SIDEBAR #57 - Travis Alexander forum

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BBM 1:
Well, this one still isn't existing, I mean, yes, but only in my imagination. Up to us to make a decision.
Do you have any preferences???

On the unforunately sniped parts where you explain the medecine issues: It seems that there are some nice people in the medical staff that try to do their best to help you out. That's really great and I hope they'll succeed.

BBM 2: It's an interesting case and I would like to watch some documentaries.Will make a search.
There is another case I was interested in but don't remember the name- hmm, I'm sharing some brain issues with Zuri - a mum & dad and their 2 children; they were found somewhere in the desert.
Would anyone have an idea?

I would also be grateful for video suggestions concerning interesting cases. I've watched a lot of "power, ... and privileges", some "mystery..." and reportages about unsolved cases but I don't like unsolved.
What I liked most was watching the Pistorius trial. I'm fascinated by the argumentation, logic... And one of the best parts was the session where the verdict was overturned. These 5 high judges and especially Leach impressed me by their sharp minds.

The McStay Family was found buried in the desert off the highway.
Teresa Sievers MD was killed in Florida and the husband is a POI in the case. A lot of different threads on this case. Very interesting and sad as well.
Cooper Harris' s dad is set to go on trial in February after leaving him in a hot car for hours.

The above all have threads on WS. HTH! Xo
KKRJX.... I am sad for the kitty, but from what I understand, our animals can recover and do nicely minus one appendage. I hope that is the case for kitty. How wonderful that he is getting the operation and a chance to continue his loving life. Best of luck to his recovery and prognosis.

I have been viewing online videos of three-legged cats running, jumping, climbing and even walking on a fence. Our kitty will lose a hind leg so when he walks he will have a noticeable limp but when he runs he will probably look like any other running cat based on what I am seeing of the cats in the videos.

I need to talk with my friend today and see if she is in a frame of mind to view these videos. These tripods are such an inspiration and not a single one looks as if it is miserable or not enjoying life. They eat, sleep, play, run, jump, cuddle...just like they did pre-surgery.

I know my friend will come around and be glad she decided to try to save his life. I sort of talked her into the surgery because he is so healthy other than that tumor that I could not see justification for why his life should be over without making an effort to help him get better. If things do not work out as we hope, so be it, but at least we did all that could be done for him. IDK, maybe I should not have butted in on such a personal decision but she loves that cat so much and it is obvious he adores her.

Thanks for the good wishes for our kitty.
Trapped with Ms. Arias

Section 8

Pretrial Issues

L will discuss

-in chap 40- the murderer's 1st experience as her own atty

-in chap 41- rules of felony murder

-in chap 42- trying to settle case before 2013

-in chap 43- dealing with media before the trial

-in chap 44- others steps he took

-in chap 45- the delays

Chapter 40

Ms. Arias Goes "Pro-Per"

L cannot share talks he had with the murderer about her choice or what he knows about her decision to go "Pro-Per" -client-atty privilege

"...back in 2011, before most of the world knew much about Ms. Arias, a hearing took place regarding the admissibility of 'The Letters'.....both parties ultimately shifted from their original position, at this hearing, the State was seeking to keep 'The Letters' out of evidence during the trial. Likewise the defense, with Ms. Arias acting as her own counsel, also had a different position in that the original assertation by the defense was that we wanted 'The Letters' to come into trial." (pg. 228)

" my mind, the viability of those letters as evidence supporting Ms. Arias' claims was almost non-existent after three by five cards and pens found in Ms. Arias' cell...they were cards with someone's attempt to stimulate Mr. Alexander's handwriting on them or so the State's expert would say"

L states that if he were the murderer's atty at the time, he "would have walked into this hearing and withdrawn my desire to admit the letters...state's motion would have been granted..a victory for the State. However, at that time, I saw it differently. My perspective ....was that it would be harmful... to the case. An idea it would seem to MR. Martinez came to years later."

