SIDEBAR #13- Arias/Alexander forum

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What strangers?? We have strangers here :scared: :scared:

Haha!!! Don't be afraid, I only meant it in the most affectionate way - not like this:

Sample MMPI-2 questions:


1.I like mechanics magazines
2.I have a good appetite
3.I wake up fresh & rested most mornings
4.I think I would like the work of a librarian
5.I am easily awakened by noise
6.I like to read newspaper articles on crime
7.My hands and feet are usually warm enough
8.My daily life is full of things that keep me interested
9.I am about as able to work as I ever was
10.There seems to be a lump in my throat much of the time
11.A person should try to understand his dreams and be guided by or take warning from them
12.I enjoy detective or mystery stories
13.I work under a great deal of tension
14.I have diarrhea once a month or more
15.Once in a while I think of things too bad to talk about
16.I am sure I get a raw deal from life
17.My father was a good man
18.I am very seldom troubled by constipation
19.When I take a new, I like to be tipped off on whom should be gotten next to
20.My sex life is satisfactory
21.At times I have very much wanted to leave home
22.At times I have fits of laughing & crying that I cannot control
23.I am troubled by attacks of nausea and vomiting
24.No one seems to understand me
25.I would like to be a singer
26.I feel that it is certainly best to keep my mouth shut when I’m in trouble
27.Evil spirits possess me at times
28.When someone does me a wrong I feel I should pay him back if I can, just for the principle of the thing.
29.I am bothered by acid stomach several times a week
30.At times I feel like swearing
31.I have nightmares every few nights
32.I find it hard to keep my mind on a task or job
33.I have had very peculiar and strange experiences
34.I have a cough most of the time
35.If people had not had it in for me I would have been much more successful
36.I seldom worry about my heath
37.I have never been in trouble because of my sex behavior
38.During one period when I was a youngster I engaged in petty thievery
39.At times I feel like smashing things
40.Most any time I would rather sit and daydream than to do anything else
41.I have had periods of days, weeks, or months when I couldn’t take care of things because I couldn’t “get going”
42.My family does not like the work I have chosen ( or the work I intend to choose for my life work)
43.My sleep is fitful and disturbed
44.Much of the time my head seems to hurt all over
45.I do not always tell the truth
46.My judgment is better than it ever was
47.Once a week or oftener I feel suddenly hot all over without apparent cause
48.When I am with people I am bothered by hearing very queer things
49.It would be better if almost all laws were thrown away
50.My soul sometimes leaves my body
51.I am in just as good physical health as most of my friends
52.I prefer to pass by school friends, or people I know but have not seen for a long time, unless they speak to me first
53.A minister can cure disease by praying and putting his hand on your head
54.I am liked by most people who know me
55.I am almost never bothered by pains over the heart or in my chest
56.As a youngster I was suspended from school one or more times for cutting up
57.I am a good mixer
58.Everything is turning out just like the prophets of the Bible said it would
59.I have often had to take orders from someone who did not know as much as I did
60.I do not read every editorial in the newspaper everyday
61.I have not lived the right kind of life
62.Parts of my body often have feeling like burning, tingling, crawling, or like “going to sleep”
63.I have had no difficulty in starting or holding my bowel movement
64.I sometimes keep on at a thing until others lose their patience with me
65.I loved my father
66.I see things or animals or people around me that others do not see
67.I wish I could be as happy as others seem to be
68.I hardly ever feel pain in the back of the neck
69.I am very strongly attracted by members of my own sex
70.I used to like drop-the-handkerchief
71.I think a great many people exaggerate their misfortunes in order to gain the sympathy and help of others
72.I am troubled by discomfort in the pit of my stomach every few days or oftener
73.I am an important person
74.I have often wished I were a girl. (Or if you are a girl) I have never been sorry that I am a girl
75.I get angry sometimes

Note: People actually order "bootleg" copies of the test and "study guides" so that they can "pass" the MMPI. Scary, huh?!

