Sentencing and beyond- Jodi Arias General Discussion #2

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1) Just because she may have arrived in Mesa around 4am doesn't mean TA knew it, she had a different car with possibly no plates and likely parked down the street to avoid detection and then just helped herself into the garage to wait until the roommate left. It's more than possible she fell asleep while waiting and then let herself into the office to poke around, find the camera, inspect the safe, etc until she heard TA in the shower.
2) I feel pretty confident that as forgiving as TA was, even he was past that. In fact, the angry texts may even have been about him finding the nude pics.
3) See above, he was trying to move on without her, he'd made that pretty clear.
4) TA could only delete the ones he knew about, I wouldn't doubt she'd collected what she could if only for blackmail, see 2.
5) The problem with this is that all of the nudes were in unallocated spaces and therefore the dates all came from Encase(see my above post) and the times of those would also be consistent with LE's work hours. The shower pics were only deleted so their exif data was intact and Encase was able to pull the actual dates and times from that.

I know either scenario is possible, but sneaking up on him unawares in the shower introduces an element of unpredictability as to his reaction and risks putting him in an alert and defensive state of mind. Even though he was vulnerable in the shower either way, if he had by chance spotted her from ten feet away, out of the blue, he would immediately be on the defensive and aware that she meant him harm. Much better to get him accustomed to her presence with a false agenda, trusting and vulnerable, and turn on him at the best possible moment, when he was the most helpless and unsuspecting. She knew how to manipulate him, and I believe she would use those skills rather than just sneak up on him like any random intruder.

Your point about the roommates being home at 4am and having to wait until they left is a good one, but it was a weekday so they were probably gone by 8 or 9am.
Could Jodi of left them in April? She told Dec. Flores that they last time they had sex was in Travis's bed in April. There are a few texts between them about the new camera Travis was wanting to get in March. If Travis got the new one before then, she could of. IIRC Travis,or someone, had taken a lot of photos when he got it, and those were the others on that memory stick. She could of left it as a surprise when she was gone. Travis alone, or even better with someone else, looking at photos they took and Jodi's pops up, and they're deleted, or Jodi deletes them that day.

Travis also asks for the shaving photos she took of him back when they were in OKC?, and to bring his journal down.

She could have taken them in April, had them with her in Yreka, took them down to Mesa in June, photo-ed them onto Travis' stick as proof she had sex with him in April (per the time stamps she thought would speak for her) and then there'd be no evidence they had sex subsequent to that. These were going to figure in to her alibi, but she didn't plan on the time stamps reflecting a June date.

Travis caught her putting sex photos on his camera and deleted them or demanded she delete them and then stood over her while she did so.

The problem with this scenario is that Travis didn't get the camera until after April. But I'll bet she was cocky enough that she didn't think anyone would figure this out.

IIRC Jodi is fishing for info on that camera in texts/emails. I'll bet she has her camera plan underway and needs more detail.
...but the photos puzzle me. So crass and amateurish. Not at all like the ones of Jodi in a blue man's shirt lying on a couch (you can see a man's head in the mirror), and floor. And she claims she took the photo's of Travis in the suit and they were nicely done. So why crappy ones for that day.

I, too, have wondered about the quality of the photos as far as the composition, especially the one of her in braids. It is extremely foreshortened, and this angle doesn't look good on anyone, let alone a nude with fictional *advertiser censored*. Plus, she doesn't like herself to look bad in photos (this could be another reason to delete them: sheer narcissism—they were shoddy photos) and an angle like that of her body is not normally her thing. It is definitely not the sex kitten look which was her favorite notion of herself.

March 28-29 2008 texting binge between Travis and E. They texted between 11:45pm to 3:15AM. E had just met him at a "luau" party that night, and had tucked her number into Naps' collar.

The texting would likely have begun earlier had T's phone not died for at least several hours.

The first part of the texting are general introductions. Within a few minutes after travis has begun texting with E, C. Lay texts :

"what do you like better? I want C Lay? Or I want to lay C?

Travis ignores her and goes back to texting with E.