L's plan- letters would not be in evidence- problem solved

the murderer became her own atty- "Pro-Per"

L explains "Pro-Per" and the law

the hearing was long- time spent talking about the murderer's "desire to represent herself"

the murderer became "lead counsel", L and Co-counsel became "advisory counsel"

The murderer was to act as her own atty- call witnesses, cross examine witnesses, argue her story

next- evidentiary portion of hearing- state to call handwriting analyst (Dept. of Public Safety)

-he analyzed the 3x5 cards, handwriting found in magazines that belonged to murderer (confiscated by jail staff) and the letters "purportingly written" by TA and sent to the murderer

- he said "in his opinion" - cards someones attempt to copy TA's handwriting; "probable" that the message in magazine were written by the murderer "and that Ms. Arias ' expert could not reach the conclusion she did about who authored these letters "

L states again that "the designation 'highly probable' is the greatest level of certainty in the field of handwriting analysis"

so this means "in the opinion of the State's expert that Ms. Arias' expert was wrong when she concluded that it was 'highly probable' that Mr. Alexander wrote these letters" - "highly probable" rating designation used by the murderer's expert improper - couldn't be used "when the handwriting comparison was being done from a photocopy" (pg. 231)

the murderer called 2 witnesses- defense's handwriting expert, former podmate, Heather who moved on from jail to prison

-the murderer tried to prove that Heather wrote the things in magazine- L stated that none of Heather's testimony or the murderer's questions "made any sense to me"

"Futhermore, I didn't believe a word that Heather was saying. For those of you might be thinking I was obliged to do something about this testimony that I perceived to be false I should point out that I had no such obligation. In fact, it is more accurate to say that I was obligated to keep my mouth shut so as to not interfere with my client's ability to represent herself. To explain further, I was not the attorney nor was I the person judging the testimony" (pg. 231)

JM questioned Heather "her testimony on cross was every bit as unbelievable as it had been on direct...maybe more unbelievable"

L knew letters would be precluded

" really freaked me out a little..Ms. Arias seemed so proud and happy with this girl's testimony, she seemed to relish the fact that this girl was willing to lie for her. The look on her face was what I might imagine on a cult leader as they watched members of their flock kill themselves on command" (pg. 232)

the murderer called defense's handwriting expert- asked expert some questions "about what she had done prior to that point. Eventually the questioning uncovered the reality that this expert might be able to alter her conclusions if she had time to examine the new materials that had recently become available"

L states that at this time in the hearing - would be a good time for the murderer to "ask for a continuance" so expert could do examination

"..for whatever reason, Ms. Arias shocked us all and said something nonsensical about driving a ship that she did not know how to steer and then announced her desire to resign as counsel. Ms Arias no longer wanted to play and the nonsense was about to come to an end." (pg, 232)

judge eager to grant request, but 1st L wanted to speak- judge not happy about that

L stated that he was "concerned about my ability to represent Ms. Arias if she was simply allowed to represent herself when she felt like it" then have L and Co-counsel take over "whenever she felt she didn't want to play anymore"

L was worried because every time the murderer didn't like what his "strategy" she would want to represent herself again "screw up the case ...give it back" to do damage control

L had researched law about self-representation- when client wanted to initially represent themselves and then resigned "any subsequent requests she made to represent herself were not entitled to...automatic approval...[on]"second request" ...the court has ...absolute discretion and/or ability to deny....for what ever reason" (pg. 233)

L wanted court to tell the murderer this "legal reality"- court asked murderer if she understood- she said "yes"

L withdrew "The Letters" "for the time being"

Chapter 41

Felony Murder?

State's choice to charge the murderer with first Degree Murder under the "felony murder rule"

L explains First Degree Murder-premeditated murder and First Degree Murder- felony murder

L gives eg. of felony murder:

- man goes to rob store with unloaded gun with no plans to use it, owner dies of heart attack- while robber is getting away, he runs over lady by mistake- she dies- Felony murder? "yes"- committed felony murder 2x- charged with First Degree Murder- could receive DP even tho' it was not pre-planned

L states that:

"In my mind, based on the facts of the case [what happened June 4, 2008]either Ms. Arias arrived at Mr. Alexander's home planning to kill him or she did not...the State, perhaps out of concern that they could not prove premeditation First Degree Murder, also charged Ms. Arias with this same crime via the felony murder rule" (pg. 236)

this made no sense to L- he challenged- wanted to know "underlying crime" (rule- must be underlying crime when death happens)- State did not specify when she was originally charged- State protested L's challenge, but any person charged entitled to know

