Searches for Lisa

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I'll have to search for it but I believe it was stated that 'he could tell they had been drinking' which to me is a little different than saying 'they told me they were drinking'.

For example, I can tell when someone has been drinking, both by smell and their reactions.

lol i posted the link on the previous page of this thread, post #614.
But how would she get a hold of someone? The phones did not work. LE has taken the computers so I think if she got a hold of someone that way, we would already have an arrest by now. Or did someone just happen to stop by asking if they just happened to have a dead baby they needed disposing of?
My bolding. This is the stumping question. There is only a couple answers to that, if one wants to assume that DB is responsible. Either she acted alone, which I've already said I think is near impossible OR she had help. Since she could not call out to arrange for help, the only other thing I can think is that someone (like Phil) was already in the house or had an unplanned stop by.

Another unknown for me is I don't know how thorough searching by LE is. I am assuming that it is very thorough, and if BL was disposed of in the 1/3 mile radius, she would have been found by now. Maybe I am giving LE searching too much credit.

I am also wondering about the dogs that went on the searches. Were they tracking dogs for picking up BL live scent or were they cadaver dogs? I think that if she is in KC and not in the river, her body will eventually be found.
My bolding. This is the stumping question. There is only a couple answers to that, if one wants to assume that DB is responsible. Either she acted alone, which I've already said I think is near impossible OR she had help. Since she could not call out to arrange for help, the only other thing I can think is that someone (like Phil) was already in the house or had an unplanned stop by.

Another unknown for me is I don't know how thorough searching by LE is. I am assuming that it is very thorough, and if BL was disposed of in the 1/3 mile radius, she would have been found by now. Maybe I am giving LE searching too much credit.

I am also wondering about the dogs that went on the searches. Were they tracking dogs for picking up BL live scent or were they cadaver dogs? I think that if she is in KC and not in the river, her body will eventually be found.
I do know that the 1/3 mile radius was searched multiple times by many different agencies using many different methods. We are talking KCPD, FBI, National Guard, and at least 2 different SAR groups (more than 2 is possible as 2 is the amount I personally saw) and within those groups they were using foot, atv, horseback, metal detectors and dogs. Talk is also going around that FLIR was also used when the helicopters were flying around that night.
My bolding. This is the stumping question. There is only a couple answers to that, if one wants to assume that DB is responsible. Either she acted alone, which I've already said I think is near impossible OR she had help. Since she could not call out to arrange for help, the only other thing I can think is that someone (like Phil) was already in the house or had an unplanned stop by.

Another unknown for me is I don't know how thorough searching by LE is. I am assuming that it is very thorough, and if BL was disposed of in the 1/3 mile radius, she would have been found by now. Maybe I am giving LE searching too much credit.

I am also wondering about the dogs that went on the searches. Were they tracking dogs for picking up BL live scent or were they cadaver dogs? I think that if she is in KC and not in the river, her body will eventually be found.
Several different people were there, but none of them have stated that anybody else was there or arrived later. Who would just happen to stop by on the night you had a dead baby in your house after 11:30pm on a weeknight? SB states that the lights were out at DB's house when she went in at 11:30.
Who would just happen to stop by on the night you had a dead baby in your house after 11:30pm on a weeknight? SB states that the lights were out at DB's house when she went in at 11:30.
Highly improbable, and I don't think that happened.

Maybe midnight isn't considered late for Phil. It certainly isn't for MW who goes to Waffle House at 3am. There could be any number of 'weird' reasons why Phil would stop by DB's house unannounced. He likely had a key. Maybe he felt comfortable just walking in and turning on the lights as DB slept. Maybe that is how he knew she was very intoxicated. Maybe *he* accidentally did something to BL and DB is covering for him.

Ok...the above is way off the wall kind of thinking, but not as off the wall as some theories I've read on here. Like most theories, there are puzzle pieces left to fit. In the scenario above, the cell phone calls don't tie in.

FWIW, I am still in support of DB/JI. I am not rigid in my thinking, and if evidence comes out that makes sense to me, I will point my finger at DB just as most are doing.
My bolding. This is the stumping question. There is only a couple answers to that, if one wants to assume that DB is responsible. Either she acted alone, which I've already said I think is near impossible OR she had help. Since she could not call out to arrange for help, the only other thing I can think is that someone (like Phil) was already in the house or had an unplanned stop by.

Another unknown for me is I don't know how thorough searching by LE is. I am assuming that it is very thorough, and if BL was disposed of in the 1/3 mile radius, she would have been found by now. Maybe I am giving LE searching too much credit.

I am also wondering about the dogs that went on the searches. Were they tracking dogs for picking up BL live scent or were they cadaver dogs? I think that if she is in KC and not in the river, her body will eventually be found.


I can see scenarios where she would of did it by herself. There is a 3 hour window (between cell calls) where anything could happen. But she would of had to do it without the phones assuming BL is not in the 1/3rd area, since the phones never left that area. She could of attempted the 11:57 call for help, didn't get through, took care of it herself, then got back to the house and checked if any calls came into her phone (vm's). Two problems with this scenario though:

At this point I see no reason to disbelieve the fact that she didn't know when JI was coming home. That means she would of been doing all this risking JI could come in at any time. She would of been doing something with BL and have no idea (because the phones were not with her) if JI was already home, having to explain why she wasn't there (on top of leaving 2 boys alone in the home).

