She has been released

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JBean, I agree with your question. The system is set up so there is a chance for posting a bond followed by a release. It's something any of us would want. I'm hoping by releasing her, there is so much pressure from family, friends and the press on Casey that she's suddenly compelled to speak out about what happened to her daughter.
Or she may try to flee and then the cops can nail her again.
Howdy azwriter..good to see you.
I cannot even imagine what may or may not happen with her release.
But, I am glad that Casey was released and she will have her day in court.
As I have said, there are many things wrong with our system, but the possibility of bonding out of jail prior to conviction is one thing that is right,imo.
Howdy azwriter..good to see you.
I cannot even imagine what may or may not happen with her release.
But, I am glad that Casey was released and she will have her day in court.
As I have said, there are many things wrong with our system, but the possibility of bonding out of jail prior to conviction is one thing that is right,imo.

I am soo happy that people feel this way. i think that is is horrible that we have people in this county that can say the things that are said on this board. Talking about someone childs like they are an animal, if you have kids this could have been your daughter. alot of people are gonna say oh not me or my family we are better blah blah blah but in reality i am sure this was the last thing on this families mind, who could have predicted this the day casey found out she was pregnant i am sure she did not have her baby and think okay well when she is almost 3 i am gonna lie to the police lose my baby and etc...think what if this was your daughter walking out of jail would you be happy that people who probably look worse then her are calling her a *advertiser censored*, media *advertiser censored*, saying that she loves what she is going thru. how cruel can somepeople be. i am not saying that i believe her 100 percent but i sure won't judge her the way some people in here are.

Remember this what would jesus do
I am soo happy that people feel this way. i think that is is horrible that we have people in this county that can say the things that are said on this board. Talking about someone childs like they are an animal, if you have kids this could have been your daughter. alot of people are gonna say oh not me or my family we are better blah blah blah but in reality i am sure this was the last thing on this families mind, who could have predicted this the day casey found out she was pregnant i am sure she did not have her baby and think okay well when she is almost 3 i am gonna lie to the police lose my baby and etc...think what if this was your daughter walking out of jail would you be happy that people who probably look worse then her are calling her a *advertiser censored*, media *advertiser censored*, saying that she loves what she is going thru. how cruel can somepeople be. i am not saying that i believe her 100 percent but i sure won't judge her the way some people in here are.

Remember this what would jesus do
I know what you mean Melissa. Calling names just isn't my style in general, so that has no real appeal for me. It kind of degrades the whole conversation for me and then the facts get lost. I have certainly done it , but I am not proud of that and hope it is the exception not the rule for me.
But people do have the right to say what they will as long as it is within TOS. I just scroll by the truly offensive stuff.
I am open to all possibilities. I haven't buried this baby yet, but that doesn't keep me from looking at the possibility of murder or covering up her death.
I need all the facts to be in before I can draw my conclusions. and welcome.:)
I know what you mean Melissa. Calling names just isn't my style in general, so that has no real appeal for me. It kind of degrades the whole conversation for me and then the facts get lost. I have certainly done it , but I am not proud of that and hope it is the exception not the rule for me.
But people do have the right to say what they will as long as it is within TOS. I just scroll by the truly offensive stuff.
I am open to all possibilities. I haven't buried this baby yet, but that doesn't keep me from looking at the possibility of murder or covering up her death.
I need all the facts to be in before I can draw my conclusions. and welcome.:)

