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Olies car accident

A Minnesota farmer named Olie had a car accident. He was hit by a truck owned by the Eversweet Company.

In court, the Eversweet Company's hot-shot attorney questioned him thus:
'Didn't you say to the state trooper at the scene of the accident, 'I'm fine?"
Olie responded: 'vell, I'lla tell you vat happened dere. I'd yust loaded my fav'rit cow, Bessie, into da... '

'I didn't ask for any details', the lawyer interrupted. 'Just answer the question. Did you not say, at the scene of the accident, 'I'm fine!'?'

Olie said, 'vell, I'd yust got Bessie into da trailer and I vas drivin' down da road.... '

The lawyer interrupted again and said, 'Your Honor, I am trying to establish the fact that, at the scene of the accident, this man told the police on the scene that he was fine. Now several weeks after the accident, he is trying to sue my client. I believe he is a fraud.
Please tell him to simply answer the question.

By this time, the Judge was fairly interested in Olie's answer and said to the attorney: 'I'd like to hear what he has to say about his favorite cow, Bessie'.
Olie said: 'Tank you' and proceeded. 'vell as I vas saying, I had yust loaded Bessie, my fav'rit cow, into de trailer and was drivin' her down de road vin dis hugeEversweet truck and trailer came tundering tru a stop sign and hit me trailer right in da side by golly. I wastrown into one ditch and Bessie was trown into da udder ditch.

By yimminy yahosaphat I vas hurt, purty durn bad, and didn't want to move. An even vurse dan dat,, I could hear old Bessie a moanin' and a groanin'. I knew shevas in terrible pain yust by her groans.

Shortly after da accident, a policeman on a motorbike turned up. He could hear Bessie a moanin' and a groanin' too, so he vent over to her. After he looked at her, and saw her condition, he took out his gun and shot her right between the eyes.

Den da policeman came across de road, gun still in hand, looked at me, and said, 'How are you feelin'?'
'Now wot da fock vud you say?'
Italian Don

An old Italian Mafia 'Don' is dying and he calls his grandson into his bedroom.
'Lissin-a me. I wanna for you to taka my chrome plated 38 revolver so you will always remember me.'
'But grandpa, I really don't lika guns. Howzabout you leava me your Rolex watch instead?'
'Shuddup an lissin. Somma day you gonna runna da gonna have a beautiful wife, lotsa money, a big home and maybe a couple a bambinos.'
'Somma day you gonna comma home and maybe finda you wife inna bed with another man. Whadda you gonna do then ....... pointa to your watch and say 'Times up?'
The Candle

Mrs. Donovan was walking down O'Connell Street in Dublin when she met up with Father Flaherty.
Aren't ye Mrs.. Donovan and didn't I marry ye and yer hoosband two years ago?'
She replied, 'Aye, that ye did, Father.'
The Father asked, 'And be there any wee little ones yet?'
She replied, 'No, not yet, Father.'

The Father said, 'Well now, I'm going to Rome next week and I'll light a candle for ye and yer hoosband.' She replied, 'Oh, thank ye, Father.' They then parted ways. Some years later they met again. The Father asked, 'Well now, Mrs. Donovan, how are ye these days?'
She replied, 'Oh, very well, Father!'

The Father asked, 'And tell me , have ye any wee ones yet?'
She replied, 'Oh yes, Father! Two sets of twins and six singles, ten in all!'
The Father said, 'That's wonderful! How is yer loving hoosband doing?'
She replied, 'E's gone to Rome to blow out yer ******in' candle.'
Complete vs. Finished

No English dictionary has been able to adequately explain the difference betweenthese two words.
In a recent linguistic competition held in Toronto, attended by supposedly the best in the world, a Newfoundlander was the clear winnerwith a standing ovation which lasted over 5 minutes.

The final question was: How do you explain the difference between COMPLETE and FINISHED in a way that is easy to understand? Some people say there is NO difference between COMPLETE and FINISHED.

