SIDEBAR #14- Arias/Alexander forum

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Here is my DS#3's fave!
So easy and really good IMO

However many cans of Chunky Mixed Fruit you need - to that
Mix however much Vanilla Instant Pudding you need with a little water to the consistency you prefer.

Mix together. That's it.
It is the defense that is asking for a delay until January. It is up to the judge to rule on this. Hopefully she will continue with the set schedule of July and not give the defense any more extensions.
BBM Because they can and the US loves a scandelous story. I do not have Dish anymore so I won't be able to see the movie but my guess is that the movie will not be so forgiving toward the Mormon church. There are a lot of people in the US who have never heard of the Mormon/LDS church. I have met a few. Not to mention the Mormon church's involvement with Prop 8 in Calif. did not make that church popular. I might be wrong in my prediction. Sex sells here. How dare a church dicipline a grown man..something like that. :moo:

I looked on the IMDB site for "Dirty Little Secret" and found the following characters:

Pool Club Stud
Morman (I think they meant MormOn)
Yoga Student

I don't remember hearing about any of these people during the trial. I wonder how true to life the movie will be.?? Never liked Lifetime when I did have TV.:moo:

LifeTime is the outfit that thought it was a good idea to have Lindsay Lohan portray Elizabeth Taylor in a movie about Liz's life. :doh:
And she didn't answer JVM's question regarding drugs. JVM played a clip from the trial with Juan saying something to the effect of "when asked about her and the defendants drug use...she (Patty) refused to answer the question (or any more questions)". I mean who cares if her and Arias smoked pot as kids. Who in their youth (and beyond) hasn't? (OK I am sure some haven't). All Patty said on JVM was that she has never been arrested or in jail for drugs. So if that is true, why di she refuse to answer questions from Juan?

Those of you, like me, who watched JVM last night and heard all Patti had to say, if you later watched Dr Drew you would be shocked to hear the Edited, slived, diced, and re-formatted version he played, twice. He painted an entirely different interview,

As far as "Threats" go, I wonder what percentage came from the DefTeam "actors" who were told to make a threat. Personally, I can't see why anyone would want to threaten Patti, but it gave JA the opportunity to LIE and tell the Jurors that her friend wanted to testify on her behalf but was afraid to because both her and her 9 year old daughter (most didn't even know she had) were threatened. Keep in mind the DefTeam that played every trick in the book and added new ones. Dr Drew owes an apology and/or explanation for how/who created that false portrayal of the interview with JVM.

I understand LaViolet getting slammed on Social Media but not Patti. I think the DefTeam saw what they could get from Patti, and decided that its best she doesn't testify, plus she didn't want to, and the Def decided to take the Lemon and make Lemon-AID, blame JM, and arranged some threats.
You know anyone who makes a threat leaves a trail behind, be it their phone number or IP address.
LifeTime is the outfit that thought it was a good idea to have Lindsay Lohan portray Elizabeth Taylor in a movie about Liz's life. :doh:

In defense of Lifetime, I will admit that this program entertained me.
[probably not in the manner they intended]
I know this won't be a popular opinion, but I'm getting worried about this Jodi Arias thing. We've all seen in the course of this trial how Jodi seems to get what Jodi wants (aside from the GUILTY of PREMEDITATED MURDER verdict, of course).

a. Court had to end at 4:30 (AZ time)
b. If Jodi CLAIMED to have a migraine court was cancelled.
c. If Jodi wanted to do a press conference she got to do a press conference!
d. Jodi made Travis' family stop wearing blue ribbons, but her family got to wear purple ribbons.
e. Jodi got to wear street clothes even after she was convicted.
f. Jodi "colored" during trial instead of paying attention.
g. Jodi got to "Tweet" and use eBay.

…and the list goes on.

