SIDEBAR #57 - Travis Alexander forum

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Just posted this in the Book thread- thought everyone here could use a good :floorlaugh:

Here's a coo-coo for you: :crazy:

The Defense Attorney (Kirk Nurmi)
My Take On L. Kirk Nurmi’s Book …

"Before I begin this blog, there is one thing I want to make clear: I do not know Jodi Arias, I’ve never met her, I’ve never written to her. I simply want to set the record straight.

I only know from what I have found out, that Jodi wasn’t at the scene when Travis Alexander was murdered, and she didn’t kill anyone, most certainly she did not murder Travis Alexander. She has been the victim of a false prosecution and she should not be in prison..." :silly:

And yet another by her:

The Presumption of Guilt

"As clearly stated in L. Kirk Nurmi’s book, there was absolutely NO presumption of innocence for Jodi Ann Arias, it never existed. He somehow ‘KNEW’ for a fact that Jodi was guilty and from start to finish and beyond. That was and is his position...

There was a far better way to handle Jodi Arias’ case appropriately. Using this approach might even have resulted in a verdict of not guilty, or better yet, for the case to be thrown out of Court for cause...."

I hate to even click on the link, since that has the possibility of monetizing this crazy woman's blog.

She is all over twitter on #jodiarias with the handle "JessicaFletcher@sleuthnow," and most there are really tired of her shtick. She just refuses to go away. She recently began attacking William Pitts (a journalist for the Phoenix area NBC affiliate), who covered the JA trial. She is calling him biased. Here is a snippet:

"William Pitts ‏@william_pitts Nov 27
William Pitts Retweeted Jessica Fletcher
If you're going to accuse me of bias, you better provide specific examples. Otherwise it's just slander.

William Pitts ‏@william_pitts Nov 27
So telling you you're wrong means I'm biased? Yeah ok. @SleuthNow also, rules of professional conduct, 2.1 :)"

Apparently, she'd a disbarred attorney with verifiable mental problems.

Surprised? No, me neither.
Horse admitted to New Bolton Center. The vets there are so smart and nice. Thankfully, most have treated him the past 9 times and bypass many of the normal admitting tests as they pretty much know the answer. His colon is displaced so they gave him a medication to shrink his spleen, so that his colon will flip back into its' normal position.

Thanks for the heartfelt hugs and Jingles. They are so appreciated and I a, so grateful. Xo
Horse admitted to New Bolton Center. The vets there are so smart and nice. Thankfully, most have treated him the past 9 times and bypass many of the normal admitting tests as they pretty much know the answer. His colon is displaced so they gave him a medication to shrink his spleen, so that his colon will flip back into its' normal position.

Thanks for the heartfelt hugs and Jingles. They are so appreciated and I a, so grateful. Xo

Wishing, hoping, praying. And yes, Jingles...

The Hughes were very vocal implicating CMJA for Travis' murder. Some of their mutual friends, even Travis' friends, disagreed and even got mad at them for accusing her. There became two divided camps, but the Hughes were convinced CMJA had killed Travis.

The Hughes experienced some odd happenings in their room in Cancun after they had called Dave Hall to check on Travis. In addition to Sky hearing Travis' voice telling them to take care of Deanna, they both thought that Travis visited their room on his way to his next life.

These strange phenomena happened As they laid there trying to go to sleep. There was a large Jacuzzi within several feet of their bed. All of a sudden, a burst of water shot up and went all over the ceiling and then turned off. Chris jumped and was freaking out as he doesn't do paranormal. Sky laughed.

Moments later, the curtains blew several feet in the air like a gust of wind caught them. However, the windows and slider were closed as Sky checked. Chris was losing it. He was yelling that he wanted to change rooms and Sky told him they just couldn't get their children, babysitter and themselves all moved in the middle of the night, let alone find adjacent rooms. Besides, she told him, if a person wanted to mess with him, they would just follow him.