L claims that JM not happy because he had "to come up with something"

state claimed it was burglary (with intent to commit a felony) when the murderer pointed a gun at TA with intentions of killing him "and that during her attempt to facilitate this murder she actually committed the murder she intended to commit. Follow that? No? Well neither do I"

according to State's theory "any murder that occurs indoors (because of the different types of burglary) could be charged as felony murder, even when the goal of the killer was to commit the crime of murder in the first place."

didn't make sense to L- he challenged- State said "that the underlying felony related to murder and because she committed the murder that she could be charged with felony murder"

again made no sense to L- argued again to "no avail and the charge stood"

was a "big deal" to L "..for two reasons. The first being, that it gave the State two ways to get a First Degree Murder conviction when. in my mind at least, only one should have been available to them. Second, and more importantly it was a way for the State to eliminate the lesser included offense of second degree murder and manslaughter, crimes for which Ms. Arias could not be sentenced to death. It was a very big deal" (pg. 238)

Chapter 42

Trying to Settle

"Any resolution of a capital case short of trial inherently means that your client is not going to be executed"

L states that when "client is not going to be executed, that constitutes a win for that attorney"

win for client too

L states best capital case is a " that doesn't go to trial"

capt'l cases means- "long hours almost every day of the week....several hours each weekend is commonplace.....have to say 'I'm very sorry' to your spouse.." - always thinking about case " down time"

L wanted to avoid the murderer's trial "so badly"- L's experience- "this was going to be a another tough trial to say the least"

L stated that being in trial in murderer's case "it negatively impacted my personal life"

high profile nature of trial- "greater than a typical death penalty trial. I feared that this case would require more apologies than normal... may take longer than most cases...
...the rules in place in Arizona specifically dictate that lead counsel is to seek out a resolution short of death for their client (even if it is not the client's main goal) which makes sense because a life sentence is always the number one goal of a capital defense attorney"
(pg. 240)

L states that both defense and state must agree on resolution- defense must negotiate between state and client

claims that with JM "resolving a case by plea was not typically an option"

"For her part, Ms. Arias thought that accepting guilt for the crime of second degree murder was doing the world a favor"

L hoped that decision would rest with County Attorney Bill Montgomery (BM) and not JM

but "The rumors were to the effect that Mr. Montgomery felt intimidated" by JM.."I had no idea if this rumor were true or not"

L stated that JM was able to convince BM that the sentence of death was "justified"

"I did not want to try this case. I wanted it to go away!"

L stated that he needed "to lay a few of my cards on the table...not my typical way of doing things....if I disclosed some information to the State that I was not otherwise obligated to disclose, that"..JM "might share my for all involved if the case went away quickly and quietly" (pg. 241)

5th + 6th amendments - "provide the authority for defense attorneys to hold back certain information...things that Ms. Arias said about the crime to her experts were things that I could have hid from the State under the rules of Arizona. I chose not to keep things hidden or interfere with Dr. DeMarte asking similiar questions. Why? I wanted" BM "to know exactly where this case was make sure he understood where this case was going to go so he could decide if he really wanted to travel down this road. I wanted him to know that Ms. Arias was going to claim that her victim was an abusive pedophile against whom she had to defend herself. I wanted him to know how out of control this case could get. It was my thinking that if he saw crazy this case was going to get that he might be more inclined to seek a resolution that avoided such a debacle from ever occurring...Obviously, we did not settle the case.." (pgs. 241-242)


Chapter 43
Dealing With the Media Before Trial

Chapter 44
WE Gotta Get Out of Town or Shut the Jury Down

Chapter 45

The So-Called Delays
End of Section 8 (pg. 253)
Kirk Nurmi Interview - Part 3

Blanche and Rose dance showdown!


and Good Morning all!

Hatfield said:
Sincerely wishing you the best for plowing through all the forms and all the different places to get the help you need.

Thanks, I think! :lol:

ILikeToBendPages said:
I'd love to ride in a sleigh through the snow. We're not used to it here in Texas. Today it's seventy degrees, and will be almost eighty this weekend.

Black Forest cake is one of my favorites. I look forward to our visit, and to see your country. Will we have hot buttered rum and eggnog on our sleigh ride? And sit under warm blankets as merrily dash on our way. We will have jingle bells won't we? It's a must have.

