Sentencing and beyond- Jodi Arias General Discussion #2

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JODI moaning loudly UGH!! 32:44 starts the conversation if you don't want to hear her moan.

TA - "well, well that's so hot.... well, actually, the way you moan baby, it sounds like you're a 12-year-old girl having her first orgasm. That's so hot"

JA - "It sounds like what?"

TA "a 12-year-old girl having her first orgasm"

JA (laughing)

TA - It's like corking the pot with a little girl

JA (laughs loudly) - your bad, you make me feel so dirty.

TA - You are dirty baby

JA - moans softly in pleasure

I suggest you listen to the tape too because the tones are important to help determine the context. (plus it gives you the opportunity to make up your own mind). Jodi is giggling a lot and laughs loudly when Travis says it's like corking the pot with a little girl -- she takes it as it was meant - an absurd distasteful joke. Had she believed it to be an honest expression of interest in children, she would not have continued on so eagerly with the sex. It would have served memory of her alleged vomiting and her allegation of wanting to help him.

There was no shock, hesitation, or concern expressed in Jodi's tone of voice when Travis made the statement. If we consider Jodi's allegation, Travis would have known Jodi did not approve of his alleged sexual interest in children. So why say it? And, if it was a slip up, why would Jodi joyfully laugh at such a statement as if it was a joke? Wouldn't the opposite show through, such as disappointment? But, instead of disappointment, Jodi continued to encourage and joyfully participate in the sex with TA.

I really can't listen to that tape again. Did you clearly hear him say that? I always thought that LaVa made it up.
I think so too, remember the butcheress saying that he said "I can't feel my legs," I imagine a stun gun would give that sensation IMO.

You are right that would be a reaction he would have. I also thought about his saying he couldn't feel his legs was probably a true part of her story, she laced a little truth with all her lies.
What she wrote about Missy her cat IMO was beyond disturbing. How morbid..and sick. She pet a dead cat and what's important enough to write about is that her dead pet didn't shed? The entry goes on to talk about burying her cat, and how unexpectedly difficult it was to dig the grave.

And yah, that the cat came up to her grandparents porch and curled up to die was somehow a touching gesture and a tribute to HER?

As my DH said when I subjected him to the recent texts..."she makes my skin crawl."

She seems fascinated by death and dead animals. IMHO if she was a man much more would be made of her interest in dead animals, by the public and in the trial itself. I'm not sure if she's getting a pass because she's female or whether that information was kept out of trial by this particular Judge or both, but I guess murderous females being found as creepy and disturbed as murderous men is another glass ceiling yet to be broken....
I remember when ALV said that on the stand, but it was shut down so quickly by the Judge and never mentioned again that it makes me wonder if AVL read it in one of the forged letters and attempted to attribute it to Travis. If so, just another example of ALV either being bumbling or dishonest, IMHO of course.

I totally agree, AVL didn't read near all the texts from TA and JA only the ones the defense let her read and I bet a million dollars they gave all those forged letters to her to read and of course CMJA told her a pack of lies also. That expert witness was a paid HACK for sure.
I really can't listen to that tape again. Did you clearly hear him say that? I always thought that LaVa made it up.

Yes he says it at about 32:08 I think. I couldn't listen to her squalling like an injured cat and all the rest of her fakery but I did take one for the team. It is so apparent she wasn't in that tiny little house either with Grandma and Grandpa...
I think so too, remember the butcheress saying that he said "I can't feel my legs," I imagine a stun gun would give that sensation IMO.

Shooting up a certain nerve or set of nerves would accomplish the numbness, too.
I've had to dig deep too, trying to re-find a lot of this stuff. I'm surprised what a difference time and distance makes when I've looked at pieces of this again. Some pretty important things pop out that I just didn't notice or put together before.

As for the peeping in the window. I checked, and it was on August 24 or 25.

