SIDEBAR #24- Arias/Alexander forum

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I was reading a book in the pet hospital last night while waiting and bent the page and closed my book, and a woman asked me if I like to bend the pages. Anyway I'm reading the book about Walker Railey, the pastor who got by with chocking his wife almost to death. He dumped his kids with family friends and went off with his mistress. He was tracked by his cell phone and as the first that I had heard that could be done. so it was no surprised to be when casey was tracked. I guess she should of gotten a batphone before killing Caylee.

*Respectfully Snipped & BBM*

I bet you did a double take when she said that :eek:

:getwell: MonaLou

Hi , So glad to hear your MonaLou is on the mend. We feel so sorry for them. They dont understand why they are hurting.She will be fine..A lot of love and an extra bone...Hey we both "forgot" the space walk! that was a thrill. I'm hoping for progress in the Richardson case, will check on it. I wont be on much today as I'm still sick!!! If Niner checks in tell her I said Hi!!:loveyou:

Nore, please feel better real soon! :seeya:
Hi Nore and everyone! :wave:

Not much going on here - it's raining at the moment, which we definitely need here!!

The nurse came this morning - all vital signs good! Then the Physical therapist - had a "new" exercise for me to do! Took the bandage off my "cut", as there is no draining. Also, I can now sleep on my side! :great: as my back has been killing every morning I wake up! So that's a plus!! As I hate to sleep on my back all night!

Each one said I was progressing really good! I see my doctor next Monday; I guess he'll be taking out the stitches then.

Well, just wanted to check in!

What other trials are you all watching or getting ready to watch?? Oscar's trial has been postponed until next Monday I believe, but would like to get engaged into another trial! TIA!

Nore, we lived in an more innocent time. I wish we still did, instead of what people are watching nowadays, and thinks it's an OK lifestyle. We need young men and women standing up and showing them there is a far better life than drinking and sleeping around.

Did you watch the piece about spring break on Fox last night? It was so sad;so many there to get as drunk as they could and sleep with many partners. They said one girl had the bottoms of her bikini off and many guys were lining up and she didn't seem to care. And cussing on TV to show how cool they were. How many selfie are going to posted and will always be out there for all to see, and the diseases and babies come out of it.

Nore you told us once that your husband was stationed in Italy during the war. Were was he at? It would be weird for dh father and to meet.

I was reading a book in the pet hospital last night while waiting and bent the page and closed my book, and a woman asked me if I like to bend the pages. Anyway I'm reading the book about Walker Railey, the pastor who got by with chocking his wife almost to death. He dumped his kids with family friends and went off with his mistress. He was tracked by his cell phone and as the first that I had heard that could be done. so it was no surprised to be when casey was tracked. I guess she should of gotten a batphone before killing Caylee.

Anyway, I'll be very glad when Travis's killer is over and done dragging this out. It's all about poor little CMJA and she was done wrong by anyone who doesn't believe her lies. I am tired of the delays, and I know there will be many more delays and motions no matter what sentence she gets. I want her shut up and gone.

Hi I Like, I bend pages too! you are so right about the times. People had feeling for one another, caring, sharing what little we had. I too miss those times.I have seen news items about the Walker Railey case but havent followed it. This new lifestyle has even affected the clergy.

I dont really watch the new shows! I'm stuck on Nick at Nite, TV land and such. I find myself watching programs that are totally different than I ever watched. I dont like all the sex on tv.. They leave nothing to the imagination . We really dont need to know everything right now. There is no romance anymore and it was delightful!

My Dad fought in Italy. Anzio Beachead, Rome, Naples, Cassino, then on to France where he died in Grandvillers. I was 12, that hurt so bad. He is home now buried near us,, I visit him often. I still remember standing there when I was 16, we brought him home. .......I like I am so sick of J.A..sick of her getting her own way. They need to put a stop to this and right now. I am waiting for a verdict in j. Richardson trial. what a sick sorry excuse of a man.
Wishing MonaLou many years of happiness. poor baby has suffered so.:loveyou:
Hi Nore and everyone! :wave:

Not much going on here - it's raining at the moment, which we definitely need here!!

The nurse came this morning - all vital signs good! Then the Physical therapist - had a "new" exercise for me to do! Took the bandage off my "cut", as there is no draining. Also, I can now sleep on my side! :great: as my back has been killing every morning I wake up! So that's a plus!! As I hate to sleep on my back all night!

Each one said I was progressing really good! I see my doctor next Monday; I guess he'll be taking out the stitches then.

Well, just wanted to check in!