The lights in the room were off when suddenly, the bulb in the canned light by their bed lit up and then exploded. Chris put the cover over his head. The radio then came on several minutes later and then turned off. Chris was ready to fly home whereas Sky, who likes paranormal stuff, thought it was a way a loved one let you know they were thinking of you. Sky wished she had noticed the times of all the above events so she could have compared it to when Travis was found. Chris had read somewhere that when a person died and were not discovered right away, their spirit stayed with them and watched over them.

Sky knew it was Travis in their room that night, making Chris freak out. She imagined his "hyena" laugh every time Chris freaked out. In the middle of the night, after they had revived news of Travis' death, they figured out it was Travis in their room and just knowing that gave them some peace.
I hate to even click on the link, since that has the possibility of monetizing this crazy woman's blog.

She is all over twitter on #jodiarias with the handle "JessicaFletcher@sleuthnow," and most there are really tired of her shtick. She just refuses to go away. She recently began attacking William Pitts (a journalist for the Phoenix area NBC affiliate), who covered the JA trial. She is calling him biased. Here is a snippet:

"William Pitts ‏@william_pitts Nov 27
William Pitts Retweeted Jessica Fletcher
If you're going to accuse me of bias, you better provide specific examples. Otherwise it's just slander.

William Pitts ‏@william_pitts Nov 27
So telling you you're wrong means I'm biased? Yeah ok. @SleuthNow also, rules of professional conduct, 2.1 :)"

Apparently, she'd a disbarred attorney with verifiable mental problems.

Surprised? No, me neither.

Thanks for the info (I didn't know as I just found the article's today)

She sure sounds like a winner (and not in a good way)

I found this today:

Coo-coo Jessica: (who all of a sudden is an expert on the case and knows all about the murderer- go figure)

Jessica Fletcher ‏@SleuthNow Nov 27
I'm relatively new to #jodiarias case. Did ANY local AZ reporters actually cover the case? Most seem to be "social media journalists."

Thought all her supporters were mainly quiet now (except for G. Barwood, of course)- so now new ones appear. Seems they will never go away. :sheesh:


Thanks for the info (I didn't know as I just found the article's today)

She sure sounds like a winner (and not in a good way)

I found this today:

Coo-coo Jessica: (who all of a sudden is an expert on the case and knows all about the murderer- go figure)

Jessica Fletcher ‏@SleuthNow Nov 27
I'm relatively new to #jodiarias case. Did ANY local AZ reporters actually cover the case? Most seem to be "social media journalists."

Thought all her supporters were mainly quiet now (except for G. Barwood, of course)- so now new ones appear. Seems they will never go away. :sheesh:



Regarding the bolded, yes, she's a relative newcomer on the scene, which is odd enough in itself. She started making her presence known on twitter a few months after the (penalty phase) verdict earlier this year. Very strange.

She also has some serious anger/mental health issues. I sincerely wish she would focus on addressing those problems rather than barraging online forums with her nonsense... JMO

After the Hughes returned from Cancun, they learned of the horrific wounds Travis had sustained. They also learned that Ryan was continuing to speak to CMJA although she was the prime POI. Ryan couldn't believe CMJA would do such a thing. Chris called him and spent hours describing her MO and told him not to talk to her for several days and watch how she turned up the sex. Ryan complied and sure enough, CMJA reverted to sex. She sent explicit sexual text messages to him as Chris had predicted. Unfortunately, Ryan still continued to speak with her despite his respect for Chris as he really liked her.

Interestingly enough, CMJA texted Sky's brother Zion, who had introduced Ryan to CMJA after leaving Ryans's house. She said that things weren't going to work out with Ryan because he wasn't a devout enough Mormon or spiritual enough. (OMG)

(And it gets better....)

Michelle initially took Naps to her home and sure enough, the Hughes got wind that CMJA was trying to get her hands on Naps, saying that Travis had wanted her to have him. The Hughes made sure that Michelle knew that Naps was to go to Deanna, as that was what he had put in his will. (Chris was the executor of his estate after Mike Chapman said he couldn't be due to all that was involved).Naps went to Deanna.

