Sheri Coleman, sons Garett and Gavin murdered 5-5-09, Columbia, IL. Pt8

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Please reread my post. I did not state that nor implied it regarding MySpace and the warrant. Quite the opposite actually. The warrant would be needed for LE to contact MySpace for info. Not quite sure where going back and forth on this is coming from. I have *no* doubt the professionalism of LE in this case.


I read your post several times. It alluded that the seizures of the computers in and of themselves were sufficient. I think most people would read it that way as well .. especially in light of inclusion of my comment with your answer as if you were challenging and/or rebutting my reply.
Sheri's MySpace profile was private, was it not?

In that case: "If a MySpace profile is set to “Private,” the only way to view that profile is to be added as that person’s friend. To do that, you have to request to be their friend and then you will have access to view their profile.

There used to be several backdoor hacks to get into a profile, but MySpace is very vigilant at finding these backdoors and closing them down.

NOTE: Without a search warrant or subpoena,
MySpace will not give law enforcement access to
view private profiles."

From: "How to Effectively Search
A Guide for Investigators"
By Lauren Wagner
Computer Training Specialist
October 2007 to search Myspace.pdf
Like I said JMO, nuff said about JMM. I appreciate your POV, please respect mine :)

Now, when is the preliminary hearing again?

WHOA! Please point me to where I SPECIFICALLY stated I did not respect your opinion! You won't find it.

Prelim - June 10

The post was directed to all .. anyone ... I did not put your name on it! Sheesh!

Why don't you include Wrinkles in your statement as well .. since she wrote prolific posts I happen to agree with. Just because my post came after yours does not mean it was directed at you ... but if you are a naysayer, perhaps it was.
I read your post several times. It alluded that the seizures of the computers in and of themselves were sufficient. I think most people would read it that way as well .. especially in light of inclusion of my comment with your answer as if you were challenging and/or rebutting my reply.
Sheri's MySpace profile was private, was it not?

In that case: "If a MySpace profile is set to “Private,” the only way to view that profile is to be added as that person’s friend. To do that, you have to request to be their friend and then you will have access to view their profile.

There used to be several backdoor hacks to get into a profile, but MySpace is very vigilant at finding these backdoors and closing them down.

NOTE: Without a search warrant or subpoena,
MySpace will not give law enforcement access to
view private profiles."

From: "How to Effectively Search
A Guide for Investigators"
By Lauren Wagner
Computer Training Specialist
October 2007 to search Myspace.pdf

Thank you for sharing your point of view. I allude to nothing, however, if this how you've taken it, cool. Your point of view is understood. I post not as a challenge towards anyone, but I like to toss my own thoughts out there as I should and can.
I read your post several times. It alluded that the seizures of the computers in and of themselves were sufficient. I think most people would read it that way as well .. especially in light of inclusion of my comment with your answer as if you were challenging and/or rebutting my reply.
Sheri's MySpace profile was private, was it not?

In that case: "If a MySpace profile is set to “Private,” the only way to view that profile is to be added as that person’s friend. To do that, you have to request to be their friend and then you will have access to view their profile.

There used to be several backdoor hacks to get into a profile, but MySpace is very vigilant at finding these backdoors and closing them down.

NOTE: Without a search warrant or subpoena,
MySpace will not give law enforcement access to
view private profiles."

From: "How to Effectively Search
A Guide for Investigators"
By Lauren Wagner
Computer Training Specialist
October 2007

When Trenton Duckett went missing, I and a bunch of others started sleuthing Melinda's (his mother) Myspace - back then you could easily back door into someones account. By October of 2006 (roughly a month later) Myspace changed to a new security token system. People were extremely passionate about that case and, at one point, someone hacked my account and changed my password (they must have ID'd my IP).

Myspace sent me an e-mail notification (part of their policy - I don't know if Facebook does this or not). I obviously freaked and tried to get Myspace admin to divulge info about the hacker, but they will only release information via legal channels.

They have really ramped up, especially with the Megan Meier case
and the fact that so many murderous psychos have Myspace accounts.
When Trenton Duckett went missing, I and a bunch of others started sleuthing her Myspace - back then you could easily back door into someones account. By October of 2006 (roughly a month later) Myspace changed to a new security token system. People were extremely passionate about that case and, at one point, someone hacked my account and changed my password (they must have ID'd my IP).

Myspace sent me an e-mail notification (part of their policy - I don't know if Facebook does this or not). I obviously freaked and tried to get Myspace admin to divulge info about the hacker, but they will only release information via legal channels.

They have really ramped up, especially with the Megan Meier case
and the fact that so many murderous psychos have Myspace accounts.

Thanks for the reply. In searching, I read quite a lot of "interesting" material ... one about how hard it can be to track someone on MySpace because of false profiles, etc.

I wouldn't know how to "backdoor" anything and would feel quite reluctant to do so.

I don't know how, with just your IP, someone could hack into your MySpace.

Glad MySpace caught it.
Thanks for the reply. In searching, I read quite a lot of "interesting" material ... one about how hard it can be to track someone on MySpace because of false profiles, etc.