Sleigh ride! Yes!
fights! LOL!

daisymae said:
Just home from the grocery store and the cashier tells me I have an EBT balance of about $284. WHAT? I then went to another store because Publix didn't have brussel sprouts and this cashier tells my my balance is 277. That's one heck of an increase as I get about 90. a month. I'm sure it's an error but if I find out it's not an error, I would love to get a buggy full of turkeys and pass around to churches for their food pantries. But certainly it's an error.

Be careful!! I was just reading some stuff I got for my food stamps - and even IF it is THEIR error - you will have to pay it back!! :scared: So, don't spend more than you are alloted!!

Spellbound said:
NINER, your husband may be eligible for Disability Medicare benefits due to his "illness". == If you are age 18 to 64, your eligibility for Medicare is tied to your eligibility for Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) benefits. == To qualify for SSDI, you must be unable to work for a least one year because of a qualifying physical or mental impairment, a combination of impairments or a terminal condition resulting from an impairment. You can apply for SSDI at your local Social Security Administration office. Once you are approved for SSDI, you must wait 5 months for your income benefits to begin, and an additional 24 months before Medicare benefits begin.

Thanks! :luv: I forwarded this to him and I'll let him check it out!

coffeejunkie said:
Oh! you even have gifts wrapped and sitting under the tree! Wooohooo...which one is for me? :giggle:

The tall one - white, red and green stripes! LOL! Hope you're doing good! I'm finished buying presents, so that's why they are all wrapped up! I had to start early, as I have to send Christmas presents to Latvia and Sweden! Still waiting for two items (catalog bought) for the kitties! A catnip toy! Never given my cats catnip - what's it do? :waitasec:

Love you tree!! I noticed that you put your Christmas cards on the tree - I might do that this year! Thanks for the idea! :happydance: Wish we had a fireplace - that's the only thing wrong with this house! Love fireplaces! The bigger the better! And you are VERY talented to do the Disney display! I do collect Mickey Mouse stuff, if you didn't know! Love it!

coffeejunkie said:
Good Morning Friends Remember always SMILE. A SMILE is nearly always inspired by another SMILE.

I agree!
I end my letters with "Smile and Good Thoughts!"

spliting up your quote
Susza said:
BBM 1:
Well, this one still isn't existing, I mean, yes, but only in my imagination. Up to us to make a decision.
Do you have any preferences???

This was 1984 when I was there last, and don't even recall any of the restaurants that we went to, but they were really good, as I recall! LOL!

On the unforunately sniped parts where you explain the medecine issues: It seems that there are some nice people in the medical staff that try to do their best to help you out. That's really great and I hope they'll succeed.

Yes, the lady was really nice, thank goodness! Hope she comes thru where we both don't have to pay this $1000 a month.

BBM 2: It's an interesting case and I would like to watch some documentaries.Will make a search.
There is another case I was interested in but don't remember the name- hmm, I'm sharing some brain issues with Zuri - a mum & dad and their 2 children; they were found somewhere in the desert.
Would anyone have an idea?

That would be, I believe, the McStays, down San Diego way! I too am following this one, and made the Timeline for this case. :pcguru:

I would also be grateful for video suggestions concerning interesting cases. I've watched a lot of "power, ... and privileges", some "mystery..." and reportages about unsolved cases but I don't like unsolved.
What I liked most was watching the Pistorius trial. I'm fascinated by the argumentation, logic... And one of the best parts was the session where the verdict was overturned. These 5 high judges and especially Leach impressed me by their sharp minds.

Yes, I followed Pistorius trial - and am glad that the prosecutor did the appeal on this verdict sentencing. He should be in jail, but the last I heard, he is still living with his uncle.

Oh YESorNO my library doesn't have any of Wm. McIlvanney books... any other suggestions? I know I've asked before...

and No, I don't believe I've met any serial killers... at least - not to my knowledge! I did read about the Highway of Tears.

and Nore - JINGLES!! and

:facepalm: sorry - another long post! :D

Will post this, as I've read everything posted up to YESorNO's last post...
Oh - I got Nurmi's book in the mail the other day, will start reading it this weekend! :read:
YESorNO - you are good at searching - how do I find your posts when you started summarizing Nurmi's book? I'd like to give my opinion on some of his writings, and didn't want to repeat what you have written! :waitasec: Thanks in advance!