She still would only have limited time to hide the phones from checking the vm's to JI coming home.

search planned for Lisa on Dec.31st


Will will meet at the Waffle House on 435 and Parvin Rd- There are more than enough areas to search and if we get enough people to meet at the Waffle House we will separate into different search groups to see that we cover as much of the area as possible.
Wear good comfortable Shoes- Flashlight-Gloves-Extra Socks- and some sort of walking stick. (An old broom handle works good) The ground is really saturated and in some of the areas that need searched there are caves underneath. A walking stick comes in handy on these terrains.
If you can not be there at 9am- please let me know if and when you are coming, I will give you my cell number so that you can catch up to us if you need to come later.
I understand it is New Years Eve (amateurs night) and that some people may have already made plans. When you have to plan according to the weather so if it's too short of notice, I'm sure there will be another
I plan on staying until there is no one left to stay with me.
Also feel free to share this event and invite others..
Are these just ordinary people who are searching? Has LE said that's okay or do they prefer that only certified search teams look?
Nice to see that the neighborhood doesn't seem to have forgotten Lisa! Maybe this search will find something.

Her family sure the heck doesn't seem interested in doing anything to help her cause.

Seems like at Xmas they would ahve been on tv begging people to be on the lookout, lots of traveling going on over the holidays, babies in airports, malls, stores, etc. Would have been a great time to put their babies face out there.

They.don' IMHO
Are these just ordinary people who are searching? Has LE said that's okay or do they prefer that only certified search teams look?

Thank goodness someone is going to search. No one else is.

Why now, though? Why not a month ago? That's what I don't understand.
Thank goodness someone is going to search. No one else is.

Why now, though? Why not a month ago? That's what I don't understand.

BBM: I agree ... I am glad this baby is not being forgotten and searches are continuing -- no matter WHO is searching ...

And I sure hope they find "something" -- "anything" that will lead to Baby Lisa ...

:great: WHO DAT :great: !!!
Vinnie P doing a special right now on HLN about Lisa's disappearance.
Yes, I wonder. Got the impression that only professionals were okayed to search.

Unless it's private property or something taped off by LE ,I don't think anyone needs an okay. Personally,I would want to make sure I wasn't causing harm,but it's a free country . There were a lot of private searchers looking for Caylee.
Vinny put the Irwin lawyer on the spot tonight and the lawyer danced all around as to WHY the parents still refuse to sit down and try to help police. Vinny called it "hiding" and I so agree. Lawyer tried to say that he and JT are keeping the child's picture and info out in public .. WHEN AND WHERE. Vinny asked him that question and he tried that very same crapo that parents had set down for oh 30 BIG OLE hours to talk with police.

Vinny told him he'd NEVER seen a family hide like this. Asked why they won't get out and pass fliers, get on TV and ask for the return of their "kidnapped" child.

Obvious from the lawyer that the family knows a lot and they know it's going to take them to the inside of a jail cell...IMHO

Vinny told the lawyer this case was cold, no media attention.

Jim Spellman said he felt the most important thing that could happen now is THE PARENTS go talk to police. The bald guy from HLN agreed that the parents must go set down again and talk to police.

So many days have gone by,so much info has been garnered and the parents are just DEAD SILENT.

How can they be so cruel.
Vinny put the Irwin lawyer on the spot tonight and the lawyer danced all around as to WHY the parents still refuse to sit down and try to help police. Vinny called it "hiding" and I so agree. Lawyer tried to say that he and JT are keeping the child's picture and info out in public .. WHEN AND WHERE. Vinny asked him that question and he tried that very same crapo that parents had set down for oh 30 BIG OLE hours to talk with police.

Vinny told him he'd NEVER seen a family hide like this. Asked why they won't get out and pass fliers, get on TV and ask for the return of their "kidnapped" child.

Obvious from the lawyer that the family knows a lot and they know it's going to take them to the inside of a jail cell...IMHO

Vinny told the lawyer this case was cold, no media attention.

Jim Spellman said he felt the most important thing that could happen now is THE PARENTS go talk to police. The bald guy from HLN agreed that the parents must go set down again and talk to police.

So many days have gone by,so much info has been garnered and the parents are just DEAD SILENT.

How can they be so cruel.
No one from Lisa's extended family appears to be doing anything ,either. So many families would love to have the attention baby Lisa's family has gotten,yet they squander it. Infuriating.
The only thing I worry about with the searches is the whole Roy Cronk thing. I don't think at this time there is enough info for me that DB did it, but at the same time I think that its better when LE or professional search teams search only because it would hold up better in court. I worry in all cases that if evidence is found by the public it won't hold up at trial no matter who is guilty. Maybe they have professionals going with them though....I just don't want to see who ever is guilty get off on some weird technicality or something. I am not sure if they can ask professionals to help, but I hope if something is found it holds up in court. This case is heartbreaking and I wish the truth would just come out!

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