I wouldn't know how to "backdoor" anything and would feel quite reluctant to do so.

I don't know how, with just your IP, someone could hack into your MySpace.

Glad MySpace caught it.

They can't - but with your IP, someone who's good at hacking can find out your e-mail and send a password change request (Or at least you could back then)

Backdooring just meant doing a cut & paste so you could read the comments back then. I wouldn't ever hack someone's space, everything I post is right there in public record. :cool:
They can't - but with your IP, someone who's good at hacking can find out your e-mail and send a password change request (Or at least you could back then)

Backdooring just meant doing a cut & paste so you could read the comments back then. I wouldn't ever hack someone's space, everything I post is right there in public record. :cool:

I did a little reading on this and it is exploiting the account, IMO.

Pedo's are using it to tap into young girl's accounts for photos. :eek:
I did a little reading on this and it is exploiting the account, IMO.

Pedo's are using it to tap into young girl's accounts for photos. :eek:

YOu are probably right - but If I could cut and paste a code to read CC or TL's myspace, I would do it in a heart beat. :angel:
Perhaps the "naysayers" might get a bit more understanding of the worldwide outreach of JMM before forming too dogged of an opinion.

Her ministry has missions/offices worldwide and daily does "unto the least of these....."

clicking on some of the tabs above will be quite insightful

I don't mean to turn this into a "religious" discussion, or a JM bash fest. However, since I've read several pro and con posts on the topic, let me say this: As long as there are so many "least of these" picking through garbage dumps to eat, and sleeping on the streets, a true disciple would not live in a building worth OVER $1,000,000.00 The Son of Man had NOWHERE to lay HIS head.

My opinion only
Myspace and Facebook accounts may be set to "private" by the owners. However, social networking sites on the Internet are PUBLIC and therefore cannot be "exploited" by anyone. Every keystroke we make on the Internet is traceable and subject to scrutiny by anyone. I'm not even sure LE would have needed a search warrant to access this information. It is out there and accessible for anyone to see - if they have the right "tools." It's not exploitation or "backdooring." IMO
I don't mean to turn this into a "religious" discussion, or a JM bash fest. However, since I've read several pro and con posts on the topic, let me say this: As long as there are so many "least of these" picking through garbage dumps to eat, and sleeping on the streets, a true disciple would not live in a building worth OVER $1,000,000.00 The Son of Man had NOWHERE to lay HIS head.

My opinion only

ITA, Blackwatch! While I definitely don't believe JM or JMM had anything - directly - to do with these murders, I do want to know much more about the culture in which CC was working and living and if that lead to his frame of mind when he killed his wife and children...IMO
There was no need to "backdoor" anything. LE had a SEARCH WARRANT for everything. Not sure where you're coming from with this angle as they can have access to whatever they want:

Please read my posts leading up to this post .. it was Lindadannette who brought up back-dooring ... following the thread DOES help avoid confusion.

Please refer to post 843 and follow the train of conversation between posters ... I NEVER suggested the account had to be entered through a back door!

FWIW, I didn't know what a "back door" was until Lindadannette mentioned the case where WS'er had b'doored a MySpace account.
Please read my posts leading up to this post .. it was Lindadannette who brought up back-dooring ... following the thread DOES help avoid confusion.

Please refer to post 843 and follow the train of conversation between posters ... I NEVER suggested the account had to be entered through a back door!

Um, I have no problem following the posts here, it's your logic on which I cannot get a firm grasp. Can you help me with that? Really not sure what you're suggesting....And BTW, sarcasm - I totally understand and appreciate. Attempts to belittle people is so small and has no place here.
Here you can read up on IP addresses and how they work:

Back On Thread...

I am not saying (do not know) whether or not the deer video has a "big" place in the midst of all of this, although I do not discount that and surely think there is something there before or after the fact of the video being put/taken off online, I at least think there is a place for a consideration of "why the deletion of this video" from the web, since Sheri was the so-called owner of that YouTube account AND the video disappeared AFTER her death. Someone "disappeared" that video and I sure as heck don't think it was LE, I know it wasn't Sheri. I think it was someone who had access to the password of Sheri's YouTube account -- someone who was either given that password OR guessed it easily OR someone who recorded it with a keystroke logger. I certainly don't think that the YouTube people took that video down because there are other similar haunting videos on YouTube that still exist.

Just a thought here....It IS possible that she had possibly set up the sites she went to the most with auto logins. I have a lot of mine set up that way. Course I use Slimbrowser and it has that feature and we don't know what she was using. I just click on Auto Login and then the site I want to login to and it goes to the login page automatically, fills in the login info and VOILA! I'm logged in! OR she may have had the computer "remember passwords" and he would only have had to click on the username and it would supply the password automatically and he could have entered the accounts that way too!
I am not certain where I read it, but I did see that RC asked JM to give Chris his job after he came out of the Marines. (I will try to find the link.)