Just lurking and reading but this one caught my attention.
Does one really need a copy of this to understand how to "cheat" the test?
To me it seems obvious which ones you should answer as true or false, and I have to think even someone with a personality disorder would also be able to determine how to answer to look "normal" (or not, depending on the result you want).
I can understand most people trying to get help wanting to answer truthfully, but why even bother giving these to criminals?
Maybe other questions on the test are more ambiguous on how they should be answered? I dunno....:fence:

Long time, no see, freaks!!

ONE WEEK smoke-free in honor of Travis!!! (well, in honor of my kids too, because when I told my daughter that I quit for Travis, she stared at me like I had four heads and said, "You quit smoking for some random dude you've never met??" Hey, she's only 10, cut her some slack)

Off to catch up...

ETA: I'll make it easier on myself and just ask what I missed? I haven't even been watching TV coverage.
Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry. That's terrible. I don't go to bed feeling panicky I can't sleep anymore, as I no longer have to work. I do remember feeling that way when I was younger and had to get up for work at 5:00 am. Totally out of sync with my circadian rhythm, I am a night owl, and detest early mornings. I truly believe that it contributed to the health problems I had 20 years ago.

Do some stretching to relax your muscles, take deep slow breaths, close your eyes, soft music. Maybe even a glass of wine or Chamomile tea. :hug:

OMG, I am the SAME way!!!! I have trouble falling asleep and now lately I wake up in the middle of the night and panic because I know I have to get up early for work and then I can't fall back asleep. It's terrible.

Hope you're feeling better, sequek!!!
My hubby has always told me 'I'm stronger than a woodpecker's lips.':floorlaugh:

Meaning strong minded.:)

I bet you are, oceanblue. Though I've never heard it put quite in those terms. :floorlaugh:
OMG, I am the SAME way!!!! I have trouble falling asleep and now lately I wake up in the middle of the night and panic because I know I have to get up early for work and then I can't fall back asleep. It's terrible.

Hope you're feeling better, sequek!!!

When I worked EVERY SINGLE NIGHT, except for Friday and Saturday, was like that. I know exactly the feelings you have. I still wake up a lot--it's always between 3 and 3:30 a.m.. My heart races and ugh, it's no fun.

Oh, and H.O.???? No staying away this long again :slap:
When I worked EVERY SINGLE NIGHT, except for Friday and Saturday, was like that. I know exactly the feelings you have. I still wake up a lot--it's always between 3 and 3:30 a.m.. My heart races and ugh, it's no fun.

Oh, and H.O.???? No staying away this long again :slap:

I promise!!! :scared:
As a medical professional, I am going to defend the medical care in the US. I think your gripe is with the insurance companies and trial lawyers and NOT with those who actually give medical care. I can assure you that when you go into the ER, the nurses and doctors are not concerned with your ability to pay. They are first and foremost only concerned with diagnosing and treating the patients before them. In over 30 years of working in med-surg, ICU, and ERs, I have never seen any doctor choose not to do their job and treat their patients accordingly. I personally have never treated a patient differently because of their ability to pay.

As the wife of a physician in private practice, I hear his frustrations on a daily basis having had to fight with insurance companies. He does not like that insurance companies have the audacity to tell him how to practice medicine. He is an excellent physician and goes to bat for his patients when the insurance companies deem that a certain test or scan is not medically necessary. He usually wins.

Another problem contributing to higher health care costs is having to also practice defensive medicine. We chart on all our patients as if an attorney was going to read them. Work ups by physicians are done with the same mind set. Most physicians can diagnose and treat a medical condition without a million dollars worth of testing, but because of the underlying ever present threat of lawsuits, they are so ordered. Medical malpractice rates have skyrocketed. It is pretty sad that cardiologists and oB GYNS are having to pay over 200K a year in malpractice insurance premiums.

My husband did not go into medicine for the money. He went into it because he loves it. I certainly did not go into nursing for the money as I made 60K/year with 30 years experience and I worked hard and did my job well. I personally would not go anywhere else in the world for medical care except the United States. Our system is not perfect, but with a few exceptions, our doctors and nurses are some of the most dedicated and excellent professionals around.

