Shannan Gilbert's 23 Minute 911 Call #2

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2006-2008: Shannan Gilbert, Alex Diaz and Michael Pak work for escort services run by Joseph Ruis out of NJ.
Shannan, an escort, meets both Diaz and Pak, drivers, during this time period.

2007: Shannan is arrested in a prostitution sting while working in NJ for one of Ruis' escort businesses.

2008: Hudson County PO begins a year long investigation into Ruis' businesses starting w World Class Party Girls. This investigation utilizes undercover agents, wire tapping and confidential informants. HCPO allocates a great amount of resources into this investigation and quickly discovers that Ruis' businesses spider web out into much more than one escort service. Ruis has three separate escort services, a limo service, a kebab restaurant and various other LLCs. He is laundering 3 million a year (and that is only the cash he cleans). HCPO find records of clients paying tens of thousands of dollars for single bookings. In one instance a client paid 100k. I don't care how many escorts and shish kebabs you can pile into a limo for a client, it's not going to add up to 100k.

July 2009: HCPO obtains a warrant and raids Ruis' homes and businesses.
Ruis is arrested.
He makes cash bail shortly thereafter and is released.

The charges in the case are filed:
First-degree money laundering,
N.J.S.A. 2C:21-25;

Third-degree promoting prostitution, N.J.S.A. 2C:34-1b(2);

Third-degree conspiracy to promote prostitution and distribute cocaine, N.J.S.A. 2C:5-2, N.J.S.A. 2C:34-1b(2), N.J.S.A. 2C:35-5a(1), and N.J.S.A. 2C:35-5b(1);

First-degree leading a narcotics trafficking network.

Shannan Gilbert (along with one other name I've seen in threads but have been unable to verify) is listed as Ruis' co-defendant in this case.

April 2010 - Ruis is arraigned, still free on bail.

May 2010 - Shannan Gilbert goes to Oak Beach.

June 2010 - Ruis goes to court, pleads way down to 5 years, serves 2 years and is released.

From the beginning we have been fed the narrative that Shannan Gilbert was working independently - that she was no longer involved with Ruis.

But this information is inserted into the narrative by Michael Pak, and only Michael Pak, who time after time in interviews and depositions states that both he and Shannan were working independently on a regular basis.

According to Pak, he acted only as a driver, Shannan posted her own ads using her own phones, negotiated her own client fees and paid Pak a percentage for driving her. Pak had no role other than driving. He did not know the clients and it was only Shannan who booked them.

The reality is that we do not know if Pak and Shannan were working independently and we do not know if they'd severed ties with Ruis.

We especially don't know this as it pertains to the night of Friday, April 30, 2010, when Pak claims Brewer, a man who neither he nor Shannan knew, called Shannan on her phone for an outcall 2 hours away to OB, a place neither he nor Shannan had ever been.

More according to Pak and only Pak:
he and Shannan sat in his vehicle in midtown Manhattan for hours that Friday night with no work, refreshing posts on Craigslist, with Shannan becoming increasingly upset. (Shannan's emotional disposition will become a recurring theme in Pak's accounts.)

Pak then claims Shannan had a quick outcall somewhere in the neighborhood.
Pak claims not to know where or with whom but that she walked there herself and within 20 minutes was heading back to Pak's vehicle during which time they communicated via phone.

Just as a reminder: one fact that we DO KNOW is that Joseph Ruis was free at this time, his trial was a month away and Shannan was listed as a co-defendant.

I'd be very interested to know what this 20 minute meeting was about, who it was with or if it even happened.

Phone records are objective fact.
Pak plays dumb but he is absolutely not dumb.
He knows phone records cant be argued away.
He's criminally intelligent - it's why he's always so careful in his accounts regarding location - he never crosses state lines - and how he knew that the people he was trafficking from Southeast Asia could claim religious asylum if caught.

So if he knows there will be calls that show up btwn himself and Shannan at a time he claims they were sitting for hours side by side in his vehicle, he better have a reason.

