Sexual Assault -Merged-

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Woodsman said:

The $118,000 amount is the most sure pointer to Ramsey involvement in my opinion.

Not to me. There is no reason that someone of his income would remember so specifically deferred compensation of that amount. While it sounds like a lot of money (well, it IS a lot of money), to them, it would be nothing special. We hear "his bonus" and it sticks out, because it's the only figure we've heard -- but it wasn't his only bonus, surely not his largest, and obviously dwarfed by his salary and/or other compensation. I don't want to call it a throwaway amount, but ....

As I read, he received the comp in Feb of that year, which was 10 months previous. My husband receives deferred compensation in that manner (a December bonus, and then some more deferred in March), and I don't have any idea how much it was last year, only 5 months ago. Well, I could guess that it was between two figures that are about $75k apart ...

This doesn't exonerate them, but to me, it proves zilch. It is certainly possible that Patsy followed every penny of her husband's income; there are wives like that. But not all wives are like that. Some are like me, who are aware of ballpark figures and just want to know if our checking accounts are full or not.
I think that if he really wanted to take her out of the house he would have just gone out the door with her. Why try and take her out of that window? This guy said he loved her, I think he would have taken her, not killed her.
did it ever occur to anyone that it was a rape gone bad..not a kidnapping gone bad..and then the murderer tried to stage it as if it was a kidnapping gone bad..
Who knows what goes on in these minds..but how often is murder covered up with the stageing of a burgulary? Lots.
Johns company info and his bonus could be on the net for that matter-Karr is very good using the computer.
We have no idea where that figure came from and it would really be something if they found the murderer and asked him about this- wouldnt it be a laff if he just chose it from nowhere..he picked the first number that came into his head, yet everyone has spent countless hours and built theories that may not even matter.

If it took 2- 3 minutes to read the note-then it took 5 or 8 minutes to write..people write as they think, why does anyone think that is such a long time? Maybe if u are a predator you dont think u will be caught.
packerdog said:
I think that if he really wanted to take her out of the house he would have just gone out the door with her. Why try and take her out of that window? This guy said he loved her, I think he would have taken her, not killed her.

Andrea Yates loved her children as well. Obviously both of them appear to have some serious mental instabilities. Who knows what "love" means to Karr, especially 10 years after the fact.
Personally, I think Sickert is a valid candidate for Jack. In my opinion, Jack had serious issues with women, but I don't see the Ripper murders as sexually-based at all, other than the victims were prostitutes, and I believe Jack targeted them out of availability more than anything. Jack was in it for the kill, and if the Ripper letters (if they were in fact written by him, I think Dear Boss came from Jack himself) are anything to go by, he loved the chase as well.
calus,you are forgetting about the to practice pages from the ransom note,no intruder would practice writing a ransom note
i think the guy is so sick that he practiced his handwriting to look like the ransom note after studying it for 10 years.
newtv said:
did it ever occur to anyone that it was a rape gone bad..not a kidnapping gone bad..and then the murderer tried to stage it as if it was a kidnapping gone bad..
Who knows what goes on in these minds..but how often is murder covered up with the stageing of a burgulary? Lots.
Johns company info and his bonus could be on the net for that matter-Karr is very good using the computer.
We have no idea where that figure came from and it would really be something if they found the murderer and asked him about this- wouldnt it be a laff if he just chose it from nowhere..he picked the first number that came into his head, yet everyone has spent countless hours and built theories that may not even matter.

If it took 2- 3 minutes to read the note-then it took 5 or 8 minutes to write..people write as they think, why does anyone think that is such a long time? Maybe if u are a predator you dont think u will be caught.

Yes, I definitely have ALWAYS thought that if it were an intruder, It would have been a rape gone bad.

And now when I think of Karr, I also wonder if he somehow thought he and JBR were going to run away and live happily ever after or something, but she didn't want to and thats part of where his plan went bad.
pinto,the 118 grand was just a ploy,a red herring by the Ramseys to try to implicate someone who had a grudge against John at work--imo,this was the Ramseys' biggest mistake
Holdontoyourhat said:
No crime scene DNA will match.

No handwriting will match. I suppose you can get some 'expert' somewhere to claim it does. The 'chronic sexual abuse' tabloid experts come to mind.

How anyone can go from that ransom note to 'I loved her' is totally beyond me. 'I loved her' is a very expressive and emotional statement. The RN doesn't have a stitch of any emotional expression or feelings towards JBR whatsoever.

JK wasn't even in Colorado, that according to his ex-wife. IOW he has an airtight alibi whether he likes it or not.

