SIDEBAR #57 - Travis Alexander forum

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I'm kinda curious about how one would go about vaginal grooming under Sheriff Joe's watchful eye, not to mention what kind of instruments you might be able to muster up from the commissary list.

Crayons? melt them down and apply?

ILikeToBendPages said:
1989 - A French TGV train reached a world record speed of 482.4 kph. Now, if we took this train it would be like having a face lift. The only downfall is when it slows and stops then face lift over back to real life.

:laughcry: Too funny!!

Originally Posted by RickshawFan View Post

I'm kinda curious about how one would go about vaginal grooming under Sheriff Joe's watchful eye, not to mention what kind of instruments you might be able to muster up from the commissary list.
ILikeToBendPages said:
Crayons? melt them down and apply?

:laughing: :lol:

You guys crack me up! :silly:

Got my :christmastree: at Home Depot - about 5 feet for $25... oh well! Couldn't believe the prices for trees?!?!? But ya gotta have a tree! At least I do! LOL! :santahat:

:pcguru: signing off...
1975 - Fleetwood Mac's self-titled album is certified gold.

Good Morning! Getting ready take out for St. Louis this morning...catch ya'll on the flip side :)


A beautiful Sunday morning- cold, but sunny

Coffee have a good time :)

The Older I Get, The Weirder The Conversations Get

"I can't believe it, but I've reached the point in my life where whenever I get together with my girlfriends, the conversation ultimately turns to aging parents and poop.
Not aging parents and their poop. No one wants to talk about that. But our poop. How often we go. The crazy places we've gone. The longest we've ever gone without going..."

Please Sidebar-

Let's not get to the point where we start talking about poop (unless it's a funny story :facepalm:)

OK? ....OK. :winkkiss:

How much would you pay to live an extra year of life?

"We all strive to forestall death – but at what cost does it become too expensive? BBC Future explores the attempts to value the price of life..."

I Have Time

"Hurrying speeds us away from the present moment, expressing a wish to be in the future because we think we’re going to be late. To counter it, Master Alexander teacher Walter Carrington told his students to repeat each time they begin an action: “I have time.”..."

The day is of infinite length for him who knows how to appreciate and use it.
The Message You Send When Your Text Reply Ends In A Period :thinking:
Yes, psychologists studied this.

"The Oxford English Dictionary's recent announced that its 2015 "word" of the year is an emoji confirmed that texting is indeed creating a whole new ... not language, exactly, but certainly a distinctive dialect. This extremely abbreviated means of expression clearly requires shortcuts: symbols, either new or re-purposed, that convey the sender's meaning or intention.

A Binghamton University research team has apparently identified one such indicator: Whether or not you put a period at the end of a reply.

In the journal Computers in Human Behavior, researchers led by psychologist Celia Klin report that college students perceive text messages that end with a period to be less sincere than ones that do not...."

The real Alice in Wonderland

Alice Liddell, friend of Lewis Carroll and white rabbits.



‘Gabriel’ Is A New Artificial Intelligence Named After The Messenger Angel

"If your conversations with digital personal assistants like Apple's Siri, Microsoft’s Cortana, or Google Now haven’t been useful enough, a new challenger of Biblical proportions is about to arrive.

Gabriel, a project by researchers at Carnegie Mellon University, and funded by the National Science Foundation, is a personal cognitive assistant that “whispers” instructions into a user’s ear, for things like how to change a tire, perform CPR, or even assemble IKEA furniture. It would be like GPS for everyday actions, but one that knows when to shut up, according to principal investigator Mahadev Satyanarayanan...

The ideal use for Gabriel would, according to a CMU spokesperson, is to replace the experience of going on YouTube to learn how to do something...."
A little Sunday morning music:

Trapped with Ms. Arias

Chapter 33

The Naked Pictures

only 2/3 times in his career that L saw naked pictures of clients in his cases

"I have never had a murder case in which nude pictures were part of the evidence collected in the case"

most pics were "very pornographic"- murderer's vagina+ anus

included "mild pics"- those of the murderer lying on bed like a "blow-up doll"- TA "flashing peace sign"

photos showed that the murderer was at TA's house on 6/4/2008- made her prime suspect

L claims that photos were "undisputed that" TA took the photos- he chose to take "graphic objectifying pictures" of the murderer- TA was "really into" the murderer "in a sexual way"- not only nude pics but "graphic pictures of her vagina and anus"