my point is just this, it could have been any one family that is on this board and not the anthony family. I am not saying that people can't voice their thoughts or concerns, but the things i have read not only about the anthonys but about the lawyer in this case letting casey blow in his ear. (SHE WAS SHEILDING HER FACE FROM THE REPORTERS) portraying this makes me sick. and its a shame, she has the right to a defense, saying you think that you should call his wife, for what???? how you would feel if it was your husband defending her and some wackos called you in the middle of the night. and saying that the anthonys should not have the right to have some peace and that reporters have the right to bombard them at their own home, i would have said the same thing she said, but i would have done it way before today. reporters don't really care about caylee and i agree with George 100 percent most (not all) are covering this for the story because they want to break the most recent news first. that is why they say " you will only see this here" "EXCLUSIVE" I MEAN CMON AS MUCH AS WE THINK THAT LP DOESN'T CARE MORE THEN HALF OF THE REPORTERS DON'T NEITHER. ALL IT IS IS ANOTHER STORY.
my point is just this, it could have been any one family that is on this board and not the anthony family. I am not saying that people can't voice their thoughts or concerns, but the things i have read not only about the anthonys but about the lawyer in this case letting casey blow in his ear. portraying this makes me sick. and its a shame, she has the right to a defense, saying you think that you should call his wife, for what???? how you would feel if it was your husband defending her and some wackos called you in the middle of the night. and saying that the anthonys should not have the right to have some peace and that reporters have the right to bombard them at their own home, i would have said the same thing she said, but i would have done it way before today. reporters don't really care about caylee and i agree with George 100 percent most (not all) are covering this for the story because they want to break the most recent news first. that is why they say " you will only see this here" "EXCLUSIVE" I MEAN CMON AS MUCH AS WE THINK THAT LP DOESN'T CARE MORE THEN HALF OF THE REPORTERS DON'T NEITHER. ALL IT IS IS ANOTHER STORY.
I agree with everything you said, except I think LP does care :)
My thoughts on the sent pizza: I agree, it is childish... and I doubt, very seriously, that the Anthony's are clueless to the publics perception and feelings toward them and their daughter... so the pizza only served one purpose: after ditching the note, it gave them free eats. Great... not only did Casey get her freedom, she also go free food. Gah...
I am glad she was released. Both the Fl supreme court and US supreme court have ruled that a bond that is too high for a person to pay is the same as having no bond at all. No bond is not allowed by the US constitution. For the charges she is up on, the talking heads have said time and again that normal bond is $3500-$10,000. I believe that the judge abused his power in setting what he thought to be an unattainable bond. The appeals court sided with the judge though. At the next appeal, the appeals court decided with the judge, giving no reason. There is a glitch in the law that if there is no reason given, the atty. cannot take it to the Fl. supreme court. The supreme court would have sided with Baez, based on judicial review. They worked the system to keep this girl in but the Padillas ran a QB sneak and she got her constitutional rights.

I am also glad because someone in that house may go off and beat the truth out of her. George had a tantrum and went for a walk around the block a few hours after she was released. To be a fly on that wall...

She will be back in jail soon enough. They will charge her as soon as they get all their ducks in a row. If she is found guilty I wish more punishment for her than she will get.

Sorry to be long winded. Don't flame me too bad. I wish, if it is ever you, that your constitutionally guaranteed rights are given to you without delay.

In regards to the Bond laws, this is spot on. Morally we all have issues with her release, but as a citizen we deserve our fair share of rights.
My thoughts on the sent pizza: I agree, it is childish... and I doubt, very seriously, that the Anthony's are clueless to the publics perception and feelings toward them and their daughter... so the pizza only served one purpose: after ditching the note, it gave them free eats. Great... not only did Casey get her freedom, she also go free food. Gah...

you say "get her freedom" like she is free of all charges and she has no right to be out. i am glad that she is out. i have a couple reasons for feeling this way. if it were my daughter in this situation i would want her to have the same rights as everyone else, regardless of what she is accused of doing she is only charged with three crimes, which none or murder, and neglect is 3rd degree that is the least on the scale. her bail should have no way been 500,000 that is crazy to me, and i am glad LP bailed her out i am glad someone finally did that and saw what a civil rights violation that was. as regards to Caylee i don't know what happened to her untill i have some concrete facts and evidence i can't make judgments. i am in no way shape or form able to be God jury and executioner.
you say "get her freedom" like she is free of all charges and she has no right to be out. i am glad that she is out. i have a couple reasons for feeling this way. if it were my daughter in this situation i would want her to have the same rights as everyone else, regardless of what she is accused of doing she is only charged with three crimes, which none or murder, and neglect is 3rd degree that is the least on the scale. her bail should have no way been 500,000 that is crazy to me, and i am glad LP bailed her out i am glad someone finally did that and saw what a civil rights violation that was. as regards to Caylee i don't know what happened to her untill i have some concrete facts and evidence i can't make judgments. i am in no way shape or form able to be God jury and executioner.