It's the same as when he knows a bunch of phone calls are going to show up in Oak Beach from his phone to Brewer (who he'd never met), Brewer to him, and him to Shannan, at a time when he was supposedly sitting outside the home of Brewer while Shannan was supposedly inside providing sexual services.
Pak comes up with a highly detailed story about CVS, playing cards, lube and a phone exchange w Shannan in which she angrily exclaims "Fine, I'll find my own way home!"

Pak's account of this exchange serves 3 purposes:

1- it implies that Shannan was emotionally off-kilter that night - a theme that Pak peppers throughout every bullsht word he vomits out of his mouth about Shannan from the start - she was highly emotional and unpredictable, she was bipolar and refused to take her medicine, she was an alcoholic and constantly sipped from a fast food soda cup which she mixed liquor into, she was a drug addict and did coke and ecstacy often, she was paranoid, she often got lost when trying to find her way out of clients' buildings - all these statements are systematically shot down by Ray in the deposition.

2 - it provides Pak with an explanation for the flurry of calls that took place btwn him and Brewer and him and Shannan while he was supposedly parked outside Brewer's residence on a routine independently booked outcall: he was calling because Shannan, in her emotional instability, told him to leave and he wanted his money.

3 - it lays down the foundation for the reasoning he will later use when he claims he left Oak Beach without Shannan: She herself told him to leave so finally he did, assuming she found her own way home.

We do not know anything that was said in those phone calls, where Brewer, Shannan or Pak were while the calls were made or what they were doing.

In the same way, Pak volunteers the fact that Shannan has this very short appointment before going out to Oak Beach.
Imo, this means that something is in the phone records that will show she was not in the vehicle with Pak at certain points; that they were calling eachother from different locations.

I think wherever Shannan went during that period of time is very important and linked to the events that occurred in OB.
Whatever that appointment was, it wasnt a sex related meeting.
If i had to guess, she was either picking up product from Ruis' people to take out to Oak Beach or meeting with law enforcement as a CI.
Or some overlapping gray area in which both are true.

If we refer to the charges laid out in the trial scheduled to begin the very next month: "conspiracy to promote prostitution and distribute cocaine" - that's one charge - it's not promoting prostitution and also distributing cocaine separately - it's conspiracy (which to me always translates to RICO) to promote prostitution as a means of moving large amounts of cocaine.
These was conspiracy and distribution charges - these were not escorts and drivers bringing eightballs as party favors.
They were moving distribution weight.

But, according to Pak, neither he nor Shannan were working for an agency, neither he nor Shannan knew Brewer and the night was just a simple outcall for sex.

In the words of my grandfather:
"Do you know what chewed up grass is?"

As an aside, it's also of interest to note that when John Ray deposes Pak for the civil case against Hackett, he asks Pak what he did after leaving Oak Beach after supposedly searching for and failing to find Shannan. Remember, Pak has rambled on for paragraphs at a time about how Shannan and he were working independently so far in this deposition. What did Pak do after he left OB early May 1 without Shannan?
He answers that he went to meet another agency driver at a Dunkin Donuts in Queens to pick up cash, he then purchased a Green Dot card and transferred that cash to the Green Dot card to send to the agency - the agency which neither he nor Shannan worked for according to him.
Ray, disappointingly, does not push this issue, I can only assume, bc it does nothing for his case against Hackett.)

To get back to the main point, Shannan Gilbert was listed as a co-defendant in a large case against Joseph Ruis, scheduled to begin the month after she went out to OB.

Ruis is indicted April 2010 (still free). Shannan goes missing May 2010.
Ruis goes to court June 2010.
Shannan is not there.
Ruis makes a deal to get a 5 year sentence, and is released after 2.

I think it is very important to understand that, regardless of Pak's attempts to manipulate the narrative, the objective inarguable truth is that Shannan Gilbert was not only involved in organized criminal activity, she died exactly one month before she was scheduled to testify as a co-defendant in a trial against a far reaching very large organized criminal enterprise.