When she couldn't get Naps, she called Mike and went after the BMW, saying that Travis had "given" her the car and she needed the title. Mike called the Hughes in a panic. They told him that CMJA lied, had bought the BMW from Travis and was making payments. Mike was scare/nervous to call CMJA back as he too, thought CMJA had killed Travis and was worried for his safety with good reason. He did call her back and asked for proof that Travis had "given" her the car. CMJA was caught off guard and stumbled over words, said she had no proof and hung up. however several days later she called Mike back and said she just remembered getting an email from Travis saying he had given her the car and no money was owed. Mike asked CMJA to forward the email to him and of course, CMJA had written it and sent it to herself.

Two weeks after the murder, there was a Memorial Service in AZ and CMJA showed up. She asked Travis' friend Aaron to drive her by Travis' house :0 and played the grieving widow at the service, thanking everyone for coming. :0. Deanna gave the eulogy and CMJA had an eerie smirk on her face as she stared at her.

Sky recounts how their friend Larry was a recipient of one of CMJA's hugs and felt an evil, cold feeling when she hugged him. He knew then that she killed Travis. Another friend of Travis' recounted how when she met CMJA at the Memorial Service, she heard a loud, distinct voice in her head, that this was the woman that killed Travis. She then observed CMJA that night and was repulsed and sickened by what she saw.

CMJA had made a picture book with all the photos she had taken of Travis and asked people to sign it after the Memorial service. Sky wrote of the grief everyone was experiencing, all except CMJA, who feigned sadness and grief. Many there were disturbed by the fact that CMJA was there, all the while knowing she had murdered him.

YESorNO said:
That cartoon is :rollingonfloor:

I have nothing to hide either and if someone wanted to listen in to the goings on in my house, they would just die of boredom. :facepalm:

Have a good afternoon Niner. :seeya:

Yes it is! And they would probably die of boredom here too! :lol:

Hope you had a good one too!!!!

I'm going to snipped your post on Nurmi's book here and just have specific comments...
Trapped with Ms. Arias
Chapter 21
The Murder Weapons
weapons- gun, knife, never entered into evidence, never found ( "or so I believed")

:waitasec: Knife or gun re "or so I believed" ??

The gun- "meaningless" also to him, but hoped it was never identified, although if found, maybe it wasn't grandpa's gun and would support murderer's story

But grandpa's gun was antique and same caliber as gun that shot TA

could not ever be proven that gun used was TA's

"Given the evidence I had at the time, there would be no way to link a gun found discarded near the Grand Canyon and determined to be the murder weapon ever belonged to Mr. Alexander." (pg. 112)

But IF found they can compare the casing (noticed just now that he mentioned below that the casing could be matched) AND the bullet in Travis' cheek! Plus I don't believe Travis owned a gun, so his "could not ever be proven that gun used was TA's" [/quote]

Chapter 22

Ms. Arias' Supposed Guilt Phase Witnesses

=today, L happy she did interview in public- he can talk because it's not "privileged information"- she waived it herself when she did public interview

And that's why he can write this "book" I believe...

who were witnesses and why not use them?
-only had 1 actual witness with decent testimony, but he came "with too much baggage"- even if what he said was true, people wouldn't believe him anyway
-his list witnesses were: her mother, former boyfriend Matt, and "two other men whose name I will keep to myself so as to keep them out of this mess"
Matt was the "actual witness"- he claimed to have seen bruises on arm- couldn't remember when
But problem with him being witness- in States' mind, he had something to do with letters
Det Flores went to Matt's house to see if he could find evidence of forged letters and such- didn't find any
also, JM "would be allowed to state that Matt was willing to lie " about the bruises because he also helped her with the forged letters- then they would have to discuss actual letters
L thought that any discussion would make the murderer out to "look like a crazy person who took elaborate steps to slander Mr. Alexander's character by creating these letters" (pg. 114)

