Shannan Gilbert's 23 Minute 911 Call #2

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On the 911 call you can clearly hear Brewer and Pak trying to calmly reason with someone who was irrational and paranoid. You have know way of knowing that Shannan was dead A FEW HOURS LATER.

Really? I disagree.

Brewer and Pak are aware she is on the phone. They were pretending to be the calm victims of her imagination- their best decision for saving their butts. Slapping her upside her head wouldn't have played well on tape.

Shannan was very vulnerable to arrest not only for laws broken that evening but for more serious charges not yet resolved. She had nothing to gain calling the police for fun.

There is no evidence that she was thinking irrationally. She reacted slowly and sounded intoxicated- which possibly was partly a function of playback speed- but she did not sound at all irrational. She was very clear that she believed Pak had set her up to be harmed.

IMO Pak basically confessed to this when he turned around and said the same about her months later. Besides, his behavior on the 911 tape is not one afraid of the police coming- he wouldn't have tried to coax her into trusting him. He would have hightailed it immediately after knowing she was on the phone with police- and without saying a word.

Same goes for Brewer. Apparently, he had no problem leaving the scene for a smoke upstairs. So he could have left it again- or, more aggressively, called the police himself to get this guest who overstayed her welcome out. It was his home and he had the right to do so. Instead, he tried to coax her into trusting him. He didn't need her trust, if all he wanted was for her to leave. He needed her trust if he wanted to get her off the phone and harm her or allow others to.

Really? I disagree.

Brewer and Pak are aware she is on the phone. They were pretending to be the calm victims of her imagination- their best decision for saving their butts. Slapping her upside her head wouldn't have played well on tape.

Shannan was very vulnerable to arrest not only for laws broken that evening but for more serious charges not yet resolved. She had nothing to gain calling the police for fun.

There is no evidence that she was thinking irrationally. She reacted slowly and sounded intoxicated- which possibly was partly a function of playback speed- but she did not sound at all irrational. She was very clear that she believed Pak had set her up to be harmed.

IMO Pak basically confessed to this when he turned around and said the same about her months later. Besides, his behavior on the 911 tape is not one afraid of the police coming- he wouldn't have tried to coax her into trusting him. He would have hightailed it immediately after knowing she was on the phone with police- and without saying a word.

Same goes for Brewer. Apparently, he had no problem leaving the scene for a smoke upstairs. So he could have left it again- or, more aggressively, called the police himself to get this guest who overstayed her welcome out. It was his home and he had the right to do so. Instead, he tried to coax her into trusting him. He didn't need her trust, if all he wanted was for her to leave. He needed her trust if he wanted to get her off the phone and harm her or allow others to.


Ruminations thanks for the post, I was concerned I was the only person following this thread.

I agree with your analysis. I have been focused on Pak since early on as the catalyst who is responsible for many of the events that occurred resulting in Shannan's death.

Did the SCPD play the tape for Brewer and Pak individually, and ask for their explanations? I doubt the SCPD did. If they had, I am sure Brewer and Pak would have had conflicting explanations. MOO
It isn't supposed. What error do you get? Video advises it may be unsuitable for young or sensitive people and so I guess it might be blocked if your computer has some kind of parental control.
@JerseyGirl Great for an alternate link with raw calls.

However, link entered by me and @DeDee has a map to help knowing her locations throughout calls and has subtitles, which can be helpful for non-native speakers, but also even for native speakers perhaps as it puts the name of each interlocutor as they speak.
You can hear the full version here uploaded by the SCPD:

I followed this case for a while , researched enough to know that the arest for these murders and not the others has me bent.
We know , We know...there is more and ..well why ?
So I am going to re listen but guys, a green ford like the one from RH'S driveway , was in a bing map image from 2011 or 2009 on the OBE parkway , A member here qued me in way back in the day , there were other cars photographed by thegoogle and bing mapping people as well. Dont know who this helps but it seems more important now than it did then..I thought it relavent then but now..eek..
I think SG sounds drugged and as John Ray says Mike Pak IS a sex trafficker. What do you bet Brewer and Pak were trying to traffic her and she knows something is wrong and is fighting as hard as she can given being drugged? Wouldn't be surprised if Pak or PH is the culprit. Maybe Pak because he was angry she "ruined" his deal. But then sometimes I suspect PH because... *shudders* PH. The calls and the medication and the stuff he's said in the media.