Joseph Ruis wasn't making his money from hundred dollar outcalls and shish-kebabs.
He had clients on record for "services" for up to 100k.
That's no regular outcall.
That is using escorts and drivers to move product.

And that year long investigation that took place and led to Joseph Ruis' arrest utilized many resources... including Confidential Informants.

If you're Shannan Gilbert and you get picked up in a sting in NJ and the Prosecutor's Office comes to you and tells you your employer is at the center of an investigation that goes far beyond an escort service and you're going to face those charges with him...unless you cooperate, in which case you'll get immunity, what would you do?

If you're Joseph Ruis, out on bail, a month away from a serious case against you, and you find out one of your employees, not just any employee but the one listed as co-defendant in your case has made a deal w the State...what would you do? my head is spinning.
Bam!!!! This post is excellent!! my head is spinning.
Bam!!!! This post is excellent!!

Yes! I totally agree. I've always hoped GI's theory made it to John Ray (or someone) to investigate.

There were others involved in Ruis' prostitution/drug operation... and after a lengthy sting operation... more info should have been released. imo

ETA: And Ruis went on to commit other crimes later.
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The more I listen to the shannon gilbert 911 call the more I lean that she was In a druken/drugged state. My friends cousin called the cops on himself at 5am because he saw, what he thought was people trying to break into his house with guns. Everytime he looked out the window. The police showed up, and arrested him for possession. Reviewed all the ring footage. Coke induced physcosis. No one was trying to hurt him.

She seems back and fourth between a drunk calm mood to hysterical and back. If she was in real danger inside she would have ran out to her driver. A driver whom she worked with before and had a gun, by his own admission. If brewer was trying to kill her he wouldn't have let her stay on the phone with 911 that long. Nor would he have called pak inside to get her. He went upstairs to defuse the situation so pak could get her outside.

Brewer wanted her our she didn't want to leave choas ensued and tragically ended with her accident death. An accident that lead to the discovery of RH'S disgusting crimes.

I doubt RH has anything to do with it. To me it's absurd to think a 6'5 ogre was roaming around oak Beach in the wee hours and happened to run into Shannon. Not his style.

That leaves the Peter Hackett angle. But his wife and kids were home. And he was disabled. Plus why dump her so close to his house.

In the house she was somewhat calm with Pak. Outside she freaked. At Collettis when she saw pak she freaked again. If pak took her there to be murdered why would he stick around and risk be seen by witnesses? If he was part of some murder ring and shannon "got away" why would he go back looking for someone who's now a potential witness. He was deposed and answered a lot of questions. He could have plead the 5th all the way through.

This is all my opinion. I think she was having a drug feuled physcosis that lead to her tragic death.
The more I listen to the shannon gilbert 911 call the more I lean that she was In a druken/drugged state. My friends cousin called the cops on himself at 5am because he saw, what he thought was people trying to break into his house with guns. Everytime he looked out the window. They police showed up, and arrested him for possession. Reviewed all the ring footage. Coke induced physcosis. No one was trying to hurt him.q

She seems back and fourth between a drunk calm mood to hysterical and back. If she was in real danger inside she would have ran out to her driver. A driver whom she worked with before and had a gun, by his own admission. If brewer was trying to kill her he wouldn't have let her stay on the mind with 911 that long. Nor would he have called pak inside to get her.

Brewer wanted her our she didn't want to leave choas ensued and tragically ended with her accident death. An accident that lead to the discovery of RH'S disgusting crimes.

I doubt RH has anything to do with it. To me it's absurd to think a 6'5 ogre was roaming around oak Beach in the wee hours and happened to run into Shannon. Not his style.

That leaves the Peter Hackett angle. But his wife and kids were home. And he was disabled. Plus why dump her so close to his house.