And she WAS!! crazy like a loon!! :facepalm:

would also make Matt look like liar about bruising
murderer's mother- she would lie for her and badly- she lied to L about seeing bruising on murderer's arm
--after L updated mother about case, answered any questions she had, he ask her if he had seen any bruises on murderer's arm- L "found it funny" that he had to ask her- when he asked her "it was like a thought bubble went on above her head reading 'Oh yeah, I forgot to tell him about seeing bruises, Jodi wanted me to tell him that' " (pg. 117) - she said yes
--L asked where/when on arm? she " 'couldn't remember' "- inability to answer more questions and body language, to L, she was lying- knew jury would reach same conclusion

another witness- man L will call "Frank"

--murderer claims that she met "Frank" and another guy at PPL meeting, Tempe, Fla- both men noticed bruises on her arm- "Frank" made joke that TA beating/bruising her

Yea, I don't believe she had ANY brusing on her arms or any where else from Travis... just a bunch of lies from Inmate #whatever :jail:

:wave: HMSHood - nice to see you here! Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving and are getting ready for the Christmas season! :santahat:

Zuri said:
My horse is colicking yet again from the weather changes and is being admitted to New Bolton. Unbelievable. This is the 5 th time this month he has colicked, but this time is pretty bad. Jingles please!

OH NO!!!!! JINGLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and take care of yourself too!! :hug: I too will be there in "spirit" with you!

YESorNO said:
The Defense Attorney (Kirk Nurmi)
My Take On L. Kirk Nurmi’s Book …

"Before I begin this blog, there is one thing I want to make clear: I do not know Jodi Arias, I’ve never met her, I’ve never written to her. I simply want to set the record straight.

I only know from what I have found out, that Jodi wasn’t at the scene when Travis Alexander was murdered, and she didn’t kill anyone, most certainly she did not murder Travis Alexander. She has been the victim of a false prosecution and she should not be in prison..."

And yet another by her:

The Presumption of Guilt

"As clearly stated in L. Kirk Nurmi’s book, there was absolutely NO presumption of innocence for Jodi Ann Arias, it never existed. He somehow ‘KNEW’ for a fact that Jodi was guilty and from start to finish and beyond. That was and is his position...

There was a far better way to handle Jodi Arias’ case appropriately. Using this approach might even have resulted in a verdict of not guilty, or better yet, for the case to be thrown out of Court for cause...."

Unbelievable!!! Her hair and DNA blood was on the wall with her fingerprints in blood... Yea, she not guilty! Ahhhh.... no!!

Okay - signing off for the night!

Take care everyone! :seeya:

After the Hughes returned from Cancun, they learned of the horrific wounds Travis had sustained. They also learned that Ryan was continuing to speak to CMJA although she was the prime POI. Ryan couldn't believe CMJA would do such a thing. Chris called him and spent hours describing her MO and told him not to talk to her for several days and watch how she turned up the sex. Ryan complied and sure enough, CMJA reverted to sex. She sent explicit sexual text messages to him as Chris had predicted. Unfortunately, Ryan still continued to speak with her despite his respect for Chris as he really liked her.

Interestingly enough, CMJA texted Sky's brother Zion, who had introduced Ryan to CMJA after leaving Ryans's house. She said that things weren't going to work out with Ryan because he wasn't a devout enough Mormon or spiritual enough. (OMG)

(And it gets better....)

Michelle initially took Naps to her home and sure enough, the Hughes got wind that CMJA was trying to get her hands on Naps, saying that Travis had wanted her to have him. The Hughes made sure that Michelle knew that Naps was to go to Deanna, as that was what he had put in his will. (Chris was the executor of his estate after Mike Chapman said he couldn't be due to all that was involved).Naps went to Deanna.

