Sentencing and beyond- Jodi Arias General Discussion #4

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Thank you for the warm welcome!! What can I guys all were posting things that I had thought or questioned & none of my family or friends were/are in to this case. I HAD to join!!

sorry about my horrible 'faux pas' the photo was thumb-nail size. :shame:Lol.

Welcome aboard! Come on in, the water is fine! :)
I expect this has already been discussed, but what do people think about the fact that Jodi's phone call kerfuffle is contemporaneous with the Dr. Phil taping? Coincidence?
Hmm, this is interesting.

"Arias eventually could be placed in a medium-custody prison after five years and be allowed to work if her behavior warrants a downgrade in her security level, a prison spokesman said Thursday."

That seems to be very theoretical. a) There's a big IF right in the middle of the statement, and b) Arias hasn't been doing so well with her "rewards program". So far she seems to be treading water at Phase 1, and now she's violated Rule No. 340980985082-9-382808 by using her 15-minutes-a-week phone privilege to do a "public interview".

She's still at the "must wear shackles in shower" stage.....

And then, there's Judge Stevens extra-special hard *advertiser censored* custom statement in Jodi's sentencing that states Jodi is not to be released at any time for any reason. I think we could take these as code words for "extremely dangerous".

IIRC, there are jobs available even in max. I'll bet these are jobs like scrubbing showers (assuming cell toilets are done by the cellies) where inmates can be easily supervised. Imagining Jodi scrubbing mildewed showers in chains (or otherwise) is just......:fireworks: Forcing Jodi to clean showers for a few years would be the ultimate irony....
I expect this has already been discussed, but what do people think about the fact that Jodi's phone call kerfuffle is contemporaneous with the Dr. Phil taping? Coincidence?

You're suggesting Jodi's phone call is a response to announcement of the Dr. Phil thing? Ooooh, you're probably right.

I'll bet there's at least a 6 month delay in any chance Jodi has to get a "rewards program" upgrade....
The killer, Mimi, Travis, and the Cancun trip.

The March texts put a different spin on how the killer likely felt about Travis taking Mimi to Cancun.

For all of March the killer snooped and analyzed every interaction Travis had with Mimi. "Accidentally" falling asleep and being there when he returned from his "2 and 1/2" date with Mimi is only one of many examples. Her journal entries for March are in part her running commentary on what she perceived to be the status of that relationship, and if it had potential. She almost certainly read his journal to snoop his feelings about Mimi.

By the first week of March she had committed to leaving Mesa at the end of March, and had asked her mother to come out then to help her. As March went by, though, she became increasingly sure that things weren't going to work out with Mimi. That Mimi just wasn't that interested. She took to writing contrived expressions of "poor Travis" in her journal, mixed with comments about how SHE couldn't resist Travis, that perhaps Mimi would come around, and that she'd assured Travis even if Mimi didn't work out she knew he would find a fabulous wife. She also wrote about how aware she was of Travis feeling desperate that he was running out of time to find that wife.

During that last week in Mesa she went especially out of control. It was now or never time. Travis would have to be convinced she was really the one after all, or she'd be forced into humiliating retreat back to Yreka, yet again with no Plan B in place. She seemed to swing back and forth daily, sometimes hourly, about which of those scenarios to act upon. She tried seduction and compliments. She reprised the devout Mormon role she had played at the Hughes' house. Then she walked back and forth near Travis, studiously reading the Book of Mormon. Now she spoke of the need for spiritual healing, and of regret for not being strong enough to resist the temptations of flesh.

Her mother arrived on March 27. What a day. She picked up her mother from the airport and within a few hours had ditched her, going over to T's to "clean her car," as if she couldn't do that anywhere else. If it even needed to be cleaned. Grabbing at every last chance to be with Travis.

Travis makes the mistake-and it is that- of asking the killer to go out with him to a special pizza restaurant. That restaurant had significance to her. Travis had teased her in February by telling her he had a very special place in mind to take her, that he wasn't going to tell her where, that it was to be a surprise. He set a date for going, made a reservation, and....she stood him up and went to Las Vegas instead, the same night.

I think she read many a fantasy into his asking her to go that restaurant, feelings no doubt reinforced when Travis persisted in asking her. She told him she didn't think her mother would be OK with her taking time away from packing to go out to eat. Travis tells her (what was he thinking???!) that something isn't right if her mother has a problem with her taking the time to say goodbye to friends. That maybe she should just tell her mother to go home.

