Sheri Coleman, sons Garett and Gavin murdered 5-5-09, Columbia, IL. Pt5

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I just want to say that I know nothing about the ministry that employed Chris and I don't know anything about his dad's church either, but to believe they are involved in any way with this crime, is stretching it, imho. I mean, even his wife didn't know he was capable of murder or she would have left him a long time ago. I believe he hid this dark side of him from everyone except himself.

OTOH, Ms. Meyer better hope he doesn't know anything not above-board at his POE that COULD be going on. At this point, he's going to get desparate and try and get out of this any way he can. Turn states evidence on possible criminal behavior of anyone he knows, he may try to use it for his advantage. Not that the state would accept it, but he might try.

Nah, I don't believe anyone was in on this or aware that he was capable of such a horrendous act. IMO, I think we should leave the church out of this. I do have a problem with the way his family treated Sheri's, but then again, that's just poor human behavior and not a crime.


I have to agree with this. Again, from what we can see, one person and one person alone is responsible for this. Until I see something that shows differently, that's all we have and for now we don't have anything, IMO that remotely points to others being involved.
I'm not a big fan of any religious leader that rakes in millions. Unless they are using those millions to really help people instead of living in mansions, it makes me uncomfortable. But I see nothing pointing to JMM being involved. In fact, it looks like as soon as certain facts came out, she distanced herself immediately from Chris. (By the way, I have not yet identified a poster who supported Chris but now is pointing at JMM. I think those same posters pointed the finger at Chris from the beginning).
I also can't fault Chris's family. They were likely in shock at what had happened and could not begin to think that their own kid was responsible, let alone function and think about calling Sheri's family. For all we know,
Chris may have said, "Yes, don't worry about it. I've spoken to them." We don't know what he telling his family. Time will tell how they handle this but I will never be one to point an accusing finger at family members merely because they share genetics with a monster. It's not fair, IMO.
As I said before, these creeps are masters at hiding who they are. Are we supposed to accuse Sheri and her family and friends for not being able to determine there was a monster in their midst? If his own wife could not tell, and we've seen nothing yet to indicate she did not trust him, how can we expect others to?
The bottom line, I think, is that a crime of this magnitude is so unfathomable that for some it defies reason that one solitary person, a person who seemed so normal and sane, could be responsible alone. So, sometimes others feel that there must be someone else involved. Also, the rage and disbelief that we feel as the result of such an atrocity may make it hard for some of us to keep our anger focused. It's such a huge anger that some people allow it to spill over towards others, even innocent ones.
I think we all need to be careful and focus on the one who everything points to unless the facts show us different. So far, that['s what the majority of us have done: As most agree, there is one culprit and only one. And I really think the blame needs to reside with him alone, the man that the facts, if correct, show systematically destroyed his entire, beautiful family, without a second thought or a shred of sympathy: Chris Coleman.
Regarding Tara, I read she was told not to talk to the media because of a possible GJ investigation. Now that there's an arrest instead, do you think she will talk?

Anyone think she will be a hostile witness?
To answer the second question, yes I think that's a possibility. Of course it depends on how she feels about CC now that he's accused of killing his family. MOO
If she is involved in anything other then being a backstabbing HO she will throw him under the bus.


wonder who else they interviewed in Florida .. one report said as many as five people

surely Sheri's dad and uncle counted as 2
Okey dokey my dear Sleuthdarlins...

I have been cogitating on something that has been rumored and well, it may not pan out to be truth, but it sits in the back of my wee mind...can we find any more info on this?

This call to Joyce M that Chris made... We do know that J came shortly after the murders (early AM), so we are fairly sure that it was Chris that called, i.e. are we to believe that the police called her and said, "Um, your employee's family is dead, can you come?" Nah, it was Chris who called and why...

So, go figure a guy goes in, finds his wife and his 2 children murdered, and he has the presence of mind to call his boss? HIS BOSS? What, was he supposed to be to work in the next half hour, and this was work ethic? Oh...I don't think so. Naw...this was a part of the I see it.

Here is the rumor...thanks to one of our sleuthers, thankyou MikeysMomMom!

The rumor was from this page (which no longer exists, I guess):

>>K-Mac May 18, 2009 8:26PM CST
Heard he sprayed paint - JMM is a she-devil - on the wall in red spray paint.<< if this was planned to make it look like his threats were due to his work, IF (and I say "IF") the above was written in the house, or any variation (why wasn't this "JM is a she-devil" -- maybe the poster who "might" have heard it just wasn't anal about reporting) -- THEN, I think that call was to say, "J, guess what about those threats, guess what was on the wall." AND ALL to try to use someone else to cover their own freaking evil.

