Sentencing and beyond- JA General Discussion #6

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It's a two bedroom house, and her grandparents. Who know what all she squirreled away. I remember seeing her take her little pencil and stick it in the seam JW chair when she thought no one was looking. The camera was trained on her.

That is true. She could have stored things in her grandparents' room. That makes me recall how she claimed she went to get stuff out of storage on her way to Yreka. What did she do with all that crap? I think she also told Flores that her Canon was in storage. She junked up everyone's spaces-including Travis, who had to put her junk in his house.
If he had a wireless router. My cell phone doesn't use our carrier when I'm at home. It uses our wi fi, don't know if it did back then. All she had to do is get the password when she was there and she was in.

IIRC Jodi did admit to driving around his house over and over at night.

Yes, I've done this many times when the library is closed. Just sit outside in the car and log on. I've seen other people do this too. Jodi was using his internet to get his stuff, IMO.
I understand Wasn't Me's question- yes this would get her onto his Wifi for free, but that's not access to his personal info. Wifi only enables you to not have to use cellular data when you are online. I can sit parked outside a Starbuck's or McDonald's and still access their free Wifi, but I'm using it for my own purposes on the Internet- WS, Facebook, News, games, email, etc.... His email would have a different password than his Wifi one, or his Facebook one.

Yes, what you are saying is what I'm thinking is true.

She had the passwords, though....
Yeah, maybe I'm confused about "stuff." I was thinking "stuff" meant emails etc and not just access to wifi. I do not believe accessing someone's wifi gives you access to their personal stuff or browsing history, etc. If it does, I will never give mine out again. Let me know.

I don't too much know when to believe anything Jodi says or admits to. She sobbed and "admitted" to being a chicken and running out to leave Travis at the mercy of jean-wearing ninjas. She exclaimed, "I did not grind that guy" in reference to Ryan. I'm not saying she didn't drive-by stalk him. I just try to take everything that someone said someone else did without corroboration with a grain of salt. Even if Travis or anyone else says "she told me," I have to take it with a grain of salt because Jodi was not obsessed with the truth.

A while back upthread, Hope figured out that Jodi had ongoing access to TA's exchanges and that she tried to interrupt them.
I understand Wasn't Me's question- yes this would get her onto his Wifi for free, but that's not access to his personal info. Wifi only enables you to not have to use cellular data when you are online. I can sit parked outside a Starbuck's or McDonald's and still access their free Wifi, but I'm using it for my own purposes on the Internet- WS, Facebook, News, games, email, etc.... His email would have a different password than his Wifi one, or his Facebook one.

yep. Thanks! Hopefully, he'd have a different password. I went :facepalm: when Skye and Chris figured out that the website password matched his gmail. :facepalm:

Maybe JA was able to deduce like that and eventually figure out his passwords. I just can't personally reconcile that he knew she was a snooper but wasn't more diligent to log out of his social media, not save passwords in the browser, etc to make it harder for JA, who he knew was entering and exiting, cleaning, etc. I remember JA skirting around the question of when Travis changed his passwords while talking to Flores, and she switched to discussing when she'd changed hers. She placed it around the May 25-26th incident.

This is why I personally think Jodi infiltrating his social media was a recent development after the move. I'm not sure about it but I have interpreted as his friends having so much to say about Jodi and her snooping etc because Travis had just recently, as of her move, began to tell them more details. For example, I could have sworn I read somewhere that he told Mimi all the stuff she knew on that camping trip in May. I can't remember now if that was before or after the 26th incident, but Travis had stopped communicating with Jodi around or as of the 21st. Before that text saying he knew what she did, sent on the 21st, he hadn't talked to her since at least the 18th. JA tends to use two themes in her discussions about Travis and her journal. 1--who they were and weren't dating and in what time frame. 2--fought over password issue.

Not saying that she didn't ever access his email or social media before the move. She "admitted" backspacing on his Myspace when they supposedly got into their relationship in February 2007. I don't know how many opportunities she had to do it until she was living in Mesa.

I don't know. I'm leaving it open in my mind as to how much she was or wasn't in his emails or social media before the move because if Travis didn't keep his office locked, if he didn't log out of his computer and have a password to get into the computer once it timed out, if he didn't log out of his social media, and if he let his browser save his passwords, then it's possible she could access the stuff at will.

It's a lesson we all need to heed. As convenient as saving passwords in the browser can be, it leaves you vulnerable. If Travis happened to use outlook for his email, she could just open that without a password--if his computer didn't bring up the password screen when it timed out. I don't recall testimony that they had to crack the computer's log in code, but that might because their forensic tools can get around it, so it wasn't relevant to mention. I recall Flores "woke the computer up," but at the moment, I can't recall him saying what screen came up. I would like to know what windows were up, if any. Like was "youtube daft punks" up? Was the proxy webpage up? Were windows with message errors regarding the "scratched" CDs?