Here is his astute answer.
When you marry the right woman, you are COMPLETE. When you marry the wrong woman, you are FINISHED. AND when the right one catches you with the wrong one, you are COMPLETELY FINISHED!!
He won a trip to travel the world in style and a case of 25 year old Scotch.
Another Corny Joke

A woman’s car gets a flat tire on the Interstate one day. So she eases it over onto the shoulder of the road. She carefully steps out of the car and opens the trunk. Takes out two cardboard men, unfolds them and stands them at the rear of the vehicle facing oncoming traffic. The lifelike cardboard men are in trench coats exposing their nude bodies to approaching drivers...

Not surprisingly, the traffic became snarled and backed up. It wasn't very long before a police car arrives. The Officer, clearly enraged, approaches the owner of the disabled vehicle yelling, "What is going on here?"

"My car broke down, Officer" says the woman, calmly.
"Well, what the heck are these obscene cardboard pictures doing here by the road?!" asks the Officer...
"Oh, those are my emergency flashers!" she replied.
Walk on Water for 1st Legal Drink

Bubba had long heard the stories of an amazing family
tradition. It seems that his father, grandfather and
great-grandfather had all been able to walk on water on
their 21st birthday.

On that special day, they'd each
walked across the lake to the bar on the far side for
their first legal drink.

So when Bubba's 21st birthday came around, he and his
pal Jim Bob took a boat out to the middle of the lake,
Bubba stepped out of the boat and nearly drowned!

Jim-Bob just barely managed to pull him to safety. Furious
and confused, Bubba went to see his grandmother.

'Grandma, he asked, 'it's my 21st birthday, so why can't
I walk 'cross the lake like my pappy, his father, and
his father before him?

Granny looked deeply into Bubba's troubled eyes and said,
'Because your father, your grandfather and your great
grandfather were born in January, when the lake is frozen,
and you were born in July.
What's going on?

The boss of a big company needed to call one of his employees about an urgent problem with one of the main computers. He dialed the employees home phone number and was greeted with a child's whisper, "Hello?"
Feeling put out at the inconvenience of having to talk to a youngster the boss asked, "Is your Daddy home?"

"Yes," whispered the small voice.
"May I talk with him?" the man asked.

To the surprise of the boss, the small voice whispered, "No."
Wanting to talk with an adult, the boss asked, "Is your Mommy there?"

"Yes," came the answer.
"May I talk with her?"
Again the small voice whispered, "No".

Knowing that it was not likely that a young child would be left home alone, the boss decided he would just leave a message with the person who should be there watching over the child. "Is there any one there besides you?" the boss asked the child.

"Yes" whispered the child, "A policeman."
Wondering what a cop would be doing at his employee's home, the boss asked "May I speak with the policeman"?

"No, he's busy," whispered the child.
"Busy doing what?" asked the boss.

"Talking to Daddy and Mommy and the Fireman," came the whispered answer.
Growing concerned and even worried as he heard what sounded like a helicopter through the ear piece on the phone the boss asked, "What is that noise?"

"A hello-copper," answered the whispering voice.
"What is going on there?", asked the boss, now alarmed.

In an awed whispering voice the child answered, "The search team just landed the hello-copper"
Alarmed, concerned and more than just a little frustrated the boss asked, "Why are they there?"

Still whispering, the young voice replied along with a muffled giggle: "They're looking for me"
Watching the Apples

The children were lined up in the cafeteria of a Catholic elementary school for lunch. At the head of the table was a large pile of apples. The nun made a note, and posted on the apple tray: "Take only ONE. God is watching."

Moving further along the lunch line, at the other end of the table was a large pile of chocolate chip cookies. A child had written a note, "Take all you want. God is watching the apples."
IRS Audit

The Internal Revenue Service decides to audit Ralph, and summons him to an appointment with the toughest auditor in the office. The IRS auditor is not surprised when Ralph shows up with his attorney.

The auditor says, "Well, sir, you have an extravagant lifestyle and no full-time employment, which you explain by saying that you win money gambling. I'm not sure the IRS finds that believable."

"I'm a great gambler, and I can prove it," says Ralph. "How about a demonstration?"