Travis pretty quickly wants to know how old she is. He tells her he's 33 , which makes him some 13 years older then her. Asks, you don't have a problem flirting with a guy 13 years older than you?

She says no, it doesn't bother me . Does it bother you? He says no , my last girlfriend was younger than you...."if there is any reason to avoid me it isn't age. ' Is older men your thing? She says no.

Next T asks what she knows or has heard about him. She says just what's she has seen for herself and that a mutual friend speaks well of him. He also wants to know if she knows Lisa or Elena.. She says she's not close to either, T explains that Lisa is his ex -girlfriend.

She says she knows that, Travis asks how, she said she'd just heard it around.

Travis says that he didn't tell anyone that they had broken up because "I don't like creating enemies, so the less I talked about it the less I could upset her. But it didn't work. She doesn't speak to me now."

She says girls are tricky and impossible aren't we? He responds, "We all process things differently. She's an amazing girl still. I don't think any less of her. Break ups are hard. "

..."when people trash their ex I am always tempted to ask what's wrong with them , to date someone so horrible."

He asks her what attracted her to him...she tells him he's funny. He tells her she looks younger than 20, that she's a little thing. She says everyone always tells her she looks older then 20....and that she likes to think she'll age well.

They chitchat for a bit about interests, and they share several, including travelling.

Travis chides himself for talking too much and starts asking her questions about her Mormonism... born into or a convert, etc., how committed, basically.

He asks her what her greatest weakness is. She says- physical stuff. "Don't judge me!! I try to keep myself out of danger."

Travis says haha. I don't judge you. Me too .....we don't think about (religion?) when things get heated.

E: Very true.
T: Otherwise we wouldn't have any problems.
E: I agree. We all have this problem..
T: "Some more then others. Try being 30. it's hard freaking work."
E: I can't imagine .

T: "it is impossible to be 30 , single, and unscathed."

T: " I'm not justifying my past transgressions, but its a rough road at my age. I'm going against nature."

E: I have no excuse. Or I didn't anyway.:( oh, I don't know. We all have a sex drive. I think its hard on all of us.

Travis sees that her texts are getting shorter, it is 3:15AM, he asks her if she's sleepy, they talk about seeing each other that night, and how much each has enjoyed the texting. Texting ends.

30 odd minutes later, at 3:49am,Travis texts the killer-

"You didn't bring me breakfast."

8:05am. J to Travis. " I hope ur hungry."

10:14 am. T to C Lay: so which one is it?
10:16 am. CLay: I have to say the 1st because the 2nd hasn't been tested yet. ;)
10:16am. T to CL: let's test it then....

(End )
I don't think she tried to plant pics on his camera. Too complicated, risky, and most of all-- unnecessary. If she had them, all she had to do is print out nude pics of herself on T's bed and to leave them in his desk, where she'd know they would be found.

I think she didn't do that in part because she didn't have any nudes of herself on T's bed, and none of T nude anywhere.

I also can't imagine why she would go through the trouble of bringing her own stick or stealing one to put on T's camera. If she wanted a trophy photo she could have taken a photo of him dead on her own camera.

I think the simplest explanation for the pics is that they were taken that day, and the expressions in their faces in the pics tells me neither felt happy whatsoever that day.
I'm trying to follow the bouncing ball. Key point seems to be only thumbnails exist because pics were deleted and THEN other pics were taken?

How does that fit the scenario of planting the pics? The.only photos taken would have been the shower pics, and she would have already deleted the pics she wanted to plant?

I'm missing something because that doesn't seem to make any sense.

As far as LE. Either they didn't have the ability or the pics weren't planted. There is no way JM would have sat on evidence that could have proven she lied about most of what happened on June 4.