When she couldn't get Naps, she called Mike and went after the BMW, saying that Travis had "given" her the car and she needed the title. Mike called the Hughes in a panic. They told him that CMJA lied, had bought the BMW from Travis and was making payments. Mike was scare/nervous to call CMJA back as he too, thought CMJA had killed Travis and was worried for his safety with good reason. He did call her back and asked for proof that Travis had "given" her the car. CMJA was caught off guard and stumbled over words, said she had no proof and hung up. however several days later she called Mike back and said she just remembered getting an email from Travis saying he had given her the car and no money was owed. Mike asked CMJA to forward the email to him and of course, CMJA had written it and sent it to herself.

Two weeks after the murder, there was a Memorial Service in AZ and CMJA showed up. She asked Travis' friend Aaron to drive her by Travis' house :0 and played the grieving widow at the service, thanking everyone for coming. :0. Deanna gave the eulogy and CMJA had an eerie smirk on her face as she stared at her.

Sky recounts how their friend Larry was a recipient of one of CMJA's hugs and felt an evil, cold feeling when she hugged him. He knew then that she killed Travis. Another friend of Travis' recounted how when she met CMJA at the Memorial Service, she heard a loud, distinct voice in her head, that this was the woman that killed Travis. She then observed CMJA that night and was repulsed and sickened by what she saw.

CMJA had made a picture book with all the photos she had taken of Travis and asked people to sign it after the Memorial service. Sky wrote of the grief everyone was experiencing, all except CMJA, who feigned sadness and grief. Many there were disturbed by the fact that CMJA was there, all the while knowing she had murdered him.
I'm sure that later on Chris was grateful for Travis' 'interventions', both for letting him know that Travis 'continued' and that he and Skye were very important and dear to him.

Perhaps Travis was at the memorial as well, letting his friends know it was jodi.

Before the funeral in California, Mario, a friend of the Hughes was going to pick CMJA from the airport. CH put a stop to that by informing him that CMJA had murdered Travisand she was not allowed at the funeral. If she came, CH stated that he was going to jail. Mario eventually called her and told her he couldn't pick her up.

Next thing you know, CMJA had arranged a ride from Maria, a girl that Travis had been interested in, and who CMJA had befriended immediately on MySpace. CH heard about that and told Maria to tell her not to come as Maria couldn't pick her up. Maria wondered what she should say and CH told her to tell her that he was the one that told her that he knew she had killed Travis and was not welcome. The Hughes don't know whether Maria told her that or not, but Maria wouldn't pick her up.

Then CMJA called Abe and told him a sob story of how devastated she was that she got a flat tire as she was driving. (Funny she was flying before). The funeral was packed with 1000 people. Deanna gave the eulogy and some of Travis' friends spoke along with Hillary, his sister. At the gravesite, the funeral director, (who doesn't speak normally) even spoke to those in attendance, stating that Travis must have been very special as he heard from so many people how wonderful Travis was.

Travis' grandmother, Norma, was heartbroken by Travis' death and her health declined. She died right before the trial started. Upon receiving the flowers from CMJA, she threw them in the trash.
1960 - Last Date - Floyd Cramer tops the charts.

Oh no, Zuri So many Jingles are coming your way. :grouphug:

Before the funeral in California, Mario, a friend of the Hughes was going to pick CMJA from the airport. CH put a stop to that by informing him that CMJA had murdered Travisand she was not allowed at the funeral. If she came, CH stated that he was going to jail. Mario eventually called her and told her he couldn't pick her up.

Next thing you know, CMJA had arranged a ride from Maria, a girl that Travis had been interested in, and who CMJA had befriended immediately on MySpace. CH heard about that and told Maria to tell her not to come as Maria couldn't pick her up. Maria wondered what she should say and CH told her to tell her that he was the one that told her that he knew she had killed Travis and was not welcome. The Hughes don't know whether Maria told her that or not, but Maria wouldn't pick her up.

