Sentencing and beyond- Jodi Arias General Discussion #4

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This line from the article stands out to me:

"Seriously? Cry me a river, Jodi."

The ending to that is:

"And I'll build you a bridge so you can get the eff over it."

I still think JA got way too many ideas for her defense stories from the initial interviews, especially with the female detective.
JA: We knew how to push each other’s buttons. I could make him mad in 5 seconds. I… you know that’s not my favorite pastime or anything, but, I just knew how to do that and he knew how to make me cry in 5 seconds."
Iirc, she did say she'd got herself a green card membership, or something along that line, to "help" him, knowing full well that one of the rules of the competition was absolutely no sign ups were allowed from current(previous?) members and would or could get him disqualified.

Btw, did you notice that on her rough draft of things to do for the rest of her year in your previous post, she didn't even put TA's birthday on the list...

Also, from reading old posts from the trial 4/‎4/‎13 when LaV was testifying, have you come across a text from TA in late March 2008 where TA wants JA to empty her voicemail because it's full? I don't recall seeing one like that and my sub to BK has run out already. Seems convenient that she has a voicemail box just full of messages eh?

Then there's that strange text where TA allegedly is at some club on April 19th and just had to send her a msg telling her how he thinks she's prettier than all the girls there... this just after they'd had an argument where JA had criticized his speaking ability and he was openly pining for Lisa etc and was happy that JA was finally back in Yreka so he could move on with his life. Anyway, have you come across anything that proves that TA was ever at some club that day to have done that?

Travis in a club that night. No way. He had a big UFC party at his house that night, starting at 8pm. BTW, Danny Jones was there.

The killer and Travis had fought on the 18th, several times, because she was in full retaliatory mode, IMO.

She didn't have to hack his phone or emails to know that the situation with Mimi had taken an abrupt U-turn after she left Mesa on the 4th. She left town thinking Travis had given up on Mimi. A little over a week after the killer left, Mimi began posting complimentary things about Travis on her Facebook page.

Passive aggressive stuff by the killer followed in short order, and lasted on into the 18th. Travis was in full blown decision mode about whether to ask Mimi to Cancun on exactly those days- the 18th and 19th (and on).,

No way Travis wrote it, and no way the timing of it was a coincidence. Jmo.
(I worked on this awhile ago but forgot to post it).


(symbolic for her, I think, of trips untaken owed to her by Travis, as served as well to disguise the fact he’d moved on & later, demanded she get out of his life completely. Her utter inability to keep her story straight with LE is amazing, even comical).

May 10 call (earliest recorded)

K: So you’re coming here before Cancun. T: That’s the plan. K: The itinerary—Are you going to San Francisco too or is that another trip. T: Yes, going to San Fran. K: Then to see me, the coast, crater lake, Shakespeare, then to friends in Washington?

T: I’m not going to do all that. You’re at the top of my list. Then I’ll fly to Seattle, see friends, go to British Columbia. All part of the same trip. K: OK.

May 10 call. (IMO, next in chronologic order of spliced recordings)

K: So June you’re going to Cancun and coming here. (No response). K: What else are you doing (mumbled) (splice) T: Washington DC.

K: Oh, yah, that’s what I’m doing. I’m going to travel around with you, DC if I can afford it, well, probably that’s out, I’m going to Team Freedom in June. I have a place to stay in Palm Desert, so no money there. (No mention of Utah. Utah comes up with Ryan for the 1st time around May 3. First mention of possibility in her journal is May 18.)

May 10 call (last spliced/recorded, IMO).

T: I’m super busy from the beginning of June thru the beginning of July, then end of July too.
K: Yah, me too. I may go to Utah at the end of the month.

March 22, journal, about one week before she’s due to leave Mesa.

Writes a “rough draft of the rest of her year”:

April--Yreka. May-- SoCa? June--Team Freedom. Cooperstown with Joseph. July-- TNV event. Team Renew Event. August-- LLC-CA. Sept-- LV convention. Oct.-- Angela’s bday. Nov. --Thanksgivng. Dec.—Christmas.

