SIDEBAR #35 - Arias/Alexander forum

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I just spent 15 minutes...not joking ... with my 5 month old grandson in my arms soft singing 'shake shake, shake shake shake my bottle' ... (think shake your booty) he just laid there and stared at me until he finally fell bottle, didnt move and not a sound and hardly a blink...i think it was the most precious time i have ever spent with him. I was almost in was sooo sweet! Then after he fell asleep and Iwas still singing he smiled twice...absolutely priceless.

Travis will never have this. I think of him often in times like this.

BBM Heartbreaking, isn't it, how Travis has come into our minds and hearts.

What a wonderful and precious memory you have made of your grandson, God bless him.
from my email inbox from Christine:

Jodi Arias trial hearing: Was Travis Alexander framed for child *advertiser censored*?

"...Is it possible that someone other than Travis Alexander put these files on the computer? Since one of the alleged files was accessed days after he was stabbed over 25 times, shot in the head, and nearly decapitated, it is not only possible, but probable...."*advertiser censored*
BBM Heartbreaking, isn't it, how Travis has come into our minds and hearts.

What a wonderful and precious memory you have made of your grandson, God bless him.
God didn't bless me with children of my own but he blessed me with a wonderful cousin/best friend who died of cancer in '95 and left a precious 4 year old daughter. That 4 year old is now a mommy and I have the honor and blessing of representing my cousin as his grandmother. All my life I've watched my friends mark milestones with their children and now grandkids and I know now my cousin bonded me with her child for this time in both of our lives. I am so thankful and I treasure every moment.

I think it's because I am babysitting and able to keep up with the trial that I feel these moments with Travis so strongly. He will miss so much in life.
I think JM is amazing. Somehow he is able to get to the heart of the truth of any matter- even something technical, like computers. :scared:
He seems more "expert" than the experts in all matters. :facepalm:

Anyone that is on the stand, must be shaking in their bloomers when confronted with JM because he is looking for the truth. He's a "gimme the facts" kind of guy.

JM does not "suffer fools gladly ( seeing you yourselves are wise") and he takes no prisoners. I think he would make a good judge. I think he may be somewhat harsh on the surface, but a judge needs to withhold subjective opinion and concentrate on the evidence and I think JM could do that very well, IMO. If given the truth, I think he could be fair.

And what a memory he has! It just boggles my mind. Wonder what his IQ is????
Maybe he has photographic memory, like my older son (can't get away with anything with him :facepalm:)?

God didn't bless me with children of my own but he blessed me with a wonderful cousin/best friend who died of cancer in '95 and left a precious 4 year old daughter. That 4 year old is now a mommy and I have the honor and blessing of representing my cousin as his grandmother. All my life I've watched my friends mark milestones with their children and now grandkids and I know now my cousin bonded me with her child for this time in both of our lives. I am so thankful and I treasure every moment.

I think it's because I am babysitting and able to keep up with the trial that I feel these moments with Travis so strongly. He will miss so much in life.

BBM What a wonderful gift your cousin and her daughter gave you. You ARE blessed. :blowkiss:
And I respectfully disagree. I don't think Travis Googled *advertiser censored*. missy:jail: did it when she was on his computer (and it seemed she was on his computer a lot- she knew his password) and thus all the computer *advertiser censored*/viruses. Travis was not an inexperienced lover as he had sex with Deanna. Just because Travis had only one lover, doesn't mean he didn't know what he was doing in bed, IMO. I'm sure they explored , together, different ways to fulfill their love for each other- people normally do in long-term relationships. To me, it's just a natural progression in the education of partners likes/dislikes and what feels good to them. Sure, missy was more experienced, as she had a lot of partners, and she taught Travis more, but I don't see this as Travis having to be insecure about his experience or that he wasn't a good lover (especially if missy was saying that he was a great lover).