You are reading far too much into my post. My implication of freedom for her in that post: comfort of being home and not having to deal with being in jail, at this moment, while her daughter is nowhere to be found and she hasn't been forthcoming in helping find her. Legally and logically, I know she had the right to get out... but it doesn't mean I have to be happy with it.
Casey should be spilling her guts by now & telling her folks where Cayleee is at.

If she were any kind of mom that would be the first person she'd want to see......
My thoughts on the sent pizza: I agree, it is childish... and I doubt, very seriously, that the Anthony's are clueless to the publics perception and feelings toward them and their daughter... so the pizza only served one purpose: after ditching the note, it gave them free eats. Great... not only did Casey get her freedom, she also go free food. Gah...

they are saying around here that the Anthony's ordered the med size pizza because they paid for it once it got there. one of the radio stations was making jokes as to how a med size pizza was going to be enough to feed all those people in the house. One fo the radio guys answered back with "maybe that's why George stormed out of the house...A MED PIZZA!!!! SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUTP UP!" It was too funny.
The news stations were concluding that they ordered the med pizza just for Casey....I guess she likes pizza :)
Well you are home,.. start talking Casey! Get your baby, you know the one that you didn't care to report missing for 31 days, back!
Well you are home,.. start talking Casey! Get your baby, you know the one that you didn't care to report missing for 31 days, back!

II agree, they sprung you out. Now TALK. We have no sympathy for you, only Caylee. Who doesnt have her nice room and her Grandma right now. Think of someone else besides YOURSELF mainly your baby daughter!!!!
Casey - some people are calling you the "Monster Mom."
I wonder what your friends at Fusion think of you now?

While in jail we heard that if you got out you would locate Caylee. Will she be home soon? Are you getting that birthday cake out of the freezer for her?

The world is waiting - I think we care more about Caylee than you do?
Initially I was enraged at this however Casey has not been charged with suspected murder, she is only charged with neglect. Her bond has been paid and it is her legal right to be out on bail.

Behind bars the progress of this case has been frustrating to say the least. There is a bigger piece to this puzzle we don't know about yet - I'm sure of it. I think Casey is narcissistic, and probably wasn't cut out to be a mother, but with that said; if she killed Caylee, I'm not convinced she acted alone in doing so.

I find it incredulous that those involved seem to be sitting on their hands - what real progress has been made?

Some of you here are amazing, I'd willingly throw you in front of casefiles and let y'all have a crack at this. You would all make far more progress.
I was just watching the Team 9 Coverage: Casey Anthony Released, Pizza Delivered, Family Irate video.

As she was leaving the jail, apparently a photographer got too close and later in the video Padilla is in front of the Anthony house saying that Casey was stunned by what happened (the photographer, I am guessing).

Well...duh. What in the bloody hell did she think was going to happen? That people would be standing outside to celebrate her release? And then everyone would head over to Fusian for an afterparty? :steamed::banghead::doh:

Isn't that funny...a PIZZA.
Actually it was immature harassment, period.

It's not harassment. It's free pizza. Jesus likes free pizza and Jesus's attorney said that free pizza is not harassment.

Feel free to come to the Dreamin Demon for enlightenment.
they are saying around here that the Anthony's ordered the med size pizza because they paid for it once it got there. one of the radio stations was making jokes as to how a med size pizza was going to be enough to feed all those people in the house. One fo the radio guys answered back with "maybe that's why George stormed out of the house...A MED PIZZA!!!! SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUTP UP!" It was too funny.
The news stations were concluding that they ordered the med pizza just for Casey....I guess she likes pizza :)

The Anthonys didn't order the pizza. They're trying to quell the media attention about it. Dreamin Demon did.

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