The next day, March 28, she tells Travis that she'll be able to go that restaurant after all, that plans have changed. She means-in part-that her mother is heading right back. In her journal she writes that her mother made the decision. I doubt that. In any case, she's decided that instead of packing her things, she'll pack up mom.

The problem, of course, is she's completely misreading Travis. He thinks she's set on leaving. Maybe he genuinely feels the little twinges of regret he expresses about things working out as they did, that if he had only been nicer to her they would never have even fought. Mostly, though, he obviously wants her gone, not least because he can't afford to be distracted by her at this very intense time of PPL political intrigue.

Travis is thinking he has a good chance of becoming regional manager of AZ's PPL. He's very concerned about his job security if Larry Smith is selected instead of him, but friends higher up in PPL assure him Smith is not in the running.

Travis focuses on PPL, but when he's not focusing on business, he is also not focusing on the killer. Other than the one invite to the pizza restaurant, he hasn't asked her to spend time together, and he isn't initiating text conversations with her either. Instead, from late evening into the wee hours ,he is heavy-duty flirting with a brand new prospect, as well as some of his other GF's.

On the morning of Saturday, March 29, the killer drops off her mother at the airport. In the afternoon she texts Travis about choosing tires for the car (BMW or her own?), and shortly afterwards, blows up his BMW's engine and transmission.

Travis had once again committed to taking her to that pizza restaurant, and he does so, even though she has just destroyed his car. She writes in her journal--yay! What a cool awesome wonderful place, so glad he took me there, even though the mood was pretty dampened by that unfortunate car thing, though I did my best to not let that get to me (yes, she really wrote that, only slightly paraphrased).

(Sorry, meant to write just about the Mimi -Cancun thing, but it's all related, and this will serve as the write-up for the remainder of my March timeline...other than the mid-March OKC convention).

The night of March 30 is when she went into his PPL accounts without his permission, to "help" him. Their related text conversation is pretty widely available, but here's some of the exchange (times haven't been adjusted, iirc).

JA: (4:53) I wanted to tell you something about today. Its important and time is of the essence.
TA: (4:53) Too bad. You shouldn’t have hung up.
JA: (4:55) It was for your benefit- not mine. I only wanted to tell you because I care about you.
TA: (4:57) whatever Jodi.
JA: (4:59) I’ll whatever you in the nose Travis.
JA: (5:03) I was just trying to help you out. U’ve hung up on me several times before even
when I’ve asked you not to. It’s reasonable that I shouldn’t tolerate swearing
JA: (5:04) I am very sorry. Have a great day.

Part 2 in post below, this is getting tooo long. ;
The killer, Mimi, Travis, and the Cancun trip.

The March texts put a different spin on how the killer likely felt about Travis taking Mimi to Cancun.

For all of March the killer snooped and analyzed every interaction Travis had with Mimi. "Accidentally" falling asleep and being there when he returned from his "2 and 1/2" date with Mimi is only one of many examples. Her journal entries for March are in part her running commentary on what she perceived to be the status of that relationship, and if it had potential. She almost certainly read his journal to snoop his feelings about Mimi.

By the first week of March she had committed to leaving Mesa at the end of March, and had asked her mother to come out then to help her. As March went by, though, she became increasingly sure that things weren't going to work out with Mimi. That Mimi just wasn't that interested. She took to writing contrived expressions of "poor Travis" in her journal, mixed with comments about how SHE couldn't resist Travis, that perhaps Mimi would come around, and that she'd assured Travis if Mimi didn't work out she had no doubt in his ability to find a fabulous wife.

She didn't manufacture these entries retrogressively?
Cancun, et., continued....

It helps to know that the killer isn't one of TA's PPL associates. She's connected to Chris H's accounts, not T's. One reading of that text exchange is that she is asking Travis for credit for spending time "helping" him meet quota, at the expense of meeting her own, even though he didn't ask her for assistance and didn't give her permission to access his accounts.

A less charitable reading is that whatever she did with his account under the guise of helping had actually jeopardized his ability to meet quota (among other risks), which is why he was scrambling the next day for one more sale by noon.

Whatever she did, for whatever reason (or whatever she told herself was the reason), the killer acknowledged in her journal that it had caused real problems with Travis. She calls the fight a "spat," but writes that she drove over to T's while they were still on the phone, text (hmm) and that she knocked on his bedroom door, then flew in to breathlessly apologize to him
(though, she writes, he was the one being a jerk). Later, while on the stand, she testified that the resulting fight was significant, even intense.

