Sheri Coleman, sons Garett and Gavin murdered 5-5-09, Columbia, IL. Pt5

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That's a possiblility,but the last rumor going around was that SC found out about some serious things at JMM and she was getting ready to expose it and that wasn't going to happen... Seems far fetched,but who knows. There are endless possiblilites. As for the writing on the wall...maybe a message to let someone know the problem has been taken care of.
The only thing I remember being questionable about JMM was a probe by the Senate Finance Committee starting in 2007. The probe also involved other ministries and I understood JMM cooperated with it. MOO
Greetings Opinion8ed,

Can you help me with the following -- my thinker is a little fritzed, I must be missing something? Can you help me?

Rumors have it that maybe she was suppose to get that call..that's something to chew on possibly
I strongly disagree this was "heat of passion," "spur of the moment," or anything of the kind. This man did IMO w malice and w forethought deliberately plot over a period of months to create the appearance of a random crime on stranger, including a long drawn-out scheme to divert attention by staging menacing threats... then methodically and coldbloodedly implemented the final phase of that plan--their executions. I don't know when I've seen anything more premeditated in my life.

He looks SO much better in an orange jumpsuit than in that grieving widower's costume... :rolleyes:


ITA kiki. I do believe it was premeditated. He may have been rushed into the final phase but, IMO, it had been planned and thought out for at least six months. And I do believe he planned all along to kill thed boys as well. IIRC, they had been camping with family friends the weekend before. If his plan was to kill Sheri only, he would have done it then.
Is there anyone in the area that can confirm this?

If true, there was more than 1 message.

lajr56 May 20, 2009 5:40PM CST
Channel 2 news said the scrawling on the wall was on the steps leading up the stairs.

There was more scrawling with profanity on a wall on the main floor.

There had been some earlier discussion that if a cop neighbor came in, he could have contaminated the scene.

I would imagine seeing that on the wall would have caused him to call authorities right away.
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ITA kiki. I do believe it was premeditated. He may have been rushed into the final phase but, IMO, it had been planned and thought out for at least six months. And I do believe he planned all along to kill thed boys as well. IIRC, they had been camping with family friends the weekend before. If his plan was to kill Sheri only, he would have done it then.

Thank you! And dontcha just love it too when the perp, while visiting the gravesites or wherever, plays the part of the victim, the griefstricken father/widower... and, after having just murdered their "loved ones" goes about availing themselves of all that consolation and sympathy... That just really burns my biscuits... :furious:

I can't explain this feeling I have. And please don't call it an instinct. I don't believe people have instincts, just animals, fish and birds. (and don't post and say I'm wrong about instincts. We don't have time for that on this thread).
Anyway, I do not believe this murder was premeditated. Too many goofy and careless mistakes from someone who should know more about crime both how it's committed and how someone gets caught.
To me, this started as a raging argument sometime during the evening and turned into a physical fight and finally a murder. There are so many things the Colemans could have been fighting about.
Perhaps she learned about the other woman. Or that he'd been lying about everything from the threats to money problems.
A fight that got physical and he took it too far. I know we don't have any evidence so far of her being injured outside of being strangled.
Then, because she was dead or close to death, he had to get rid of the prospective witnesses. And, I don't think killing the boys was something mentally easy for him. But weighing the choices he had, it was something he had to do.
I think Coleman went into a mode of covering this crime in a haphazard method just grabbing from his mind whatever he could to cover what had happened.
He left the home after writing that on-the-wall message ( an act of desperation he thought would help point the guilt elsewhere). And put himself away from the crime and arranged for someone else to find the bodies. That in itself seems like a spur of the moment plan. Almost like OJ getting his butt on a jet to Chicago.
There you go. That's what I'm thinking - and I'm sticking to it until more evidence is uncovered.

You've presented a plausible scenario, azwriter. Right now, I believe there was some premeditation, BUT my mind is open about that - I'm not completely convinced one way or another.
Is there anyone in the area that can confirm this?

If true, there was more than 1 message.

lajr56 May 20, 2009 5:40PM CST
Channel 2 news said the scrawling on the wall was on the steps leading up the stairs.

There was more scrawling with profanity on a wall on the main floor.

There had been some earlier discussion that if a cop neighbor came in, he could have contaminated the scene.