Up until yesterday I felt LISK probably did it. But now... now that I know LISK is Rex.. I think I'd need definitive proof LISK had something to do with this one to feel that suspicion ever again, because - no bindings - no burlap sacks - no stealing of cellphone/calling & taunting family. His calling cards ain't on this one.

Have patience.. long podcast. Absorb it. It’s important. This isnt over.
wow, whoever said to play the call at 1.25 speed, you're a genius. it makes so much more sense when it's sped up just a bit.

Does anyone here think RH did this?

this call is so unbelievably suspicious, that i cannot believe the cops closed it and said "oop just an accident" unless the department's known corruption was indeed a factor
The urgency in Shannan's voice when she asks Pak, "Why are you calling me by my name?"
Because I'm guessing she has a name she uses for sex work versus her actual legal name, and it seems Mike calling her Shannan was a massive red flag for her. If you listen at 1.25x, you can hear the panic.

Also -
Anyone have any idea to alternatives to, "We'll call your neighbor(hood) about the puppy dog" and "Please please, Mike, Mike, pull up his eyes"? Because why would she say pull up his eyes?

Why would she say, "I'll say I was lying"?
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I am not sure where the information came from that they actually went to CVS. And how do we know about the lube and cards? From a time line that I read, sounds plausible that they just drove over to CPHs house and not all the way to CVS on the mainland. And yes, at the time, CVS was open 24/7 including the pharmacy counter, that is a fact. I can't really believe anything that MP or JB stated happened. I highly doubt SG was trying to NOT leave JBs house. I don't believe that she actually freaked out for any other reason that she saw something or they started doing something that scared her to run for her life. Obviously JB is a liar and a sleazebag. Obvious MP would do anything for money. The dollar amts he referred to in his EBT don't justify driving out to Oak Beach and staying that many hours. I believe he is being paid to stick to a narrative. Not sure if he was in on it from the beginning, but I would bet my life he knows what happened to SG. I believe they did catch her and did not dump her body until later because of the way the clothing and purse were found. I think it was staged to make it look like she ran that way. From what I recall reading, the last door she knocked on was BBs. Why not continue to other doors? Why wouldn't CG and BB and TC call John Brunkard, a long time SC Police officer, who lived RIGHT there? Too much does not add up with their story...I have been calling the area the Oak Beach mafia.
I just located this thread, so I am wayyyy behind, but what is boldened is likely true.

Have patience.. long podcast. Absorb it. It’s important. This isnt over.

I'm going to go listen to this now before bed, thanks for sharing this.
wow, whoever said to play the call at 1.25 speed, you're a genius. it makes so much more sense when it's sped up just a bit.

Does anyone here think RH did this?

this call is so unbelievably suspicious, that i cannot believe the cops closed it and said "oop just an accident" unless the department's known corruption was indeed a factor

I believe we have to thank @Girlinterrupted for the speed manipulation theory/idea. Here was the original post:
The 911 call is not in it's entirety.

There is no disconnect at the end.
The last thing we hear is a dispatcher trying to spell out Shannan's last name.

In one podcast (sorry, I can't remember which one since they all rushed to push out their hot hot takes), the hosts try to claim that the operators are actually discussing another call altogether while simultaneously on the phone with Shannan. They use this assertion a number of times to explain away different abnormalities in the call (the mention of a 631 telephone number, the mention of a car with a shield number).
For my purposes Im particularly highlighting when the operator says "D-O-P-E-R-T". (The podcast conveniently has no comment when the operator continues "She didn't spell it but that's what it sounded like.")
This is a laughable and truly misleading by that podcast.
The operators are STILL talking about Shannan GILBERT (which the operator heard incorrectly).
This is the last WE hear.