I do think that men have to have a certain "mindset" to look at *advertiser censored* and if they don't have that "mindset", they won't look at it. My father didn't look at *advertiser censored*, although he was from a different generation (but there was *advertiser censored* around in the form of magazines, "girly" pics, and X-rated movies in those slimy theaters) because he had his values. I think my father would have died of shame to even look at that degrading - to him- stuff. So, too, Travis, who did value his religion and all that it stands for and his own good values, wouldn't degrade himself, IMO.

These days , it's different, as it has become a disease in our society, and people see it as "normal" , but it's not normal, IMO, just because more people are plastering it on the internet- a wider venue than they have had in previous generations. What I saw on Twitter the other day just disgusted me- people defecating on another person is not "normal" to me and I think many people would say the same. Why there was even a child looking at a woman, at what seems, a party with a cake that had a man's private part, how can I put this delicately? well I can't.

Anyway, *advertiser censored* is a disease- it makes men think that what they are watching online, is what is normal, what should be in lovemaking, but what they are watching is scripted garbage, with men and women who are "edited" in every way, especially their looks. I would think that these men who look at *advertiser censored* would be even more insecure in their lovemaking when they look at the machismo, herculean "delights" such as these men/women show. Never mind what a woman must feel when they look at *advertiser censored*- maybe comparing herself to air-brushed, surgically-enhanced women whom pornographers portrayed as compliant sex partners with endless cravings for hot sex. (Let me just add a PFtt to that)

I know I'm an old woman and my mindset may be different from the younger generation, but I'm not a prude in any sense of the word. Sex is a wonderful thing and, to me, it's sacred and personal. The human body is a work of art, if I may say that- beautiful in every way, but when *advertiser censored* is a part of it, it becomes dirty and disgusting, IMO. I think that many people feel the same way that I do and IMO, Travis (and Deanna) felt the same way because they had values. You don't have to be a saint to have values, IMO. It's missy:jail: that brought the disease of *advertiser censored* to Travis' computer and that's what caused Travis to become very angry at missy:jail:, IMO.

All :moo: of course, as I do respect everyone opinions- just thought I'd give mine on this subject.

Thanks for a great post, YesorNo. I'm 31 but I agree with you about *advertiser censored* being a disease in our society. I can't even watch a music video or a movie anymore without being exposed to seriously explicit content. They say it's 'normal.' I don't know if this makes me a prude but if it does then so be it.
DaisyMae, I am really sorry about the theft and glad they have the guy. A cop, how about that? Well, crooks come in all sizes and varieties. I hope everything turns out well for you and they recover some of your things at his home.
And I respectfully disagree. I don't think Travis Googled *advertiser censored*. missy:jail: did it when she was on his computer (and it seemed she was on his computer a lot- she knew his password) and thus all the computer *advertiser censored*/viruses. Travis was not an inexperienced lover as he had sex with Deanna. Just because Travis had only one lover, doesn't mean he didn't know what he was doing in bed, IMO. I'm sure they explored , together, different ways to fulfill their love for each other- people normally do in long-term relationships. To me, it's just a natural progression in the education of partners likes/dislikes and what feels good to them. Sure, missy was more experienced, as she had a lot of partners, and she taught Travis more, but I don't see this as Travis having to be insecure about his experience or that he wasn't a good lover (especially if missy was saying that he was a great lover).

I do think that men have to have a certain "mindset" to look at *advertiser censored* and if they don't have that "mindset", they won't look at it. My father didn't look at *advertiser censored*, although he was from a different generation (but there was *advertiser censored* around in the form of magazines, "girly" pics, and X-rated movies in those slimy theaters) because he had his values. I think my father would have died of shame to even look at that degrading - to him- stuff. So, too, Travis, who did value his religion and all that it stands for and his own good values, wouldn't degrade himself, IMO.