Off to my other threads!

Take care everyone! :wave:
1970 - I Think I Love You - The Partridge Family tops the charts today. I considered this bubblegum music. Like Sugar Sugar, and many Tommy Roe

Oh - I got Nurmi's book in the mail the other day, will start reading it this weekend! :read:
YESorNO - you are good at searching - how do I find your posts when you started summarizing Nurmi's book? I'd like to give my opinion on some of his writings, and didn't want to repeat what you have written! :waitasec: Thanks in advance!

Off to my other threads!

Take care everyone! :wave:

My notes started on the previous Sidebar thread #56/ post 875, but I think it would be easier for you to just go the book thread (I started posting my notes at post #3)- less "other" stuff to plow through, IMO.

Book released by Defense Attorney, Nov 2015 #2

You can find William McIlvanney's books on Amazon.

Here's his book page on Amazon which includes all his books to buy:

BUT- if you go to the Bookfinder's webpage, you can see where everyone is selling his books and pick how much you want to spend. I always use Bookfinder's to find older books that are too expensive (sometimes they're still expensive :facepalm:). Here is the webpage where I already did a search for his books (there are loads of them). Just click on the highlighted items and this will bring up that book. Then you can pick which vendor you would like to buy from if you want and click on that to buy.

Bookfinder is so great for finding any book "at the best price". Here's their home webpage:

Because I know you like to read books in order, his first book was Remedy is None

See Wiki for the others:
Good evening all...I believe I owe someone some brownies but at this point I am not sure who...

Still using Windows 7 although 10 did attempt to install this morning when I turned the computer on for a minute to check email before heading out on the road.

My friend's cat with the troublesome growth on his back foot will lose his leg. He is being kept at the clinic overnight until they can fit him in to their surgery schedule on either Wednesday or Thursday. We would not have been able to get him back there by 6 AM on Thursday so decided to leave him there today. We can bring him home Friday or Saturday. He is super healthy other than the tumor. They did x-rays and found nothing suspicious elsewhere so whatever it is has not spread. It is just on his foot but they said removing the entire leg was preferable to removing just a foot as he will get around better with nothing there rather than a partial limb.

I hope the little guy does OK. He is such a beautiful little kitty, not just in appearance but in personality. A real sweetheart. The world needs more gentle souls like his.

Hope everyone had a good day. I'm hopping over now to find out what, if anything, happened with Pistorius.

BBM That shouldn't have happened if you put it in "solitary confinement"- or "Hide". When you uninstalled Windows 10, did you right click on the KB3035583 listing in Windows Update and selecting "Hide" this update?

But now that I think of it more- if you changed your update settings to only allow updates if you agree to them, you should be good (unless Microsoft gets sneaky, that is, and uses a different code/number- whatever they use. Wouldn't put it past them. Sneaky %$&%$ :facepalm:)

After I got rid of Windows 10 and changed my settings for installations of updates in August , somehow something called Defender got installed on my computer on Sept. 2 (without my consent :tantrum:) - used up my bandwidth and couldn't use the internet for a while. :(

But then something strange happen. On Nov. 11, it was uninstalled (and I didn't do it).

Strange things happen with Microsoft. :stormingmad:

I. don't. trust. them. :gaah:

Your tree :christmastree: is lovely and I like the way you put those Christmas balls that are hanging from the windows.
I especially like the fireplace- so beautiful. What kind of stones? surround the opening?

You are so creative. Did you use some sort of pattern to cut the Disney figures from? What kind of paint did you use (since they would be out in the weather)?

You do lovely work, IMO. :santahat:
BBM That shouldn't have happened if you put it in "solitary confinement"- or "Hide". When you uninstalled Windows 10, did you right click on the KB3035583 listing in Windows Update and selecting "Hide" this update?