Places I plan to see this year: Washington DC, Mormon Tabernacle Choir, Oregon Coast, Cooperstown NY, NYC, Hotel de Coronado, Death Valley.

Things I want to buy: Helio $150, GreatLife $2100, MAC $2000, external drive $150. TNV event $300, Daniel’s Summit $ 600, Team Freedom $400, (Back Taxes ?) $1000,( ?) $900, (Cooperstown?) $1000.

Total: $8,600 (Mine. Her total was written in and scratched out).

April 9. Journal. She’s been back in Yreka for 2-3 days.

Decides it’s time to revise her goals, including her places to see list. (other goals included becoming an Executive Director by July 10,2008, recruiting 50 people, reading 30 books, having $5k in her savings account, and singing the star spangled banner in front of a crowd).

Revised to see list:

Cooperstown (NY), Hotel Del Coronado (San Diego), Death Valley (CA), Motab (UT) Zion Ntl Park (UT), Moab Desert (UT) Oregon Coast, Shakespeare Festival (OR), Washington DC, LAKE POWELL!!

May 18, journal. Singing at the races this Saturday. Very nervous. Travis was tentatively planning to come and see me, but now it’s been pushed back to the beginning of June.

June 2 2008. On her way to kill him, sends Travis a text that she’d looked at the wrong calendar.

June 4. VM left for just-murdered Travis:

I was looking at wrong calendar when I talked to you, looked at May, duh. Anyway, Heather and I for Shakespeare on July 1, hope you too. I don’t know when Team Freedom event is, but it’s on the list, so we could do Shakespeare, Crater Lake and the coast, if you can make it, that would be great. If not, we’ll just do Crater lake and the Coast.

June 7. Email to murdered Travis. “You’ll be here in less than 2 weeks. I’m thinking of going there next week, while you’re in Cancun, if budget allows. “

June 10. Flores phone interview.

He…he was supposed to make a trip up here…um…at the end of the month because he…We…um…we got this thing that we’re doing. It’s called uh…There’s a book called 1,000 Places to See Before You Die….

So, we each kind of have that goal and…and one of the places is the Oregon Coast, um…and the Shakespearean Festival, and so he was going to come up here for that um…and then we were going to go see that and Crater Lake and just different landmarks then…

DF: Was…that trip already scheduled

JA: Um…it was… It was…It wasn’t officially like dated and stuff. I had been trying to reach him so I could solidify my own schedule because I was planning on making a trip down there.

Um…you know, but…uh…It was supposed to happen in May and then things just…It was supposed to happen um…last week, and that didn’t work out.

So he was going to leave for Cancun today and um…and then he said as soon as he gets back from Cancun he was going to continue the trip because he was going to drive up the coast and when he reaches me we’ll go do some things and then he’ll continue on to Washington and see some friends up there.

Um…and then I guess that was supposed to happen before the beginning of July because July he was supposed to go to Washington D.C.
DF: …you guys had scheduled that you were going to come down and stay at his house when (he’s in Cancun)?

JA: Yeah…um…no, actually. That’s what I e-mailed him about last week because it was kind of last minute because I was going to go…I’m looking at a calendar here. I was gonna’ go not this week but the next, and then he was gonna’ come up here that following week which was the 4th of July, and um…it all sounds kind of weird. We’re all travelers.

DF: remember him telling you when he was leaving for his trip?

JA: Yeah. Yeah. ‘Cause we had discussed dates of travel up here so…Um… I asked…He had said that he was leaving the 10th, and I didn’t know how long it would be or if he would come up here for 4 or 5 or 6 days but um I did know that the last we had discussed it his trip up here was going to be after Cancun, sometime towards the end of June, and it would probably be a four day thing for me or a three day thing, but longer for him because he was traveling along the California coast and on up to Washington.

July: After arrest interrogation.