Hard to tell. I, too, am not too sure she ran into a SK. However, the fact that the case was initially wrapped up as “drowning”, but now is considered homicide, is concerning. All witnesses were cleared very fast, too. Could SG develop some form of paranoia and psychosis? Surely. Could there be some other people, not just Brewer, present? Possible as well. I would believe an accident version, I just don’t want to believe anything Burke says. The man lived by “scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours”’principle. If he refused to incriminate anyone else after the arrest, it only means he was always protecting his colleagues and the people of influence. Whether it affected SG’s case or not, remains to be seen.
Hard to tell. I, too, am not too sure she ran into a SK. However, the fact that the case was initially wrapped up as “drowning”, but now is considered homicide, is concerning. All witnesses were cleared very fast, too. Could SG develop some form of paranoia and psychosis? Surely. Could there be some other people, not just Brewer, present? Possible as well. I would believe an accident version, I just don’t want to believe anything Burke says. The man lived by “scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours”’principle. If he refused to incriminate anyone else after the arrest, it only means he was always protecting his colleagues and the people of influence. Whether it affected SG’s case or not, remains to be seen.

Shannan's case isn't considered a homicide. Have I missed a big news update or something?
I have to say, after listening to the full unedited audio of that call, that this was an "accidental" death. She definitely sounded out of it (which I'm thinking "the client" drugged her) and she was unable or unwilling to give all of the information you would think one would give if they were in grave danger. She was obviously scared and paranoid and I think she freaked out and ran. We can clearly tell she is running and then the last bit sounds to me like running through the tall reeds then a bit of silence before the audio ends. Did they ever find her phone? I don't remember. I don't see how anyone else would have been able to get a hold of her and kill her in front of all these possible witnesses in that short amount of time. It seems as though there would have been something caught on tape if someone caught up to her and a struggled ensued. It seems to me that any of the people involved with her that night would have been arrested if they killed her. Given all of the circumstances I don't see how there wouldn't be a pretty solid case at this point.
I have to say, after listening to the full unedited audio of that call, that this was an "accidental" death. She definitely sounded out of it (which I'm thinking "the client" drugged her) and she was unable or unwilling to give all of the information you would think one would give if they were in grave danger. She was obviously scared and paranoid and I think she freaked out and ran. We can clearly tell she is running and then the last bit sounds to me like running through the tall reeds then a bit of silence before the audio ends. Did they ever find her phone? I don't remember. I don't see how anyone else would have been able to get a hold of her and kill her in front of all these possible witnesses in that short amount of time. It seems as though there would have been something caught on tape if someone caught up to her and a struggled ensued. It seems to me that any of the people involved with her that night would have been arrested if they killed her. Given all of the circumstances I don't see how there wouldn't be a pretty solid case at this point.

Yes, her phone was found as well as her purse and pants (some time before her body was located). It took SCPD an entire month to actually investigate her disappearance.
I have to say, after listening to the full unedited audio of that call, that this was an "accidental" death. She definitely sounded out of it (which I'm thinking "the client" drugged her) and she was unable or unwilling to give all of the information you would think one would give if they were in grave danger. She was obviously scared and paranoid and I think she freaked out and ran. We can clearly tell she is running and then the last bit sounds to me like running through the tall reeds then a bit of silence before the audio ends. Did they ever find her phone? I don't remember. I don't see how anyone else would have been able to get a hold of her and kill her in front of all these possible witnesses in that short amount of time. It seems as though there would have been something caught on tape if someone caught up to her and a struggled ensued. It seems to me that any of the people involved with her that night would have been arrested if they killed her. Given all of the circumstances I don't see how there wouldn't be a pretty solid case at this point.
Burke hushed up the case and removed FBI....

She was murdered...
Coming into this fairly blind (I knew almost nothing about LISK etc until the arrest), and have listened to most of the 911 call via a couple of podcasts. So, with that in mind, she sounds like someone who has been kicked into a paranoid crisis, I suppose by drugs (acid? might be showing my age here, but that sure sounded like a bad trip), if she didn’t already have a history of similar issues. It’s her repetition of the same phrases over and over, and the fact that the people in the background sound more exasperated than menacing. It’s hard to listen to, not least because I suspect that if the driver or the customer had just sucked it up and called 911, they could have gotten her medical help and hopefully a big dose of tranquilizer. But I guess they didn’t want to deal with the cops.

