She has been released

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Yes, it's childish & it's very cruel & I doubt many adults would do such a thing...

But it's certainly understandable why some people WOULD do it....

I have ZERO sympathy for Casey though. Not one little drop. Ewwww

I agree whole heartedly!! I let my guard down for a minute & she didn't disappoint with her arrogance (her remarks she did nothing wrong). Why am I so haunted by Caylee?
I just wanted to say kudos to you for pointing this out. :applause: I have mostly been lurking lately, but I have noticed several posts that rubbed me the wrong way for the exact reasons you stated above. Everyone is entitled to his/her opinion of course, but there becomes a point where it goes too far. I believe the mods have said multiple times that name calling is not acceptable on websleuths. I enjoy reading here, I believe that most of us are very smart, and most of us do maintain a level of respect and humanity regarding the key players in this case, no matter what our personal opinion of them is. I also have seen a few posts that creeped me out a little, with the things people were suggesting, and I thought to myself - wow I think you need to take a break from this case because you're sounding a little bit um.....obsessive and crazy! Anyway, wtg LadyBass and thanks for addressing this!!

Honestly... thank you. I came home from work and this is the first thread I read, starting on page 1. More than once I thought... I need to get away from here, this is too fierce for me. Casey has already been nailed to the cross, quartered, and us. No fair trial, no jury of her peers. I am well aware that this is about Caylee and that Casey needs to speak and tell what happened. I am well aware that she Casey most probably is the culprit for Caylee's disappearance.

However I feel very uncomfortable reading the reactions to her being bailed out. Please let's remain reasonable.
Guys just because we know Casey has been very untruthful, and we are all concerned for Caylee's wellbeing does NOT give us a right to sink to the low levels other forums are doing. Calling people names,(*advertiser censored* etc, etc) I think is uncalled for.

Calling the attorney or the attorny's wife representing Casey, and talking crap about him, I believe is uncalled for. Suggesting that Casey is paying her attorney, in a more dicreet way, is uncalled for imo. After all it is his job to defend Casey, no matter how guilty we think she may be. And I am sure his wife has nothing to do with what cases he takes on.

Sorry just had to say this.
This is the first post I have read this afternoon and I could not agree more. In the past we were not allowed to do some of the things that are being done here. I think this is a big busy topic and we have a little more leeway. But if we could police ourselves a bit better it keeps this forum to the higher standard that we have always enjoyed here at WS.
Some of the posts I have read in this forum do not advance the discussion in a constructive way.
On another site I belong too, one of the posters has become personally connected to the Anthony family, and has begun believing their "spin." She is suggesting that Casey and Jesse were responsible for the Blanchard Park killing of a jogger (Nicole?) which I believe happened during the questionable timeframe of June 16-18--a "thrill kill" of sorts?!?! Of course this doesn't explain what happened to Caylee!

Nicole was reported missing June 9 and was found dead in the park the next day...if memory serves me
Hi Everybody,

What's going on with this world we live in today? We have a high profile case, and there's a beautiful child missing. The number one person of interest/suspect is Casey Anthony.

I only have one thing to say to the Padilla's!!!

CAYLEE trusted her mommy to keep her safe, and protect her from danger. CAYLEE is only missing because Casey was negligent. After CAYLEE went missing, Casey cared so little about that child that she was out partying and shacking up with a boy named Tony. Casey never once looked for CAYLEE in those 31 days. She lied to God only knows how many people when asked where her child was, and you BAILED HER OUT WHY????

It's utter BS that this girl.......this manipulating psychotic criminal.......this selfish excuse for a mother, not only had a full month to go out and party after her daughters disappearance, but is NOW, at home in the arms of her parents. All the while little CAYLEE is either buried in a shallow grave somewhere being mutilated by insects, vultures, and rodents, torched beyond recognition, in a body of water being torn apart by fish and alligators, OR kidnapped by her loving nanny being well taken care of (which is highly doubtful.)

I am so pi$$ed off that Casey has a million cameras greeting her as if she's a movie star, when she struts out of jail, instead of thousands of people out there protesting her release. I am so pi$$ed off that this entire family has lied beyond belief to protect this sick twisted criminal from paying for her crime, whether the child be kidnapped, accidently killed, or murdered this mother should not be out on bond. This child right now has NOBODY on her side because our justice system has failed her miserably. The only terms Casey should have been released was if she cooperated with LE and lead them to CAYLEE dead or alive, PERIOD!!! If the Padilla's REALLY wanted to be hero's that should have been the ONLY reason to post bond for her.