L claims pics were "a big deal" to the murderer- the pics played "huge role" in L's trial strategy to save her life- pics couldn't be "contradicted"

-image was important to murderer- not happy to show pics- she whined, nagged, cried, "hours on end...the whole world was going to see her vagina"- L wasn't concerned about her image

" was not as if her image was otherwise pristine, she had killed someone, my job was to save her life not her image" (pg. 185)

but L did file motion to restrict access on the monitors "Can we not throw my client's vagina up on the courtroom monitors"- motion denied and shut the murderer up

L didn't want them published before trial began- wanted them to be "quite impactful as trial"- the murderer agreed

L claims that the murderer saw him as her boyfriend ("in her sick twisted mind") and it was OK for him to see pics

L filed many more motions- "and 'she creeps me out' is not a viable legal motion. trust me, if it was, I would have filed it" (pg. 186)

Chapter 34

Viva Las Vegas

L states the murderer has a "very self-destructive streak"- in this chapter he will tell us how he took steps to combat it

L reminds us again that this book is his thoughts/things he did before the trial

L talks about the murderer's " most prominent self-destructive acts"

-the various stories she told Det. Flores

-the ninja story she told on her CBS interview

"and in perhaps what is the stupidest thing I have ever seen a defendant do, Ms. Arias gave an interview to Inside edition whereas she said that no jury would convict her" (pg. 187)

L reminds us that all these things happened before he had her case

L was worried about what other things that he didn't know about that the State would bring up at the trial- he believed she was doing self-destructive things (SDT) behind his back

L talks about "ethics"- how much time trying to stop SDT that client attempts? obligated to stop her? stop her in a "covert manner"?

L called AZ Bar's "Ethics Hotline"- he "could and should act covertly"- they felt if it saved client's life, he should act- his ethical duty is to save the murderer

L said it drove him "nuts"- wanted to escape to Las Vegas for 3/4 days

L now talks about flying to Las Vegas- he became suspicious about the murderer and someone living in Las Vegas from her jail calls- thinks hiding evidence- something that might be humiliating to the murderer (she was all about "image")- might help her case instead?

L states he couldn't just call the person- her "helper" would check with the murderer before handing any evidence over- "these people were basically under Ms. Arias' control"

"(On a related note I used to joke with my fellow team members, those I had before the shakeup, that if Ms. Arias ever walked out of jail that there would be twenty guys waiting and holding flowers thinking that they were her one true love or that she would reward them for their efforts)" (pg. 200)

So- behind her back- without the person knowing they were coming- Wilmott, someone called "Bud" and L went to Las Vegas "on a covert mission"- knew where this person lived, but not where he worked

they went to his apartment where he lived with MOM- she was scared- she wouldn't open door- left card- he called later on, same day- wanted to talk- met next day @ coffee shop MGM Grand

L talks about Wilmott: that night they went out for drinks- got to know each other better

"The more I knew of Jennifer the more I liked her. We were becoming more than co-workers, we were becoming friends"

L was impressed with Wilmott's drinking "skills" and "no worse for wear" the next day

L worried that the man would bail out, but he did come and "gave up everything he had related to" the murderer and promised to send L more things in the mail- L claims the man was scared

the murderer was hiding something from L, but "it really was nothing of importance to her case"

L talks about another Las Vegas thingy:

"I think the story is an important one because my relationship with my teammates will become an issue down the road as this story moves much damage Ms. Arias needed to do to these relationships in order to cause the sort of divide she needed in order to get the control she needed" (pg. 202)

L and Wilmott were traveling with their spouses and they went to dinner and Air Supply concert- talked about kid puking behind them while they were eating- "..the experience was the sort of thing that friends joke about down the road and Jennifer and I did for a while"


Chapter 35
This is Your Brain on Jodi

Chapter 36
9 Out of 10 Days

End of Section 6 (pg. 210)
One of the things I find most remarkable about Nurmi's thought process is that he seems to see child abuse (and resultant behavior) everywhere he looks EXCEPT for whom it undeniably was inflicted upon- Travis.

Nurmi professes to be something of an expert on child abuse, so I'm less forgiving about his inability or unwillingness to understand why it was that Travis was particularly vulnerable to a sociopathic predator like JA, why he found it extraordinarily difficult to break away from her altogether, and why he stayed in deep denial about her until close to the very end. The answer is right smack in front of Nurmi.

