SIDEBAR #50 - Arias/Alexander forum

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It sure helps to know there are others ((finally!) who know the feelings, hurts, worries, that we have carried. It can feel like you are so alone when there is no one to talk to without their telling you your loved one needs to grow up, you need to let it go, he doesn't have a problem, he is no good .... on and on.

I also believe alcoholism is a genetic predisposition, at least in some cases. It broke my heart the other day when my son told me (for the second time recently) that he doesn't want to drink, how hard it is to see friends and not drink, and that right now it is the only way he is able to stand the stress he is going through on a personal/family-related level. I can only pray and encourage him.

sigh ..... Mom is one of the toughest jobs there is.
Nore, I think the magpie you're looking for is from Dallas IIRC, her avatar was a picture of her grandson.

Grammie, if you want to stop them from jumping up on you, raise your knee when they do,not to kick or be mean, it blocks them and they'l stop.

Coffee and others, I understand when your children or another loved ones are struggling with drugs, drinking and mental illness . My daughter is big polar and had a scary psychotic episode a few years agone that scared me. I had never seen my baby girl hurt so much. I called her dr. told her Anna had called asking us to come get her and move her home,and when we got there all the windows had been broken out and she refused to come out because I was there. Her dr. said that Anna was having an reaction to Lexapro,and if she got violent to take her or call LE and they'd take her to the county psycamore ward. So, Anna called the next day and asked if her daddy would come move her back home. She was still having trouble and would wake us up screaming and throwing things and broke all the windows in her bedroom saying the neighbors were talking about her. I couldn't hear them because they were whispering . One night she laid out on the trampoline and wouldn't come in, saying the neighbors now saying they wanted her dog and we're planning on doing something to make us move because they wanted our house . One time she drove off in her car and came back on foot. She'd walked over five miles because a woman,she called her because she was always listening, and the woman was following her, and would get in front of her and was in Walgreens hen Anna, walked
in. She said one night she'd parked down the street from us at a church parking lot and the police drove up and she told them she needed help, but they told her she'd be OK. Another time she drove off and she called a friend to come get her and bring her home. She'd driven to Denton and didn't know where her car was. She just left it and let it be sold at a police auction . One night she started taking things out of the fridge and pouring them on the floor. It took quite awhile for her to get back to what was normal for her. There was nothing I could do to help my baby girl. Her dog, Eva, would come I get my DH if she thought Anna was having problems. She'd also sit at the door sometimes waiting hours for her to come home. Anna is OK, still struggles at times but is happy to be back home.
My son is a CPA. The IRS NEVER calls..they always write and never threaten unless years of problems.
Coffee..been down that road myself. Son who is addicted to painkillers. He was a professional athlete. Really hard. He is ok now, but never the same. I found I had to take care if myself...volunteered a lot. Helping others seemed to make my life better and going to AA meetings. Thinking of you
My son is a CPA. The IRS NEVER calls..they always write and never threaten unless years of problems.

Yes, I know this. Unfortunately some people don't and get ripped off. These scammers are hoping to get a few like that on the phone. This was a robo call. Very generic.
So many heart breaking stories from my friends, who always are ready to reach out to others. I think perhaps it is that reason we are so right for each other, and willing to lend a supportive ear. I am so sorry you have all been through these experiences with your children, but grateful to have found you all here. Thank you for all the sharing, the comfort, the feel of your hugs that your posts bring. I am at a loss for words to express just how much you all mean to me.

thank you for being here... each and every one of you. May you have peaceful days and healthy lives, and children who one day will all be free of their own demons.