In the meantime, I found this on YouTube and it is a woman's summary of this case. Weird since it sounds like a sleuth with all the details. (She has other videos including P1):

YouTube - p2--the PK (Preacher's Kid) Strangler -- Chris Coleman, Nancy Grace

BTW~ It is not ME! LOL

Did you hear her say that that she doesn't see CC so much as stupid? :rolling: Sorry about posting when I'm catching up, but that just had me LMAO... Thanks SS!:biggrin:
It could be he didn't want to deal with the children without Sheri. Two mourning children would interfere horribly with his plans. Maybe he thought he was also "doing them a favor" and saving them from the pain. (There have been a few killers in the past who used this twisted reasoning for killing their children.)

If greed was the motive, the children could have represented money he could otherwise spend on himself.

If freedom was the motive, they would stand in the way.

If Tara was the motive, it is possible she didn't want children or didn't want to raise Sheri's children.

I agree with the term, "collateral damage". They were there.

One more possible factor behind CC murdering the boys: he wouldn't want to be reminded of Sheri, and if he truly was going to marry Tara, she wouldn't want to be reminded of her friend that she betrayed.
Back On Thread...

Okay... So, will the "real sleuther" (deer video sleuther) please stand up and take a bow again? AHA! It was LindaDanette on 05/08/09 here (YOU GO LD!):

She wrote:
>>Wow - I did a search on "littlesheric" and the first thing that popped up was her utube channel. And this strange video and remark:

littlesheric uploaded a new video (4 months ago) <<

LD connected us to the video which subsequently disappeared in a day or so afterwards. She wrote...

>>Extreme Hunting [this was a link that no longer connects]
Brad shot this deer with a bow and when he tracked it he realized he for... more Brad shot this deer with a bow and when he tracked it he realized he forgot his knife when he found the buck lying on the ground still after a bit of a struggle he chocked it to death! less

and then I re-looked up "Brad"<<

THEN, our dear Medusa (now known as WholeLottaRosie) did a follow up with LE! You go my Medusa (oh I miss that name!)

She wrote:
>>Someone needs to make sure the MCS is aware of this.

ETA - I called it in. The detective that talked to me was very interested and took down all the information, and then read it all back to me. Thanked me and the person who found this.<< my dears... We all know that the deer video disappeared from YouTube after it was reported on in WS by LD on 05/08/09, and called in by WLR (oh where oh where is my Medusa!)

Now we all know that Sheri's life was taken on 05/04/09 (very late PM) or 05/05/09 (very early AM) -- so we know she had no interest in deleting videos from YouTube after it was mentioned on WS -- by that time, bless her heart, she was "dancing with the stars." We DO know that there was someone else creating a new Yahoo account (CC) after TOD 05/05/09 -- because we have proof of that from MM (aka TL), "She told them, Christopher contacted her by a new email account," So...we know that CC was on the internet after the murders.

I am not saying (do not know) whether or not the deer video has a "big" place in the midst of all of this, although I do not discount that and surely think there is something there before or after the fact of the video being put/taken off online, I at least think there is a place for a consideration of "why the deletion of this video" from the web, since Sheri was the so-called owner of that YouTube account AND the video disappeared AFTER her death. Someone "disappeared" that video and I sure as heck don't think it was LE, I know it wasn't Sheri. I think it was someone who had access to the password of Sheri's YouTube account -- someone who was either given that password OR guessed it easily OR someone who recorded it with a keystroke logger. I certainly don't think that the YouTube people took that video down because there are other similar haunting videos on YouTube that still exist.

So...we go to page 2 of this document which states, "Sheri also reported to friends that there were unauthorized changes to her Facebook account without her knowledge."

Well... I have to tell you that I believe that CC was all over keystroke monitoring of his home computer -- just my gut feeling. But...even if he wasn't, I do believe that Sheri would have been open with her passwords, I don't think she was looking to hide anything -- and my husband knows at least one of my fave passwords (but he so trusts me, he doesn't even ask about all of them -- heck he can't hardly remember his own.)

Bottomline, I think that there is only one person that could have, ultimately, been behind those unauthorized changes on Sheri's Facebook. Of course, that one person could have played with someone else -- giving them Sheri's password so that they could muck with her too...

What do you all think, and I wonder if the Facebook people have record of those unauthorized changes. I wonder what Sheri felt in her heart when she saw those changes? What were they? I wonder if she reported those changes to the Facebook people or anyone else -- I wonder if she talked to Chris about the changes, he being so "knowledgeable and all."

Thanks, Sweetie! I am still around.

As I recall, it was a Thursday evening I called the MCS. A few days later (Sat or Sunday, I am not sure) someone posted the link to the video on the website, in a comment under an article - they don't have message boards there. It was a few hours maybe that the video stayed up and then it went poof. I really want to say Sunday. Mother's Day.
I have posted on since the day of the murders, and before. (I'm from there) I was on the board the night the deer choking video link was posted. Someone popped on and posted it. At least 10 of us saw it, talked about it, etc...........then poof! It was gone.

But yes STLtoday does have message boards. That is where I learned about WS.:)
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