The only way I think the nude pics were 'planted' is they were already on the memory stick she brought that day and used when taking the shower pics, since they were deleted before the shower pics were taken I'm undecided as to her intention where they're concerned. Since only the thumbs were accessible by LE, and as Val points out the only date EnCase could get for them was the date on the thumb file (last written to on the date of the shower pics, 6/4/08) I won't say that LE or JM intentionally misled anyone about the nude pics date, it was the only one EnCase was generating because all of the other nude pics file data was destroyed.
I have no problem believing they had sex that day, and that the pictures were from that day. Here's why:

1. Jodi arrived in Mesa approx. 4am and left approx. 5pm. That's 13 hours she had to interact with Travis. Even assuming they slept part of the time or she left and came back (not likely since she didn't want to be seen there and would likely not leave the house once she was in until she was leaving) that's a long time to interact with someone you no longer get along with and really doesn't want you around.

2. Offering sex as a way to extend her welcome is only logical considering Travis' vulnerability to her charms. I also believe her ultimate goal was to get him in the shower so sex would be a way to assure that would happen sooner rather than later and also make him more comfortable being naked around her.

3. In order to manipulate him into sex in light of the previous argument and bad feeling between them, she could offer him capitulation and validation on all his points, and offer to end their relationship completely, but on a good note. This would assuage his guilt about the argument and seem to him to be the best option.

4. As far as the nude pictures being deleted, she mentioned in the interrogation that they had photographed their sexcapades before, but would usually delete most of them immediately.

5. Whether the time stamps were created by Encase or the camera, some nude pics have a time stamp of early afternoon, 1-2pm, whereas the shower pics are much later, 5'ish pm. I don't know the technical reasons for this, but it's consistent with the likely actual time line of events, so I'm inclined to believe they are accurate.

About arriving at 4am. That's actually an interesting time for her to arrive. I have a sense of T's typical routine from reading 4 months' worth of his texts.

He seems to have routinely stayed up until 2AMish, often enough as late as 3, but only a few times as late as 4am. And typically, he slept until 8 at the earliest and more typically, closer to 10am or later.

The killer was well aware of his sleeping habits. The 4 AM seems suspiciously timed for a arrival (or break in) when she knew he was likely to be asleep.
30 odd minutes later, at 3:49am,Travis texts the killer-

"You didn't bring me breakfast."

8:05am. J to Travis. " I hope ur hungry."

So it looks like as of late March he's very freely sexual with her, even though he's actively pursuing other relationships. She offers immediate gratification and he's reluctant to give that up. In mid-May she makes the phone sex recording and possibly hints at its existence and the uses she may have for it, and that results in the blow-up and the risk he now poses to her reputation. She's played all her cards and Travis is no longer viable to her, so she starts making plans to eliminate the risk he poses to her reputation (not just the sex but that she's a psycho who tried to blackmail him which will result in her complete ostracization from the Mormon community).
The only way I think the nude pics were 'planted' is they were already on the memory stick she brought that day and used when taking the shower pics, since they were deleted before the shower pics were taken I'm undecided as to her intention where they're concerned. Since only the thumbs were accessible by LE, and as Val points out the only date EnCase could get for them was the date on the thumb file (last written to on the date of the shower pics, 6/4/08) I won't say that LE or JM intentionally misled anyone about the nude pics date, it was the only one EnCase was generating because all of the other nude pics file data was destroyed.

I'm very sure JM and LE didn't mislead about the pic dates. They would have no reason to, aren't unethical, and given the scrutiny of things electronic, they would have been caught out if they had tried.

LE and JM have seen the other 90 photos. The only logical conclusion to draw about them is that they were obviously taken by Travis, or we would have heard more about that memory stick.

It makes perfect simple sense to me that Travis reluctantly and unhappily agreed to do the pic taking, but only did so because it was with HIS camera. I'm willing to bet that he reached for the camera and deleted them the second she stepped into the shower.

JMO.. :D
I'm very sure JM and LE didn't mislead about the pic dates. They would have no reason to, aren't unethical, and given the scrutiny of things electronic, they would have been caught out if they had tried.

LE and JM have seen the other 90 photos. The only logical conclusion to draw about them is that they were obviously taken by Travis, or we would have heard more about that memory stick.

It makes perfect simple sense to me that Travis reluctantly and unhappily agreed to do the pic taking, but only did so because it was with HIS camera. I'm willing to bet that he reached for the camera and deleted them the second she stepped into the shower.