But now that I think of it more- if you changed your update settings to only allow updates if you agree to them, you should be good (unless Microsoft gets sneaky, that is, and uses a different code/number- whatever they use. Wouldn't put it past them. Sneaky %$&%$ :facepalm:)

After I got rid of Windows 10 and changed my settings for installations of updates in August , somehow something called Defender got installed on my computer on Sept. 2 (without my consent :tantrum:) - used up my bandwidth and couldn't use the internet for a while. :(

But then something strange happen. On Nov. 11, it was uninstalled (and I didn't do it).

Strange things happen with Microsoft. :stormingmad:

I. don't. trust. them. :gaah:

No, I did not hide that update. What I did was uninstall it and change my settings so that nothing can be installed automatically. I then rebooted (necessary for the changes to take effect) and checked the control panel to see if KB3035583 was indeed uninstalled and it was. It did, however, appear in the list of downloaded updates after the reboot even though it was not showing in the list of installed updates. I noticed when the computer was shutting down to reboot it was checking for updates so I assume that KB monster is designed to keep downloading whenever Windows Update notices it is not in the list. Anyway, it did not reinstall it this time with the reboot so I figured I was safe. I shut down for the evening and didn't turn the machine back on til the morning when I wanted to check email before leaving the house.

With that, I got a message saying Windows 10 Upgrade would begin in 59:46 and it was ticking down a second at a time. It gave the option of bypassing that clock and installing the upgrade immediately as well as the option to stop the clock and upgrade another time. I chose the latter and have not seen any attempts to upgrade since. Also, when I shut down now there is no notification of any updating going on.

What I am hiding is that little Get Windows icon (the white Windows flag in the lower right task bar). That is now off the task bar but shows if I click on the up arrow for hidden icons.

I am not sure what will happen next but I check frequently to make sure my settings have not been somehow changed back to allow automatic installs. I don't trust *them* to not somehow be able to change my settings like that. They were for a while trying to force Bing on me--I never used it or clicked on it or anything of that nature but one day I booted up and there was Bing in place of Google. And it could not be changed back to Google in the normal way. I had to jump through some hoops to get it to change back and not have Bing pop up at every turn. That all came about from automatic updating so it seems Microsoft is really upping the ante in their efforts to get people to do things Microsoft's way. They never used to be this insistent. What's weird is I will probably replace my computer in the next few months and most likely any PC I can afford is going to have Windows on it....and it will probably be Windows 10. I am not against change; I just don't like it forced on me.
Yes/No .... I really like the way you are sharing Nurmi's book with us. A very impartial summary, that lets me make up my own mind for the most part. (I still did not like him much as a lawyer, but I do feel for him having had the worst client )

I have been viewing online videos of three-legged cats running, jumping, climbing and even walking on a fence. Our kitty will lose a hind leg so when he walks he will have a noticeable limp but when he runs he will probably look like any other running cat based on what I am seeing of the cats in the videos.

I need to talk with my friend today and see if she is in a frame of mind to view these videos. These tripods are such an inspiration and not a single one looks as if it is miserable or not enjoying life. They eat, sleep, play, run, jump, cuddle...just like they did pre-surgery.

I know my friend will come around and be glad she decided to try to save his life. I sort of talked her into the surgery because he is so healthy other than that tumor that I could not see justification for why his life should be over without making an effort to help him get better. If things do not work out as we hope, so be it, but at least we did all that could be done for him. IDK, maybe I should not have butted in on such a personal decision but she loves that cat so much and it is obvious he adores her.

Thanks for the good wishes for our kitty.

I bet your friend is going to be amazed at how this kitty manages .... and he will be unique, to boot. I am honestly excited to hear about his progress in the future. I think it was exactly the right thing to do, encouraging your friend to give this a try. there will be many years of joy left to share now.

[/QUOTE] Niner: The tall one - white, red and green stripes! LOL! Hope you're doing good! I'm finished buying presents, so that's why they are all wrapped up! I had to start early, as I have to send Christmas presents to Latvia and Sweden! Still waiting for two items (catalog bought) for the kitties!
A catnip toy! Never given my cats catnip - what's it do?
:waitasec: [/QUOTE]

Hope your cat loves the catnip..... one of ours will eat it up and then meander away like a snob. But our other .... she thinks she is in cat manna-from-heaven. Like being high on pot, I think. Or maybe it's some other crazy drug? :thinking: She rolls in it, stretches, purrs and just acts sooo funny!!