Then CMJA called Abe and told him a sob story of how devastated she was that she got a flat tire as she was driving. (Funny she was flying before). The funeral was packed with 1000 people. Deanna gave the eulogy and some of Travis' friends spoke along with Hillary, his sister. At the gravesite, the funeral director, (who doesn't speak normally) even spoke to those in attendance, stating that Travis must have been very special as he heard from so many people how wonderful Travis was.

Travis' grandmother, Norma, was heartbroken by Travis' death and her health declined. She died right before the trial started. Upon receiving the flowers from CMJA, she threw them in the trash.
Abe said that phone call made his neck crawl because he knew she did it all along.

Flores called Sky one day and said they were looking at a different POI. Sky was panicked and called CH. They felt they had to do something because they knew CMJA had killed Travis. CH called his and Travis' IT guy and asked him for Travis' computer password to his blog. They used that same password to get into his gmail. They spent the night scouring every email between Travis and CMJA, from the time they met until even after his death. It was all there. Her motive and attempts to cover it up. SH wanted to print them all out, but they didn't.

SH called Flores the next morning, explaining everything she and CH had read and about the fight they had on May26th. She told him it was all there, that he had to arrest CMJA as she did killed Travis. She told him that the emails written after Travis died were to the cops, in attempts to cover up what she had done. She gave Flores the history of all the things CMJA had done, including breaking into his email and other accounts. Flores asked for Travis' gmail login name and password. After that, the password was changed and the Hughes were locked out.

The Hughes were very worried as no arrest had been made. They lived on a large horse farm and were concerned that CMJA would harm them and their children. They didn't feel safe. Finally, SH called Flores and told him of her concerns. He told her not to be as they had eyes on CMJA at all times.

They and others learned that Flores had intentionally thrown them off because friends of Travis' were still speaking with CMJA and keeping her up to date. Flores was trying to prevent CMJA from getting info on the investigation, in case she might flee. She had been the only suspect in their investigation and Flores wanted to preserve the case.

Nurmi subpoenaed the Hughes to find out exactly how many emails and gchats they had read. He wanted them to commit to a number so he could accuse them of deleting some. The Hughes weren't about to do that as they all incriminated CMJA.

On July 15th, Hillary called the Hughes and said that CMJA had been arrested for Travis' murder. SH cried for hours because although she knew CMJA had killed him, she then knew what Travis must have been feeling as he was betrayed and murdered by someone he had done so much for and cared about.

NB: The book goes on to describe the arrest, interrogation and CMJA stories and lies. TheMay 26th gchat content is included, which has already been posted on WS. Basically, CMJA killed him as outlined in that gchat.

They then write how they realized how much personal anguish, turmoil and conflict Travis had been in regarding CMJA. They were exceedingly upset. They go on to describe her road trip to Utah via AZ, the gas cans, her whole deception. They believed she began to plot the murder following that May26th argument.

After the Hughes returned from Cancun, they learned of the horrific wounds Travis had sustained. They also learned that Ryan was continuing to speak to CMJA although she was the prime POI. Ryan couldn't believe CMJA would do such a thing. Chris called him and spent hours describing her MO and told him not to talk to her for several days and watch how she turned up the sex. Ryan complied and sure enough, CMJA reverted to sex. She sent explicit sexual text messages to him as Chris had predicted. Unfortunately, Ryan still continued to speak with her despite his respect for Chris as he really liked her.

Interestingly enough, CMJA texted Sky's brother Zion, who had introduced Ryan to CMJA after leaving Ryans's house. She said that things weren't going to work out with Ryan because he wasn't a devout enough Mormon or spiritual enough. (OMG)

(And it gets better....)

Michelle initially took Naps to her home and sure enough, the Hughes got wind that CMJA was trying to get her hands on Naps, saying that Travis had wanted her to have him. The Hughes made sure that Michelle knew that Naps was to go to Deanna, as that was what he had put in his will. (Chris was the executor of his estate after Mike Chapman said he couldn't be due to all that was involved).Naps went to Deanna.

