She has been released

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Forget the cadaver dogs. Three year olds aren't capable of taking care of themselves. They aren't capable of running away and starting a new life. I personally don't believe in the kidnapping theory. So that leaves me only one option. Sweet Caylee is no longer on this earth.

Well said.
If she says nothing.
If she does not help find Caylee.

What good will her freedom do her or Caylee?

She has Freedom today.
Caylee may not.
In short, how many of us have any FACTS that Casey has harmed her daughter, Caylee?

IMO, the fact that Casey didn't report Caylee missing for 31 days is harming her. That's why she's been charged with a felony and in jail all this time. That said, I am not interested in bashing Casey for the sake of bashing Casey. I'm interested in one thing: What happened to Caylee and where is she?

I believe only Casey knows the facts and thus far she hasn't been forthcoming. Now she is home and with any luck, she will put that bond money where her mouth is and tell them where to find Caylee. (not holding my breath, tho)
Why do you suppose Casey (nor anyone in her family) will take a polygraph test as a means to allay the fears and accusations of the national attention they are receiving? I know I would subject myself to anything in order to prove I'm innocent and telling the truth so I could get on with finding my child. Why do you suppose Casey won't do it if she truly is desperate to find Caylee?

I think after all this time & all the lies, mist-truths & half-truths coming from everyone in the family, it wouldn't matter anymore WHAT the results showed...

if they pass, it could be that they actually believe the lies & they beat the test.

if they fail, they claim the test was invalid & it's inadmissible anyway.

On the witness stand, I don't think ANY of them will have much credibility... the defense is going to be in big trouble.
What gets me is, why bother asking such a question? Was that reporter really expecting to hear "Yes, yes I did kill my daughter."? Even if they asked her any random question not related to the case, she still would not answer as she has been instructed. If she can't even answer her family's questions at home, what makes the reporters think that she's going to talk to them? Sorry for my rant, it just bugs me when reporters practically bumrush people.
I know, I was just showing the other girl in my office here the video. She said, "oh duh, like she is really going to turn around and say yeah I killed her." :princes:
Did anyone see an ankle braclet on any of the live feeds? According to one of the above links, she has not been fitted with the device.

At this point she won't be able to go anywhere without a pack of rabid "journalists" stalking her on live tv. Who needs GPS?
I know, I was just showing the other girl in my office here the video. She said, "oh duh, like she is really going to turn around and say yeah I killed her." :princes:

it was a rhetorical question! :rotfl:
This truly makes me think there is not enough information to determine that Caylee has been murdered let alone by Casey's hand.
I just can't see them letting this whole bonding drama play out if they had the ability to hold her withhout bond by way of murder charges.

JBean - I really think LE is holding out to find Caylee. It is always easier to try the person if you have a body. Also, LE may not wish to tip their hand just yet, because if they have to try Casey without a body, the evidence has to be especially tight - no gaps. I'm sure they don't want to risk losing the case and having her acquitted.

This is a bit of a game, especially with someone like Casey who is all about control, attention and spin.

I admit to being a bit concerned about the forensic evidence when they went to the "air testing." I could see doing this if the stain did not give the results that were expected and/or because dogs can't talk, needing to have further scientific data. Also, maybe they haven't matched up the dirt yet?

And honestly, I'm not convinced yet that the stain and smell belonged to Caylee. Probably - yes, but I still think it could have been someone else and because further charges have not been brought, I'm more inclined to think it may be someone else. Could also be that the DNA samples were compromised.

I have read this forum since day one. I maintain that Casey is the one responsible.

I take that to mean you've investigated the "Rick" thread here, you read the Jesse G thread, and that you've fully investigated the page by Jesse's father, including his blog?

I can't say who, what, when, why, or where, but I know my hackles have been raised a time or 2 or maybe 3. Maybe my hackles are easily raised, I don't know, but a lot about this case tells me parts of Florida may be a sewer and the denizens thereof are not beyond reproach, in my opinion.
"what happened!? casey - what happened!?"

maaaaan I hope that was a RUDE awakening for her. Obviously she had something very important to tell Baez that she stopped mid-walk to whisper in his ear.

She definitely had a different attitude this time than that cocky smile-for-the-media attitude she had when she first got arrested. I hate that she's out, but i think we all needed to see just this. Meak broken casey. I hope her heart falls apart when she walks into her house. When Caylee was missing and she could sleep at other people's houses, go to the beach, go to the club, she never had to actually face her home and her child's belongings. I hope it RIPS her apart and she opens her mouth.
are you kidding...99% of the people "know" Caylee is dead and "know" that Casey did it...The only facts we all "know" is that Casey lies and steals and is uncooperative with LE. Her actions are dispicable yes, but it doesn't make her a murderer. Many people here "knew" she would never get bailed out of jail too. The only "fact" is that the "facts" are not all in. No one "knows" anything!!