It sounds like we have a difference of opinion about whether or not Travis was justified in saying what he did to her on May 26, the only time he genuinely lost his temper with her that I'm aware of. IMO he didnt say anything to her that was unforgivable.

Harsh, yes, but true, all of it. I'm extremely familiar with that whole exchange because I posted it on a thread here largely word for word. He was actually very civil to her for most of that chat, though exhausted to the core by her lies.

It was only after she kept up with the lies and gas lighting him that he lost it. Given the circumstances, and the fact she was methodically provoking him into just such a rage, his response was entirely understandable, IMO, and even "normal," at least, far more normal than allowing her to continually abuse him with impunity.

As far as physical abuse. Does he really think TA abused her that way? That I find even more incomprehensible. I don't see this point as a matter of opinion. There was NO evidence of physical abuse, and he knew she'd changed her stories repeatedly on if and when and how often and why and where. JM proved conclusively that at least one of the 4 she decided to run with --Jan 22 story of her broken finger -was an impossible lie.

I don't feel any anger towards Nurmi, just disgust (though he surely did rile me up often enough during trial), and I understand you're not defending the man. I heartily dislike intellectual dishonesty and feel good old fashioned contempt for those who lash out at others rather than accepting responsibility for their own insecurities and faults.

At the end of things I've concluded that Nurmi simply isn't a very good criminal defense trial attorney. He was out maneuvered at every turn by JM and out-lawyered in a thousand different ways, all in the glare of a national spot light. IMO he knew it then, as the trial unfolded, took it personally, became bitter, and lost perspective before PP2 even began.

The only sympathy I can muster for the man is that he was forced to be in such close contact for so long with a person I consider genuinely and deeply evil. I don't think its possible for anyone to walk away from that experience unscathed.

Peace. :)

I did not say that TA was not justified in saying certain words on his emails/texts, whatever it was at the time as I can't remember right now. I'm saying those type of words were unforgivable to me and to maybe other people- like Lawrence and juror Zervakos. They were disgusting and, IMO, should never had been said to anyone (whether they were true or not/deserved or not). Those kind of words may not be "normal" for some people- they are not normal for me, but that is neither here-or-there and it doesn't matter what I think- only what the jurors would have thought (and Zervakos thought those words were not normal and abusive).

I have not, in my posts, mentioned anything about physical abuse re: fingers (and, so far in the book, neither had Lawrence). I don't know what the story will be with the finger yet as he hasn't mentioned that , but he may later on in this book or another. He may elaborate as to why he let that story get into the trial, so I don't know how to answer you right now.

I was trying to state what Lawrence had actually stated in his book to ILTBP and your post (and as you have said, not tying to defend him in any way). Everyone has their own interpretations on what someone states, so maybe I shouldn't try to bring Lawrence's actual words to light anymore on what I have read in his book when I think that the person posting has been mistaken in what Lawrence has actually written because it seems as if I am defending him- instead I'm defending what he actually wrote in his book as opposed to what someone thinks he wrote. In the future, I'll let the poster come to their own conclusions.

Again, I was just giving my take (or possibly other's), on those particular words said by TA, so it's not justification I was talking about (and I don't think Lawrence has said anything about justification either, so far, in his book, except that nothing done by TA justified TA being murdered).

Sorry and please excuse me if I wasn't that clear.

I do not despise or have any real sympathy for Lawrence, as he did what he thought he had to do at the time and made his bed thereafter.

And just saying.... because I do not normally comment on anyone's thoughts and their right to their thoughts- even Lawrence's. :)
Seen lots of discussion about Nurmis latest book. I think what hurt Nurmi's case a LOT is having Wilmcott on his team.

I honestly think she was just awful at being a defense laywer presenting a case. She came across to me as a beginner attorney. I honestly would have guessed it was her very first case she had ever got up in front of a jury on.

She may be good at researching and helping in the background of cases with support material but as far as getting up in front of a jury and putting on the case, no way I would ever want her defending me.
She was weak in every aspect.

The thing I found most striking was the way she literally copied Juan's objections. She copied his exact terminology in her objections for a lot of them. If Juan objected with "no foundation", then when it was Wilmcotts turn, here comes the objection for "no foundation".
It happened so many times that it was obvious she was copying and was not creative or just didn't know enough.