The auditor thinks for a moment and says, "Okay. Go ahead."
Ralph says, "I'll bet you a thousand dollars that I can bite my own eye."
The auditor thinks a moment and says, "No way! It's a bet."
Ralph removes his glass eye and bites it.
The auditor's jaw drops.

Ralph says, "Now, I'll bet you two thousand dollars that I can bite my other eye."
The auditor can tell Ralph isn't blind, so he takes the bet.
Ralph removes his dentures and bites his good eye.
The stunned auditor now realizes he has wagered and lost three grand, with Ralph's attorney as a witness. He starts to get nervous.

"Want to go double or nothing?" Ralph asks. "I'll bet you six thousand dollars that I can stand on one side of your desk and pee into that wastebasket on the other side, and never get a drop anywhere in between."
The auditor, twice burned, is cautious now, but he looks carefully and decides there's no way this guy can manage that stunt, so he agrees again.

Ralph stands beside the desk and unzips his pants, but although he strains mightily, he can't make the stream reach the wastebasket on other side, so he pretty much urinates all over the auditor's desk.

The auditor leaps with joy, realizing that he has just turned a major loss into a huge win. But Ralph's attorney moans and puts his head in his hands.

"Are you okay?" the auditor asks. "Not really," says the attorney. "This morning, when Ralph told me he'd been summoned for an audit, he bet me $20,000 that he could come in here and piss all over your desk -- and that you'd be happy about it!"
Followin' Doctor's Orders

Morris, an 82 year-old man, went to the doctor to get a physical. A few days later the doctor saw Morris walking down the street with a gorgeous young woman on his arm.

A couple of days later the doctor spoke to Morris and said, "You're really doing great, aren't you?"

Morris replied, "Just doing what you said, Doc: 'Get a hot mamma and be cheerful.'"

The doctor said, "I didn't say that. I said, 'You've got a heart murmur. Be careful
Say Whaaa???

After 50 years of marriage the couple was sitting at the dinner table and the wife said to her husband: "After all these years of marriage I know that you are Tried and True."

He replied, "What did you say?"

She said in a louder voice: "After all these years of marriage I have learned that you are Tried and True."

He said: "Speak louder!"

She said in a louder voice: "After all these years of marriage I have learned that you are Tried and True."

He replied loudly: "Well, I'm tired of you too!!"

"A farmer stopped by the local mechanic shop to have his truck fixed. They couldn't do it while he waited, so he said he didn't live far and would just walk home. On the way home he stopped at the hardware store and bought a bucket and a gallon of paint.

He then stopped by the feed store and picked up a couple of chickens and a goose.

However, struggling outside the store he now had a problem - how to carry his purchases home.

While he was scratching his head he was approached by a little old lady who told him she was lost.

She asked, "Can you tell me how to get to Mockingbird Lane?"

The farmer said, "Well, as a matter of fact, my farm is very close to that house. I would walk you there but I can't carry this lot."

The old lady suggested, "Why don't you put the can of paint in the bucket. Carry the bucket in one hand; put a chicken under each arm and carry the goose in your other hand?"

"Why thank you very much," he said and proceeded to walk the old girl home.

On the way he said, "Let's take my short cut and go down this alley. We'll be there in no time."

The little old lady looked him over cautiously then said, "I am a lonely widow without a husband to defend me. How do I know that when we get in the alley you won't hold me up against the wall, pull up my skirt, and have your way with me?"

The farmer said, "Holy smoke lady! I'm carrying a bucket, a gallon of paint, two chickens, and a goose. How in the world could I possibly hold you up against the wall and do that?"

The old lady replied, "Put the goose down, cover him with the bucket, put the paint on top of the bucket, and I'll hold the chickens."

Goodnight :seeya:
Hi, here I sit in such pain I cant even think straight! cant take more pills now too soon. I have 5/325 Vicodin, when I lay down nothing helps. I will try to sleep sitting up. YorN I didnt even read your jokes and I always do.cant sit still thay me my sense of humor is gone. loveya all. Why doesnt miss priss get this>?:loveyou:
Hi, here I sit in such pain I cant even think straight! cant take more pills now too soon. I have 5/325 Vicodin, when I lay down nothing helps. I will try to sleep sitting up. YorN I didnt even read your jokes and I always do.cant sit still thay me my sense of humor is gone. loveya all. Why doesnt miss priss get this>?:loveyou:

What hurts and why are you not seeing someone for pain management Nore?