Well, I don't know what was on the wall -- but someone does, and I believe that if what was on the wall referenced J in an attempt to try to continue their wicked plan, well then... Well then this is why J came, because the murderer did further baiting to help with their plan -- PIG.

Rumors have it that maybe she was suppose to get that call..that's something to chew on possibly
No disrespect for the victims, but seriously dude, worst attempted cover up of a crime ever! Geez!
I can't explain this feeling I have. And please don't call it an instinct. I don't believe people have instincts, just animals, fish and birds. (and don't post and say I'm wrong about instincts. We don't have time for that on this thread).
Anyway, I do not believe this murder was premeditated. Too many goofy and careless mistakes from someone who should know more about crime both how it's committed and how someone gets caught.
To me, this started as a raging argument sometime during the evening and turned into a physical fight and finally a murder. There are so many things the Colemans could have been fighting about.
Perhaps she learned about the other woman. Or that he'd been lying about everything from the threats to money problems.
A fight that got physical and he took it too far. I know we don't have any evidence so far of her being injured outside of being strangled.
Then, because she was dead or close to death, he had to get rid of the prospective witnesses. And, I don't think killing the boys was something mentally easy for him. But weighing the choices he had, it was something he had to do.
I think Coleman went into a mode of covering this crime in a haphazard method just grabbing from his mind whatever he could to cover what had happened.
He left the home after writing that on-the-wall message ( an act of desperation he thought would help point the guilt elsewhere). And put himself away from the crime and arranged for someone else to find the bodies. That in itself seems like a spur of the moment plan. Almost like OJ getting his butt on a jet to Chicago.
There you go. That's what I'm thinking - and I'm sticking to it until more evidence is uncovered.
To answer the second question, yes I think that's a possibility. Of course it depends on how she feels about CC now that he's accused of killing his family. MOO

The trial is sure to have lots of twists, turns and intrigue, huh? Should be interesting, to say the least.

Surely JM will be called .. to either support or debunk those threats "in connection with his work for her"

And, because he was her bodyguard for eight years, I'd see they would call her ... she did describe him in the first release as a "dear friend" of both she and her husband.

Long ago, on a comment board, someone said Chris and Meyer's sons had some association growing up.

SUSPENSE! :behindbar
Only problem is .. that conflicts with my source. :)

Has your source contacted the MCS? They are still asking for information related to the case....I don't think they want to leave any stone unturned & risk having the real killer on the streets if they have overlooked - or do not have - critical evidence pointing to the perp who framed CC.

Last time I checked, Boney was still in prison so that rules him out -- but if there's another of his kind out there somewhere, this needs immediate attention! Boney is one baaaaaaad dude!

Maybe this is a copycat crime?
Are you saying that is not true? Two people thanked the post. Gee .. "lots of people" would be radical Muslims who think Christians are the infidel. That's just a start.

OK .. enough on this .. there are Christian haters .. there have been churches that have had gunmen in them recently and, oh .. 10 years ago a man killed 9 people in a Baptist church in Fort Worth.

What I have seen here is hate for what was done to Sheri, Garett and Gavin. According to enough evidence for an arrest warrant, the person who strangled the life out of three precious, innocent victims was the husband and father.

The facts will emerge, and I believe it will be proven that he set this up months before with the phony threats, and thought he was smarter than LE. He wasn't.
Rumors have it that maybe she was suppose to get that call..that's something to chew on possibly

I had a strange thought a while ago (I was out walking my dog) What if the words on the wall, something like "I told you this would happen" were meant for someone he told about his dilemma? Maybe he told someone he was "losing it" and they didn't realize how serious it was?
Absolutely. And I would imagine since they were strangled with a ligature, they did wake from sleep and saw him. :furious:

I so, so, so hope this is not the case. I just can't stomach the thought.