And the "Sidebar Crutch". Once Wilmcott found out that JSS didn't mind if she asked for a Sidebar, then Wilmcott started using those sidebar requests over and over again ad-naseum. I honestly think Wilmcott did this because she was in effect trying her case in front of the judge only where there was no pressure the jury would hear how juvenile she was.
She could whine and cry to the judge and the jury could not hear her.

Of course, JSS was majorly at fault with allowing all the sidebars in the first place but it was Wilmcott that requested the majority of them and I firmly believe it was because she could not handle trying her case in front of the jury. She was failing miserably in front of the jury but in front of the judge, it went fine. JSS has sympathy for Wilmcott and allowed her to go on and on and on with her pleas for some help with her defense.

So back to Nurmi. So having Wilmcott on his team was a terrible mistake and it weakened his case because of how she presented herself. I think Nurmi treated Wilmcott and Jodi as a "pair" and he kind of put them together. And Wilmcott all but snuggled with Jodi during the trial so it was easy for Nurmi to think of them as 2 peas in a pod.

It was almost a mini trial within the trial. Nurmi had to fight off the 2 woman and also fight off Juan at the same time.
So I think Wilmcott lessened his overall case because of her lack of skill and lack of confidence in front of the jury.

I do think Nurmi hit a few doubles by finding ALV and some of his other witnesses. My goodness how did he find someone like ALV that had the views she had. What a score that was. LOL

But Nurmis final demise for me was when he went on and on about the technical PC and Evidence appeals. It was all BS and I do think the jury caught on that Nurmi was appealing things for the heck of it to delay the trial and try to fake everyone out. There was never any real substance but he sure made it sound like he found something.
Especially when Nurmi accused Travis of so many falsehoods like physical harming Jodi. We here that did research knew they were lies but for people that didn't know better he could have fooled some.

Juan didn't need a partner because he single handidly presented his case for the State. He was amazing to watch and listen to. He had a few stumbles himself IMO but nothing nearly as bad as the defense.

Wilmott was not part of Laurence's original team (who he liked a lot according to his book). In Chapter 37, which I will be posting soon, he explains the reasons why his team was changed.

I do believe that something bad happened between Lawrence and Wilmott (he alludes to it in what I have read so far). Just what it was, I don't know yet, but I hope he will elaborate sometime either in this book or the next ones. I'm very curious to know what it exactly it was that made them come to some disagreement and "split his [second] team" up (as he likes to say in his book). We shall see, as the mystery unfolds.....:floorlaugh:

As for me, I don't think that Wilmott had the same mindset that Lawrence had of just who the murderer was and, maybe, that led to the split between them?? :thinking:- remember her interview after the trial, she seemed to think the murderer told the whole-truth-and-nothing-but-the truth :gaah:, as opposed to Lawrence's assessment of the murderer- but I won't speculate.
YoNo, I must admit that I chuckle every time I read Laurence in your posts. Do you do that because he refers to CMJA as Ms. Arias? I can't see calling him Kirk either BTW, which is why I refer to him as Nurmi all the time. :D

I call him Lawrence for a few reasons:

That's his name (what his parents named him)

I don't like the name Kirk for him- it reminds me of Capt. Kirk of the star ship Enterprise (and Lawrence is no Capt. Kirk, IMO) :facepalm:

And, most of all, that's what JM called him in one of his replies to Lawrence's motion. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
Robert Loggia, Rugged but Versatile Character Actor, Dies at 85

"Robert Loggia, an Oscar-nominated actor who had a durable career in television and movies, notably in Brian De Palma’s gangster film “Scarface” and Penny Marshall’s comedy “Big,” died on Friday at his home in Los Angeles. He was 85.

His wife, Audrey Loggia, said the cause was complications of Alzheimer’s disease. “He struggled with Alzheimer’s disease for five years,” she said. “It just took its natural progression.”..."



RIP :candle:

IIRC, Pages asked me awhile ago about fox hunting. This is a Go Pro video the rider filmed while riding. It gives you the perspective of riding and jumping while on the horse. You don't have to watch the whole thing to get an idea of how fun it can be!
As per usual, the steroids have not only made me "blossom", my hair fall out, brain not work, they have now made a bottom molar disintegrate. And yes, when I smile, you can see the gap. OMG. I look ridiculous lol. Fortunately, my dentist is brilliant and hopefully can rebuild the tooth. Happy Sunday Funday! Cha Ching...
I watched "It's A Wonderful Life" last night. I had never watched the movie before, at least I don't remember watching it. What a great movie! I also watched "Elf" with Will Farrell and James Caan. I took my girls to see it in 2003 and I got a little teary when watching it. I get teary watching some of the commercials too. Anyone else?