Thanks for reading. JMV :seeya:

May I just add that your husband is rare? Thank God for him. I have lived long enough to see what insurance companies and lawyers are doing. However, in the last three years my own doctor has gone to an unfeeling stance and joined with a group who is all for the affordable healthcare act (Obama care) and level of care has dropped dramatically. So I have to stand with those who say our level of care in the US is horrendous. As I said, your husband is rare. Most want the money....that means insurance companies, lawyers AND the medical profession. Just greed.
A few threads ago, people were mentioning a good book to read and I thought it was called Defending Jeffrey. Barnes&Noble has no such book. Does anyone recall the correct title? I thought it was a legal thriller and people were mentioning something about what a mother would do for their child. Any help would be greatly appreciated. TIA

It's Defending Jacob by Willliam Landay.

I really liked it. I liked the way the author wrote and the way he laid out the story. Some holes in the plot, but a good, quick read.
iirc she bought two bottles of neutrogena sunscreen. That would be the two items 9.95.

I also don't know why she would need two facial cleansers and two suncreens. OCD?

I thought I read somewhere that she bought hair dye, but the facial items are only 3.97, I've not seen hair dye sold for under 6.00 here. I could believe that two different items were listed as facial but the fact that the price was identical, I believe it was two of the same product.

ETA: This was 5 years ago, so maybe the cleansers could have been hair dye on sale. IDK. I was also thinking it would have also been moisturizer.

Revlon hair color sells for $4 box and two for $6 when on sale and it does a beautiful job. Used it for years. Just go in Walgreens or Walmart. Many products are under $6.
I bet you are, oceanblue. Though I've never heard it put quite in those terms. :floorlaugh:

We are from the south and we are known for having plenty of sayings that others around the country haven't heard of before.:floorlaugh:

It really is a compliment. I have him snowed :D (not really) and he thinks I am so strong to have gone through what I did in my childhood and with my ex and come out stronger than ever.

I have always been easygoing and loving but I will stand my ground and uphold my convictions if necessary.:seeya:
Just lurking and reading but this one caught my attention.
Does one really need a copy of this to understand how to "cheat" the test?
To me it seems obvious which ones you should answer as true or false, and I have to think even someone with a personality disorder would also be able to determine how to answer to look "normal" (or not, depending on the result you want).
I can understand most people trying to get help wanting to answer truthfully, but why even bother giving these to criminals?
Maybe other questions on the test are more ambiguous on how they should be answered? I dunno....:fence:

I think Little Missy would be tripped up by the test because she lies to herself so much. She probably has difficulty figuring out what actually IS true and what isn't! :twocents:

Also, while knowledgeable about how to seduce men, she lacks insight into the simplest of human interactions, in many cases, and wouldn't always be able to discern how a "normal" person would answer. She'd have to guess and, because of the way the test is designed (e. g., to give a LOT of opportunities for trip-ups), CKJA would give herself away in a heartbeat.

That's why Dr. D diagnosed her as having several different problems. Jodi Ann was NOT able to "beat the test"!

Good Morning. Was finally able to sleep last night - of course wine helped.

I will not be watching the JA Lifetime movie. I am sick of poor little Jodi.

Here is a song that I have always liked and I like this version by Roger Miller the best.
Roger Miller "Me And Bobby McGee" - YouTube

Sorry, I did not realize that this song had been previously posted. Great minds think alike - right????
Princeton University evacuated - possible bomb threat - CNN
Boy, someone sure missed the "pale factor/greasy hair" and I'd fire those make-up artists! :floorlaugh: They needed to have their actress put cotton batts in her mouth to get that under lip protrusion.............ok, I'm getting obsessive :facepalm:

It gives me the creeps looking at the actress. Do you think they used enough hair spray???

JA has creeped me out for a long time. That picture is too creepy for words.
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