Sheri Coleman, sons Garett and Gavin murdered 5-5-09, Columbia, IL. Pt7

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This is what makes me cry - why not just divorce or leave...walk away! I don't understand under what circumstance anyone has to murder (well, self defense I guess would be the only reason). But to strangle your wife, while she's in bed on her stomach, is just chilling.

Did he put her in that position (another question)

I also wonder why she was neked (did she always sleep that way). With 2 kids, I wouldn't suppose so. I have a young son, and haven't slept neked since the day he was born. You never know when you have to get up, or when he will come waltzing in. Maybe other moms can chime in on that one.

Like someone said - my mind is just spinning!!

And not only strangle his wife but the two children also! :mad: I too am questioning her lack of clothing since, as you said, with children one never knows when they'll have to get up or the kids could've come into the room. I wonder if he removed her clothes after the fact as more humiliation when LE would find her body? MOO
Ick, Ick, and triple Ick - I hate these stoopid ministries that spout such carp. Here we are, sitting in good' ol' poor California, Unemployed, husband on disability (but going back to work soon). We're doing just fine. It's not the riches we should all be aiming for, but for being healthy and having a happy family. I think CC spent too much time around JMM and felt he could really get away with this.

After reading the search warrant, and all the riches they took away - I was amazed. Who needs that many cell phones, credit cards, gift cards, computer equipment. Whatever happened to the simple life?


I know what you mean! I've been laid off since November AND my tenant moved out in December. I look for jobs all the time and still unable to rent my little commercial building. And then people act SHOCKED that I don't have a cell phone. HELLO? Why? I'm CUTTING BACK! And you know what? I'm a LOT happier than I was with my ex and all the "riches" he had. Peace and tranquility beats the money hands down every time for me!


Joyful and Unemployed :crazy:
according to the 2nd house search warrant, there was a credit card in Sheri's name sent to a PO was found on the dining room table.

so did Sheri get her own PO box and keep it secret from CC? doesn't make sense that CC would have g/f sending mail to a PO box they shared (not that any of this crime makes sense).

do you think CC found out about Sheri's HSBC cc and they had an argument about it?

or do you think CC got a card in her name sent to *his* mailbox so he could charge things in her name to muddy the waters -- and Sheri found it and they argued about that??

From what I read in the SW - the credit card was sent to the same PO box (not a separate one that SC may have had).

This leads me to believe, CC filled out an application in SC's name and had it sent to his private box. Heck - she would never know would she? Especially if he was planning to kill his family.

On another note, I have filled out an application in my husband's name, but he knows about it (he just had better credit than I did when we married). I rec'd a card as a 2nd user.

So I'm really not sure what's going on behind the scenes on this one.


Did you read in the search warrant that one of the items collected was a pair of latex gloves in the master bedroom (in a bag). What the heck is going on here?


No, but I read that they found them, I think that they found a box of them in the house too. I think its just further evidence of cc's stupidity, not only could the police find the gloves, they found a box of them liking the pair to house. Unbelievable.
Old 05-25-2009, 11:29 PM

#683 of thread 6
I did hear a rumor earlier today that RC had resigned from Grace Ministries. It could also be that he stepped aside for a season.

It was just a rumor that I had heard so I can't confirm or deny. Let's hope he did resign. Surely the local paper could not overlook this.

Maybe Chestergal has some insight into this.
Ron Coleman has not resigned from Grace Ministries.
I know what you mean! I've been laid off since November AND my tenant moved out in December. I look for jobs all the time and still unable to rent my little commercial building. And then people act SHOCKED that I don't have a cell phone. HELLO? Why? I'm CUTTING BACK! And you know what? I'm a LOT happier than I was with my ex and all the "riches" he had. Peace and tranquility beats the money hands down every time for me!


Joyful and Unemployed :crazy:

Kudos to you!


We did the same thing - cable in only 1 room, basic phone, no eating out (without a coupon). It's amazing how much you can save once you set your mind to it.

Sorry to get off topic, but wanted you to know you are not alone.


ps: sorry - I couldn't give up the internet....LOL. I gave up Starbucks instead! (I was literally spending more on COFFEE than this computer) Yikes!!!
ps: sorry - I couldn't give up the internet....LOL. I gave up Starbucks instead! (I was literally spending more on COFFEE than this computer) Yikes!!!

Now if I would have given up the internet, then I WOULD have been TRULY suffering! LOL

{{{HUGS}}} and encouragement to you and your hubby!
Wow. The fact that she is so vocal about her riches and still has so many followers is frightening to me! I will never understand how so very many people will buy into this carp and follow blindly when plain old common sense should dictate otherwise.

IMO, the scrutiny this case will bring to JMM will topple their empire. There was no way for her to distance herself from this monster fast enough - the horse was already out of the barn!