It's been raining for the past 4 days and my rheumatism has been flaring up. Looks like it will rain again today. :( I love rain, but I think I'm getting moldy now.:floorlaugh:
The Queen starting barking like mad at 1:30 this AM and woke me and my son.:( My son asked me if I smelled the skunks- they must have been passing the house. Boy, do they smell bad. :scared: My bathroom window was open a crack and my wonderful son shut it so the smell wouldn't come into the house anymore (and his window also). The smell didn't dissipate for a while, so it was hard to fall back to sleep. :(
Needless to say, The Queen was not let out, even tho' she wanted to, but I don't think she knows what a skunk is and what they can do. Dangerous little critters. :scared: I didn't have any tomato juice in the house and she sleeps with me. Pew-pew. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
The Queen starting barking like mad at 1:30 this AM and woke me and my son.:( My son asked me if I smelled the skunks- they must have been passing the house. Boy, do they smell bad. :scared: My bathroom window was open a crack and my wonderful son shut it so the smell wouldn't come into the house anymore (and his window also). The smell didn't dissipate for a while, so it was hard to fall back to sleep. :(
Needless to say, The Queen was not let out, even tho' she wanted to, but I don't think she knows what a skunk is and what they can do. Dangerous little critters. :scared: I didn't have any tomato juice in the house and she sleeps with me. Pew-pew. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

Try the recipe; it's cheap, and it does really does work;

for one small jack russell; for a larger dog mix twice or three times the amount;

1) one quart (32 ounces) of hydrogen peroxide

2) three quarters of a cup of baking soda

3) two good squirts of Dawn dishing washing soap

4) a small sponge

in a plastic container ,mix and apply to your dogs coat till saturated; if on the face try keeping it out of the eyes (putting drops of mineral oil in the eyes before starting will help keeping it out) and let it stay on about ten minutes then rinse well, and rub dry. I "wash" their collars in it, buts it's hard to get rid of the smell completely out of them. Flush or pour any left overs of the recipe down the drain. DO NOT KEEP

We keep our "supplies" in an old tub (like the kind you get from the hospital visit) and handy; we have to use it at least one a year so we keep stocked up on baking soda and peroxide.

The skunk spray contains sulfur and is very oily. The peroxide and Dawn breaks will break them down.

I put our dogs that were sprayed on a lease to bring them in so they can't rubbed on everything and get on the furniture before we get to the bathroom. MonaLou is usually very frisky and will rub all over the carpets and furniture on her way to the bathroom, and running around behind them yelling to get off the coach doesn't seem to slow them down.

Morning all, smile it's Friday
What is with the longhorns I've seen in avitars and siggies?

How ya doing today, Nore? Hope it is better than yesterday.

As for the longhorn: the husband (Ron) of one of the moderators (Sue) is struggling with cancer and not doing well. His favorite team is the Longhorns, so the avatar/sigs are to show our support if so inclined. You can read more at the Prayer thread #17
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community Start about post #171
Try the recipe; it's cheap, and it does really does work;

for one small jack russell; for a larger dog mix twice or three times the amount;

1) one quart (32 ounces) of hydrogen peroxide

2) three quarters of a cup of baking soda

3) two good squirts of Dawn dishing washing soap

4) a small sponge

in a plastic container ,mix and apply to your dogs coat till saturated; if on the face try keeping it out of the eyes (putting drops of mineral oil in the eyes before starting will help keeping it out) and let it stay on about ten minutes then rinse well, and rub dry. I "wash" their collars in it, buts it's hard to get rid of the smell completely out of them. Flush or pour any left overs of the recipe down the drain. DO NOT KEEP

We keep our "supplies" in an old tub (like the kind you get from the hospital visit) and handy; we have to use it at least one a year so we keep stocked up on baking soda and peroxide.