So far, they are persuing JK only because he knows some 'inside' info? I'll bet there's very little 'inside' info left after 10 years.

Its already known he's previously communicated with people who are very knowledgable about the case, right?

First off, no one can say for certain right now that neither the DNA nor handwriting is a match. Already one expert has said the handwriting matches, in his opinion.

Second...the guy could have decided he "loved" JonBenet AFTER the killing...or he could have distanced himself from his emotions for her as he scribbled that ransom note. Who knows how a fruitcake's mind works? If you are normal and sane, it's hard to imagine.

Lara Karr has yet to offer any proof that JMK was with her over Christmas 1996, and last I heard, she was backtracking and through her attorney had said she can't remember. Nothing else has been heard from or offered by JMK's brother, either.

It ALL remains to shake out...all of it. I don't think any of us can say for sure who or who did not kill JonBenet...yet. We all have our opinions and I admit there is more evidence at the moment that implicates the parents much more so than JMK, but time will tell. This article is worth reading --
basically an expert suggests that while the Ramseys were out, one parent had arranged for JB to be taken out and photographed for uses by a ring of peds - at the other location, she died, and was returned to the house - J Ramsey covered it up with the doofy ransom note, so Patsy wouldn't know... Interesting anyway.
calus_3 said:
Karr is clearly two balls worth short of manhood. He looks like a woman and is confused sexually. He watches the Polly Klass murder trial and either feeds or incubates his desire for little girls and their murders.
Yes, but this guy had kids of his own...many pedophiles who are obsessed with little girls often molest their own.

It's a very big secret in many families.

It would have been extremely easy to take JB out of the house through the kitchen door. The perp already knew the alarm on the house wasn't set and the door wasn't locked either. Nope, no real kidnapping IMO or he would haven taken her out of the house...any real "intruder" perp would have. Again IMO.
Peter Hamilton said:
pinto,the 118 grand was just a ploy,a red herring by the Ramseys to try to implicate someone who had a grudge against John at work--imo,this was the Ramseys' biggest mistake

How many employees have access to that info? The controller?
Seeker said:
Yes, but this guy had kids of his own...many pedophiles who are obsessed with little girls often molest their own.

It's a very big secret in many families.

It would have been extremely easy to take JB out of the house through the kitchen door. The perp already knew the alarm on the house wasn't set and the door wasn't locked either. Nope, no real kidnapping IMO or he would haven taken her out of the house...any real "intruder" perp would have. Again IMO.

He has three boys, wrong equipment.....which, by the way are GREAT BIG VICTIMS in all of this. How would YOU like to go to school today in one of those boy's shoes?

Also, I remember reading about cases where the perp was gender confused. As I remember the cases, they tended to act in odd ways and the crime scenes were odd. They were also often violent towards their victims.

Kind of like the way old nuns used to make people who were lefties change over to being righties. They were kind of messed up for life often unlocking doors instead of locking them or turning the gas stove on instead of off.

BirdieBoo said:
Andrea Yates loved her children as well. Obviously both of them appear to have some serious mental instabilities. Who knows what "love" means to Karr, especially 10 years after the fact.

True, I think Patsy loved her daughter as well.
calus_3 said:
He has three boys, wrong equipment.....which, by the way are GREAT BIG VICTIMS in all of this. How would YOU like to go to school today in one of those boy's shoes?


I have thought a LOT about those boys. Poor little guys. :(
did it ever occur to anyone that it was a rape gone bad..not a kidnapping gone bad..and then the murderer tried to stage it as if it was a kidnapping gone bad..

Why not just leave

Who knows what goes on in these minds..but how often is murder covered up with the stageing of a burgulary? Lots.

Yes, when the culprit lives in the house or knows the victim. Otherwise no staging is necessary.
pinto said:
How many employees have access to that info? The controller?
Aren't officials' salaries (CEO's, COO's) public knowledge? Was Access a publicly traded company?

Also, I read somewhere that JR was trying to buy Access from Lockheed Martin before it was sold off to someone else. Maybe he got in over his head trying to finance the purchase? Got into something seedy? Just a thought...
calus_3 said:
He has three boys, wrong equipment.....which, by the way are GREAT BIG VICTIMS in all of this. How would YOU like to go to school today in one of those boy's shoes?

I didn't see where they were all boys. Thanks for the info.
This guy says he identifies with Michael Jackson right? So what does that tell us? MJ likes boys...

I feel for Karr's children. I hope their mom (remarried I read) had their stepdad adopt them and change their name...

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