY have been chasing the wrong dog by the helicopter search as it sounds like it was found about where it went missing from.:waitasec: It was found by a water plant and it was lost by the water plant.

Hope they re-evalute the situation and figure out what went wrong.
Judging by the press release and the search warrant affidavit, the home and the vehicles were searched on initial response to the home, and at least the points of entry and babies room were processed for DNA (if more processing was deemed prudent and was done on initial response, it's not in the affidavit, but it doesn't mean it wasn't done). After investigation and results of the initial consensual searches, LE went back with a search warrant and searched and processed further. All good, imo. All documented and court-ready if and when a perp(s) is identified and charges are filed.

Hopefully the results of all of the searches and other CSI efforts will help LE narrow down the potential suspect pool, locate Lisa, and/or help justice to be served.

All JMO. Yesterday marked 2 months since Lisa was reported missing. Hoping she is located very very soon...
i think this is the relevant thread:

just saw on FB that Edith has organized a march for Lisa from Penguin Park to N Lister Sunday, Dec.11th at 2pm.

This is why, Ashley said, that Deborah asked that the location of the vigils be changed. “She [Deborah] never asked that people disband the prayer group or that people stop praying – that’s absurd,” she said.

Lisa’s aunt Ashley wrote in an email, “Some of those involved in the prayer vigils created unnecessary drama.” She said the vigils became “gossip-fests” and meetings for case discussion instead of gathering to actually pray for and focus on Baby Lisa.
i think this is the relevant thread:

just saw on FB that Edith has organized a march for Lisa from Penguin Park to N Lister Sunday, Dec.11th at 2pm.
Ok, Walking 3 miles in the cold, get to the house (where you are obviously not wanted now)......then what? You have people that are cold, tired (mostly unwelcome) and their cars are now 3 miles away. How can this end well?
Ok, Walking 3 miles in the cold, get to the house (where you are obviously not wanted now)......then what? You have people that are cold, tired (mostly unwelcome) and their cars are now 3 miles away. How can this end well?

i really hope there is no drama. i know that these people are coming from a good place in their hearts, and i don't think there is any threat of violence or anything like that, but i hope it stays about Lisa and not about what DB and JI are or are not doing. they have every right to be upset and voice their opinion on the matter but there is a time and place for that and in front of the house on Lister after a 3 mile walk in the cold is not the time or place.
All is "gossip fest" is according to Debbie. I'd like to hear from some of the prayer warriors themselves. Why didn't Deb just go out and answer some questions...oh, I forgot she won't even talk to LE why would she talk to prayer warriors for her lost baby.

Maybe people are getting frustrated, I suppose I might be if I were there looking for the Baby, praying, hanging flyers, putting out the word and all I see is Mom and Dad kicked back refusing to sit down with LE, answering only to their high priced fat cat smary attorney's. Getting paid for sit down interviews with fancy tv networks, never sitting down with locals. Somebody LOCAL is gonna break this case, it's not gonna be from NYC where JT is! They need local people. *shakes head* I think I'm leaving this forum because I just get too upset.
For those of you discussing Tim Miller and arent familiar with his organization, here is a really good video that shows who they are and what they do.
*Texas Equusearch*
I have had hopes since around October 7th or so that they would get called in to search for Lisa, but it has never happened.

[ame=""]Missing & Endangered Search Team - YouTube[/ame]
new article by Isabelle Zehnder. mostly old information about the vigils, but this stuck out to me as something new:

"As for life getting back to normal," Edith said, "I doesn’t see that happening anytime soon." She said Deborah and Jeremy are trying to get their kids back on schedules of going to school and their daily lives. But as far as normal she said, “They [Deborah and Jeremy] take turns sleeping. Jeremy said he can stay up all day and night if need be.”

“One of them has to stay up all night,” Edith said. “And that’s not normal.” She added that Jeremy has stood by Deborah’s side every step of the way, and from what she could tell, he was not putting blame on Deborah for the fact she’d been drinking and blacked out the night Baby Lisa went missing.

Continue reading on Baby Lisa: Lawyers' comment vigils are 'disruptive' to family strikes a nerve - National missing persons |

eta: something else from the article, i have seen this reported before but i haven't actually seen it posted here, Ashley Irwin will be organizing vigils after her college finals.
new article by Isabelle Zehnder. mostly old information about the vigils, but this stuck out to me as something new:

eta: something else from the article, i have seen this reported before but i haven't actually seen it posted here, Ashley Irwin will be organizing vigils after her college finals.

Very negative article toward Jeremy and Deborah and seemingly pro Edith.
bbm = ummmm...maybe this 'homicide investigator' should be more informed about the case before making any comments!

Made me very sad about Deb and Jeremy taking turns sleeping :(

I think Ediths heart is in the right place, but 'thinking' it would be good for the boys doesn't make her right. The parents make that decision, and personally, it would be mine too. I didn't think this it was overly negative towards D/J...except for the 'detective' and the comments from John Walsh. The people who are there and who see/hear things, including Ron Rugen didn't seem to be bashing them. I think Edith is hurt more than angry.

“I’ll tell you what that tells me as a homicide investigator. That tells me that the Kansas City Police Department has been correct in focusing on these two people – and I’m talking about the mother and the step-father here,” Wheller said
Continue reading on Baby Lisa: Lawyers' comment vigils are 'disruptive' to family strikes a nerve - National missing persons |

Who the heck is this guy? Does he know these children? Has he even met Deb or Jeremy. How does not wanting the children interrogated have ANYTHING to do with not wanting the vigils on their lawn? Except that both could be trying to shield their children.