These constant BS lies starting with the imaginary nanny, imaginary job, imaginary cry out witnesses, have done nothing but take the spotlight off the most important thing here, and that's finding CAYLEE, dead or alive. Casey has run the show from day one, and continues to lead her family, her attorney, LE, the media, and the public by a leash, running everybody around in circles as she plays her twisted sick game. Now we have this huge media circus all prancing around the "princess" CASEY and once again CAYLEE is on the back burner. If I lived in Orlando I'd be camped out in front of that house EVERYDAY protesting her release.

I personally have NO respect what so ever for the Padilla's. I know the moderator asked us to respect these guys, but LP is a manipulating con man and he's just out there getting his jolly's off being a media *advertiser censored* at CAYLEE'S expense. So far all they have accomplished is getting notoriety for being the jacka$$es who set a criminal free, and disrespecting CAYLEE MARIE ANTHONY. I don't care if Casey is free for just one hour, one day, or one week, it's wrong because this baby never had a second chance to see the light of another day. I know this child is in heaven, and she is probably better off being away from this twisted person who once claimed to be her mother. I personally come from a very wealthy family. We have all discussed this case, and not one person in my family would bond my daughter out if she was being accused of a crime like this. OK, I'm done ranting my opinion here!!!
Hi Everybody,

What's going on with this world we live in today? We have a high profile case, and there's a beautiful child missing. The number one person of interest/suspect is Casey Anthony.

I only have one thing to say to the Padilla's!!!

CAYLEE trusted her mommy to keep her safe, and protect her from danger. CAYLEE is only missing because Casey was negligent. After CAYLEE went missing, Casey cared so little about that child that she was out partying and shacking up with a boy named Tony. Casey never once looked for CAYLEE in those 31 days. She lied to God only knows how many people when asked where her child was, and you BAILED HER OUT WHY????

It's utter BS that this girl.......this manipulating psychotic criminal.......this selfish excuse for a mother, not only had a full month to go out and party after her daughters disappearance, but is NOW, at home in the arms of her parents. All the while little CAYLEE is either buried in a shallow grave somewhere being mutilated by insects, vultures, and rodents, torched beyond recognition, in a body of water being torn apart by fish and alligators, OR kidnapped by her loving nanny being well taken care of (which is highly doubtful.)

I am so pi$$ed off that Casey has a million cameras greeting her as if she's a movie star, when she struts out of jail, instead of thousands of people out there protesting her release. I am so pi$$ed off that this entire family has lied beyond belief to protect this sick twisted criminal from paying for her crime, whether the child be kidnapped, accidently killed, or murdered this mother should not be out on bond. This child right now has NOBODY on her side because our justice system has failed her miserably. The only terms Casey should have been released was if she cooperated with LE and lead them to CAYLEE dead or alive, PERIOD!!! If the Padilla's REALLY wanted to be hero's that should have been the ONLY reason to post bond for her.

These constant BS lies starting with the imaginary nanny, imaginary job, imaginary cry out witnesses, have done nothing but take the spotlight off the most important thing here, and that's finding CAYLEE, dead or alive. Casey has run the show from day one, and continues to lead her family, her attorney, LE, the media, and the public by a leash, running everybody around in circles as she plays her twisted sick game. Now we have this huge media circus all prancing around the "princess" CASEY and once again CAYLEE is on the back burner. If I lived in Orlando I'd be camped out in front of that house EVERYDAY protesting her release.

snipped for content
You've raised an interesting point in the body of your post.
As much as I hate to say this..the reason there a million cameras out there is because WE as the public are demanding to see it.Look how busy the forum gets when she was being released. We can't have it both ways.
We want the inside scoop on everything and we want all the details and we want to hear from the relatives and all teh friends.but then we are up in arms when the media goes and gets it and reports it to us. It has been referred to as a circus, yet we are part of the circus. If no one was interested, there wouldn;t be any cameras there. I don't think the media feeds us, I think we make it clear what we want to see and they bring it on.
It is a viscious cycle.
On another site I belong too, one of the posters has become personally connected to the Anthony family, and has begun believing their "spin." She is suggesting that Casey and Jesse were responsible for the Blanchard Park killing of a jogger (Nicole?) which I believe happened during the questionable timeframe of June 16-18--a "thrill kill" of sorts?!?! Of course this doesn't explain what happened to Caylee!