Don't count on it. They always seem to bounce right back balling their eyes out or some such drama... from what I've seen it kinda reminds me of the WWF... it is real though and if it doesn't kill 'em it makes 'em stronger and the followers lap it up. Its heartbreaking.
Old 05-25-2009, 11:29 PM

#683 of thread 6
I did hear a rumor earlier today that RC had resigned from Grace Ministries. It could also be that he stepped aside for a season.

It was just a rumor that I had heard so I can't confirm or deny. Let's hope he did resign. Surely the local paper could not overlook this.

Maybe Chestergal has some insight into this.
Ron Coleman has not resigned from Grace Ministries.

However the Jason G, son of Linda G, the Youth Pastor at Grace has set up a Chris Coleman Defense Fund to raise cash and ensure that justice is done. This was on his FaceBook page but was quickley taken down. Perhaps some bad publicity.

I have a notion to ask him I should make the check out to Enrico J. Mirabelli to really make sure justice really is done.

Even though I don't like this little town I still don't think it is right that you are posting full names of people who are not the Coleman's or the names of people who have spoken out to the newspapers. (Like Derek and his father)
Google picks up every post here.

Just go google some of the names you have thrown out here on this message board that has nothing to do with this case and on the first google page that comes up you get the posts you have made on here about these people.
(You know the full names you have mentioned in the past on here - people who have NOTHING to do with this case.)
From what I read in the SW - the credit card was sent to the same PO box (not a separate one that SC may have had).

This leads me to believe, CC filled out an application in SC's name and had it sent to his private box. Heck - she would never know would she? Especially if he was planning to kill his family.

On another note, I have filled out an application in my husband's name, but he knows about it (he just had better credit than I did when we married). I rec'd a card as a 2nd user.

So I'm really not sure what's going on behind the scenes on this one.



thanks,Mel...after I read another of the SWs I saw that CC used the same PO box.

It's interesting how many things related to their finances were found on the dining room table, but CC had the LOC statement in his SUV....I stilll can't help but believe that CC was in control of the family's finances, and more.

He must have been consumed 24x7 with his plan for his new life. Sick.
Hello Texas Mist and Cheekers

Thanks for the links and directions -- I'll get to those search warrants yet! Unfortunately I missed my nap today, and I am slumping over. Dangit, I really wanted to look at those today -- maybe in a couple hours -- or maybe I'll just hang out in the water bed until the AM.
Speaking of Inmates earlier, I was told on Wed. nites at GBC they had youth nite of some sort and this woman's daughter attended it with one of her friends. The daughter came home and said they were writing letters to prisoners because they weren't guilty. As expected this woman called the church up and ripped them good and of course the child never went back. Now that is scary!
Hate to sound like a broken record, in me keep mentioning the camera in the front of the subdivision: but it is likely impossible for that camera to see anything at the Coleman house. I am sorry, I work in the computer technology business as well and I know what cameras can do, but I tried to keep that camera in my sights as I drove to CC's house. I couldn't see it anymore. If I can't see it or anything near it, there is a good chance that it can't see his house.

They are releasing the video from the camera tonight on Fox 2 News in St. Louis.
Don't count on it. They always seem to bounce right back balling their eyes out or some such drama... from what I've seen it kinda reminds me of the WWF... it is real though and if it doesn't kill 'em it makes 'em stronger and the followers lap it up. Its heartbreaking.

Sadly, I'm sure you're right. They will use "The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away" to explain it all.

However, I'm not sure the IRS will be so understanding. There just has to be more to it and they have been investigated before. If I'm not mistaken, they are being investigated for something right now!
I think the passport and cell phone of his in a packed bag is pretty damning, among all the other stuff Chris did to plan these cold, very calculated and sick/twisted murders
Did anyone else catch SC's brother toward the end of the press conference yesterday when someone asked him a question (I couldn't hear it) and he responded something like he was the last hold out - on Tuesday and even until Wednesday. I think he was talking about how well he knew CC - was talking about going out to dinners on b-days, etc. I think he was trying to say that he didn't believe it could be CC that did this. Maybe others in the family came to the realization that CC did do it and he couldn't believe it at first.

Yes, WSG, I heard that too. He said something along the lines of 'he was the last one holding out, up until (I think) the day they arrested CC'
Sadly, a professional guest on NG stated that there would have been some time where the victim would have wakened and known they were unable to breathe. It would have only been seconds, but he said the boys would have known something was going on.

Gosh, that's really hard to read :mad:

I guess all I can hope for at this point is that Gavin & Garett did not know it was their father that was killing them.
You know, with all the blundering this has done, I almost think he WANTED to be caught!
And not only strangle his wife but the two children also! :mad: I too am questioning her lack of clothing since, as you said, with children one never knows when they'll have to get up or the kids could've come into the room. I wonder if he removed her clothes after the fact as more humiliation when LE would find her body? MOO

Or maybe that ding dong CC wanted to make it appear as if there was some sort of sexual know...........from the Ninja's.:mad:
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