Picked up a few little gifts this morning then I spent several hours wrapping presents. It is starting to look more festive here now. Changed the beddings bathes the dogs, and am lounging in PJ's now. One tired gal here.


Your tree :christmastree: is lovely and I like the way you put those Christmas balls that are hanging from the windows.
I especially like the fireplace- so beautiful. What kind of stones? surround the opening?

You are so creative. Did you use some sort of pattern to cut the Disney figures from? What kind of paint did you use (since they would be out in the weather)?

You do lovely work, IMO. :santahat:

That is sure a nice display, coffeej. It made me recall a life-sized nativity my mother made the same way .... she cut them out and painted each figure, including the three Wise Men and some animals. They were also lit up with spotlights. It was beautiful. Unfortunately, it was given away several years ago and I don't know where it may be now.

And coffeeJ, I meant to tell you thanks for that chocolate nut cluster recipe. It sounds delicious and will get made when I am able to eat nuts again! I miss my nutty goodies!

I think your kitties will love catnip. Our Milo goes a little nuts at first and then gets very mellow after a while. :facepalm:
We don't give him too much- just a pinch, but it's enough to make him happy and not everyday. My older son gave us a small plastic bag of dried catnip leaves
that he grew in his garden for his cats.

How Catnip Gets Cats High

This kitty had too much catnip: :floorlaugh:

My fireplace decorated with balls

CJ, you have beautiful old woodwork, just like mine. How old is your house? And what material is your fireplace surround? Is it stone? I also love the hanging ornaments...
Hi Everyone, just peeking to say hi! Thanks for all the well wishes..I feel a bit better today. This is what my Doctor said, bronchial asthma.
Its been hard breathing.My oxygen level 93, took blood , gave allergy shot. I have now, prednisone , Cipro , Cough med. so strong only take it at night..along with7 everyday meds. and 3 non scripts....who needs food.
now the bad news. My arm is torn up where Molly has scratched me. it is bad ni spots Plus he is sure I am allergic as this has
gone on long time. His wife, God hold HER in HEAVEN was also very allergic to some dogs. I must find a home for her , Amy said near impossible as she is not completely housebroken. Shelters only take strays from Dog warden. She is a gooddog not

mean bone in her body I cry, see I love her and fear a bad home...Between dog and health issues I'm ready for a ------done on web. hope to see you tomorrow. I dont want a penny
for My Molly ,, just a loving home. Please say a prayer..xox.:seeya:
Looks like I'm just a little behind again :blushing: Anyway, trying to get ready for Christmas, I don't know why but I've been so busy. I've been listening to my satellite music on TV while decorating and making cookies for the local library charity drive. The channel is Sounds of the Seasons. I do have to say that I absolutely can not figure out how Justin Beiber ever got where he is, I can't stand his voice or his style. What's with that uhhuuhuhuhu.... :gaah: He sounds like he's either very ill or having a seizure or something, LOL. So am I old fashioned? Or am I just old? LOL :floorlaugh:

Hi Everyone, just peeking to say hi! Thanks for all the well wishes..I feel a bit better today. This is what my Doctor said, bronchial asthma.
Its been hard breathing.My oxygen level 93, took blood , gave allergy shot. I have now, prednisone , Cipro , Cough med. so strong only take it at night..along with7 everyday meds. and 3 non scripts....who needs food.
now the bad news. My arm is torn up where Molly has scratched me. it is bad ni spots Plus he is sure I am allergic as this has
gone on long time. His wife, God hold HER in HEAVEN was also very allergic to some dogs. I must find a home for her , Amy said near impossible as she is not completely housebroken. Shelters only take strays from Dog warden. She is a gooddog not

mean bone in her body I cry, see I love her and fear a bad home...Between dog and health issues I'm ready for a ------done on web. hope to see you tomorrow. I dont want a penny
for My Molly ,, just a loving home. Please say a prayer..xox.:seeya:

Hi Nore,

Glad you're feeling a bit better. Keep up the good work!

If you can, please post a picture of Molly. That's what successful rescue places do; they get the pics of the dogs out to as many people as possible. You never know. Maybe, just maybe, the right person will see something in her eyes and be motivated to take her in...:heartbeat:


Maybe this would be a good resource?
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