And whatever she did, both she and Travis knew by mid-day the next day, March 31, that Travis had secured his perk of going to Cancun by meeting his ED quota for March.

I'm pretty sure the killer was convinced, however twisted her thoughts, that she was responsible for Travis making quota, and thus for his earning the Cancun trip. From the testimony of Ryan Burns, what she told him:

"Travis was her executive director. She helped him put in membership applications. She helped him qualify as Executive Director, and maintain that status.

EDs needed 75 memberships -if you had 73 @ end of month you would get director but not executive pay. Only ED’s were eligible for perks like the Cancun trips."

In her mind, IMO, she believed without her Travis wouldn't have been eligible to go at all. It was one thing to write in mid-March, while at the OKC convention, when Travis was still upbeat about Mimi-sometimes, that it was OK with her to imagine Travis escorting Mimi to the Executive Director banquet the next year. After all, she was going to be a PPL star herself, and earn her own way there within a year.


aarg!!!! timed out and lost paragraphs. will retype in word and post, should have done that to begin with..:(
I expect this has already been discussed, but what do people think about the fact that Jodi's phone call kerfuffle is contemporaneous with the Dr. Phil taping? Coincidence?
The story about Arias' prison life first appeared on RadarOnline on January 18 and the date of the recorded phone call/visit with this minion/rapper was January 10, 2016. The announcement of the taping of the Dr. Phil show first appeared on the State versus Jodi Arias support page on January 23. I don't think Arias knew about the Dr. Phil taping at the time of that visit with her newest minion (which will most likely be his last visit since he helped her violate the prison rules). However, I do believe this minion/rapper used the timing of the Dr. Phil taping to capitalize on the other stories he's been putting out there about Arias. Typical of her to manage to find a way to insert herself in a situation (i.e., the Dr. Phil taping) where she wasn't wanted or invited. It's the 2016 version of sleeping under a Christmas tree. :moo:
OMG!!! I had to do a "double take". I looked at the photo on my iPhone before reading what you typed & it looked like an old photo of Jodi & so I enlarged it & saw Juan & for a split sec I'm like "WTH!!???" Lmao. It's late & my eyes aren't working well. Lol

i just joined this group. I had to & it was only because I so enjoyed reading all your great posts!!!

Welcome to our group NicoleKelly.... we all try to keep it interesting here. LOL about your first visual, I think Juan might have his hands around her throat if it had been the butcheress. Again, nice to see you decided to join, you won't be sorry! :welcome6:
LMAO, she has the nerve to call anyone a fool. Hopefully Nurmi spills the beans on her (MDLR) behind the scenes BS in his next book. Wow, why did she get so attached to the butcheress??

Cancun, et., continued....

... And whatever she did, both she and Travis knew by mid-day the next day, March 31, that Travis had secured his perk of going to Cancun by meeting his ED quota for March.

I'm pretty sure the killer was convinced, however twisted her thoughts, that she was responsible for Travis making quota, and thus for his earning the Cancun trip. From the testimony of Ryan Burns, what she told him:

"Travis was her executive director. She helped him put in membership applications. She helped him qualify as Executive Director, and maintain that status.

EDs needed 75 memberships -if you had 73 @ end of month you would get director but not executive pay. Only ED’s were eligible for perks like the Cancun trips." ....


aarg!!!! timed out and lost paragraphs. will retype in word and post, should have done that to begin with..:(

RE qualifying for PPL perks -- this is based on my dodgy memory of things Jodi has said, so take it with a pillar of salt. For convention perks like sitting close to the stage and attending the big-whup banquet, and for travel perks like Cancun, don't people have to qualify well in advance? Maybe Travis initially qualified for a "provisional" plus-one ticket to Cancun but getting the actual ticket was contingent upon his re-qualifying at the time of the trip?

RE timing out and losing paragraphs -- You know this website better than I do so I hate to ask... but do you know about the "restore auto-saved content" button? Websleuths seems to auto-save about every minute or so. If you get bumped while in the process of writing, log back on, go back to the "post quick reply" area (or go back to the post were you responding to and click "reply" again), then click on the "restore auto-saved content" button at the bottom of the text window... and Bob should be your uncle (as it were). You'll only lose the stuff you typed in the minute or so before you got bumped.
This was posted over at the Sidebar re what's happening in PV:

YESorNO said:
Travis Alexander's friend outraged by Arias domestic violence video (with clip)

"Dave Hall, a close friend of murder victim Travis Alexander, expresses his outrage over the music video about Jodi Arias in an effort to bring awareness to domestic violence."