:therethere: :grouphug:

iLikeToBendPages, if I could have, I would give you multiple likes for your post. I hope your daughter does well for a very long time... and longer.
I truly believe abuse and addiction, of any kind: drugs, sex, food, alcohol, money, work, etc., is a symptom of a bigger issue. Whether is be trauma, mental illness, genetics...........there is a CAUSE.
My first ex was in detox when the big news was "addiction is a disease", and all my hopes for his recovery were dashed. Great, my guy has an excuse every time he sticks a needle in his arm, "Hey, it's a disease, I can't help it". I felt like the medical community just gave addicts a free pass.
Wouldn't that mean I had a disease? And if it was a disease, was I cured? Or was it laying dormant?
Navigating through the medical and psychiatric community is HARD. And you can find just about any answer to fit your needs or wants.
Right now I think Dr.s, rehabs, and Big Pharma are making far to much money off the backs of people who are in pain, mentally and physically, to really focus on prevention through early detection, be it genetics or environment.

My first husband was molested as a child, and latter saw the atrocities of Viet Nam. He self medicated. Alcohol, drugs.

My 2nd husband was bipolar, paranoid schizophrenic. He didn't KNOW his behavior was something he inherited from his bio mother, and his adopted mom refused to even entertain the idea...........but she sure as heck bought him beer when he wanted it because it chilled him out. He drank and drugged to keep the voices at bay, until it tipped him into his first psychotic episode when he got sober for 2 weeks...and boy, was it a doozey.

My daughter? Pure stupidity. She wanted to know what the big deal was about heroin, her dad did it, her husband did it, why was it so hard to stop? Her husband shot her up, and that's all she wrote. Put a chemical in your body that the first time you do it makes you sicker than a dog within the first 15 minutes, and when you decide to "kick", once again, sicker than a dog, but for a good 72 hours or more. She has no predisposition, no mental illness, no trauma. She's just doing it when she does it because she can and she likes it.

My youngest brother missed the physical abuse by our dad, the verbal abuse wasn't as bad, being ignored was, but it all came to a head in less than 2 short years when our mom left my dad, and my brother found proof that our father was gay. When confronted, my dad threw him out of the house at age 17, 4 months shy of graduating high school. He was the "good Mormon kid", never smoked, drank, used drugs, swore, or took the Lords name in vain. He had planned on going on a mission. He would have been any parent's ideal of an awesome son. Now, his mom abandoned him, his dad threw him out because he spoke the truth, the Church ignored him, and the rest of the family shunned him, except me. He turned on everything he was brought up to be. He had no real world experience, he had been so isolated in that Mormon "bubble", he didn't have a clue. I had him move in with me, and I made sure he graduated, in the meantime, he was working his rear off at Tower records every night to get money to buy his own vehicle.
A lot of pain, abandonment, judgement, never feeling he was up to our dad's expectations. He slowly started self medicating. He did exceptional in anything he put his mind to. He was the ideal functioning substance abuser, just like his big sis, me.
Much later in life, his wife divorced him because he was diagnosed with chronic depression. She couldn't accept it or deal with it. He wasn't the "perfect husband" any more, he was "defective". And the snowball started rolling....
It stopped dead in it's tracks when he almost killed a highway worker and himself one night, during on and off blackouts. He was arrested in his tuxedo, coming from a big business party. He was put in jail. His Jeep was toast. He was lucky he walked away from the crash.
Over 4 years ago, he quit every legal and illicit addiction he had. And he's never looked back because he KNOWS why he was doing it. And he faced his demons. I don't worry about him because he's like me. We have our battle scars but the war is over.

My other brother? In a post a few weeks back I mentioned that he started his career as an alcoholic about 2 years ago. Straight up Mormon, mission, Temple marriage, 4 kids, own business...........well about 5 years ago he started loosing his religion, he left the church, 3 years ago his wife left him, then he hooked up with an old high school flame, got married, and everything that was near and dear to him didn't matter anymore. He was "mom's favorite", my dad's "good son". He reminds me of my daughter, doing something just to check it out, and getting sucked in.
He had plenty of examples of "what not to do" in his first 50 years of life. And he doesn't believe in therapy or psychiatrists.

Not going into my younger sister.....this has gotten to long, lol!

So, how does one classify this as a disease? Is it maybe just one's inability to cope? Is it self medicating for an underlying mental illness? Or is it just something stupid that someone does and the addictive properties of the substance make them a slave to it?