When she couldn't get Naps, she called Mike and went after the BMW, saying that Travis had "given" her the car and she needed the title. Mike called the Hughes in a panic. They told him that CMJA lied, had bought the BMW from Travis and was making payments. Mike was scare/nervous to call CMJA back as he too, thought CMJA had killed Travis and was worried for his safety with good reason. He did call her back and asked for proof that Travis had "given" her the car. CMJA was caught off guard and stumbled over words, said she had no proof and hung up. however several days later she called Mike back and said she just remembered getting an email from Travis saying he had given her the car and no money was owed. Mike asked CMJA to forward the email to him and of course, CMJA had written it and sent it to herself.

Two weeks after the murder, there was a Memorial Service in AZ and CMJA showed up. She asked Travis' friend Aaron to drive her by Travis' house :0 and played the grieving widow at the service, thanking everyone for coming. :0. Deanna gave the eulogy and CMJA had an eerie smirk on her face as she stared at her.

Sky recounts how their friend Larry was a recipient of one of CMJA's hugs and felt an evil, cold feeling when she hugged him. He knew then that she killed Travis. Another friend of Travis' recounted how when she met CMJA at the Memorial Service, she heard a loud, distinct voice in her head, that this was the woman that killed Travis. She then observed CMJA that night and was repulsed and sickened by what she saw.

CMJA had made a picture book with all the photos she had taken of Travis and asked people to sign it after the Memorial service. Sky wrote of the grief everyone was experiencing, all except CMJA, who feigned sadness and grief. Many there were disturbed by the fact that CMJA was there, all the while knowing she had murdered him.

All of this shows her psychopathology. While everyone else was traumatized, she was not, even though she did it.

She could easily and instantly replace Travis with Ryan, using the same predictable behaviors as Chris had pointed out.

Instead of wanting to deny to herself that she did it, or distance herself from it, she wanted to drive by his house. She wasn't bothered by it, she wanted to relive it.

From her totally isolated and singly real point of view, untouched by a conscience from within and unreachable by any and all voices from without, the idea of walking away from 18 months with Travis with nothing substantial to show for it bothered her. She would accept Naps or his BMW as compensation for her time, and consolation for a once better plan.
Sky included the letter to Travis' family from CMJA. She noted that CMJA had said she was into MMA and UFC fighting, yet would leave the room claiming it was too violent. Once, when Travis was wrestling with her kids, CMJA sat there and read the Bible. Totally not the time or place to do so.

Sky goes through that letter and points out all the lies, much like has been done here on WS. She went on to describe Travis' character and his conflicts. Travis did not go in the Temple when the Hughes got married as he had transgressed in the eyes of the church. His bishop wasn't there to stop him, but he held the tenets of the church very high and was trying to do the right thing.

Sky discussed the trial and the pedo accusations and their involvement via the emails. She clarified what she meant by abusive in her emails and if the emails had been shown in context, which Nurmi refused to do, the emails would make more sense.

Nurmi pursued the Hughes regarding the pedo letter,calling it irrefutable evidence. The Hughes shut him down after talking to Flores and Martinez and they learned their lesson about Nurmi and his tactics. They had compared the handwriting on the pedo letter and Travis' handwriting and figured out it had been forged. Sky wrote Nurmi an email that she never sent, but she did publish it in her book.

The 6-7 letters about physical abuse proportedly written by Travis to CMJA were also fakes. They began with how wonderful CMJA was, just like the stalker letter. The Hughes had a friend that was a detective in San Bernardino and he explained how the letters were forged. The alleged years of the dates of the abuse did not coincide. Matt McCartney was the only person on the face of the planet that allegedly saw bruises on CMJA.

Matt was supposed to appear at a hearing and he was a no show. The inmate who CMJA got to take the fall for those magazines could not find them in them, and did not know what the message was supposed to say. She even blamed JM of switching the magazines. Sky called it a beautiful disaster.