If I were an irresponsible 22 y/o who f*ed up and either lost or wasn't paying attention to my kid and something bad happened, I cannot say what I would do. If it happened now at age 34 I still dont know how i'd handle it. I don't think anyone can speak to how /what she was thinking feeling.
I take that to mean you've investigated the "Rick" thread here, you read the Jesse G thread, and that you've fully investigated the page by Jesse's father, including his blog?

I can't say who, what, when, why, or where, but I know my hackles have been raised a time or 2 or maybe 3. Maybe my hackles are easily raised, I don't know, but a lot about this case tells me parts of Florida may be a sewer and the denizens thereof are not beyond reproach, in my opinion.

Yes, yes, and, yes. Each was given much thought. I do believe that the Rick in the thread "Rick, Cindy's brother" is legitimate. Even he believes that Casey is the guilty party. I don't understand your questioning my knowledge of this case. Is it so hard to believe that Casey acted alone in this? Guess I'm not that easily swayed. Parts of Florida are a sewer as are parts of everywhere but not because of this case.

ETA: I do entertain the possibility of Casey having help in disposing of Caylees body or in some cover up of her involvement after the fact. That is all.
Per Fox news, Casey's original plan was to walk out of the jail with her head held high. She did not want to hide her face because she states "I've done nothing wrong" Baez quickly pulled out the umbrella when he saw that this would not be possible.

....and when he saw how awful her once stripper-esk eyebrows looked after a month in the stitch. :bateyes:

If I were an irresponsible 22 y/o who f*ed up and either lost or wasn't paying attention to my kid and something bad happened, I cannot say what I would do. If it happened now at age 34 I still dont know how i'd handle it. I don't think anyone can speak to how /what she was thinking feeling.
good post!! its all easy for us to say what we would do .. but many times things i said id do i didnt do when the situation arose i froze ... instead of doing what i thought id do .. mabey whoever it was took that baby after watching her for a long time . staking her out ect ect mabey some sicko had thier eye on that kid for a while .who knows .. i know it sounds far fetched i know it does .but there are just so many things that couldve happened .. and none of us will know till LE does. its easy to speculate ..who is to say one of her friends doesnt have that child and casey is covering for them .. mabey she gave them the kid . i dunno .. :mad::banghead::banghead::banghead: this whole thing frustrates me .. her actions are questionable by all means but we just dont know ..
I'm a journalist (not in Florida, not covering this story). It is absolutely ILLEGAL and UNETHICAL to trespass, especially after being asked to leave someone's property.

The property owner can take action to remove you (not kill or injure you), so she could turn her hose on. People turn their sprinklers on salesmen, reporters, annoying neighbors, etc. all the time. That would be legal. "Journalists" who cross the property line and/or restrict access to or from the property are blatantly breaking the law. They know it, too.

It's sloppy reporting, IMO. Some members of the media obviously are frenzied and are losing site of their ethics.

I may not believe her story but I do believe she has every right, my property is my property and I do not want anyone trespassing.
Guys just because we know Casey has been very untruthful, and we are all concerned for Caylee's wellbeing does NOT give us a right to sink to the low levels other forums are doing. Calling people names,(*advertiser censored* etc, etc) I think is uncalled for.

Calling the attorney or the attorny's wife representing Casey, and talking crap about him, I believe is uncalled for. Suggesting that Casey is paying her attorney, in a more dicreet way, is uncalled for imo. After all it is his job to defend Casey, no matter how guilty we think she may be. And I am sure his wife has nothing to do with what cases he takes on.

Sorry just had to say this.
Yes, yes, and, yes. Each was given much thought. I do believe that the Rick in the thread "Rick, Cindy's brother" is legitimate. Even he believes that Casey is the guilty party. I don't understand your questioning my knowledge of this case. Is it so hard to believe that Casey acted alone in this? Guess I'm not that easily swayed. Parts of Florida are a sewer as are parts of everywhere but not because of this case.

ETA: I do entertain the possibility of Casey having help in disposing of Caylees body or in some cover up of her involvement after the fact. That is all.

No, it isn't hard to believe Casey acted alone, and that's what I've thought throughout this whole MESS, except for Cindy doing laundry, etc, which gave me a nasty turn or two.

However, after having read what others had to say on other threads and blogs, and doing a bit of research, picture looking, etc., I am now questioning in my own mind whether or not she did, indeed, act alone, in whatever happened to that baby. There are too many characters here for me to feel comfortable saying Casey did whatever.

However this turns out, simple or otherwise, I do not believe we will ever see Caylee smile in real time again. I hope I'm wrong. She was/is a beautiful little girl who should/could grow up to be something wonderful.
Exactly. I don't believe Leonard P would have the authority at all to do that, only Tony, as he's the bail bondsman. If she jumped bail, that's where Leonard would come in handy. As it stands, from what I believe, Leonard and Rob are part of the armed security team that is going to be outside the home.

Here, if you put up the money for the bond, you can revoke that bond at any time, then the bonding company has to take them back to jail. Many times if a druggie goes back out on drugs, their families revoke their bonds to get them back in jail for their own good.

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