Do you hear a disconnect?
Go check.
Or do you hear a cessation of further audio.

We've been given constant 911 operator banter throughout this call.

Everything said in that call by responders is pertaining to Shannan.
When she is transferred to State multiple responders are working on her call.
At 9:27 a new operator is heard (maybe a supervisor).

When I first listened to the call I was furious with this particular operator. As many have commented, she sounds slow, out of it, almost like she herself is drugged.

But we know, this is not how a 911 call goes. Operators are alert and speak with urgency. At every moment of this call they are trying to find some sort of location on Shannan. They even bring up calling a 631 house phone (which when I searched came up as being a "Special Services Landline". I have no idea what that means or if it's pertinent. Maybe someone else does.)
At no point do the operators take away their attention from Shannan. So much that a second operator (older sounding, possibly more experienced) comes to assist. You can hear them talking to eachother saying "She needs help" at one point.
The operators are so much a part of this call that it becomes hard to hear what's being said because they are talking away from their headsets at some points trying to come up with a plan.
At the end of this call, a call in which an operator has said "Hello? Hello?" dozens of times, the call simply ends?

No it does not and it would take a tremendous amount of suspension of disbelief to sit fine with that.

The operator that comes on at 9:27 sounds slow and groggy because the call is slowed down.
I listened to it at 1.25x speed.
What I heard at 1.25 made much more sense.
It makes the 911 operator side of the call make sense.
Instead of sounding like some woman at last call slurring "whutsssamattahhhh shaaaanaaan" the operators speak with urgency. No slurring.
(In fact alot of the slurring and incoherence is removed from both the caller and operator).
You can also hear how fast Shannan was actually running - which would account for why she was so completely out of breath by the time she gets to Colletti's. She's not yelling help me when he opens the door. She can barely get 3 words out. "I. Need. Help"
At the same time, the birds do not sound distorted (which you would assume they would if you sped it up).

The call is not in its original format.

I listened at 1.25x and it was 18 min 3 seconds long.

Where is the disconnect?

After so much of this call is dominated by operators, we don't hear them asking if Shannan's still there?
Or if she disconnected would we not hear them say that to eachother.
Remember, by the end of this call there's the original state operator plus one that seems to have sat down with her.
But not a peep from either of them. Just the end.
The call is not in its original form.
I believe @PreciousDust stated this days ago.
I'm not a sound technician so i cant tell if the speed is manipulated throughout the entire call or at what speed. It could be different speeds at different times.
That leaves multiple minutes unaccounted for.
I'm not a John Ray fan. But go back and listen to how he answers the questions about the call and ask yourself if it makes more sense within this context.
And listen to the call at different speeds.
1.25x, 1.20x, 1.18x etc.

We would've heard a "Hello? Hello? Shannan? Are you there?" and likely the operator saying that they lost the call. Not just a clean cut.

I'd very much like to know what was contained in the remaining multiple minutes of that call.
For those re-reading this thread… it was determined (through whatever testing they used) that Shannon Gilbert had no drugs in her system when she died. And she also had not performed any prostitution the night she was killed (according to the “John”) I believe the family and most people would agree, that no matter what kind of job SG had, being murdered by a psychopath would be hard for anyone to wrap their minds around. If they didn’t have sex in all the hours that SG was present then what exactly was going on? That’s why I said years ago on various forums about this case that I believed it could be revolving around the making of snuff films. Many people said that was just a wild guess at best, but it made sense at the time, & still does.
Well.....I have to agree....
I think the problem is that the source of these facts are from Michael Pak and Joseph Brewer.

Neither Pak nor Brewer are reliable narrators.

Pak, we know, has a federal criminal history of trafficking people into the US. I'd say we can safely rule him out as a source of truth.

Brewer actually communicated multiple times w Pak and Diaz in the days after Shannans disappearance.