The skunk spray contains sulfur and is very oily. The peroxide and Dawn breaks will break them down.

I put our dogs that were sprayed on a lease to bring them in so they can't rubbed on everything and get on the furniture before we get to the bathroom. MonaLou is usually very frisky and will rub all over the carpets and furniture on her way to the bathroom, and running around behind them yelling to get off the coach doesn't seem to slow them down.

Morning all, smile it's Friday

Thanks. I have all those ingredients at hand, but I hope I never have to use them. :floorlaugh:

How is MonaLou doing now?

The Queen also rubs herself all over the couch/carpets when she comes in from the rain/snow to dry (but we love her anyway :heartbeat:) And she has the nerve to look at me as if she is saying, "Are you speaking to meeee" :dramaqueen:, when I ask her to stop. :floorlaugh: Mostly, I'm running around, trying to catch her so I can rub her dry with a towel. :scared:
It's all fun, tho'.

"PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — Marvin A. Clark vanished during a short trip to Portland on Halloween weekend 1926, but the search to find out what happened to him may finally be drawing to a close nearly 90 years later.

Clark's disappearance is one of the oldest active missing-person cases in the nation, according to a federally funded database of missing persons. Investigators know Clark is not alive — he'd be more than 160 years old — but they believe they have his remains.

Now, they need DNA samples from Clark's hard-to-find descendants to close the case....

..on May 10, 1986, loggers clear-cutting an isolated section of Portland discovered the remains of a man who had been dead for at least a half-century.

Near the skeleton, investigators found an 1888 V nickel, a 1919 penny, a pocket watch, leather shoes, wire-rimmed glasses, a Fraternal Order of Eagles pocket knife and four tokens with the inscription "D&P." A historian told The Oregonian in 1986 that those where likely tavern tokens, which were awarded in card games and could be used to buy food or alcohol.

Police also found a corroded revolver, and an expended .32-caliber bullet. A single shot had entered the skull at the temple. Medical examiners at the time said it was the oldest case they ever had. They ruled the unknown man's death a suicide. Investigators were skeptical that his identity would ever be learned..."
Wow-what an old case. Hope they find some descendants.
Anyone want a dog? He looks wonderful? I can't because I have The Queen and Tanya needs to be by herself.

"Tanya, a 7-year-old dog, has spent her entire life in a shelter. But with the help of a special rescue group and trainer she has one last chance to be adopted."

See video here:

What a beautiful face she has! I wonder why she has been in shelters so long, she seems so well behaved. (2 dogs and 2 cats here already) I hope she finds a forever home soon.
How ya doing today, Nore? Hope it is better than yesterday.

As for the longhorn: the husband (Ron) of one of the moderators (Sue) is struggling with cancer and not doing well. His favorite team is the Longhorns, so the avatar/sigs are to show our support if so inclined. You can read more at the Prayer thread #17
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community Start about post #171

Thanks Spellbound. I was wondering about the longhorns too. Thanks Zoey for asking the question.

Where do you get the longhorns?
Thanks Spellbound. I was wondering about the longhorns too. Thanks Zoey for asking the question.

Where do you get the longhorns?

Hi, Kensie. Where have you been and how are you doing?

I think where we get our Avatars??? in our members profile thingy.
What a beautiful face she has! I wonder why she has been in shelters so long, she seems so well behaved. (2 dogs and 2 cats here already) I hope she finds a forever home soon.

Think it's about her being a Pitbull?? Too bad- she looks so adoptable and sweet, too.
Hi, Kensie. Where have you been and how are you doing?

I think where we get our Avatars??? in our members profile thingy.

Hey yes/no. It has been a rough week but I am okay. Thanks for asking.
How ya doing today, Nore? Hope it is better than yesterday.

As for the longhorn: the husband (Ron) of one of the moderators (Sue) is struggling with cancer and not doing well. His favorite team is the Longhorns, so the avatar/sigs are to show our support if so inclined. You can read more at the Prayer thread #17
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community Start about post #171

Thanks. Ill keep them in my prayers. HATE cancer as much as I HATE dementia. Horrid diseases
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