I believe it's more than a blanket statement by the AMA or psychiatrists at large. I think it's as personal and as individual as the life it takes over. Just my experience and my opinion....for what it's worth.
I'm not too knowledgeable regarding drug and alcohol abuse, but my gut instinct and mother's intuition tells me there's some connection between the under-developed brains of adolescents/teenagers/young adults, and the high levels of hormones people experience during the early stages of becoming an adult which renders them vulnerable to adopting poor coping mechanisms.

Perpetrators of violent crimes, people who seem intent on harming themselves or others, those who are susceptible to uncontrolled fits of rage, people who suffer from severe depression -- all seem to peak (be at their worst) during those years. Whichever way their maladaptive behavior manifests itself, my heart goes out to them. There is certainly a high level of psychic pain going on there.

I also believe that in their calmer/saner/sober moments, they feel awful about the things they've done, who they've hurt and what they've become. Along with that most likely comes shame, regret and self-loathing. From there, it can become a vicious cycle.

Even in the criminal justice system, you can see documentation of how people mellow out with age. I have to think that the lowering of hormone levels has something to do with that. Testosterone in particular is highly associated with aggressive behavior, so once those levels go down, so do many unwanted behaviors.

I'm not making excuses or arguing that family members shouldn't take advantage of any and all therapies available, but part of me thinks that Big Pharma (along with minimizing the potential benefits of weed), downplays the already available but less profitable option of hormone therapies. I wish more research would be done about it.

But in the meantime, I would offer that families going through the ordeal bear in mind and take some solace in the fact that if you can just keep them alive, with each passing day the prospects of their loved ones overcoming the demons that haunt them becomes a promise more and more likely to come true. :)


ETA: I can only imagine how hard it must be to deal with this kind of thing on a daily basis. My best friend lost her eldest son to a heroin overdose a few years ago. He was only 22.

From their son's early teens, for years my friend and her husband spent innumerable sleepless nights driving the streets trying to track him down, as he was a frequent runaway. They even moved to another city in order to put him in a special school, taking out a $30,000/yr loan to do so. After that didn't work, they sent him to live with her brother, a preacher and educator in Montana, cutting him off from the ability to have any access to drugs. At every turn, he alienated the very people who loved him and laid waste to his loving family's well-intentioned (and expensive) efforts to help him.

I just can't ignore the fact that this kind of behavior so often begins early, most usually during or immediately after puberty, thus my theory about hormones playing a big factor.

Also, as I think I have successfully made my friend aware, the parents are not to blame. So many families have mostly well-adjusted kids, then one who is the anamoly/exception. Whether the seeds of addiction or maladaptive behaviors begin to sprout at birth (possibly hereditary), or somehow come to life as a child enters adolescence (due to some sort of trigger?), it's important that parents not beat themselves up about it.

It's like when you listen to the spiel flight attendants give before takeoff. They stress that in the event of an emergency, when the mask falls down, USE IT ON YOURSELF FIRST, then administer to your child(ren). At first it sounds counterintuitive -- virtually every parent would put their children's welfare before their own, even if it means sacrificing their own lives -- but it makes perfect sense once you realize that if YOU aren't alive to take care of them, they'd have a much worse chance of surviving.

So to anyone going through this, I hope you will see the importance of taking care of yourself first. Your children need you to be there for them more than anyone or anything else. Treat yourself well and appreciate the simple joys of everyday life. Children (even adult children), learn from your example. What you do is more than what you say. Be the example of what a happy, fulfilling life looks like. But also do it for yourself. You have a right to a good life.
Good evening!

My son is still detoxing as of about an hour ago when I talked to his partner. Good news is his sugar levels are lowering. My greatest fear right now is that when he starts feeling better he will just walk out of the hospital...he had done it twice before. :(

I am amazed by all your post! So many of us have the same issues in on way or another and coming here and reading makes a person feel warm inside and we know that this is our 'shelter in time of need'.

God Bless you and your family members who are suffering with their own demons. Will say a prayers for all.

WS is really acting weird tonight grrrrrr. Trying to post is a nightmare, I give up!