Not to mention the odd and more important fact that Pak claimed he'd never been to OB before, never met Brewer, that Shannan booked Brewer herself on her own phone, and yet, according to Pak's own deposition, he calls Brewer's landline while he's supposedly parked outside Brewer's house, to talk to Shannan about his cut of the money. And when no one picked up, the answering machine provided Brewer's cell number which Pak then used to call Brewer yet again.
And then Brewer called Pak back.

Really think about that.

Think about the absurdity that Pak is attempting to put forth.
In what reality does a driver call a client (who he has supposedly never met) on multiple phone lines, interrupting the date no less, to discuss money with an escort.
Imagine hiring a sex worker and suddenly you're land line rings and then your cell rings and it's the driver - who is supposedly parked right outside - and he wants to talk to the escort whose services you've paid for.
He's interrupting because he wants to argue about money.
Would never happen.

Then, Pak and Brewer tell us, when Brewer wants Shannan out of his house, he comes outside his house to Pak's car. We've already established multiple phone calls between Pak and Brewer during the course of the evening - despite the fact that both claim they never knew eachother prior to that night.
So why wouldn't Brewer just call Pak to tell him to come inside if he wanted Shannan out? They'd been calling eachother throughout the night.

This is just one of many problems that arise when one really looks at Pak and Brewer.

It's Pak and Brewer who provide the entire narrative up until Colletti.

That's 9 hours of Shannan's life for which either Pak or Pak and Brewer tell us "the facts".

Pak is the only source of information for the events that occurred on Friday, April 30, 2010 at approx 8pm until Saturday May 1, 2010 at approx 2am. From 2am (the time we are told Pak and Shannan arrived at OB - again, BY PAK) until approx 5am, we have Pak and Brewer as the only sources of information. And Brewer pleads the fifth on almost everything to do with Shannan in his deposition.

So again, we have been fed this narrative of events by mostly ONE person from the start: Michael Pak.

And that is a BIG problem.

Michael Pak cannot be relied upon for ANY events that took place.
If Pak says up, I assume the truth is down.

The slew of phone calls that occurred btwn Pak and Brewer, and Pak and Shannan, during that night, those would be objective facts that would have to be explained by Pak and Brewer.
And that's just what they did.

We do not even know if Pak was in front of Brewer's house.
We don't know why Shannan was actually in Oak Beach.
Michael Pak and Joseph Brewer tell us she was there on a simple outcall.

But really think about that.

You're Joseph Brewer and it's 11pm on a Friday night and you're looking to hire an escort to come out to Oak Beach for whatever - sex, companionship, someone to party with. You look on Craigslist. There's going to be a huge amount of escorts available for outcalls all within a 20-30 minute drive from you.
But you decide to call Shannan, a girl you've never met before, who is 2 hours away.
That make sense?

Now switch perspectives.
You're Shannan. It's Friday night in Manhattan. This is primetime for escorts in Manhattan. Are you going to say yes to 4 hours worth of driving (2 hours to OB, 2 hours back) for what PAK has told us is a couple hundred bucks?

Yet according to Pak and Brewer, all this is true.

We do not have the tapes from the entrance to OB so we can't even say for sure what vehicles came and left at what time.

This is why it is impossible to say we know any objective truth, any fact, about what happened in Oak Beach that night.
Brewer and Pak are 100% unreliable.

Edited to add:
The only objective facts for what occurred are those stated by Shannan on the call that for whatever reason (I have my own opinion) is not being released. We have heard this over and over - new evidence is going to be revealed, new people in charge holding pressers swearing they are the white knights that are going to spearhead this case and finally bring justice. We get the belt, now we get the tapes of Waterman.
Where's that call?
It is literally the ONLY source of reliable information about the events that took place in Oak Beach.

If history is any sort of indicator of the way Suffolk County law enforcement and politics work, I'm not getting my hopes up.

I hope Harrison proves me wrong.
omg!! Excepost!!

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