JA: Well, when his umm….trip the 2nd time got postponed, umm… it was probably the last week of May that I…that you know… it was kind of obvious that he wasn’t going to come then, but he said, “Listen, after Cancun, umm I have like two weeks that I’ll have nothing going on before I go to D.C.

He’s like, “I think that’s the best time. He’s like, “I’m going to see if it works out for my friends up north, Chad Perkins his friend and Norma, (?) his wife, and we can do it all then.

I said, “All right,” but at that time I was like, “Whatever!” “We’ll see. I might just not see you until I go back to Utah


1) she's planning to go to DC with him, and she's started working him over....
2) he's said he's too busy to come in June and most of July; Jodith has a fiction going that he's coming in June
3) the trip she's devising for TA would take at least 2 weeks; no way he was going to do that..he's gotta make quota
4) she is liberal with the Utah's not just about SLC; methinks she's already formulating her plan and trying different possibilities out in her mind.
5) her BS about TA also going to BC/Seattle would have tacked on another 10 days to a trip
6) the Palm Desert thing is to put her in range of TA and on a route to Mesa she's used to taking; another dry-run for murder
7) hadn't she already quit PPL?
Regarding the "spat" about Jodi helping TA meet quota in March (?).... If Jodi was able to hack into Travis' PPL account, she was able to hack into other PPL-ers accounts. I'll bet she just transferred someone else's accounts into his. (Or hers first, then his.) This would give him good reason to make him livid. Stealing one account here, one account there might not be very noticeable.

In fact, this may have been the basics of what she "confessed" to later. That she didn't want to leave any compromising documentation on email. That she had hurt many people. This theft from other people's accounts would have been a reason to need the services of an attorney.

There's no way Jodi herself sold PPL accounts that she could give Travis. Those memberships are not an easy sell! Most reps are not successful at the PPL business. And there's no sign she actually did any work of any kind, let alone PPL: she was all about the conventions, conferences, etc. where there were guys who seemed to have gobs of money. (She was probably sleeping with a bunch.).

Jodi pretty much told EF she wasn't good at it (I'm sure she assumed he could just look it up so she couldn't lie.). She also may have given up the PPL business by the time she got to the interrogation simply because she had committed fraud with other people's accounts, and it was no longer safe to be associated with PPL at all.
Hello ... Iam not trying to make people mad but are you not sick and tired of hearing about jodi arias .Every time i hear her name or see her face on tv i turn the channel iam so tired and over it all if i owned this this website i would wipe the site clean of of anything that has to do with jodi arias ...
Then there's that strange text where TA allegedly is at some club on April 19th and just had to send her a msg telling her how he thinks she's prettier than all the girls there... this just after they'd had an argument where JA had criticized his speaking ability and he was openly pining for Lisa etc and was happy that JA was finally back in Yreka so he could move on with his life. Anyway, have you come across anything that proves that TA was ever at some club that day to have done that?

Havent posted here for ages but regularly lurk. So glad to see some very astute folks actually examining those highly suspect journal entries and certain texts that were attributed to Travis......specially given the fact that documented and incontrevertible proof did exist that she had written diabolical lies in her journals.......... case in point ....that disturbing and very Ariasesque entry she supposedly wrote on July 9th 2008, her 28th birthday.

"I'm no lady of justice but I know there is nothing he could have possibly done to deserve this" :facepalm:

Clearly she had abandoned the Law of Attraction that day. Wish Martinez had asked Alyce to explain that one. Then there's the supposed super long text message where Travis wants to be her "muse" and which turns up on the Helio phone that went whoosh for a couple of years. There are so many red flags with that one. Yet Nurmi was pretty much allowed
to use it as authentic during the first trial. And ofcourse he did any chance he got. :tantrum:
Hello ... Iam not trying to make people mad but are you not sick and tired of hearing about jodi arias .Every time i hear her name or see her face on tv i turn the channel iam so tired and over it all if i owned this this website i would wipe the site clean of of anything that has to do with jodi arias ...