The day that CMJA tried to get the two magazines out with Ann Campbell that had the secret coded messages ;) in them, the guard ended up figuring it out. Juan Martinez just so happened to be at Estrella Jail at this EXACT TIME and he was apprised of their existence. He was able to procure a subpoena for them and the magazines were given directly to him.


19 degrees this AM :coldout:

Thought I'd post my "stuff" a little early today- planning on getting out of the house to do a bit of shopping. :)


Man arrested in woman's slaying

"A man was arrested and is facing a second-degree murder charge in the slaying of a woman Monday, police said.

Christopher Raboin, 52, was booked into the Pima County jail on suspicion of the murder charge in connection with a domestic violence assault...
...The woman was pronounced deceased at the scene. She was identified as Rosalia Gilbert, 46, said Bay...."

Upstate New York town threatened by Arizona man in online post: reports

"Residents and authorities in a rural upstate New York community were taking precautions after an Arizona man posted a video online showing himself with a gun and saying he was traveling to the town for a possible confrontation, according to media reports.

Jon Ritzheimer, of Phoenix, Arizona, was seen with a gun and claiming that he was heading to Islamberg, a rural hamlet that is home to a small Muslim community about 130 miles northwest of New York City, the reports said. His comments could be viewed as threatening, they said.

Ritzheimer posted the video on Facebook, according to the reports..."

Ashley Darby's death ruled a homicide

"Nearly two months have passed since searchers found Flagstaff residents Jeriah Hildwine and Ashley Darby shot to death on the San Francisco Peaks. Now, the Coconino County Medical Examiner’s Office has declared Darby’s death a homicide...."

10-Year-Old Girl Pleads For Answers In Mom's Disappearance
Madison Doyle said she is forgetting the sound of her mother's voice.

"A 10-year-old Missouri girl is asking for the public's help in locating her mother, who vanished six months ago during a trip to a Kansas City gas station.

"It's been tough because my mom missed my 10th birthday, and that's double digits," Madison Doyle told Kansas City's KMBC‑TV. "And, being 10 now, I'm getting better at taking care of myself, but my mom is important. She's my favorite person."

May 18 was the last time Madison saw her mother, 41-year-old Melissa Doyle, at their Northland home..."

WS thread:


Mom faces murder charge in son's death

"A mother is facing a first-degree murder charge in the death of her 4-year-old son, police said.

Ashley Castro was arrested on Nov. 5 in the death of her son, Ezekial, who died at Diamond Children’s Medical Center, said Sgt. Pete Dugan, a Tucson Police Department spokesman...

On Oct. 23, Ezekial was taken to the hospital by his parents because he was having medical problems, Dugan said. The medical staff determined the child had high levels of sodium in his body, and he was admitted..."

Kansas man charged after human remains found in barn

"The Thanksgiving Day discovery of human remains in a Kansas man’s shed led to the bail bondsman's arrest Friday in the battery of his missing 7-year-old son and a 29-year-old woman, FOX4KC reported.

Investigators continue to work to identify the human remains.

Michael A. Jones, who is being held on a $10 million bond, is set to appear in court Monday on charges of aggravated battery, aggravated assault with a firearm and child abuse..."

Mystery After Montana Mother, Son And A 25-Pound Gold Bar Vanish
Beverly Giannonatti, 79, and her son Greg, 57, haven't been seen since late October.

"The search for a missing Montana woman, her son and a 25-pound gold bar with an estimated worth of half a million dollars has entered its fourth week.

Beverly Giannonatti, 79, and her son, Greg Giannonatti, 57, vanished without a trace from their homes in Deer Lodge about a week after a cleaning woman found a gold bar in the home of Beverly's late ex-husband.

The cleaner found the gold bar Oct. 19 and Beverly collected it, reported local TV station KXLF. Beverly was having the home remodeled after her ex-husband's death in late August with plans to move back in, according to reports.

The gold bar is also missing..."


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