I love that kindness and family is behind most of the tv commercials this year. I think they are far more effective in getting their message across than in years past.
I watched "It's A Wonderful Life" last night. I had never watched the movie before, at least I don't remember watching it. What a great movie! I also watched "Elf" with Will Farrell and James Caan. I took my girls to see it in 2003 and I got a little teary when watching it. I get teary watching some of the commercials too. Anyone else?

I love that kindness and family is behind most of the tv commercials this year. I think they are far more effective in getting their message across than in years past.


I'm so glad you have finally seen.. a Wonderful Life.... is my favorite favorite favorite
I did not say that TA was not justified in saying certain words on his emails/texts, whatever it was at the time as I can't remember right now. I'm saying those type of words were unforgivable to me and to maybe other people- like Lawrence and juror Zervakos. They were disgusting and, IMO, should never had been said to anyone (whether they were true or not/deserved or not). Those kind of words may not be "normal" for some people- they are not normal for me, but that is neither here-or-there and it doesn't matter what I think- only what the jurors would have thought (and Zervakos thought those words were not normal and abusive).

I have not, in my posts, mentioned anything about physical abuse re: fingers (and, so far in the book, neither had Lawrence). I don't know what the story will be with the finger yet as he hasn't mentioned that , but he may later on in this book or another. He may elaborate as to why he let that story get into the trial, so I don't know how to answer you right now.

I was trying to state what Lawrence had actually stated in his book to ILTBP and your post (and as you have said, not tying to defend him in any way). Everyone has their own interpretations on what someone states, so maybe I shouldn't try to bring Lawrence's actual words to light anymore on what I have read in his book when I think that the person posting has been mistaken in what Lawrence has actually written because it seems as if I am defending him- instead I'm defending what he actually wrote in his book as opposed to what someone thinks he wrote. In the future, I'll let the poster come to their own conclusions.

Again, I was just giving my take (or possibly other's), on those particular words said by TA, so it's not justification I was talking about (and I don't think Lawrence has said anything about justification either, so far, in his book, except that nothing done by TA justified TA being murdered).

Sorry and please excuse me if I wasn't that clear.

I do not despise or have any real sympathy for Lawrence, as he did what he thought he had to do at the time and made his bed thereafter.

And just saying.... because I do not normally comment on anyone's thoughts and their right to their thoughts- even Lawrence's. :)

I'm confused. I thought you were clear and I was clear and now it doesn't seem so, but I'm unclear what is unclear and why. :D

Reading your last sentence, though, that you don't comment on anyone's thoughts, makes me hestitate to post thoughts in reply to you, lest that is asking you to do what you don't like to do? Or is it Nurmi's thoughts you don't want to respond to?

Seriously confused. Maybe its just my weekly mushy brain day today. :)

As for Nurmi...of course he has a right to his thoughts. He seems to want to direct at least some of them squarely to "The Trial Watchers" though, and as one of the Trial Watchers whose intelligence he's insulting, I feel plenty OK commenting on his (scrambled) thoughts. ;)

I watched "It's A Wonderful Life" last night. I had never watched the movie before, at least I don't remember watching it. What a great movie! I also watched "Elf" with Will Farrell and James Caan. I took my girls to see it in 2003 and I got a little teary when watching it. I get teary watching some of the commercials too. Anyone else?

I love that kindness and family is behind most of the tv commercials this year. I think they are far more effective in getting their message across than in years past.

Wow! How in the world is that possible? Aren't you as geriatric as I am? :). What a great movie, eh?

I didn't see the Wizard of Oz until I was in my 30's, so missed experiencing the magic of it through kid's eyes. On the other hand, Mary Poppins floated my way in a movie theater when I was 6 years old. That was the very first time I ever watched anything on any screen (my father didn't allow TV in the house).

For the longest time I thought I could fly if I held my umbrella just right, and to this day if I see just the right combination of blurry sunset pastel colors I think of Bert and merry go rounds. :). :)
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