Anyway…I'm all for the County Attorney dropping the DP and letting the judge decide on LWP or LWOP (no input from the DT required) and get this murderer safely ensconced in Perryville. The way things are going, I'm afraid SOMEHOW, SOMEWAY she's gonna figure out a way to get HOUSE ARREST with an ankle bracelet for the next 20 years.:scared::scared::scared:
I was thinking the other day...did she ever give HER explanation as to why her left palm print was on the wall, a mixture of her blood and Travis's? If her left hand wasn't cut, did she ever say where her blood came from?

What little she did "explain" is in the "Flores Interrogation" videos. What she said during trial is all..............meh.......smoke and mirrors..JMO
That was so funny! It rather reminded me of this dance number I saw a few years ago. It is Christmasy...but what the heck, it is almost Christmas in July so I will post it. Since nobody on this forum knows me IRL, I have to say that I really love this video and I am not making fun of the gentleman dancer.

Miracle on 42nd Street - YouTube

That "gentleman dancer" is so "fluid", it makes me think he doesn't have bones! :floorlaugh: Seriously, he's GREAT! Puts that gal to shame, really :blushing:
Hmmm..maybe Owl City, The Postal Service or Kate Nash.

I listened to Owl City channel all day yesterday. I am going to listen to the postal service next! Love your taste in music and I will follow your recommendations for Pandora channels!

Have you ever listened to Jamie cullum ? One of my favorites

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What happened to my post? Must not have entered it.


The DT couldn't even get Jodi's Parents and Family to speak in her favor. They were in court everyday, so the public knew who they were. Why would anyone else put themselves in that position?
BBM~ Apparently trial is not until Jan. 2014. Not 100% sure though. Yes, we use this thread.

I don't pay attention to NG anymore, sorry. As far as i'm concerned BK should have replaced her. :twocents:

It is a has not been confirmed yet.

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I have been relaxing, reading and enjoying all of your posts ... but I have an emergency that I need help with ...

I find myself in a position where I have to prepare a fruit salad for (in a hurry) for a family function. I have never made a fruit salad before (believe it or not). Can anybody give me a quick, easy and yummy recipe. I have googled and found a few ... but somehow I feel there is the "ultimate" one on this board ... one that has been tried and trued ...

I hate it when family functions get in the way of my WS reading. TIA :yow: (in a panic here). Getting ready to go out for groceries ... will check back after my shower. Eeeegad!!

Just chop up some fruit. Not small. Large chunks.

Don't add bananas. They get mushy real fast. Apricots, too.

If using canned fruit, make sure it is well drained, because the fruit will create it's own juice. I save the juice for blender slushee drinks.
I agree with you 100% on this one.

From the motion:

"Before the penalty phase began Ms. Arias moved to dismiss the death penalty due to the fact that she could not present a complete mitigation case. On May 20, 2013, during the argument on that motion, Ms. Arias advised the court that Patricia Womack was not willing to return to Arizona to testify on Ms. Arias’ behalf because she had been threatened. Of note is the fact this comes on the heels of record being made of the threats made to Ms. LaViolette, an expert in the field of domestic violence and another key mitigation witness. Due to Ms. Arias inability to present a complete picture to the jury Ms. Arias then chose to present no witnesses. In contrast to this state of affairs, it is Ms. Arias’ desire to call witnesses during the re-trial of her sentencing phase, if and only if a full picture can be painted."


"In Ms. Arias’ case, the Defense mitigation investigation was completed and she was ready to present said evidence at trial up until the point in time when mitigation witnesses felt too intimidated to come forward. Thus, in essence Ms. Arias needs the requested time to find alternative means of painting the picture of Ms. Arias’ life that defense counsel must present and the jury must consider."

The DT clearly does not have a strategy at this point in time, just as they were winging it with the previous mitigation phase. Interesting to note that they threw ALV's name into the motion; the DT didn't even bring up physical abuse in their remarks to the court. They knew the jury did not buy it.

