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Here's what the National Alliance on Mental Illness has to say about the subject:

Borderline Personality Disorder

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a serious mental illness that can be challenging for everyone involved, including the individuals with the illness, as well their friends and family members. BPD is characterized by impulsivity and instability in mood, self-image, and personal relationships. The treatments and longer-term studies of BPD offer hope for good outcomes for most individuals who live with BPD. Ideas to name the condition in a manner that better describes the pattern of concerns (e.g., Emotion Dysregulation Disorder) have been advanced but no name change to the condition is planned for the release of DSM-5.

What is really disgusting to me is that there are many people living with BPD and PTSD who will never physically harm another human being. For the DT to imply that this is what caused JA to do what she did or played a hand in it is not only disgusting, it will promote misconceptions of mental illness in general and set us back in the effort to educate the public.

This is a very good point. Thank you for your post.
Hey Ho! :seeya::seeya: ........ from the sunlit shores of the Atlantic Ocean .... :blowkiss:




:leaf: :lamb:

:wave: :fish:
Hey Ho! :seeya::seeya: ........ from the sunlit shores of the Atlantic Ocean .... :blowkiss:




:leaf: :lamb:

:wave: :fish:

Herbycat! ((((((((BASILCAT)))))))))
i agree with previous posters that JM needs to address the fact that BPD is NOT an excuse for murder. i really hope he can get Dr. DeMarte up there to really bring this point home.

this will clearly be the defenses main mitigating factor..that and the alleged "abuse." excuse me while i go vomit.
does anyone know what time NG behind bars is on tonight??

If your time (in Scotland) is the same as London time, then it should be on at 9:00 am your time. Scotland is 8 hours ahead of Portland, Oregon and Nancy Grace comes on at 5:00 pm here.

Hope that helps. :seeya:
i agree with previous posters that JM needs to address the fact that BPD is NOT an excuse for murder. i really hope he can get Dr. DeMarte up there to really bring this point home.

this will clearly be the defenses main mitigating factor..that and the alleged "abuse." excuse me while i go vomit.

And that personality disorders are very common in those who commit violent crimes. And that having this type of disorder is not a mitigating factor as they do know right from wrong. I mean, what is the DT trying to do, make a case to excuse all violent crimes and give a get out of jail free card to all the convicts? :waitasec:
i agree with previous posters that JM needs to address the fact that BPD is NOT an excuse for murder. i really hope he can get Dr. DeMarte up there to really bring this point home.

this will clearly be the defenses main mitigating factor..that and the alleged "abuse." excuse me while i go vomit.


Yes, maybe he can talk about how all 1st degree murderers are obviously going to have some kind of psychological problems? That seems like an obvious thing, but it might be helpful if he points it out.

As far as DeMarte, she needs to be a little more personable on the stand this time. I think the older least 4 of them!...were drawn more towards ALV's style of talking to them. They really seem to have stuck onto the abuse thing...and I'm thinking that there's NO substantial evidence of it, so ALV's testimony must have done something for them!! I did not for the life of me think that anything she said would have resonated with ANY of the jurors, but after hearing juror 6 comment about the 4 life seemed to come from what ALV kept saying over and over...that there is PROOF in the text messages and e-mails. She seemed pretty stuck to that. Remember that line? She kept repeating it like a parrot....I think that was a good defense strategy.

I am starting to think that the defense strategy worked more towards these particular type of jurors than Juan's strategy did. Juan went fast and to-the-point. JW and Nurmi did everything slooowwwwlllly so it could really sink it. Just from listening to the Foreman, I can tell he for one probably beneffited from that style as it gave him time to understand everything and follow everything. For example, that crime write Camille Kimball, wrote after the verdict, that she had seen Juror 18 nodding in agreement when ALV was talking about how children from abusive pasts often grow up to be abusive. Why, I think b/c ALV was older, she was talking to him in a style he liked, she was speaking slowly and elaborating and telling stories as she went. I think it give the 4 jurors time for something she was saying to resonate with them.

Now, on the opposite side, I think the other 8 saw her testimony for exactly what it was - BS. But I think now that we have this abuse thing that the 4 are sticking on to, it must have come from ALV's testimony.
If your time (in Scotland) is the same as London time, then it should be on at 9:00 am your time. Scotland is 8 hours ahead of Portland, Oregon and Nancy Grace comes on at 5:00 pm here.

Hope that helps. :seeya:

I'm always so impressed with folks that can keep track of times in different time zones. I'm seriously challenged in that way. I had to set a world clock on my iPhone so I could keep track of the trial. Toss in daylight savings time...I'm even more confused!

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I think the DT is trying to cover all bases and their behinds by at least filing something saying JA is mentally ill. However, if the diagnosis is simply BPD, it does not qualify. She would have to have a very low i.q. (that would disqualify the death penalty) or be completely bonkers out of her mind not knowing right from wrong. We know neither of those is the case. So, don't expect anything to come of this, imo.
Camilla shall never be Queen, Snaffler. The Duchess of Cambridge shall prevail owing to her great photogenicity.

Anyone here care to admit they remember the old TV show, Queen for a Day? :floorlaugh:

Here's what the National Alliance on Mental Illness has to say about the subject:

Borderline Personality Disorder

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a serious mental illness that can be challenging for everyone involved, including the individuals with the illness, as well their friends and family members. BPD is characterized by impulsivity and instability in mood, self-image, and personal relationships. The treatments and longer-term studies of BPD offer hope for good outcomes for most individuals who live with BPD. Ideas to name the condition in a manner that better describes the pattern of concerns (e.g., Emotion Dysregulation Disorder) have been advanced but no name change to the condition is planned for the release of DSM-5.

What is really disgusting to me is that there are many people living with BPD and PTSD who will never physically harm another human being. For the DT to imply that this is what caused JA to do what she did or played a hand in it is not only disgusting, it will promote misconceptions of mental illness in general and set us back in the effort to educate the public.

Also, it's jmo that psychology cannot explain away or justify everything that people are and do. And by the same token, the DSM doesn't have a category or explanation for what can only be explained as Pure Evil. I guess the closest thing would be Antisocial Personality Disorder.

I do find it very difficult to believe she did not fit this profile in her MMPI results. Somehow I believe she did, that's just moo of course.
IMO, the DT would have played the mental card, the murderer would not let them because it exposed her they are attempting to backtrack via media and beyond the sickos consent to rectify her frickin case all because of 4 people.....makes me sick!

I really am hoping they'll just agree to LWOP. I just think it's time to stop the CMJA circus and these ridiculous side shows. It's just really disgusting.
If your time (in Scotland) is the same as London time, then it should be on at 9:00 am your time. Scotland is 8 hours ahead of Portland, Oregon and Nancy Grace comes on at 5:00 pm here.

Hope that helps. :seeya:

god i am not up at the time :floorlaugh: hopefully i'll be able to find it somewhere online :sigh:
Also, it's jmo that psychology cannot explain away or justify everything that people are and do. And by the same token, the DSM doesn't have a category or explanation for what can only be explained as Pure Evil. I guess the closest thing would be Antisocial Personality Disorder.

I do find it very difficult to believe she did not fit this profile in her MMPI results. Somehow I believe she did, that's just moo of course.

Just like science can't explain everything due to limited imperfect knowledge, the brain is still a deep mystery with psychology. APD is what will be used for a psychopathy diagnosis. I have noticed a division among the professionals I work with....some say psychopathy goes beyond APD but APD has to be used for billing purposes. Another said it pretty much fits the bill of what psychopathy is. I say they are both right....

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