Thank goodness Tricia understands our quest for the truth (the whole and nothing but) and sees fit to allow our continued persistence towards that goal. :)
Hello ... Iam not trying to make people mad but are you not sick and tired of hearing about jodi arias .Every time i hear her name or see her face on tv i turn the channel iam so tired and over it all if i owned this this website i would wipe the site clean of of anything that has to do with jodi arias ...

Wipe this site clean? EEEK!!!!!!!!! All you have to do is not visit this specific killer's forum if you don't want to read about her. I don't think you have any idea the huge amount of work a great many people have done here for several years, nor how rewarding that kind of work can be.

Now, sick of hearing about her in the tabloids? Heck yah. Agree with you on that one. She already had her opportunity to spew and hiss and lie and be vile and wicked. Yep, surely is way past time for her to be silenced.
Regarding the "spat" about Jodi helping TA meet quota in March (?).... If Jodi was able to hack into Travis' PPL account, she was able to hack into other PPL-ers accounts. I'll bet she just transferred someone else's accounts into his. (Or hers first, then his.) This would give him good reason to make him livid. Stealing one account here, one account there might not be very noticeable.

In fact, this may have been the basics of what she "confessed" to later. That she didn't want to leave any compromising documentation on email. That she had hurt many people. This theft from other people's accounts would have been a reason to need the services of an attorney.

There's no way Jodi herself sold PPL accounts that she could give Travis. Those memberships are not an easy sell! Most reps are not successful at the PPL business. And there's no sign she actually did any work of any kind, let alone PPL: she was all about the conventions, conferences, etc. where there were guys who to have gobs of money. (She was probably sleeping with a bunch.).

Jodi pretty much told EF she wasn't good at it (I'm sure she assumed he could just look it up so she couldn't lie.). She also may have given up the PPL business by the time she got to the interrogation simply because she had committed fraud with other people's accounts, and it was no longer safe to be associated with PPL at all.

Anything's possible with her. But IMO she gave up on PPL because:

1. It was just way too much work. Why bother.
2. It was just way too boring. Why bother.
3. She sucked at it.
4. She was stuck in a small rural town, no PPL mtgs or briefings nearby at which to stalk new prey.
5. She had to focus on her new full time job- destroying Travis.

As for whether she actually sold memberships. Sure she did, some. At some point. But.... she wrote in March 2008 that she was still in the hole from charge-backs.

I took a deep breath and looked up how PPL associate compensation worked. Bottom line, associates were paid commission up front for selling a year's worth of account. If the new member cancelled before the year was over, the PPL associate had to pay back the commission, pro-rated. That's a charge back.

In other words, she wasn't making a dime in PPL at that point. She in fact seems to have owed money to her employer, lol.
Thank goodness Tricia understands our quest for the truth (the whole and nothing but) and sees fit to allow our continued persistence towards that goal. :)

Wipe this site clean? EEEK!!!!!!!!! All you have to do is not visit this specific killer's forum if you don't want to read about her. I don't think you have any idea the huge amount of work a great many people have done here for several years, nor how rewarding that kind of work can be.

Now, sick of hearing about her in the tabloids? Heck yah. Agree with you on that one. She already had her opportunity to spew and hiss and lie and be vile and wicked. Yep, surely is way past time for her to be silenced.

A few months ago, I didn't know if Travis knew she was coming to kill him. Today, I can say emphatically that he did not know. Absolutely not. In my deep thoughts of him, I can tell him 'Travis, I know you didn't invite her. You didn't know she was coming.'

We still have a lot of unresolved questions but we are making progress.:lookingitup::findinglink:
Hello ... Iam not trying to make people mad but are you not sick and tired of hearing about jodi arias .Every time i hear her name or see her face on tv i turn the channel iam so tired and over it all if i owned this this website i would wipe the site clean of of anything that has to do with jodi arias ...


There's a difference between the ongoing and sensationalized media over-saturation of All Things Arias, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, the discussions here (and elsewhere) of the legal and psychological aspects of the crime and subsequent trials.