What other trials are you all watching or getting ready to watch?? Oscar's trial has been postponed until next Monday I believe, but would like to get engaged into another trial! TIA!


Niner we've been told to tell you Nore is looking for you. I haven't seen Kensie, Mollyandme, in quite awhile. I did see them both on the depression thread several weeks ago, and it seems they are going through the same thing. I hope their doing well.

Glad your doing better and can get online. Take care.
Hi Nore and everyone! :wave:

Not much going on here - it's raining at the moment, which we definitely need here!!

The nurse came this morning - all vital signs good! Then the Physical therapist - had a "new" exercise for me to do! Took the bandage off my "cut", as there is no draining. Also, I can now sleep on my side! :great: as my back has been killing every morning I wake up! So that's a plus!! As I hate to sleep on my back all night!

Each one said I was progressing really good! I see my doctor next Monday; I guess he'll be taking out the stitches then.

Well, just wanted to check in!

What other trials are you all watching or getting ready to watch?? Oscar's trial has been postponed until next Monday I believe, but would like to get engaged into another trial! TIA!

It's so nice to hear you are feeling good!!

I awoke this morning listening to HLN with the announcement Robin Meade is resigning from Morning Express and Nancy Grace is replacing her!!
In my haste to get The Queen out to the groomers today, I forgot this motion:

Case Documents
Filing Date Description Docket Date Filing Party
3/31/2014 MFR - Motion For Reconsideration - Party (001) 4/1/2014



When will this stop! :banghead:
I awoke this morning listening to HLN with the announcement Robin Meade is resigning from Morning Express and Nancy Grace is replacing her!!

I watched this AM, also. It was so funny how NG was going through all of Robin's things- barbecue sauce, hand santitizer, soda, and her makeup case- too funny.... :floorlaugh:
I thought she was great, our NG. :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
Niner we've been told to tell you Nore is looking for you. I haven't seen Kensie, Mollyandme, in quite awhile. I did see them both on the depression thread several weeks ago, and it seems they are going through the same thing. I hope their doing well.

Glad your doing better and can get online. Take care.

Haven't seen gcharlie, either. :dunno:

NG has this news on right now:

Heir's sentence raises questions in child rape case

"WILMINGTON, Del. -- A judge who sentenced a wealthy du Pont heir to probation for raping his 3-year-old daughter noted in her order that he "will not fare well" in prison and needed treatment instead of time behind bars, court records show...

Richards' 2009 rape case became public this month after attorneys for his ex-wife, Tracy, filed a lawsuit seeking compensatory and punitive damages for the abuse of his daughter.

The fact that Jurden expressed concern that prison wasn't right for Richards came as a surprise to defense lawyers and prosecutors who consider her a tough sentencing judge. Several noted that prison officials can put inmates in protective custody if they are worried about their safety, noting that child abusers are sometimes targeted by other inmates.
The lawsuit filed by Richards' ex-wife accuses him of admitting to sexually abusing his infant son between 2005 and 2007, the same period when he abused his daughter starting when she was 3...

According to the arrest warrant filed by a New Castle County Police Detective JoAnna Burton in December 2007, the girl, then 5, told her grandmother, Donna Burg, that Richards sexually abused her.

Burg said the child reported that her father told her it was "our little secret" but said she didn't want "my daddy touching me anymore."

NG is foaming at the mouth (she's right tho').
I got a very nice PM from someone asking how I've been, saying that I'm missed at the side bar. Thank you so much.

Today I attended the funeral for my uncle, the oldest of seven siblings. He died about two months after his sister died back in January.

We're at the end of an era. My dad's family has enjoyed very long lives, mostly free of health issues. My uncle was 90 years old and my aunt was 89. Now, with the second death, we are very aware that this seemingly indestructible family is in fact mortal. My uncle suffered a traumatic brain injury in 1995, yet the old soldier was like the EveryReady Bunny or a Timex Watch, but he succumbed to pneumonia and a UTI. My aunt managed to treat uterine cancer as a chronic illness for 21 years until it finally metastasized as a tumor on her vena cava.

Their deaths make it all that much more real that in time, my dad and his other brothers and sisters will leave our lives. It also calls to mind those of the next generation and beyond, who we lost far too soon. My brother, a cousin and a cousin's son.

I'm okay. I've been spending time with my family, both my immediate family and others as we work through this and support each other. Lots of jumbled thoughts and feelings inside of me right now, yet that is to be expected.