Absolutely not, that argument doesn’t make any sense whatsoever if that’s the argument that they’re using. They’re saying it’s time to move on with their lives,” Wheeler said. “Look, these two kids are the same two little boys who the parents were reluctant to have the police interrogate or talk to at first if you remember. So none of what they’re saying makes any sense whatsoever. But again, it’s another tell-tale sign that police are strictly looking at these two individuals.”

Continue reading on Baby Lisa: Lawyers' comment vigils are 'disruptive' to family strikes a nerve - National missing persons |
bbm = ummmm...maybe this 'homicide investigator' should be more informed about the case before making any comments!

Made me very sad about Deb and Jeremy taking turns sleeping :(

I think Ediths heart is in the right place, but 'thinking' it would be good for the boys doesn't make her right. The parents make that decision, and personally, it would be mine too. I didn't think this it was overly negative towards D/J...except for the 'detective' and the comments from John Walsh. The people who are there and who see/hear things, including Ron Rugen didn't seem to be bashing them. I think Edith is hurt more than angry.

Continue reading on Baby Lisa: Lawyers' comment vigils are 'disruptive' to family strikes a nerve - National missing persons |

Who the heck is this guy? Does he know these children? Has he even met Deb or Jeremy. How does not wanting the children interrogated have ANYTHING to do with not wanting the vigils on their lawn? Except that both could be trying to shield their children.

Continue reading on Baby Lisa: Lawyers' comment vigils are 'disruptive' to family strikes a nerve - National missing persons |

Know where the article writer stands now. Objectivity is dead. Long live point of view journalism.
Trying to figure out who Wheeler is that comes out of nowhere in the article. There is also a Wheller quoted, perhaps it is the same individual? Who knows?

Sharing the fact that the parents are taking turns sleeping is so hurtful. She knows there is fear in the house so she wants to share that personal torment. The boys could be afraid to sleep.
FYI - Here is an example of positive, organized, annual vigils for ALL lost, missing, angel babies:
OCRegister 12-7-11 - "Annual Angel of Hope Vigil Honors Youngest Lives Lost"

Lake Forest, CA - "When Erin Runnion first spoke at the Angel of Hope ceremony nine years ago in memory of her daughter Samantha, it was an attempt at understanding what life without her would mean."

These annual ceremonies are held at El Toro Memorial Park in Lake Forest, CA, where my Baby, Brian, is buried, and are also held in various locations across the country.

Maybe Edith would like to organize an Angel of Hope annual vigil for all angel babies at a memorial park in Missouri?
When EF-D states we moved the "vigils" from the neighbors' basement b/c they weren't allowed to speak their minds, (paraphrasing) that tells me it hasn't been about vigils at all, it's called vigilante where I come from. MOO and all that carp.
new article by Isabelle Zehnder. mostly old information about the vigils, but this stuck out to me as something new:

eta: something else from the article, i have seen this reported before but i haven't actually seen it posted here, Ashley Irwin will be organizing vigils after her college finals.

They are staying up all night, in shifts? That brought a tear to my eye. Seriously.

That doesn't sound like the actions of guilty people. If they did it, they would know they were safe, and they would not have to do that. That also sounds to me like responsible, dedicated parents who will put aside their own needs to protect their children.

I was just reading an article yesterday about the aftereffects of tragedies on victims, and the incidence of mental problems for years or even for life, is astonishing. I have the impression that these people are terrified and probably need to see some professional counselors fast, before it destroys their lives.
Know where the article writer stands now. Objectivity is dead. Long live point of view journalism.

Not to mention HORRIBLE writing. In the first few paragraphs there are so many errors, it's hard to go on. When laymen (like us!) make spelling or grammar errors - fine. But when "professional" journalists do, it is grating.

Spectable? Misplaced commas? No introduction for quoted sources? I imagine it will get worse the further I read - if I can read much further. That is really pathetic.
I tried to read this and here are a few things I saw right away:
Edith sounds like a creepy stalker. Like I MADE IT IN!! I WAS IN!!!
"We were talking. I was in Debbie's house and I thought we were getting close," she said. "I don't know what happened."

Debbie DIDN'T tell her to go away. "[Edith] said she didn’t hear directly from Deborah that she wanted the vigils to stop, or that people would be arrested if they stepped foot on their property. She said she heard it from Jeremy’s mother Melanie Irwin."

They were kicked out of someone's basement because they were not allowed to "speak their minds" and then they were asked to not vigil in front of the home because it became a gossip-fest, participants were "aggressive" and "disrespectful"... what does that say about the group? Clearly their intentions were not to provide peace and comfort for the family(victims) in this tragedy.

Edith says the vigils were held "a place for people to gather, talk, vent, receive comfort, discuss the Baby Lisa case, and pray. The bolded things are the parts that are not part of a "prayer vigil" IMO. Providing comfort and support to the family and other victims is, but not venting, RECEIVING comfort, and discussing the case.

And WHAT????? She [Edith] also said that if Deborah and Jeremy knew they didn’t want to be home at the time of last week’s vigil then perhaps some of the drama might have been eliminated if they’d left before the people arrived. “They knew what time the vigils typically started,” she said. That seals it - this woman is not quite right in her head - she thinks the FAMILY should have left their OWN home so the gossiping, aggressive, disrespectful posse could trash them in their front yard? I have read enough. That is darned close to delusional. Not to mention that the family DID leave beforehand. She should be embarrassed that HER actions drove possible VICTIMS out of their own home.

The more I read, the sorrier I feel for the Bradley/Irwin family. If these people are innocent there will be some serious karma problems for a whole lot of people.

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