These days , it's different, as it has become a disease in our society, and people see it as "normal" , but it's not normal, IMO, just because more people are plastering it on the internet- a wider venue than they have had in previous generations. What I saw on Twitter the other day just disgusted me- people defecating on another person is not "normal" to me and I think many people would say the same. Why there was even a child looking at a woman, at what seems, a party with a cake that had a man's private part, how can I put this delicately? well I can't.

Anyway, *advertiser censored* is a disease- it makes men think that what they are watching online, is what is normal, what should be in lovemaking, but what they are watching is scripted garbage, with men and women who are "edited" in every way, especially their looks. I would think that these men who look at *advertiser censored* would be even more insecure in their lovemaking when they look at the machismo, herculean "delights" such as these men/women show. Never mind what a woman must feel when they look at *advertiser censored*- maybe comparing herself to air-brushed, surgically-enhanced women whom pornographers portrayed as compliant sex partners with endless cravings for hot sex. (Let me just add a PFtt to that)

I know I'm an old woman and my mindset may be different from the younger generation, but I'm not a prude in any sense of the word. Sex is a wonderful thing and, to me, it's sacred and personal. The human body is a work of art, if I may say that- beautiful in every way, but when *advertiser censored* is a part of it, it becomes dirty and disgusting, IMO. I think that many people feel the same way that I do and IMO, Travis (and Deanna) felt the same way because they had values. You don't have to be a saint to have values, IMO. It's missy:jail: that brought the disease of *advertiser censored* to Travis' computer and that's what caused Travis to become very angry at missy:jail:, IMO.

All :moo: of course, as I do respect everyone opinions- just thought I'd give mine on this subject.

Yes or No,
I agree with what you said about *advertiser censored*. I do not believe a person who is great in bed has to watch *advertiser censored* to learn. All it takes is the right chemistry. *advertiser censored* disgusts me. And as much as Jodi disgusts me, I do not believe any *advertiser censored* was even on his computer. I think those were viruses...and that is if any *advertiser censored* was even found. That has not been proven. I also believe Travis didn't have his hands all over Jodi in public out of respect for her and himself. My husband and I are the same way and we and adore each other. So I sure agree with you about *advertiser censored* being a sickness.
I think JM is amazing. Somehow he is able to get to the heart of the truth of any matter- even something technical, like computers. :scared:
He seems more "expert" than the experts in all matters. :facepalm:

Anyone that is on the stand, must be shaking in their bloomers when confronted with JM because he is looking for the truth. He's a "gimme the facts" kind of guy.

JM does not "suffer fools gladly ( seeing you yourselves are wise") and he takes no prisoners. I think he would make a good judge. I think he may be somewhat harsh on the surface, but a judge needs to withhold subjective opinion and concentrate on the evidence and I think JM could do that very well, IMO. If given the truth, I think he could be fair.

And what a memory he has! It just boggles my mind. Wonder what his IQ is????
Maybe he has photographic memory, like my older son (can't get away with anything with him :facepalm:)?


Great post! I was thinking the same thing about him being a judge. I think he would cut through all the bs and be very fair.
Here it is:

Audio Clips from the interview with Juror #3

Here it is:

Audio Clips from the interview with Juror #3


You amaze me YESorNO with your ability to find everything first :bow:
You amaze me YESorNO with your ability to find everything first :bow:

I'm just very nosy. :floorlaugh:

(and I want all the facts)

That clip was very unsatisfying, IMO- told me nothing. Guess you have to spend the $6.95 to find out what else she said. :(

ETA: I don't like speculation or suppositions, so you won't see me arguing, writing much unless I have a link, most times- I need tangible evidence, be it news articles, videos of something-or-other, whatever.
proof- it's what I want. I want to find it (and I try hard to :) )
Just for the record, I thought that was a complimentary edit of the whole interview - seemed to be the parts that we'd agree on? I wasn't much enthralled with this juror after hearing all of it, but maybe they'll publish more later?


Jarrett Seltzer ‏@JarrettSeltzer 5h5 hours ago
Great show great night. Juror #3 from #jodiarias is back Monday night at 8pm EST for a full hour of question/answer from viewers!