JMO.. :D

How is it explained that he appears to be sleeping in the first nude photo of him yet her backside pic was taken 50 seconds before? That is a huge red flag waving over the beliveability of the timestamps, imo.

No, I don't believe LE/JM misled about the nudes, they had the data they could get (whether it was correct or not is beside that point), and besides, the defense wanted those pics entered as much as the prosecution did, they bolstered both sides cases.
How is it explained that he appears to be sleeping in the first nude photo of him yet her backside pic was taken 50 seconds before? That is a huge red flag waving over the beliveability of the timestamps, imo.

I don't see the problem. The pics are just random moments. Maybe he dozed off and she wanted to have something to show him when he woke up: "Oh, I took some pictures while you were sleeping, take a look." And enjoy his reaction when he saw her girl-cave.
Taking advantage of a couple quiet days to post chunks from texts.

This one is from Jan 17, 2008. Part of the text was introduced into evidence during the guilt phase. This is the whole (raunchy) text. You've been warned. :D

Starts at 5:02pm with the killer asking him what he's doing after the briefing. He says I don't know, why?

She says that Mimi's is asking her to work, but she wants to check what he is up to first. Then she says, the reason I am asking about later tonight is because I want to give u a BJ, and I want a nice facial in return. Whaddya say?

Minutes later, no response, she says....or we can just grind.

he says that's a good close. She says... to the evening? He says...there you go.
J- well I agree. Yr house is better, my roommates are light sleepers, thus no laundry at night.
J- let me know when its right time. I AM ALREADY HORNY!! :)

A few minutes later she asks....what did mean by a good close?

T- "alternative favorable option close. Wld u like a BJ or grind? The only choice is what u give them. It's a sales technique."

5:38. T- why don't u just come over now.
J- ooooh! I learned something new. Ok. Would u like to: A. Grind. Reverse cowboy, etc. B. Receive BJ. C. Eat my smooth p-. D. 69. E. All of the above.

............Note:feeling like a *advertiser censored* peddler....Eek.

Travis- E. But let's do it now.
6:04. T- where is my picture.
606. J- headed to the bathroom
636. J- yr wish is my command. And vice versa. ;)
637. T- I mean for tonight.just so you know.
638. J- absolutely.
638. T- good girl.
639. J- My p- IS SO WET!!!!!
640. T- sounds delish
641. J- yes. The perfect dessert. :)
643. T- Can't wait. I'll be home by 9.
645. J- ok. I'll try to keep my fingers out of my p- until then.
646. T- yah. Don't be selfish.
702. J- roommates home tonight?
703. T- nope.
704. J. :)

She tells him that the nearest store is in Phoenix, and that she's going to swing by to pick up her car " for the GPS and tires, " and that she'll put it back.

9:33pm. J - be there in 30. Unless u want braids. Add 10 for that.

936. J- yeah.just finding a lot of fluff so far.
937. J- . Yep!
9:40. J- Yes I think. Will check label. 15? I think?
942. J- Let's go for 18.
10:03. J- Are pony tails ok? Braids take longer.
10:03. J- okey done.
10:05. J- will do. Hands are tied up now. Text u when I'm leaving.
10:07. J- I want to take a bath with you.
10:20. J- I'm dressed like a little *advertiser censored*. I can't go into Walgreen's at this point. Any chance u can go to WalMart or CVS?
10:24. J- is there a Walgreens on ....street?

End of texting for the night. Don't know why only her texts and not his are there for the last bit, as he was definitely communicating with her.
I don't see the problem. The pics are just random moments. Maybe he dozed off and she wanted to have something to show him when he woke up: "Oh, I took some pictures while you were sleeping, take a look." And enjoy his reaction when he saw her girl-cave.

At least you entertain the possibility that she took the nudes of herself. lol
Could E in Hope's text transcriptions above be Jodi?
That's no problem. Most camera's have self-timers 2-5-10 seconds. Plenty of time to 'pose'.

As the selfie devoteé we know her to be, I think she's very familiar with all of the how-to's. ;)
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