If this person is "close" to the Anthony family, why would they be posting that they believe Casey murdered yet ANOTHER peson? Makes no sense, IMH.
I just wanted to say kudos to you for pointing this out. :applause: I have mostly been lurking lately, but I have noticed several posts that rubbed me the wrong way for the exact reasons you stated above. Everyone is entitled to his/her opinion of course, but there becomes a point where it goes too far. I believe the mods have said multiple times that name calling is not acceptable on websleuths. I enjoy reading here, I believe that most of us are very smart, and most of us do maintain a level of respect and humanity regarding the key players in this case, no matter what our personal opinion of them is. I also have seen a few posts that creeped me out a little, with the things people were suggesting, and I thought to myself - wow I think you need to take a break from this case because you're sounding a little bit um.....obsessive and crazy! Anyway, wtg LadyBass and thanks for addressing this!!
I also have seen a few posts that creeped me out a little, with the things people were suggesting, and I thought to myself - wow I think you need to take a break from this case because you're sounding a little bit um.....obsessive and crazy! Anyway, wtg LadyBass and thanks for addressing this!!

Same feeling here--- its good to talk about a case-- feel horrible for whats happened to Caylee- pray she comes home..and that shes alive, although I doubt she is but i have noticed some pretty 'out there 'post and how some are obsessed with this case-- time to take a break away from it all and just chill.
OK, I'm done ranting my opinion here!!!

Amen to everything you said, Deb.

Now that the "HERO mother of the year" is home, hopefully she can tell George if the people he's watching are actually the right people. People don;t like being watched.... especually if they're innocent.

And maybe they can play "hot & cold" so George has a better idea where to drive that billboard around town. Gas is SO expensive... it's a shame he'd be forced to waste money going down the wrong streets.

And maybe she'd even be kind enough to tell him if he needs a 4 wheel drive vehicle or perhaps scuba gear..... nothing specific.... just a general idea of where she didn't get a chance to 'investigate' herself before she was arrested. :rolleyes:
I am glad she was released. Both the Fl supreme court and US supreme court have ruled that a bond that is too high for a person to pay is the same as having no bond at all. No bond is not allowed by the US constitution. For the charges she is up on, the talking heads have said time and again that normal bond is $3500-$10,000. I believe that the judge abused his power in setting what he thought to be an unattainable bond. The appeals court sided with the judge though. At the next appeal, the appeals court decided with the judge, giving no reason. There is a glitch in the law that if there is no reason given, the atty. cannot take it to the Fl. supreme court. The supreme court would have sided with Baez, based on judicial review. They worked the system to keep this girl in but the Padillas ran a QB sneak and she got her constitutional rights.

I am also glad because someone in that house may go off and beat the truth out of her. George had a tantrum and went for a walk around the block a few hours after she was released. To be a fly on that wall...

She will be back in jail soon enough. They will charge her as soon as they get all their ducks in a row. If she is found guilty I wish more punishment for her than she will get.

Sorry to be long winded. Don't flame me too bad. I wish, if it is ever you, that your constitutionally guaranteed rights are given to you without delay.
I am glad she was released. Both the Fl supreme court and US supreme court have ruled that a bond that is too high for a person to pay is the same as having no bond at all. No bond is not allowed by the US constitution. For the charges she is up on, the talking heads have said time and again that normal bond is $3500-$10,000. I believe that the judge abused his power in setting what he thought to be an unattainable bond. The appeals court sided with the judge though. At the next appeal, the appeals court decided with the judge, giving no reason. There is a glitch in the law that if there is no reason given, the atty. cannot take it to the Fl. supreme court. The supreme court would have sided with Baez, based on judicial review. They worked the system to keep this girl in but the Padillas ran a QB sneak and she got her constitutional rights.

I am also glad because someone in that house may go off and beat the truth out of her. George had a tantrum and went for a walk around the block a few hours after she was released. To be a fly on that wall...

She will be back in jail soon enough. They will charge her as soon as they get all their ducks in a row. If she is found guilty I wish more punishment for her than she will get.

Sorry to be long winded. Don't flame me too bad. I wish, if it is ever you, that your constitutionally guaranteed rights are given to you without delay.
I would have been upset if she had not been released on bail. Want those rights kept in tact in case I ever need them :)
She isn't going to talk.. No way.. She will cause havic in that household till a big outburst and maybe get someone hurt before she will talk.. and they will have to move her somewhere else away from family and just babysit her and the expense will be outrageous.. FOR What?? she will not tell .... maybe just alot of lies and wild goose chases.. and maybe get more innocent ppl involved.. Just a shame Casey ,, shame on you for not helping your sweet baby Caylee.. Shame on you.. Where is Caylee , Casey???