I would imagine seeing that on the wall would have caused him to call authorities right away.
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Hi Texas Mist,

I looked at Fox2 website but didn't find it so far but this does line up with a comment left on PD who claimed there were "several" messages and that it was "a little overdone", IIRC how the poster described the messages.
Hi Texas Mist,

I looked at Fox2 website but didn't find it so far but this does line up with a comment left on PD who claimed there were "several" messages and that it was "a little overdone", IIRC how the poster described the messages.

I think it was only on TV judging by a post I saw further down...maybe that's why we can't find it online...I was hoping someone in the area could watch the news tonite.

I'm gonna check to see if Fox2 has a live feed for their evening news.
Greetings Opinion8ed,

Can you help me with the following -- my thinker is a little fritzed, I must be missing something? Can you help me?

My brain is turning here...if she was eliminated for a reason then maybe the message was to let someone know that it was taken care of...kind of a reminder that it needed to b done...but then again CC could have set it up that way to make JMM look guilty as well...I'm having 2 theories kind of colliding here in my thoughts
Hello Fairy1,

I've been reading your messages all along and haven't had the time to :blowkiss:

About the following which you wrote...the part that says "When people see the faces of those sweet boys"... Sadder than seeing their faces, sadder than knowing they were murdered, will be the photos of their strangled bodies in front of many people in court. That is going to be the continuing acid that burns away at those who listen to the facts of the case and, eventually, decide guilty/not guilty and the punishment.

What really grieves me is that I had hoped Chris didn't do this, then I had hoped that since I thought he probably did that at least he would have at least a solitary shred of goodness in him (fatherly love?) that would prevent that which WILL further defile these little ones -- he didn't.

Instead of confessing to the crime that he "did" do (yes, I fully believe he DID do it) -- he is going to try to ride this out for some small nothing for him, nothing in the course of looking at the value of having let his wife and children live, and him too -- maybe divorced or whatever... He is going to be fighting for his life, an empty, very empty life. He never said, "I didn't do it -- please find the killers of my beloveds" -- he didn't because he knew who the very empty person was who killed them.

I so, so, so hope this is not the case. I just can't stomach the thought.

And IMO, it won't matter where the trial takes place. When people see the faces of those sweet little boys, they will feel exactly the way most of us feel and the way the folks at the courthouse today were feeling.
Hello LindaDanette,

The following doesn't ring one bell in me.

I had a strange thought a while ago (I was out walking my dog) What if the words on the wall, something like "I told you this would happen" were meant for someone he told about his dilemma? Maybe he told someone he was "losing it" and they didn't realize how serious it was?
Is there anyone in the area that can confirm this?

If true, there was more than 1 message.

lajr56 May 20, 2009 5:40PM CST
Channel 2 news said the scrawling on the wall was on the steps leading up the stairs.

There was more scrawling with profanity on a wall on the main floor.

There had been some earlier discussion that if a cop neighbor came in, he could have contaminated the scene.

I would imagine seeing that on the wall would have caused him to call authorities right away.
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I would have to find it in the transcript of NG, but Major Connor did allude to there being "messages". It is the show where he let it be known what was out in the press wasn't exactly correct about the one message. So yes...I have believed since then there was more than one message in the house.
I think it was only on TV judging by a post I saw further down...maybe that's why we can't find it online...I was hoping someone in the area could watch the news tonite.

I'm gonna check to see if Fox2 has a live feed for their evening news.

There's some videos about the arrest on the replay of tonight. I'll see if I can find it and will post back if I do.


2nd video
Originally Posted by Lindadanette
I had a strange thought a while ago (I was out walking my dog) What if the words on the wall, something like "I told you this would happen" were meant for someone he told about his dilemma? Maybe he told someone he was "losing it" and they didn't realize how serious it was?
I think Major Connor was specific in saying the messages were directed towards the family.
Originally Posted by Fairy1
And IMO, it won't matter where the trial takes place. When people see the faces of those sweet little boys, they will feel exactly the way most of us feel and the way the folks at the courthouse today were feeling.
When those jurors see the sweet photos and then the photos of the same children with ligatures around their necks, laying in their supposed safe beds, with their faces blue, and well...I don't need to continue....but trust me...the horror will not be lost on them that this b*stard of a father wrapped whatever around their necks and choked the life out of them. It won't matter if his attorney moves this case to Alaska...the jury will see the evidence and Chris will get the maximum penalty for what he has done to them.
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