Can't see ALV, Womack or Brewer making a compelling argument on mitigating factors. ALV is less than credible and if the DT dared to call her, Martinez would rip her to ribbons. Womack still has not come to terms with the fact that her BFF murdered this man; she broke down in tears talking about it with JVM the other night and she cannot justify it. She also cannot offer any testimony to support CMJA being abused as a child.

Must be some interesting temper tantrums going on right now between CMJA and her counsel.

I'll be interesting to see how JSS rules on this; barring attorney time conflicts, it would seem the other argument has no merit. The convict has had five years to prepare for this and five months of trial time. Preparation for this phase should have been included in the overall defense strategy.

Motion denied.


Totally agree!

Just because it didn't end the way they would have liked, doesn't give them the opportunity to say oh crap, we need to figure something else out. This isn't a d#mn scripted TV show. :banghead:
I don't know if this has been posted before, if so please except my apologies. I just read this article written by a female sociopath who is also a law professor. She is also of the Mormon faith. It's a good read, especially when she writes about her thoughts going on inside her head. You can just imagine how JA thinks.
I don't know if this has been posted before, if so please except my apologies. I just read this article written by a female sociopath who is also a law professor. She is also of the Mormon faith. It's a good read, especially when she writes about her thoughts going on inside her head. You can just imagine how JA thinks.

I read that not long ago. Beyond disturbing...she has some APD going on too...I'd bet my next milkshake on it
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I agree with you 100% on this one.

From the motion:

"Before the penalty phase began Ms. Arias moved to dismiss the death penalty due to the fact that she could not present a complete mitigation case. On May 20, 2013, during the argument on that motion, Ms. Arias advised the court that Patricia Womack was not willing to return to Arizona to testify on Ms. Arias’ behalf because she had been threatened. Of note is the fact this comes on the heels of record being made of the threats made to Ms. LaViolette, an expert in the field of domestic violence and another key mitigation witness. Due to Ms. Arias inability to present a complete picture to the jury Ms. Arias then chose to present no witnesses. In contrast to this state of affairs, it is Ms. Arias’ desire to call witnesses during the re-trial of her sentencing phase, if and only if a full picture can be painted."


"In Ms. Arias’ case, the Defense mitigation investigation was completed and she was ready to present said evidence at trial up until the point in time when mitigation witnesses felt too intimidated to come forward. Thus, in essence Ms. Arias needs the requested time to find alternative means of painting the picture of Ms. Arias’ life that defense counsel must present and the jury must consider."

The DT clearly does not have a strategy at this point in time, just as they were winging it with the previous mitigation phase. Interesting to note that they threw ALV's name into the motion; the DT didn't even bring up physical abuse in their remarks to the court. They knew the jury did not buy it.

Can't see ALV, Womack or Brewer making a compelling argument on mitigating factors. ALV is less than credible and if the DT dared to call her, Martinez would rip her to ribbons. Womack still has not come to terms with the fact that her BFF murdered this man; she broke down in tears talking about it with JVM the other night and she cannot justify it. She also cannot offer any testimony to support CMJA being abused as a child.

Must be some interesting temper tantrums going on right now between CMJA and her counsel.

I'll be interesting to see how JSS rules on this; barring attorney time conflicts, it would seem the other argument has no merit. The convict has had five years to prepare for this and five months of trial time. Preparation for this phase should have been included in the overall defense strategy.

Motion denied. IMO

I say subpoena the witnesses. It's a Death Penalty case, and CMJA's "friends" don't want to save her life? Pffftttt. If my BFF was looking at the death penalty, come he!! or high water, I'd testify in their behalf! Where's MM? CMJA's ex BF who would never betray her?
Seems that CMJA's bestest buds don't feel there's anything worth saving, to say nothing of her family. Using the family as a future appeal point, and their current "abusive family" scenario certainly doesn't look good at all. If Mom and Dad Arias had any cajones, they'd say to heck with the defense attorneys, we're going to try and save our daughter's life. But maybe they don't want to save her? JMO
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