I don’t think I have an opinion on whether she met with foul play, mostly because of the lack of agreement on cause of death. I don’t put a lot of value in the stuff saying there were no drugs in her system, because I don’t see how they could determine that so many months later, and with so many designer drugs already available by then.

But the short version is, *during the time of the 911 call*, I think any threat only existed in her mind. It’s extremely sad that no one was able to get her the help that she needed before she succumbed to whatever the real threat was (be it a predator or the environment).
The more I listen to the shannon gilbert 911 call the more I lean that she was In a druken/drugged state. My friends cousin called the cops on himself at 5am because he saw, what he thought was people trying to break into his house with guns. Everytime he looked out the window. The police showed up, and arrested him for possession. Reviewed all the ring footage. Coke induced physcosis. No one was trying to hurt him.

She seems back and fourth between a drunk calm mood to hysterical and back. If she was in real danger inside she would have ran out to her driver. A driver whom she worked with before and had a gun, by his own admission. If brewer was trying to kill her he wouldn't have let her stay on the phone with 911 that long. Nor would he have called pak inside to get her. He went upstairs to defuse the situation so pak could get her outside.

Brewer wanted her our she didn't want to leave choas ensued and tragically ended with her accident death. An accident that lead to the discovery of RH'S disgusting crimes.

I doubt RH has anything to do with it. To me it's absurd to think a 6'5 ogre was roaming around oak Beach in the wee hours and happened to run into Shannon. Not his style.

That leaves the Peter Hackett angle. But his wife and kids were home. And he was disabled. Plus why dump her so close to his house.

In the house she was somewhat calm with Pak. Outside she freaked. At Collettis when she saw pak she freaked again. If pak took her there to be murdered why would he stick around and risk be seen by witnesses? If he was part of some murder ring and shannon "got away" why would he go back looking for someone who's now a potential witness. He was deposed and answered a lot of questions. He could have plead the 5th all the way through.

This is all my opinion. I think she was having a drug feuled physcosis that lead to her tragic death.

Brewer wanted her out? No. If he wanted her out, he'd say, "get out now, or I'm calling the police." He wouldn't be laughing and coaxing and smooth talking. Also, he knew she was on the phone with police. He could have identified himself and given his address. If he was worried about her medically, he could have given his address and specified to bring an ambulance.

Her back and forth were not changes in mood. She was terrified, but had the presence of mind to speak as clearly and calmly as possible to 911. She was under the impression she could be located by calling. She was speaking professionally, while reporting that she was about to be murdered, because she knew that just screaming would not effectively help 911 locate her. When someone touched her or approached her...or whatever happened before her blood-curdling scream...the was no longer "calm" as you put it. But she was obviously able to speak professionally much of the call. She was not out of control or irrational.

Cocaine was one of the few substances looked for in her autopsy. It was not found.

Pak explicitly stated he didn't want police around-he said because of his gun. I don't believe the reason, but I do believe he managed to get TF out of there before the police arrived. Why did he stick around to smooth talk her while she was on the phone, and to drive after her as witnessed by Coletti? He could have just left at any time with his gun. Instead, he had something he apparently had to do with Shannan.

It is absurd to say it was concern or responsibility as her driver. He could have also called for help for her, too, while taking his gun home. Or, he could have insisted on a search warrant before allowing police to rifle through his car...which they would not be interested in doing anyway if he was calling for help.

I don't know how Shannan fits with GB4, RH, or Suffolk corruption. But of this I'm certain. She called 911 because she was in grave danger. And for whatever reason, Brewer and Pak worked towards keeping her in danger. They not only did not call for help for her, they did not act rationally in their own claimed interests: getting her out of the house (call the police to evict her) or not getting caught with a gun (leave without her).

Brewer wanted her out? No. If he wanted her out, he'd say, "get out now, or I'm calling the police." He wouldn't be laughing and coaxing and smooth talking. Also, he knew she was on the phone with police. He could have identified himself and given his address. If he was worried about her medically, he could have given his address and specified to bring an ambulance.