I believe my computer does that. I think if I let it go to sleep, when I wake it up and put in the password, I will usually see all the windows that I had up when it fell asleep, including windows error message boxes.

I'm rambling, I guess.I just have so many musings about the case.
Tape recorder found in the trash bag? That was interesting to me. She certainly had no qualms about invading Travis' privacy. She knew every trick. And yes I bet Travis used his browser to save his passwords.
There is a new YouTube view of Enrique Cortez posted on the Super Duper site where he discusses the night Travis was found and how Travis' murder affects him to this day. I don't know how to post links but I'm sure you can find it via Google. If I understand correctly Enrique just posted it recently. He discusses the odor in the home as well.
A new 47 minute video by roommate Enrique, parked in his car across the street from TA's house, talking about Travis, the layout of TA's house, Mormon wards, what Enrique likes to put in his homemade granola bars.......(ETA-sorry, Salberg, just saw your post).

Didn't know....Enrique did have a car, which she would have seen. He drove his car to catch a bus to work because of the high cost of gas (around $4 a gallon at the time). The bus left at 6:30AM from Superstition Mall, about 8 miles from TA's house (morning traffic?)

"Looking back, Napoleon seemed a little depressed that day, and things were a little messy, like someone started to clean then just stopped."

Bishop Layton went to the scene the night TA was found, along with many others from TA's ward, all standing and watching from the little corner park across the street from TA's house.

He was obviously traumatized by this experience, only spared from actually seeing the blood everywhere and Travis dead in the shower.

Just finished JM's book but I didn't follow the trial. In the trial was motive discussed?
Just finished JM's book but I didn't follow the trial. In the trial was motive discussed?

Basically that her borderline personality disorder, which includes behaviors like frantic efforts to prevent abandonment, and her being rejected as marriage material (she was nothing more than a booty call) led to the murder plan.
Martinez said it was a woman scorned situation
I'm thinking it might have helped to be in range. At the very least, she could have been tracking physical goings in and out, and then matching it to texts and phone calls, which evidently she was corralling. This was a much more thorough way to pry than just getting his texts and phone calls routed to her. She could only pick up those in range of his house, anyway, right? 'Cos she relied on his internet? I'm sure she didn't deign to go down to the library and log on, like other penniless mortals.

Maybe someone else can answer whether the ability to see someone else's screen (on a PC) requires the same router. On the Mac it's very easy, and has been for a long time.....

Sorry for another long reply. I have very definite opinions about her snooping, etc., largely because of my now years-long focus on texts and Gchat and all things related to the psychological aspects of the case and trial….


TA told either Regan or Taylor (or both) that he changed his passwords multiple times, but that she “kept figuring them out.”

Maybe it wasn’t that difficult for the , and maybe she didn’t even need continuous access via manipulation of his phone and/or computer. I was amazed, actually, how freely Travis and many of his friends texted bank account numbers and passwords of every kind to one another.

Hacking, post-Mesa

If she was hacking in to his phone after she left, she did have access to virtually every one of his passwords because he texted them all to Shawn, the friend who was helping him set up his webpage. The brand new webpage for TA's T-shirt business was hacked right after TA gave Shawn all his passwords.

I can’t see that as a coincidence. That along with many other similar not-coincidences and funky incidents convinces me she had access to his texts post-Mesa, perhaps via his computer, and if she had computer access, she likely had access to everything on his computer.

She definitely signed in as him onto his MySpace and his FaceBook accounts. If TA’s May 26 accusation was accurate, she could go into his emails and delete whatever she wanted and/or send emails in his name from his computer (“I know you got into my computer and erased a letter I sent to Lisa.”).

Toss in the suspicious frequency of GF’s not receiving texts and emails he sent (and vice versa), especially when those communications were related to dates or hook-ups that would have enraged the lying liar worthless , and I think it’s more likely than not she had fairly continuous, fairly complete access to his computer post-Mesa.

Hacking, in Mesa

Before that? In Mesa? IMO she didn’t need to drive around his house to hack his wireless. IIRC, she did get her own internet account at some point while in Mesa, and in any case, according to TA’s roomies, she was constantly over at his house, even when he wasn’t home, and those were just the known times when she didn’t bother to sneak in, unobserved, at night or otherwise.

