Sheri Coleman, sons Garett and Gavin murdered 5-5-09, Columbia, IL. Pt9

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Well, is it possible that they want to get some of the details of death out there in the hopes that CC will plead the case out? I mean, once the more damaging details are out in the open, it might help force his hand, even possibly cause his family to give him a 'push' so to speak? Otherwise, I have no idea, but I don't see why not either.

My thoughts exactly. I MIGHT be able to attend.

John Baricevic, the chief judge of the 20th Judicial Circuit, said today he has appointed himself to handle the case. Defense attorneys for Chris Coleman successfully disqualified two other judges in the circuit last week citing bias against the defendant.

John Baricevic is a GREAT judge and a wonderful decent man. I have personally known him and his family for many years. The case is in good hands, I was so hoping either he would take the case or Milton Wharton. I wanted to call him so badly, but, refrained. This is good for the case. JB will be a good fair judge.
Hello RollinOn86,

I know two of us who plan to attend! :)

YES! :blowkiss:

You know, we live on the left coast, and yesterday I told my husband, "What say we have a little vacation to Illinois?" I tried to tempt him with taking the daughter and grandson, so that they could peruse the state while I went to the inquest -- but he wasn't wanting to buy it.
Hello WaterlooInspector,

... This is my own thoughts and opinions concerning "retribution"....Guards at the church silence from GC members. We live in Southern Illinois. Small town justice sometimes includes vigilante groups who make and abide by their own laws. You would think this would be a thing of the past, but after growing up in this part of the country and specifically the Ozarks, this type of justice still prevails.

Oh so strange, but you are reinforcing what another poster wrote earlier on.

I am deeply grieved to hear anything like this -- my birthplace is SL, the first time I ever heard about the "Ozarks" was when my dad said we were going there, when I was a very small child.

I can hardly believe this type of thing exists in this country. The left coast can have some dumbness about it, but I haven't run into this in 40 something years.

Thanks for sharing.

I just can't imagine what a vigilante group might do in a case like this.
Hello RollinOn86,

YES! :blowkiss:

You know, we live on the left coast, and yesterday I told my husband, "What say we have a little vacation to Illinois?" I tried to tempt him with taking the daughter and grandson, so that they could peruse the state while I went to the inquest -- but he wasn't wanting to buy it.

Ah, you should come. There is more here than some might think. They would all have a grand time. Although right now it is HOT and HUMID, maybe the trial will be in the fall or spring, both lovely times here.
Lou Gehrig's or ALS affects nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord, which causes a person's muscles to weaken and atrophy. I don't know if she was wearing bandages or if it could have been support wraps, which would be a possiblity to provide extra support to weakened limbs. So, I can't say with any certainty.

Aren't you glad I answered? Sorry I wasn't any help........

My grandma died from ALS. She wore compression type bandages on her arms and legs.
According to , toxicology will be released at the July 10th inquest. Maybe something very interesting was found in the tox reports.
I thought this was worthy of mention here, too! I can't wait to hear what was found in those reports.

While it is curious as to the about face for the CI, I do think it is only to cover all bases and give the case a second opinion on the COD. It is probable they don't want to allow anything for the defense to come back on them with later. (Not that I put great stock into IL's CI after Kathleen Savio's case tho.)
Hello RollinOn86,

YES! :blowkiss:

You know, we live on the left coast, and yesterday I told my husband, "What say we have a little vacation to Illinois?" I tried to tempt him with taking the daughter and grandson, so that they could peruse the state while I went to the inquest -- but he wasn't wanting to buy it.

It would be a great vacation for all of you. The family could attend a baseball game (although the Cardinals are nothing to write home about right now) - then there is the arch. I'm sure they could find lots to do while you sat in the courtroom. I just want someone to stare down CC - show him he's not as smart as he thinks. And Rosie is right - it's really hot and humid right now (and supposed to be for another week). The heat index has been around 107-108 here - makes mowing the yard very uncomfortable. The pool water is around 90 or 91 - so it isn't exactly refreshing.
Greetings lil VBride :blowkiss:

Knowing how sick his mother was, and going through with his plan, Imo she is another victim who because of all the added stress etc, the disease will be hitting her even harder now. What a loving and caring son! ...

Years ago, my son was out of order (rebellious), causing all sorts of problems in his teen years. His dad (my beloved husband) has a sudden death heart disease, which is affected by stress. I was fit to be tied. I had talked until I was blue in the face to my son (hoping to handle things without causing my husband to be stressed) -- also acted upon things to try to correct him etc., did all I knew to do as mother. My husband fathered accordingly and did the best he could. Our son was just not responding -- he was just so about his own rebellion and self will. I was becoming desperate as I saw the situation of our son's rebellion eating all of us up.