Her back and forth were not changes in mood. She was terrified, but had the presence of mind to speak as clearly and calmly as possible to 911. She was under the impression she could be located by calling. She was speaking professionally, while reporting that she was about to be murdered, because she knew that just screaming would not effectively help 911 locate her. When someone touched her or approached her...or whatever happened before her blood-curdling scream...the was no longer "calm" as you put it. But she was obviously able to speak professionally much of the call. She was not out of control or irrational.

Cocaine was one of the few substances looked for in her autopsy. It was not found.

Pak explicitly stated he didn't want police around-he said because of his gun. I don't believe the reason, but I do believe he managed to get TF out of there before the police arrived. Why did he stick around to smooth talk her while she was on the phone, and to drive after her as witnessed by Coletti? He could have just left at any time with his gun. Instead, he had something he apparently had to do with Shannan.

It is absurd to say it was concern or responsibility as her driver. He could have also called for help for her, too, while taking his gun home. Or, he could have insisted on a search warrant before allowing police to rifle through his car...which they would not be interested in doing anyway if he was calling for help.

I don't know how Shannan fits with GB4, RH, or Suffolk corruption. But of this I'm certain. She called 911 because she was in grave danger. And for whatever reason, Brewer and Pak worked towards keeping her in danger. They not only did not call for help for her, they did not act rationally in their own claimed interests: getting her out of the house (call the police to evict her) or not getting caught with a gun (leave without her).

Excellent post!!!
Coming into this fairly blind (I knew almost nothing about LISK etc until the arrest), and have listened to most of the 911 call via a couple of podcasts. So, with that in mind, she sounds like someone who has been kicked into a paranoid crisis, I suppose by drugs (acid? might be showing my age here, but that sure sounded like a bad trip), if she didn’t already have a history of similar issues. It’s her repetition of the same phrases over and over, and the fact that the people in the background sound more exasperated than menacing. It’s hard to listen to, not least because I suspect that if the driver or the customer had just sucked it up and called 911, they could have gotten her medical help and hopefully a big dose of tranquilizer. But I guess they didn’t want to deal with the cops.

I don’t think I have an opinion on whether she met with foul play, mostly because of the lack of agreement on cause of death. I don’t put a lot of value in the stuff saying there were no drugs in her system, because I don’t see how they could determine that so many months later, and with so many designer drugs already available by then.

But the short version is, *during the time of the 911 call*, I think any threat only existed in her mind. It’s extremely sad that no one was able to get her the help that she needed before she succumbed to whatever the real threat was (be it a predator or the environment).

I disagree that Shannan was not behaving rationally. But it is irrelevant, to a degree. Brewer and Pak were acting very strangely. They did not act like people either trying to get rid of/away from Shannan or like people trying to get her help. They acted like people trying to gain her trust and capture her. How do you explain their weird behavior?

I disagree that Shannan was not behaving rationally. But it is irrelevant, to a degree. Brewer and Pak were acting very strangely. They did not act like people either trying to get rid of/away from Shannan or like people trying to get her help. They acted like people trying to gain her trust and capture her. How do you explain their weird behavior?

No explanation, because I didn’t think it was “weird”. I think they were trying to get her out of the client’s house while she was having a major paranoid episode, but they were trying to do it without calling the police OR laying hands on her. All the weirdness came from her paranoia.

I don’t know what you mean by people trying to “capture” her, since she was already in the house. The call is very long, and a lot of it her repeating the same things over and over; two adult men could have overpowered her and gotten the phone away from her pretty much immediately instead of trying to talk her into (what?) for so long, if they had actual violent intent.
I have to say, after listening to the full unedited audio of that call, that this was an "accidental" death. She definitely sounded out of it (which I'm thinking "the client" drugged her) and she was unable or unwilling to give all of the information you would think one would give if they were in grave danger. She was obviously scared and paranoid and I think she freaked out and ran. We can clearly tell she is running and then the last bit sounds to me like running through the tall reeds then a bit of silence before the audio ends. Did they ever find her phone? I don't remember. I don't see how anyone else would have been able to get a hold of her and kill her in front of all these possible witnesses in that short amount of time. It seems as though there would have been something caught on tape if someone caught up to her and a struggled ensued. It seems to me that any of the people involved with her that night would have been arrested if they killed her. Given all of the circumstances I don't see how there wouldn't be a pretty solid case at this point.