Life is a blessing and yet life is finite; it has an eventual end in death. No matter what the circumstances, death is always a loss if that person was loved. My uncle lived a good long life and survived well beyond what anyone would or could have expected. For that, I am grateful. It also reminds me of those who were lost well before it could have or should have been expected. Death due to murder, suicide or accident. Those deaths are more difficult to grieve.

RIP Travis, Uncle Ed and all those who have gone before us.

I got a very nice PM from someone asking how I've been, saying that I'm missed at the side bar. Thank you so much.

Today I attended the funeral for my uncle, the oldest of seven siblings. He died about two months after his sister died back in January.

We're at the end of an era. My dad's family has enjoyed very long lives, mostly free of health issues. My uncle was 90 years old and my aunt was 89. Now, with the second death, we are very aware that this seemingly indestructible family is in fact mortal. My uncle suffered a traumatic brain injury in 1995, yet the old soldier was like the EveryReady Bunny or a Timex Watch, but he succumbed to pneumonia and a UTI. My aunt managed to treat uterine cancer as a chronic illness for 21 years until it finally metastasized as a tumor on her vena cava.

Their deaths make it all that much more real that in time, my dad and his other brothers and sisters will leave our lives. It also calls to mind those of the next generation and beyond, who we lost far too soon. My brother, a cousin and a cousin's son.

I'm okay. I've been spending time with my family, both my immediate family and others as we work through this and support each other. Lots of jumbled thoughts and feelings inside of me right now, yet that is to be expected.

Life is a blessing and yet life is finite; it has an eventual end in death. No matter what the circumstances, death is always a loss if that person was loved. My uncle lived a good long life and survived well beyond what anyone would or could have expected. For that, I am grateful. It also reminds me of those who were lost well before it could have or should have been expected. Death due to murder, suicide or accident. Those deaths are more difficult to grieve.

RIP Travis, Uncle Ed and all those who have gone before us.


It's good to see you so please drop in more often!

NG has this news on right now:

Heir's sentence raises questions in child rape case

"WILMINGTON, Del. -- A judge who sentenced a wealthy du Pont heir to probation for raping his 3-year-old daughter noted in her order that he "will not fare well" in prison and needed treatment instead of time behind bars, court records show...

Richards' 2009 rape case became public this month after attorneys for his ex-wife, Tracy, filed a lawsuit seeking compensatory and punitive damages for the abuse of his daughter.

The fact that Jurden expressed concern that prison wasn't right for Richards came as a surprise to defense lawyers and prosecutors who consider her a tough sentencing judge. Several noted that prison officials can put inmates in protective custody if they are worried about their safety, noting that child abusers are sometimes targeted by other inmates.
The lawsuit filed by Richards' ex-wife accuses him of admitting to sexually abusing his infant son between 2005 and 2007, the same period when he abused his daughter starting when she was 3...

According to the arrest warrant filed by a New Castle County Police Detective JoAnna Burton in December 2007, the girl, then 5, told her grandmother, Donna Burg, that Richards sexually abused her.

Burg said the child reported that her father told her it was "our little secret" but said she didn't want "my daddy touching me anymore."

NG is foaming at the mouth (she's right tho').

A seventy two year old man received twenty six years for raping a seven year old girl.

What have we become?

I love this song; it brings peace as I listen.
I awoke this morning listening to HLN with the announcement Robin Meade is resigning from Morning Express and Nancy Grace is replacing her!!

Hmmmm. I hope that means more trial coverage.
Not like I go to HLN for any actual news, they seem to do a lot of fluff stories.
And I like Robin Meade, but I think she needs a new venue anyway.
I am not a fan of "bubbly" morning/early noon TV, her personality needs a different kind of show.

This could be interesting.

Also :getwell: Nore! (just noticed you were not feeling well, sorry).

And glad you're healing up nicely Niner :)
Gcharlie, :( Sorry to hear about your Aunt and Uncle.
Hmmmm. I hope that means more trial coverage.
Not like I go to HLN for any actual news, they seem to do a lot of fluff stories.
And I like Robin Meade, but I think she needs a new venue anyway.
I am not a fan of "bubbly" morning/early noon TV, her personality needs a different kind of show.

This could be interesting.

Also :getwell: Nore! (just noticed you were not feeling well, sorry).

And glad you're healing up nicely Niner :)

Nymeria ... this was an April Fools prank! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
In my haste to get The Queen out to the groomers today, I forgot this motion:

Case Documents

Filing DateDescriptionDocket DateFiling Party

3/31/2014 MFR - Motion For Reconsideration - Party (001) 4/1/2014



When will this stop! :banghead:

Otherwise known as the " oh pretty please, come on" motion....

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