And IMO, it won't matter where the trial takes place. When people see the faces of those sweet little boys, they will feel exactly the way most of us feel and the way the folks at the courthouse today were feeling.
I can't explain this feeling I have. And please don't call it an instinct. I don't believe people have instincts, just animals, fish and birds. (and don't post and say I'm wrong about instincts. We don't have time for that on this thread).
Anyway, I do not believe this murder was premeditated. Too many goofy and careless mistakes from someone who should know more about crime both how it's committed and how someone gets caught.
To me, this started as a raging argument sometime during the evening and turned into a physical fight and finally a murder. There are so many things the Colemans could have been fighting about.
Perhaps she learned about the other woman. Or that he'd been lying about everything from the threats to money problems.
A fight that got physical and he took it too far. I know we don't have any evidence so far of her being injured outside of being strangled.
Then, because she was dead or close to death, he had to get rid of the prospective witnesses. And, I don't think killing the boys was something mentally easy for him. But weighing the choices he had, it was something he had to do.
I think Coleman went into a mode of covering this crime in a haphazard method just grabbing from his mind whatever he could to cover what had happened.
He left the home after writing that on-the-wall message ( an act of desperation he thought would help point the guilt elsewhere). And put himself away from the crime and arranged for someone else to find the bodies. That in itself seems like a spur of the moment plan. Almost like OJ getting his butt on a jet to Chicago.
There you go. That's what I'm thinking - and I'm sticking to it until more evidence is uncovered.

I tend to agree with you - even if he had entertained thoughts of killing his wife, even if he had a plan, I think that what happened that night was pure animal rage. And I think he waited too long, afterwards, trying to come up with a plan to create an alibi. It will be interesting to find out exactly when that spray paint was purchased.
Nope. Doesn't work for me. CC chose. Murdered his wife and two sons. This is not about being Christian. This is about a "man" who chose to kill his family for his reasons. There were no threats and frankly, to try and bring in "Christian hate" is so wrong on every possible level. He may have been JM's bodyguard for eight years, but he was a husband and father longer. Who was more important than life? JM or Sheri and sons? Or, could it have been CC for himself...

Thanks. I have yet to be exposed to one case in the United States where a Christian was targeted due to anti-Christian sentiment, and then was murdered. I mean, we had Romans targeting Christians centuries ago, Holy Wars in the middle ages and then in some countries Christians are imprisoned or even killed for trying to disseminate Christianity in a Muslim nation, for example. But when we are talking about wackos who target church members or church leaders in this country, every case in recent history I have seen shows that the the bad guys were Christians themselves or raised as Christians- usually disgruntled parishioners or former employees -and/or people with mental problems who simply want to find a group of sitting ducks for their fantasies of mass-murder. No better place than a church packed with worshipers for that (or a mall or a classroom).
IMO, Chris is no victim of anti-Christian sentiment. He's no victim at all.
Ok so CC and Sheri attended a church that was not pastored by his father or JM. You would think he would've called his pastor to comfort him not his employer.
I don't get it, the idiotic and cruel things this guy has done...calling in a welfare check on family after being gone from the home for only an hour...I am thankful he is this stupid, because if he had any brains he might be out enjoying his freedom right now. The things he has done after brutally murdering his wife and two young sons, not calling his wife's family for days. Then taking his wife's belongings from the home w/out asking her family if they wanted something of hers, something belonging to the boys. The family needed a court order to have a funeral near their home, after CC promised it would be no problem to transport. What gives ? How does a person this evil fool everyone for years ?
I had a strange thought a while ago (I was out walking my dog) What if the words on the wall, something like "I told you this would happen" were meant for someone he told about his dilemma? Maybe he told someone he was "losing it" and they didn't realize how serious it was?

That's a possiblility,but the last rumor going around was that SC found out about some serious things at JMM and she was getting ready to expose it and that wasn't going to happen... Seems far fetched,but who knows. There are endless possiblilites. As for the writing on the wall...maybe a message to let someone know the problem has been taken care of.
I had a strange thought a while ago (I was out walking my dog) What if the words on the wall, something like "I told you this would happen" were meant for someone he told about his dilemma? Maybe he told someone he was "losing it" and they didn't realize how serious it was?
I'm wondering if the defense might try this? :waitasec:
I strongly disagree this was "heat of passion," "spur of the moment," or anything of the kind. This man did IMO w malice and w forethought deliberately plot over a period of months to create the appearance of a random crime on stranger, including a long drawn-out scheme to deflect attention by staging menacing threats... then methodically and coldbloodedly implemented the final phase of that plan--their executions. I don't know when I've seen anything more premeditated in my life.

He looks SO much better in an orange jumpsuit than in that grieving widower's costume... :rolleyes:

Does anyone know if anyone recorded Nancy Grace yesterday, before the arrest? I wanted to see it but was busy.
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