Finally, I called our darling pastor, a man who had raised 4 sons (of all manner of personality, behavior). I asked if he would please come and speak with our son. Oddly, our son did seem to have a heart of love and acceptance toward our pastor, a revere -- you couldn't help but love the man, who was of a grandfatherly age for our son, and he was so very real.

Our son did sit and listen to the pastor who was very caring, calm and reasoning. Our son did not act discourteous, but all of the thoughts probably slid off of him like water off a duck. I sat and listened, and one thing NEVER slid off my back and, although I do not know if my son can directly remember it, I watched his face and felt his spirit when he heard it.

The pastor, at one point asked, "Son, do you realize that you are driving nails in your father's coffin?"

That was such a real statement. We "can" hurt those who love us by our acts of rebellion against mankind.

I believe that Chris Coleman is driving nails in his mother's coffin. I hope that his father and others will go to him and tell him. CC can never undo what he has done, but he can stop the continuation of the horror.
Hello Rosie gal,

John Baricevic is a GREAT judge and a wonderful decent man. I have personally known him and his family for many years. The case is in good hands, I was so hoping either he would take the case or Milton Wharton. I wanted to call him so badly, but, refrained. This is good for the case. JB will be a good fair judge.

This is encouraging news. If, as you say, he is a decent man...then I trust his wisdom in this. I questioned why he would appoint himself, but I am going to trust that he has a very good reason for doing so.
Good evening :seeya: Nancy Grace is going to have something on the murders tonight.

Awaiting toxicology results on mom, 2 sons who were strangled to death; were they drugged?

That was just her introduction, she'll be back to cover more later on.
Hello again Rosie :)

Ah, you should come. There is more here than some might think. They would all have a grand time. Although right now it is HOT and HUMID, maybe the trial will be in the fall or spring, both lovely times here.

Many of my cousins are still in the SL area (haven't seen them for 30 years.) Used to go to Aunt and Uncle's cabin in the Ozarks (where I learned about chiggers, ticks and water moccasins in the nearby creek :) Have cousins in Warrenton on a farm. Remember the Meramec river and caverns. Father's side, family history began around "Dutchtown" (as in Deutch, German) -- immigrant relatives.

Family history could be good to revisit, but American history could be great for my husband (a history buff) and my home-schooled grandson. Also, I don't know that any of us have seen a REAL river in years :) "Fo-get" about getting near it in heat/humidity, oh no no no! Fall could be wonderful :) Maybe we could find a pile of leaves for the grandson to dive into :)

It could be fun to meet some of our Sleuthers to support Sheri's family during the trial!
Nancy spoke about the pending Coroner's inquest, where the toxicology test results will be revealed and the final cause of death will be announced.

She's going over the other evidence LE has against CC including video and a background of the case.
Ok, I'm not up to date on this, but this is on NG.

Money collected for a bereavement fund at the viewing and funeral went where??????????:confused:

Sheri's family wants to know.

Nancy is also discussing possible funneling of money from the bereavement fund going to CC's defense.

Caller wanting to know if psychological testing done for the USMC will be admitted at trial.

Jack Ford, guest on NG's show, saying that these records probably won't be admitted if the defense stays with SODDI and his mental state doesn't come into play. Another guest is saying that the defense should start wanting to consider an insanity defense. Otherwise though, any psych records are irrelevant.
Ok, I'm not up to date on this, but this is on NG.

Money collected for a bereavement fund at the viewing and funeral went where??????????:confused:

Sheri's family wants to know.

Possibly to CC's defense fund. :behindbar
One of the TH's said his attorney might want to start looking at the insanity defense.:confused:

He doesn't know how they could but.....................

Oh, I get it. He's saying that anyone that could strangle their family with a ligature COULD have a good insanity defense.

Discussing now the possibility that all three victims were sedated to make the killings easier.

Reporter on the phone talking now about donations taken at the church for the bereavement fund and Sheri's family wants to know where the money went. Reporter saying she's never heard of taking offerings at any funeral.

NG producer: Bringing up about Sheri's family finding out the house was in foreclosure, 2nd mortgage had been taken out; $30,000 cash out from equity is missing.
One of the TH's said his attorney might want to start looking at the insanity defense.:confused:

He doesn't know how they could but.....................

Oh, I get it. He's saying that anyone that could strangle their family with a ligature COULD have a good insanity defense.

Or they could just be EVIL! :furious: MOO
What a web of dubious choices! Bereavement donations going to a Defense Fund??? Good grief!!! How beyond low is this! Sheri and sons have no stones to mark their graves (stone markers, but not grave stones), but CC has donated monies from people believing they were sharing in a bereavement donation. Unbelievable. :mad:

In my opinion, the Defense is insane themselves if they try to use the insanity option. No way in he!! the jury is going to buy this. I believe the Defense is underestimating the intelligience of the jury even before they are chosen. Are we sure this isn't a MG defense case? :rolleyes:
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