Avoid what you can avoid, tune-out what you can't avoid, but the historical record of this criminal and her crimes must remain intact. There is much to be learned here about many subjects: varieties of abnormal psychology, criminal justice, court case management, and law, just to name a few. These are inherently worthy topics for discussion and research, no less so because they might involve Jodi Arias.
Iirc, she did say she'd got herself a green card membership, or something along that line, to "help" him, knowing full well that one of the rules of the competition was absolutely no sign ups were allowed from current(previous?) members and would or could get him disqualified.

Btw, did you notice that on her rough draft of things to do for the rest of her year in your previous post, she didn't even put TA's birthday on the list...

Also, from reading old posts from the trial 4/‎4/‎13 when LaV was testifying, have you come across a text from TA in late March 2008 where TA wants JA to empty her voicemail because it's full? I don't recall seeing one like that and my sub to BK has run out already. Seems convenient that she has a voicemail box just full of messages eh?

Then there's that strange text where TA allegedly is at some club on April 19th and just had to send her a msg telling her how he thinks she's prettier than all the girls there... this just after they'd had an argument where JA had criticized his speaking ability and he was openly pining for Lisa etc and was happy that JA was finally back in Yreka so he could move on with his life. Anyway, have you come across anything that proves that TA was ever at some club that day to have done that?

Would not be the least, tiniest bit surprised if she filled up her own voicemail box -- yet another childish ploy to try to make Travis believe that she had a life and was popular.

And I don't for a second believe that Travis sent her a text from some "club" telling her how pretty she is. In all the texts, emails, and journal entries I've seen (poor Travis, even in death he has no privacy -- Jodi's crime destroyed not only his privacy but that of his friends as well, collateral damage which I'm sure pleases her no end)... anyway, in everything I've read I don't recall ever seeing Travis refer to going to clubs -- and he writes about his social life A LOT.

Now, why would Jodi send herself fake texts/emails from "Travis?" As crazy as she is, she's not so stark raving mad that she could actually get warm fuzzies from pretending Travis had written these things to her. I think it was ammo. 100%.
A few months ago, I didn't know if Travis knew she was coming to kill him. Today, I can say emphatically that he did not know. Absolutely not. In my deep thoughts of him, I can tell him 'Travis, I know you didn't invite her. You didn't know she was coming.'

We still have a lot of unresolved questions but we are making progress.:lookingitup::findinglink:

i think he possibly did know but only when she was getting ready to leave Pasadena. The "he was guilting me "BS is simply that.......BS Phone records bear out that she was the one making calls to him during her trip. They were brief calls, certainly not two people that miss each other desperately. So what changed between the May 26th text fight, (where he talks of her scamming him), his subsequent talk with Taylor Searle around 30th and her calls to him on June 3rd. :thinking:

The cheque has always bothered me and it was clearly on her mind post murder when she sent that text about it. Why would Travis leave a cheque on his desk for days. Was there ever proof of posting? Or did she tell him Im coming to Arizona. Im dropping off that cheque (I lied to you about last week). I can see Travis saying ok ....bring it.
Iirc, she did say she'd got herself a green card membership, or something along that line, to "help" him, knowing full well that one of the rules of the competition was absolutely no sign ups were allowed from current(previous?) members and would or could get him disqualified.

Btw, did you notice that on her rough draft of things to do for the rest of her year in your previous post, she didn't even put TA's birthday on the list...

Also, from reading old posts from the trial 4/‎4/‎13 when LaV was testifying, have you come across a text from TA in late March 2008 where TA wants JA to empty her voicemail because it's full? I don't recall seeing one like that and my sub to BK has run out already. Seems convenient that she has a voicemail box just full of messages eh?

Then there's that strange text where TA allegedly is at some club on April 19th and just had to send her a msg telling her how he thinks she's prettier than all the girls there... this just after they'd had an argument where JA had criticized his speaking ability and he was openly pining for Lisa etc and was happy that JA was finally back in Yreka so he could move on with his life. Anyway, have you come across anything that proves that TA was ever at some club that day to have done that?