I came across some written notes I'd made from JA's journals...Vol.2 if BK still has them posted.
p.33 Oct.21, 2007. "something important happened on this date in my past, I just can remember what it is." Then she had gone off talking about her roommates and Cold Case.

p.34 Oct.23, 2007 For some reason I put Bobby *
Oct.26, 2007 She says she's "over" TA, then starts her pity party.

p.37 This entry jumps back to Oct.18, 2007 and I noted it looked like the stuff above had been added later as
this page was a continuation from p.28 that was missing...not sure if it showed up elsewhere.

p.41 Now back to Oct.29, 2007. No pages missing that I can see but this is when she says TA made her tear
one out "a few days ago". She has to "correct the errors of my past".

Oops, was flipping through some more and happened upon... Vol.3

p.7 Oct.23, 2007. Says previous Monday(17th?) while she was cleaning TA's bathroom he came on to her
and she pushed him to his bed and climbed on top of him. No details after that.
Then back to the 23rd(diff year?) she's flown to Cali to see her family.
Man, I barely remember most of those notes, just how confusing her jumping around was, never knowing if the dates were even correct.
JODI moaning loudly UGH!! 32:44 starts the conversation if you don't want to hear her moan.

TA - "well, well that's so hot.... well, actually, the way you moan baby, it sounds like you're a 12-year-old girl having her first orgasm. That's so hot"

JA - "It sounds like what?"

TA "a 12-year-old girl having her first orgasm"

JA (laughing)

TA - It's like corking the pot with a little girl

JA (laughs loudly) - your bad, you make me feel so dirty.

TA - You are dirty baby

JA - moans softly in pleasure

I suggest you listen to the tape too because the tones are important to help determine the context. (plus it gives you the opportunity to make up your own mind). Jodi is giggling a lot and laughs loudly when Travis says it's like corking the pot with a little girl -- she takes it as it was meant - an absurd distasteful joke. Had she believed it to be an honest expression of interest in children, she would not have continued on so eagerly with the sex. It would have served memory of her alleged vomiting and her allegation of wanting to help him.

There was no shock, hesitation, or concern expressed in Jodi's tone of voice when Travis made the statement. If we consider Jodi's allegation, Travis would have known Jodi did not approve of his alleged sexual interest in children. So why say it? And, if it was a slip up, why would Jodi joyfully laugh at such a statement as if it was a joke? Wouldn't the opposite show through, such as disappointment? But, instead of disappointment, Jodi continued to encourage and joyfully participate in the sex with TA.

I listened to the tape and you are correct. It didn't upset her in the least and if she was so upset before that she had to throw up and later bring him pamphlets on pedophilia then this would have brought all that back up. She of course was lying and what she told Troy Hayden was an outright lie about him wanting to have sex with a 12 year old. She used her favorite expression "by definition", that means he is a pedophile. But when Ryan Owens of ABC asked her why the jury thought she was a liar, she answered, "just because I lied that doesn't "by definition" make me a liar. Double Standard once again with this monster.
Although I agree it was just a sex tape about fantasies and role playing, It made TA look and sound bad, but CMJA was just as bad as he was, and into it like he was. She tried to sound like a little girl and wear the braids also. Remember on the stand when she told about her little girl outfit TA demanded she wear and she was ashamed to go into the store to buy pop rocks and tootsie pops. That made me furious. She is sickening. Thank you Caylee'Advocate, I appreciate your finding this for us.
Yes he says it at about 32:08 I think. I couldn't listen to her squalling like an injured cat and all the rest of her fakery but I did take one for the team. It is so apparent she wasn't in that tiny little house either with Grandma and Grandpa...

Lol, I'm not ready to listen to that again, thanks! Mostly I remember thinking it all sounded fake, on both sides, like he was reading a script she'd written or he'd downloaded online just to satisfy her enough that she'd stay far far away.
I listened to the tape and you are correct. It didn't upset her in the least and if she was so upset before that she had to throw up and later bring him pamphlets on pedophilia then this would have brought all that back up. She of course was lying and what she told Troy Hayden was an outright lie about him wanting to have sex with a 12 year old. She used her favorite expression "by definition", that means he is a pedophile. But when Ryan Owens of ABC asked her why the jury thought she was a liar, she answered, "just because I lied that doesn't "by definition" make me a liar. Double Standard once again with this monster.
Although I agree it was just a sex tape about fantasies and role playing, It made TA look and sound bad, but CMJA was just as bad as he was, and into it like he was. She tried to sound like a little girl and wear the braids also. Remember on the stand when she told about her little girl outfit TA demanded she wear and she was ashamed to go into the store to buy pop rocks and tootsie pops. That made me furious. She is sickening. Thank you Caylee'Advocate, I appreciate your finding this for us.