Good Night all
Bernina, thank you for sharing so much. It does mean a lot to me. I cannot even begin to share the numerous stories of addictions, abusiveness, illnesses, murder, suicides, theft, that have come from my family. Not just the alcoholism of immediate family, but including parents, grandparents, uncles, cousins..... just too numerous to contemplate. But dog gone it, I turned out darned good despite all the nonsense around me!

And I still believe, life is good.
Goodnight, coffee. Have the coffee ready in the morning, I suspect I am going to need it. Off to bed, too.
This board seems goofed up ! has been for awhile. wrong pages lost posts, doesn't go back to proper page at times.
Guess its all the changing around. a challenge to post!:lol:
One hundred and thirty two days have passed.

1607 - An English colony was settled at Jamestown in present-day Virginia.

1917 - Three children near Fatima, Portugal, reported seeing a vision of the Virgin Mary.

1938 - Louis Armstrong and his orchestra recorded the New Orleans's jazz classic, When the Saints Go Marching In, on Decca Records.

1940 - Winston Churchill gives first speech as Prime Ministers tells the British House of Commons "I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat."

1955 - Johnny Tillotson the opening act for Elvis Presley's Jacksonville, Florida concert.

1958 - Velcro is registered.

1966 - The Rolling Stones release "Paint it Black"

and The Kinks record "Sunny Afternoon."

1970 - Bad Finger 's No Matter What hits the charts

but I like this one better

1977 - Leo Sayer went to No.1 on the US singles chart with 'When I Need You', the singers second US No.1, also No.1 in the UK.

1978 - Joey Chitwood drives a Chevette 5.6 miles on just 2 wheels

1981 - On the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima - Pope John Paul was shot and wounded by Mehmet Ali Agca as he drove through a crowd in St. Peter's Square, Rome.

1983 - Spandau Ballet scored their first and only UK No.1 album with 'True.'

1984 - The Fantasticks" becomes the longest-running musical with 10,000 performances in theater history.

1994 - Johnny Carson made his last TV appearance ever on his friend David Letterman's "The Late Show.


1988 - Frank Sinatra aged 82, dies after suffering a heart attack

1995 - New Zealand beats US for the America's Cup

2000 - Madison Avenue's "Don't Call Me Baby" hits # 1 on the UK charts

2008 - Frank Sinatra gets his own stamp 10 years after his death. Featuring a young Sinatra in a snappy suit and fedora, it's a 42 cent stamp.

2014 - Christopher Columbus's flagship, the Santa Maria, is discovered north off the coast of Haiti
I want to say I hate the auto correct on my tablet. I've noticed that some things I've typed aren't what I typed.
I believe that a lot of addictions are passed down from generations...My dad had 2 uncles, 3 brothers, a sister, and his dad whom where all alcoholics and all died from alcohol related illnesses. 2 of his brothers, 1 sister, and my dad never drank. Many children from my dad's side of the family has some type addiction problem. Sad, sad, sad...

Bernina thank you and all that you have shared and the interesting facts and links about the bird nests and robins.

GigiG thanks for your input on the subject, makes me stop and think and look at the issues in an different light.

I slept good last night :) I was so exhausted, I hit the bed and that's all she wrote! lol

Some time back I said I would post some pics of the mural I did for the public was in the children's reading room. Here they are in no certain order or style.



Good morning, coffee (and thanks for the coffee! ) ..... and all the rest of you sleepy heads. I slept well last night, too. Finally ...ahhhhh.

Gorgeous work on the murals. My son-in-law did a water themed mural in the little ones bedroom when they were younger. They and yours are adorable.




Jodi Arias appears to be enjoying prison life: Letter to supporters

"...The image of the letter is a little hard to read. The transcription is below the image (not meant to be an exact transcription) and there is also a link to the letter in PDF form..."!Jodi-...-to-supporters/c1oiw/5553d8800cf24874172f47ff

L. Kirk Nurmi @_nurmilaw · 4h 4 hours ago
Despite comments #jodiarias made in a letter to her "supporters", I did not "bless" her statements during sentencing - far from it
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