Some tweets about TTalk/ juror #3:

★MANDY★ ‏@strong4895 46m46 minutes ago
Juror no 3 said she wasn't even going to consider the pedo accusation in her decision. Keep wasting your breath Nurmi! LMAO! #JodiArias

★MANDY★ ‏@strong4895 1h1 hour ago
#JodiArias Love juror 3!! Said Juan was consistent, got to the point, easy to follow info. Nurmi on the other hand "redundant" LMAO!

★MANDY★ ‏@strong4895 1h1 hour ago
#JodiArias Juror number 3 is clearly a very intelligent unbiased person. She WAS NOT DISMISSED! She was excused. Schedule

★MANDY★ ‏@strong4895 26m26 minutes ago
@TrialDiariesJ Wish Nurmi would subscribe and listen to her. If so he wouldn't leave witnesses on the stand so long! "Redundant" LOL

★MANDY★ ‏@strong4895 28m28 minutes ago
@TrialDiariesJ Yes it was awesome. She was very careful what she said. I respect her for that. But IMO she was pro state for sure arias&src=typd
Thanks for the post YesorNo!! This isn't directed to you :)
I'm sure the DT will love all juror 3's tips on how to improve their case. I don't but they will. Please stop talking juror 3. If you're pro- state then zip it please.
That's not gonna happen karN,

Stop the video at 5:15

Join us Monday @ 8 when Juror 3 answers YOUR questions LIVE for the entire show :thinking:
JA has had a whole year and a half to say she was sorry. Does she not understand the jury found her guilty of extreme cruelty which is a clear indicator that she needs to stop blaming others for what she has done? Guess not. jmo
Question for our Lawyers

What happens if a prosecution lawyer, defense lawyer, or any one of the main characters of the two teams, the defendant gets ill. I can see a delay if it is the flu or severe cold etc., but if it is a major illness, what happens? Is the trial declared a mistrial and starts over?

Thanks in advance.
Great post! I was thinking the same thing about him being a judge. I think he would cut through all the bs and be very fair.

Wow...WS minds must be all in tune! I was just thinking what a loss for the prosecution but what a great Judge, JM would make. We will have to watch and see what happens in the future for him!
Don't feel bad. I missed the part about the washer turning up in the pawn shop. Hello my name is watergirl and i am a post skimmer. Ha. Multi-tasking wreaks havoc on my attention span. :D

Hope you get some resolution/ restitution daisymae. Evil people suck.

:welcome4: watergirl

What is a "Zumba junkie", if I may ask?
JA has had a whole year and a half to say she was sorry. Does she not understand the jury found her guilty of extreme cruelty which is a clear indicator that she needs to stop blaming others for what she has done? Guess not. jmo

(where have you been, Lamby? haven't seen you here for a while. Busy on the Retrial thread?)

I don't think she understands anything she doesn't understand :scared:..:facepalm:

Even tho' this psychiatric term is in relation to murderers who are to be executed, I think it suits missy:jail: to a tee about how/what she thinks of her trial and upcoming imprisonment. ( just a thought I had when I was reading this book and how that term suits missy:jail:)

"delusion of reprieve" - "..a psychiatric term referring to the state of mind of condemned men who intensely hold to the notion that they will be reprieved immediately before execution";
a prevailing thought that they would somehow be saved.

That term was used by Viktor Frankl who wrote a book that I am reading: Man's Search For Meaning which is about his experiences in the concentration camp, Auschwitz. Interesting book about why some people are able to continue to live in deplorable conditions and still find meaning in their life and why some cannot.

I think she won't ever say she is sorry because that would invalidate her delusions of self-defense and that Travis deserved what she did to him. That she can still say that she is a "good" person and has value, IMO.

She actually thinks that she will be reprieved of M1- somehow, in her appeals, IMO. Crazy thinking on her part. :scared:
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