Totally unlikely for TA to be at a "club", otherwise I think we'd see more such adventures. Besides, he didn't drink. People who don't drink alcohol don't tend to go to clubs. IMO.

Yes, I remember that testimony from ALV. I thought we had seen that text somewhere in here. Hope4More? But it also has always seemed odd to me that JA's voicemail box was full, since she's fixated with the phone. Someone called her 50 times while she was on the toilet?
I still think JA got way too many ideas for her defense stories from the initial interviews, especially with the female detective.
JA: We knew how to push each other’s buttons. I could make him mad in 5 seconds. I… you know that’s not my favorite pastime or anything, but, I just knew how to do that and he knew how to make me cry in 5 seconds."

That whole "guilted" me conversation is hilarious, because she keeps saying TA would likely have been safe if she had been there with him. And now she's guilted 'cos she wasn't there.

No doubt the shoe was on the other foot, and she was constantly doing the "guiting".

Where does this "to guilt" verb come from anyway? Some teenage lovesick romance?
Totally unlikely for TA to be at a "club", otherwise I think we'd see more such adventures. Besides, he didn't drink. People who don't drink alcohol don't tend to go to clubs. IMO.

Yes, I remember that testimony from ALV. I thought we had seen that text somewhere in here. Hope4More? But it also has always seemed odd to me that JA's voicemail box was full, since she's fixated with the phone. Someone called her 50 times while she was on the toilet?

I don't believe he was in a club, nor sent her that text; on the spliced-together tape he referred to people as A-holes because their idea of fun was getting drunk, he's not likely to surround himself with a room full of those kind of people.

I'd be willing to bet in every single thing Travis ever sent over the net you can trace the IP back to him, no proxy obfuscation, but I'd bet dearly the same can't be said for Arias. And if any proxy-site hunting had ever been done on his computer before the morning of his murder (by a guy who couldn't figure out how to upload pics to his own website, no less) we can be sure the defense would have been all over it.
Anything's possible with her. But IMO she gave up on PPL because:

1. It was just way too much work. Why bother.
2. It was just way too boring. Why bother.
3. She sucked at it.
4. She was stuck in a small rural town, no PPL mtgs or briefings nearby at which to stalk new prey.
5. She had to focus on her new full time job- destroying Travis.

As for whether she actually sold memberships. Sure she did, some. At some point. But.... she wrote in March 2008 that she was still in the hole from charge-backs.

I took a deep breath and looked up how PPL associate compensation worked. Bottom line, associates were paid commission up front for selling a year's worth of account. If the new member cancelled before the year was over, the PPL associate had to pay back the commission, pro-rated. That's a charge back.

In other words, she wasn't making a dime in PPL at that point. She in fact seems to have owed money to her employer, lol.

Yes, I looked over the compensation plan. That's why I don't think she gave TA memberships she herself had sold. She had a negative account.

I agree with your reasons to quit: a lotta reasons!
Thanks for all the good wishes! My DH is fine. His car not so much, but heck, it was time to get a new car anyway. It's all good. :) What scared me most about the situation is when he called me from the scene. He was on his way home from work after dark, driving through a very very bad part of town, when the other car ran full speed into the driver's side of DH's car.

For whatever reason, the other driver was furious. I could hear him screaming non-stop obscenities at my husband, and all I could think was--he's going to get shot!! People in this city get killed for a whole lot less than a crumpled up car, no matter who was at fault.

But, all's well that ends well. Thanks again. :)

Wow.. sorry, I would prefer to private message but I'll just say, hopefully they were thorough with their report.. Sometimes these people are not even sober, that's aggravating enough... but I got a chill you say full speed, I imagine somewhere in between that and top speed..

Driver's side and the other guy goes off? Fault laws aside... I'd have half a mind to come down there with an officer and personally ask for that bastards auto insurance information!

Good luck to you..
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