Nikon Chic ‏@NikonChic Jan 26
I just spoke with Warden Frigo- she says they have received tons of calls about #jodiarias phone call. She says they are not happy.

Nikon Chic ‏@NikonChic Jan 26
Perryville reported it has received dozens of complaints over the @radaronline story w/ recording of #jodiarias. They are investigating.
WILLIAMS: What TV stations do you get?

ARIAS: I get the Spanish channel. It`s Univision. Well, I`m not saying it right (INAUDIBLE) and I get Freeform (ph), which is formerly ABC Family.

I get ABC, CBS, let`s see, PBS, let`s see now, Fox, BET. I get CNN, CMT, USA, Lifetime, A&E, Obyu (ph), and also, I get a -- there`s a Catholic

station and a Protestant station contingent.

BBM. Maybe KBYU? (A BYU/PBS station from Provo... it's probably available in Arizona, since Arizona is a Jello-Belt state). Thank goodness Jodi can continue "dabbling in Mormonism" even though those haters excommunicated her over some little infraction.

"Contingent?" Poor Jodi... she's stuck in PV with all these SAT words bouncing around in her head... but without a dictionary she can't look up the definitions. (Not that she ever did that, even when she could.)
LMAO, she has the nerve to call anyone a fool. Hopefully Nurmi spills the beans on her (MDLR) behind the scenes BS in his next book. Wow, why did she get so attached to the butcheress??

Doesn't MDLR have any new clients with whom she can carry on an unprofessional relationship? :facepalm:
Kirk Nurmi tweeted that he is now in remission. Good news!!

I suspect that even after writing all three volumes of his book about Jodi, she will remain in his system, in one way or another (all of them bad), for years to come.
I suspect that even after writing all three volumes of his book about Jodi, she will remain in his system, in one way or another (all of them bad), for years to come.

Yes, I agree. Oh, I read a tweet wherein some nutty female who has been a Wiccan for 13 years is taking credit for terrible things. She said she placed a curse on Juan, Flores, and Nurmi. The curses worked when Juan lost his wife (not true as he was never married), Flores son (terrible accident), and Nurmi's cancer.(in remission) WTH is wrong with someone like that? The majority of the killers supporters are just not wrapped too tight IMO. But I guess....

Speaking of the Red Rum... oops, Red Room in Santa Cruz (as some were the other day), I'm reminded of a comment Jodi made to Det. Flores on Day Two of the interrogation:

"Blah blah blah I was going to Monterrey, but by that time I called Matt, he was like, 'We’re in Santa Cruz, meet us here,' and I said, 'Okay.' So I went to the Red Room there, which is just a little kind of hang out for locals and younger kids our age, sort of, 20 somethings and 30 somethings, and blah blah blah..."

Interrogation video #14, as transcribed by
TxJan1971, 23:52)

BBM. I really wonder sometimes if Jodi knows she's a grown-up. Lots of immature language and behavior (as Dr. DeMarte highlighted). How many people Jodi's age talk about "boyfriend/girlfriend" relationships or whether or not they're "officially dating" or "officially a couple"? Is any of this an affectation on her part (like the "little girl" voice she can switch on or off at will), or is she really just that immature? Maybe all that weed when she was 14 stunted her emotional (and "artistic") development. Well, the weed and her psychopathy.

(Glad your PV fajitas are so delish, Jodi. I just polished off the last serving of the shepherds' pie I made out of the leftovers from Sunday's roast lamb. I almost never cook lamb, because it's lamb, but my family and I really do like it... and if I do say so myself I make an awesome shepherds' pie, heavy on the mashed potatoes. Yet another of the Million and One Things Jodi Will Never Eat Before She Dies... like homemade tapioca pudding made with an actual vanilla bean and served warm with marionberries on top... Sunday's dessert, of which, unfortunately, there were no leftovers.)
Will finish up posting that blasted timeline when I DH had a car accident, totalled his car, shaken up and sore but hopefully nothing worse than that. :(
Will finish up posting that blasted timeline when I DH had a car accident, totalled his car, shaken up and sore but hopefully nothing worse than that. :(

So sorry to hear this Hope. My prayers for a speedy recovery for your DH. Be strong!!
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