Sheri Coleman, sons Garett and Gavin murdered 5-5-09, Columbia, IL. Pt5

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With the MCS coming into the case so early, they would lose those points anyway. There is nothing that an inexperienced force could have done to help the defense. They did not place the ligatures around their necks or mess with the TOD. All of the evidence collected by the MCS can withstand the scrutiny of his lawyers and expert witnesses, imo.
Oh I agree! I'm just glad the State has extra reinforcements.

It's late, so have a good night everyone! :seeya:
Hello Opinion8ed,

In order for me to believe that a man would off his wife, his most intimate partner (until his girlfriend) and his own flesh and blood babies in order to do something to eliminate a danger to, what, someone else -- his country, his employer -- no...this man is no hero, this man is not so loyal (we know that.) With me, that theory would stick to the wall about as fast as a splatter of water on a hot griddle.

Well I was thinking the same thing...but when other suggestions come up i still try to analyze even though some of the details make no sense. I guess anything is possible in an impossible world..We aren't in his brain.
This isn't The Fugitive. CC isn't important enough to frame. He is just another husband that wanted to be free and didn't want to deal with a divorce.

Please forgive me but that made me LOL.
(Bold mine)
I'm glad TOD has been released - again, CC has helped indict himself.

For once, I'm going to relax and hit the sack early knowing that this guy is off the streets. I visualize SC and the boys sitting in heaven in a loving environment surrounded by millions of angels.........while CC sits in jail surrounded by s#*$heads, some of who may think he's realllllll purdy.
Originally Posted by DairyGirl
This isn't The Fugitive. CC isn't important enough to frame. He is just another husband that wanted to be free and didn't want to deal with a divorce.
It isn't, but I warned you guys a long time ago they would be searching for that one armed man. ;)

I agree. He "vanished" his wife and children to be free. Sheri and the boys were standing in his way of what he wanted. He thought he would not only get the attention of the grieving father/husband, but thought he would cash in at the same time. Free to start over in Florida...with Miss Motive.
With the MCS coming into the case so early, they would lose those points anyway. There is nothing that an inexperienced force could have done to help the defense. They did not place the ligatures around their necks or mess with the TOD. All of the evidence collected by the MCS can withstand the scrutiny of his lawyers and expert witnesses, imo.

ITA SS. I feel very confident that LE has what they need to pin CC to the wall. But I really do wonder what more they are looking for. They certainly are seeking something.

I can't help but to think back to Brad and Nancy Cooper in NC. Their friends and neighbors stepped up big time to give statements as to the state of the marriage and their affidavits were published in short order. I'm not sure if that's what is happening in this case or if we're just not privvy to what folks close to the Colemans are saying.

I am a very private person with regard to my personal life and particularly my marriage. I'm not sure I would share my trials with my girlfriends unless I truly believed my husband was capable of murdering me and my children. I seriously doubt Sheri anticipated this outcome.

I also don't believe Sheri was planning to leave Chris. I believe she was blind-sighted by his evil - just as everyone else in his life.

I'm not a religious person and I never heard of JMM until I began following this case. I don't believe this really has anything at all to do with JMM. Someone - don't remember who and too tired to find it now - posted earlier that Chris was so "buttoned up" during his life that he just desired freedom above all things. I tend to believe this is the case.
ITA SS. I feel very confident that LE has what they need to pin CC to the wall. But I really do wonder what more they are looking for. They certainly are seeking something.

Pardon me for interrupting, Fairy, but that's a big question I now have too.

Things LE are looking for after the arrest:

1) Statements from friends who knew them well and could shed light on their relationship.
2) Statements from church members who attended conferences at their home and could shed light on anything they noticed out of the norm.
3) Statements from members of the Grace Church who possibly knew things they did not want to share with LE before the arrest due to feeling like they were betraying his father, their pastor.
4) Statements from neighbors who were leary to speak up before they knew for certain Chris was the suspected killer in this case.
5) Any information other people may have which they did not feel may be important until they saw the arrest of Chris.
6) Any evidence someone could have come across in the past day or so...or in the days to come...which could connect back to Chris.

ETA: I changed this post because I was only joking around with Analytical. Guess it wasn't funny. Sorry.
Pardon me for interrupting, Fairy, but that's a big question I now have too.


We shall see.....;) Whatever it is, it will not exonerate Chris. If that's what you're hoping for, I fear you will be sorely disappointed. :)

BTW - it's rude to interrupt people!
Is there anyone in the area that can confirm this?

If true, there was more than 1 message.

lajr56 May 20, 2009 5:40PM CST
Channel 2 news said the scrawling on the wall was on the steps leading up the stairs.

There was more scrawling with profanity on a wall on the main floor.

There had been some earlier discussion that if a cop neighbor came in, he could have contaminated the scene.

I would imagine seeing that on the wall would have caused him to call authorities right away.
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I caught Fox2 live tonite and I heard the reporter mention only the message by the steps....maybe they'll have something online in the a.m.
Hallo Bluenotes,

Is there a sad, but relieved dancing on the street in your household tonight?

I have been looking, but no one has it online yet. I saw Mike Bush report it on the KSDK 10 o'clock news.
IIRC, pastor/parishoner confidentiality is covered under the same laws as priest/confessioner. There are ways to try to breech it, of course, but as you point out this privilege has held strong in most Courts.

You are correct that the protection under the law is the same, however, historically Protestant ministers have been more likely to breach privilege when they believe that it is in the best interest of society to do so ... whereas Catholic priests are far less likely to do so, since in the Catholic religion, absolution from sin depends on confession to a priest. When I was in law school I wrote a paper on this very subject ... I will try and find some of the sources I used if it is of interest to anyone.
I caught Fox2 live tonite and I heard the reporter mention only the message by the steps....maybe they'll have something online in the a.m.

Thanks, I had to load a plug-in for Mozilla so I didn't get to see it in time.
Maj. Jeff Connor

"We got some information tonight that secured the warrant," Connor said. "I've been talking about how we were waiting for some forensic evidence, forensic testimony, different things, and it all just started coming together. And for several days now, we've been close. It's just tonight there was some more evidence that came forward and we were able to solidify the case."

He declined to elaborate.
Easy enough to find. He's driving around Modesto in a brown van with the Bushy Haired Stranger. In the back are an assortment of Satan (or, on some boards Satin) worshipers, Nazi Low Riders, the home invasion gang, Dirty, Skeeter, 2 or 3 burglars and a variable number of Hawaiians or Samoans. I'd bet a 5 spot slipped to the valet at the Berkeley Marina Homeless Yacht Club would get you directed to their parking spot. Whisper to the valet "Mark G says you would know".
Hahahahahaha~ You need to let me borrow your screen cleaner now. My coke splash guard was breeched. LOL
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