Yea, like that would be such an embarrassing act... sheesh, what did she wear to the store, nothing but her spidies?
While I by no means get offended easily others might, so I will just say look here for what Urban dictionary says:

Disclaimer: May be offensive

:shame: etymology was considerably tamer. I suppose any of those options in the Urban Dictionary could apply here, adapted for straight folks, of course (JA's favorite phrase when smirking at Martinez). In that case, we're probably on the right track mentioning tootsie rolls and pop shots/tarts/pops.

Now that I think about it, Martinez brought up all this candy stuff, no? Was that something Jodi mentioned in direct, or was Martinez referring to a piece of evidence that we didn't see?

As for the "pot", I'll bet ALV didn't understand the phrase correctly and, too lazy to look it up, frouffed it up with the "pot" part. She might have been preoccupied with her need for a potty just then and made a Freudian slip. Or else it was a distortion of JA's, since she was apt to distort language. It was probably in those thousands of hours she got to hang out with ALV in the jail lounge. In fact, both possibilities—the need for a potty and the gal talk—might have felicitously converged at that very moment in ALV's head.
That's actually more of tribute to TA than I'm sure ALV meant... for those too scared to look, "When a female is prevented from scoring."

Well.......that's the most benign definition. Scroll down for further poop on the meaning.
I've had to dig deep too, trying to re-find a lot of this stuff. I'm surprised what a difference time and distance makes when I've looked at pieces of this again. Some pretty important things pop out that I just didn't notice or put together before.

As for the peeping in the window. I checked, and it was on August 24 or 25.

BBM Sometimes, detail gets in the way of seeing patterns. I reckon also there are two types of people: some see the trees and some the forest. Personally, I miss details all the time, but patterns jump out at me. Many Websleuthers do details really well.
I totally agree, AVL didn't read near all the texts from TA and JA only the ones the defense let her read and I bet a million dollars they gave all those forged letters to her to read and of course CMJA told her a pack of lies also. That expert witness was a paid HACK for sure.

I thought JM asked her if she'd read all gazillions of texts, and she said yes.
I totally agree, AVL didn't read near all the texts from TA and JA only the ones the defense let her read and I bet a million dollars they gave all those forged letters to her to read and of course CMJA told her a pack of lies also. That expert witness was a paid HACK for sure.

Was it transcribed in that Powerpoint with TA's words only that the DT produced? Maybe that's where it originated? Completely fabricated by the DT?
I looked it up there as well. There was no "corking the pot", I was left with impression that Alyce confused some other case or misheard something.
I am sooooo sorry I took that dare. :noooo::hills:

Since as three year olds we luuuurved our little bathroom jokes, it's really hard not to create double entendres when excrement makes its way into the conversation. Oh, poop, I should shut up while I'm ahead...
Yea, like that would be such an embarrassing act... sheesh, what did she wear to the store, nothing but her spidies?

Some little girl outfit like a school girl outfit with a short skirt. But Nurmi asked her if she had a coat on. I can't remember anymore of that testimony except her saying she was ashamed to go into the store as she looked at the jury. It was sickening, that much I do remember. I saw the picture of Cameron Diaz in her spider man underwear and she was cute. I bet a thousand dollars CMJA got that idea from her and tried to blend it in with the pedophile story. She probable did have spider man underwear that she bought herself trying to mime Cameron Diaz but came up with him buying them to further her story of pedophilia. But then she didn't have them to show in court so maybe she didn't have any. With her no one really knows what is true and what is a lie.
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