She was unfazed even when Deanna walked in and caught her there, on TA’s computer, baking cookies (reminded me of when Sky kicked her out of her house and she didn’t leave, stayed for another hour, staring at Sky and her friend). Shameless. And obsessed.

Travis didn’t lock his front door, much less his office door. Other texts indicate he didn’t seem to have a problem with roomies going into his office to use his computer (or into his bathroom to borrow stuff, for that matter). I think he genuinely believed in the LOA, and as he wrote in his journal in May, that “it was better to trust too much than too little.”

As for the lying liar pure evil murdering . Shameless, obsessed, she with an extensive track record of snooping her BFs emails by, as JM so deliciously pointed out, making full use of that backspace button she just couldn’t seem to resist, and while in Mesa, broke, desperate, increasingly vengeful, and feeling more powerless than she likely ever had before?

Of course she snooped, IMO, and did so at every possible opportunity, including after she slaughtered Travis. Hell, she couldn’t resist poring over TA’s cell records when she was on the stand, on trial for her life, with a jury, judge, prosecutor and a full court room watching her every move.

Beyond impressions and patterns and a sense of the thing, I believe Travis was in the best position to know if she snooped his journals and online accounts while in Mesa. He said she did, and he said that in early April while still---somehow—being willing to believe (to some degree) the hadn’t slashed his tires (I haven’t had any privacy for a year. She’s read my journals, gone into my texts and emails…It’s very frustrating.”).

IMO, he said it again on May 26th, though not specifically referring to her intrusions while in Mesa:

“You have not felt as much pain in all your life than what you have repeatedly caused me with your lies and your invasions (…)”

“Why did you get into my FaceBook after all those times I’ve forgiven you? “

(You do something to make any sane person shun you, I find out and confront you and get angry then forgive)….”this has happened about 30 times. That’s how many times you’ve been caught. “

Why confess?

Travis was baffled at first why she confessed what she did, especially after being nailed for inventing Michelle the Spy, in those “come clean” confessions of sneaking and snooping. By May 26th he had figured it out (BTW, her "confessions" are apparently textbook illustrations of how a sociopath responds when caught in a lie):

“Even when you say u are telling the truth u are lying. Even when you come clean it is a partial version of the truth to serve your purpose.”

(An aside, but IMO the purpose served before being nailed on Michelle was to elicit sympathy for herself (and to solicit his guilt) by portraying herself as a good and earnest Mormon who had lapsed in many ways while in Mesa because (feeding his ego) she thought she had been in love with him, and was just too weak to stay away or to resist him.

I think she doubled down on that line of BS when caught in her Michelle the Spy lie. As in: Travis, that’s what I was trying to explain to you before I left, just how horribly confused I was by everything, and how lost in the fog ( yes, she actually really did use the fog excuse this early on) spiritually. I was so lost that I even drove around your house at night, all the time, and I even snuck in and slept on your sofa at night, regularly, just for the comfort of being closer to you. You. My spiritual adviser, as well as my very best friend in the WHOLE world…

Objective: his misplaced sympathy and guilt, rather than his legitimate and well-deserved rage and contempt).
One more technical point about Wifi- that password is assigned to you by your server company, you do not choose it. When we were broken into last year, we upgraded our service, and AT&T assigned us a new random Wifi password and username on our router. I feel obligated to correct misinformation in this area because hubby works for AT&T!
You are absolutely correct. Giving someone your Wifi password is not the same as giving them your password for your PC, email, or Facebook.
It's basically like letting them use for free a service you are paying for, like using your phone. Data plans can get very expensive very quickly. Especially video streaming.
Yes, I've done this many times when the library is closed. Just sit outside in the car and log on. I've seen other people do this too. Jodi was using his internet to get his stuff, IMO.
One more point to reiterate- Jodi didn't hit the back button on the browser at the library- they automatically log you out!
A new 47 minute video by roommate Enrique, parked in his car across the street from TA's house, talking about Travis, the layout of TA's house, Mormon wards, what Enrique likes to put in his homemade granola bars.......(ETA-sorry, Salberg, just saw your post).

Didn't know....Enrique did have a car, which she would have seen. He drove his car to catch a bus to work because of the high cost of gas (around $4 a gallon at the time). The bus left at 6:30AM from Superstition Mall, about 8 miles from TA's house (morning traffic?)

"Looking back, Napoleon seemed a little depressed that day, and things were a little messy, like someone started to clean then just stopped."

Bishop Layton went to the scene the night TA was found, along with many others from TA's ward, all standing and watching from the little corner park across the street from TA's house.

He was obviously traumatized by this experience, only spared from actually seeing the blood everywhere and Travis dead in the shower.