Did you ever ask yourself, why was anyone chasing her? So why didn't Brewer just call the police or an ambulance and get her out of HIS house? Why did Pak follow her in the car when he said he didn't want to see the police?

Also, Shannan was very coherent on the 911 call. She tried to conceal from Brewer and Pak that she was on the phone. She told 911 she didn't know where she was, and asked them to locate her. The only thing that was counterintuitive was her calling police when she had serious charges pending. She was trying to save her own life.

Brewer wanted her out? No. If he wanted her out, he'd say, "get out now, or I'm calling the police." He wouldn't be laughing and coaxing and smooth talking. Also, he knew she was on the phone with police. He could have identified himself and given his address. If he was worried about her medically, he could have given his address and specified to bring an ambulance.

Her back and forth were not changes in mood. She was terrified, but had the presence of mind to speak as clearly and calmly as possible to 911. She was under the impression she could be located by calling. She was speaking professionally, while reporting that she was about to be murdered, because she knew that just screaming would not effectively help 911 locate her. When someone touched her or approached her...or whatever happened before her blood-curdling scream...the was no longer "calm" as you put it. But she was obviously able to speak professionally much of the call. She was not out of control or irrational.

Cocaine was one of the few substances looked for in her autopsy. It was not found.

Pak explicitly stated he didn't want police around-he said because of his gun. I don't believe the reason, but I do believe he managed to get TF out of there before the police arrived. Why did he stick around to smooth talk her while she was on the phone, and to drive after her as witnessed by Coletti? He could have just left at any time with his gun. Instead, he had something he apparently had to do with Shannan.

It is absurd to say it was concern or responsibility as her driver. He could have also called for help for her, too, while taking his gun home. Or, he could have insisted on a search warrant before allowing police to rifle through his car...which they would not be interested in doing anyway if he was calling for help.

I don't know how Shannan fits with GB4, RH, or Suffolk corruption. But of this I'm certain. She called 911 because she was in grave danger. And for whatever reason, Brewer and Pak worked towards keeping her in danger. They not only did not call for help for her, they did not act rationally in their own claimed interests: getting her out of the house (call the police to evict her) or not getting caught with a gun (leave without her).

It would have took the police 30 mins+ to get to brewers house. He would also be calling police on himself he just had sex worker over. Was doing illegal drugs with her and now she's freaking out in his bathroom. Plus the optics to have the cops at your house at 4:30 am to evict a sex worker. Not the long island thing to call the cops for something like that. He called pak to get her out which is the right move. Colleti saw pak but not until after she ran off. THERE WAS NO ONE THERE WHEN SHE RAN FROM COLLETI. He asked her " wait where are you going". If someone was there when she ran from.colleti he would have seen them too and told the cops. He said an Asian man in a a black suv drove by. But that was after she ran off. Why would she run when she was already safe with him? Because like my freinds cousin. She was seeing things. And illegal gun for someone who's already a felon would have landed pak in prison for possibly 10 years. It'd not absurd that he went looking for her. That is his job as her driver whom she worked with before. This wasn't their first rodeo. After he lost sight of her, he left before the cops got there and locked him up. I would have done the same thing. I tried to take you home. You ran off I tried to find you. I couldn't. The cops are on the way and i got a 10 year sentence on me. I'm sorry but im out. He probably figured shes been around the block she will find her way home. These are the rules of the streets unfortunately.
She sounded out of it in the call. Far from professional in my opinion. She didnt name one specific thing that she saw take place. She kept repeating different things over and over. Couldn't even tell the dispatcher her age at one point.

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