Now that the "HERO mother of the year" is home, hopefully she can tell George if the people he's watching are actually the right people. People don't like being watched.... especially if they're innocent.
And maybe they can play "hot & cold" so George has a better idea where to drive that billboard around town. Gas is SO expensive... it's a shame he'd be forced to waste money going down the wrong streets.
And maybe she'd even be kind enough to tell him if he needs a 4 wheel drive vehicle or perhaps scuba gear..... nothing specific.... just a general idea of where she didn't get a chance to 'investigate' herself before she was arrested. :rolleyes:

I love your sarcasm, LI Mom. I can spot a tri-stater from miles away based strictly on how they write or speak (even if they're not named "LI Mom"!) :)
I am glad she was released. Both the Fl supreme court and US supreme court have ruled that a bond that is too high for a person to pay is the same as having no bond at all. No bond is not allowed by the US constitution. For the charges she is up on, the talking heads have said time and again that normal bond is $3500-$10,000. I believe that the judge abused his power in setting what he thought to be an unattainable bond. The appeals court sided with the judge though. At the next appeal, the appeals court decided with the judge, giving no reason. There is a glitch in the law that if there is no reason given, the atty. cannot take it to the Fl. supreme court. The supreme court would have sided with Baez, based on judicial review. They worked the system to keep this girl in but the Padillas ran a QB sneak and she got her constitutional rights.

I am also glad because someone in that house may go off and beat the truth out of her. George had a tantrum and went for a walk around the block a few hours after she was released. To be a fly on that wall...

She will be back in jail soon enough. They will charge her as soon as they get all their ducks in a row. If she is found guilty I wish more punishment for her than she will get.

Sorry to be long winded. Don't flame me too bad. I wish, if it is ever you, that your constitutionally guaranteed rights are given to you without delay.

Great post. I think it's crazy that some people think that there should be people out there protesting her release. Fact of the matter is, she had a bond, people met that bond for her, and she was released. Just as the law goes. Most of the people following the case dont agree, or like the situation, but that's the way the law goes.
Great post. I think it's crazy that some people think that there should be people out there protesting her release. Fact of the matter is, she had a bond, people met that bond for her, and she was released. Just as the law goes. Most of the people following the case dont agree, or like the situation, but that's the way the law goes.
Exactly. I am thankful that laws are not based on emotion.
gee...I wasn't aware that Duckett was on around the clock watch...if she kills herself, I guess we know she's guilty. Then it's the family that suffers by not knowing. I hope that doesn't happen. Only time will tell!

I don't know a whole lot about the Duckett case, but if she was innocent and no one would believe her that would be just as good of a reason to commit suicide as if she was responsible. Same would be true for Casey.
Yes, it's childish & it's very cruel & I doubt many adults would do such a thing...

But it's certainly understandable why some people WOULD do it....

I have ZERO sympathy for Casey though. Not one little drop. Ewwww
It's something I wouldn't do myself, but it is funny, and sometimes you have to laugh so you don't cry all the time. Really, it was pretty clever. I read that the Anthonistas ATE it! Would you eat a pizza you didn't order? Maybe I'm just too suspicious, but I wouldn't...unless I know exactly from whom and why.
That seems a little far fetched to me. We were researching Orlando because we had planned to move there, and every local I talked to told me there is a lot of crime. I think the dates are just coincidental. I did see someone else here suggest that before though. I guess it's not impossible.

That is far fetched IMHO. There have been 6 attacks over the past 2 yrs in the general area of the park. There was the murder of the college student (jogger), and more recently an attack on a lady riding her bike. She was dragged into the woods and cut with a knife. She escaped.

LE believes all of these attacks are from the same guy. They have a composite sketch of him. There is no relation.

Keep in mind there are a lot of crimes/murders that are unsolved to this day in Orlando. Not a good place to live even in the best neighborhoods. There was a home invasion directly across the street from me, break ins, attacks etc. I live in a relatively "good" neighborhood down the street from the Anthony's.

That's the thing about Orlando, you can live in a great neighborhood and still the most horrendous crimes can happen. I REALLY HATE IT HERE and plan on moving within 2 yrs or so.

**Media is still outside the Anthony house trying to hold down the media tent across the street, it is VERY windy and rainy here from the storm**
I just mean from a logical viewpoint, how does releasing Casey on bond deny Caylee of any of her rights?
I am seeing this mentioned and I can't follow the logic of it. not trying to be argumentative just trying to strip away the emotion and look at the facts as we know them.

JBean, I agree with your question. The system is set up so there is a chance for posting a bond followed by a release. It's something any of us would want. I'm hoping by releasing her, there is so much pressure from family, friends and the press on Casey that she's suddenly compelled to speak out about what happened to her daughter.
Or she may try to flee and then the cops can nail her again.

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