There was a car in the garage with the Prius. Perhaps it's Enrique's.

One more point to reiterate- Jodi didn't hit the back button on the browser at the library- they automatically log you out!

LOL. What an extra-pathetic lie, then, and one which makes mewonder what kind of snooping she did that made her think the library lie a more palatable lie to tell?

Was Bobby her target then? I can't remember where I read this, maybe the Hughes' book, but supposedly what came out during the trial (outside the courtroom) was the fact that Bobby had never even met the woman the accused him of sending love letters to and cheating on her with, behind her back.
One more point to reiterate- Jodi didn't hit the back button on the browser at the library- they automatically log you out!

LOL. What an extra-pathetic lie, then, and one which makes me wonder what kind of snooping she did that made her think the library lie a more palatable lie to tell?

Was Bobby her target then? I can't remember where I read this, maybe the Hughes' book, but supposedly what came out during the trial (outside the courtroom) was the fact that Bobby had never even met the woman the accused him of sending love letters to and cheating on her with, behind her back.
yep. Thanks! Hopefully, he'd have a different password. I went :facepalm: when Skye and Chris figured out that the website password matched his gmail. :facepalm:

Maybe JA was able to deduce like that and eventually figure out his passwords. I just can't personally reconcile that he knew she was a snooper but wasn't more diligent to log out of his social media, not save passwords in the browser, etc to make it harder for JA, who he knew was entering and exiting, cleaning, etc. I remember JA skirting around the question of when Travis changed his passwords while talking to Flores, and she switched to discussing when she'd changed hers. She placed it around the May 25-26th incident.

This is why I personally think Jodi infiltrating his social media was a recent development after the move. I'm not sure about it but I have interpreted as his friends having so much to say about Jodi and her snooping etc because Travis had just recently, as of her move, began to tell them more details. For example, I could have sworn I read somewhere that he told Mimi all the stuff she knew on that camping trip in May. I can't remember now if that was before or after the 26th incident, but Travis had stopped communicating with Jodi around or as of the 21st. Before that text saying he knew what she did, sent on the 21st, he hadn't talked to her since at least the 18th. JA tends to use two themes in her discussions about Travis and her journal. 1--who they were and weren't dating and in what time frame. 2--fought over password issue.

Not saying that she didn't ever access his email or social media before the move. She "admitted" backspacing on his Myspace when they supposedly got into their relationship in February 2007. I don't know how many opportunities she had to do it until she was living in Mesa.

I don't know. I'm leaving it open in my mind as to how much she was or wasn't in his emails or social media before the move because if Travis didn't keep his office locked, if he didn't log out of his computer and have a password to get into the computer once it timed out, if he didn't log out of his social media, and if he let his browser save his passwords, then it's possible she could access the stuff at will.

It's a lesson we all need to heed. As convenient as saving passwords in the browser can be, it leaves you vulnerable. If Travis happened to use outlook for his email, she could just open that without a password--if his computer didn't bring up the password screen when it timed out. I don't recall testimony that they had to crack the computer's log in code, but that might because their forensic tools can get around it, so it wasn't relevant to mention. I recall Flores "woke the computer up," but at the moment, I can't recall him saying what screen came up. I would like to know what windows were up, if any. Like was "youtube daft punks" up? Was the proxy webpage up? Were windows with message errors regarding the "scratched" CDs?

I believe my computer does that. I think if I let it go to sleep, when I wake it up and put in the password, I will usually see all the windows that I had up when it fell asleep, including windows error message boxes.

I'm rambling, I guess.I just have so many musings about the case.

IIRC, TA said in a text to one of his gal friends that JA had been getting into his social media for a year. JA also tells Flores that they broke up in June 2007 over passwords and social media.
One more point to reiterate- Jodi didn't hit the back button on the browser at the library- they automatically log you out!

She tried to cover the auto log out with Yreka was small enough for her to drop Bobby off at his friends and she raced back to the library in time to hit back space.
IIRC, TA said in a text to one of his gal friends that JA had been getting into his social media for a year. JA also tells Flores that they broke up in June 2007 over passwords and social media.

The also told Flores that Travis agreed to exchange passwords in August 2007 to "re- establish trust." Pfffftt. What she was saying was she thought it could be proven that she hacked into his FB and MySpace from August 2007 until May 22, 2008.
She tried to cover the auto log out with Yreka was small enough for her to drop Bobby off at his friends and she raced back to the library in time to hit back space.

I really do wonder how anyone ever believed a word she said, her lies were so blazingly, obviously, in your face absurd, and what exactly made her seem the slightest bit attractive to men.
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