SIDEBAR #57 - Travis Alexander forum

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Funeral held for Bella Bond
Known for months as 'Baby Doe' after remains found in plastic bag

"WINTHROP, Mass. —The 2-year-old girl known for months as "Baby Doe" after her remains were found in a plastic bag on a Boston Harbor beach was buried Saturday in a donated dress with a donated quilt...

Her mother's boyfriend, Michael McCarthy, has been charged with murder. Her mother, Rachelle Bond, is charged with being an accessory. Both have pleaded not guilty..."


WS thread:*ARRESTS*/page6
Former Prosecutor Helps Teen Who Was Given Life Sentence Win Release After 20 Years

"A Florida man who was sentenced to life in prison at the age of 17 for murder has been released after serving about 20 years behind bars.

An Orange County judge on Friday resentenced Edward Francis, now 37, to time served plus five years' probation for his role in a 1996 murder and kidnapping involving three fellow gang members.

Orange-Osceola State Attorney Jeff Ashton, who personally prosecuted Francis in the shooting death, voluntarily brought the new case before Circuit Judge Keith Carsten..."

60 Minutes: The Execution of Joseph Wood (with clip)

An execution of a man in Arizona with a new cocktail of drugs was supposed to take about 10 minutes. It took almost two hours, the longest execution in U.S. history

"The following is a script from "The Execution of Joseph Wood" which aired on Nov. 29, 2015. Bill Whitaker is the correspondent. Ira Rosen and Habiba Nosheen, producers...."

(Kiefer puts his 2 cents in also)

Prisoner is released after 44 YEARS - and left totally bewildered by technology. Man who tried to kill a cop assumes anyone with earbuds is in the CIA... and don't even mention iPhones

"Otis Johnson went to prison at 25 for attempted murder of a police officer

After 44 years, he was released last summer and is adjusting to life on the outside - and the ways in which the world has changed

He was confused by people who seemed to be talking to themselves on iPhones and blown away by all the options in grocery stores...

...last summer, he got out. The prison gave him his ID, $40, and two bus tickets before sending him on his way...

'I had seen that everybody, or the majority of the people, was talking to themselves,' he says of one of his immediate observations upon getting out. 'Then I looked closer and they seemed to have things in their ears.' ​​

He struggles to describe earbuds, eventually remembering the word for iPhone before adding: 'I thought, to my mind, what, everybody became, you know, CIAs or agents and stuff like that? Because that's the only thing I can think of, somebody walking around with wires in their ears.'

Even more strange to him was the fact that people are so immersed in technology that they don't look up at their surroundings..."
They lost parents in 9/11. Here's their message for Paris.

"When I asked the children of 9/11 victims if they would be interested in sending a message to Paris and victims of terrorism, they were up for it. They wanted to tell the people of Paris that, unfortunately, they’re not alone. But no matter how hard it is, you can overcome fear and terror. As much as most of these kids were resistant to it, the 9/11 attacks became a part of their identity. By embracing this identity, these now young adults have become symbols of hope and resilience.

When terrorists attacked New York City in 2001, Terrease Aiken, now 22, was 8; Juliette Candela, 21, was 6; Francesca Picerno, 23, was 9; and Joseph Palombo, 26, was 12"

Horse admitted to New Bolton Center. The vets there are so smart and nice. Thankfully, most have treated him the past 9 times and bypass many of the normal admitting tests as they pretty much know the answer. His colon is displaced so they gave him a medication to shrink his spleen, so that his colon will flip back into its' normal position.

Thanks for the heartfelt hugs and Jingles. They are so appreciated and I a, so grateful. Xo

Hope everything is okay...JINGLES!! PRAYERS!!
Good morning! Smile. Be honest and respectful and make the most of each second of your life. Be the one that makes a difference and have an awesome day!!
:grouphug: :loveyou:
Trapped with Ms. Arias

Chapter 23

Witness Interviews With the State's Guilt Phase Witnesses

AZ law requires that both parties disclose witnesses- opposing side may interview them before they take stand and must- otherwise, ineffectual

witness may never be called- may be called by either side

State called about 1/2 of their witnesses- just a "guestimate"- their list lengthy and most lived out of state (L needed to travel to interview them- "preferred not to" but had to)

L talks about Yreka, Ca. visit:

--"never had any interest in visiting"

-- called it "little more than a big truck stop and a sleazy one at of the worst places I have ever been to"- hard to get to, scenic mountain drive

--traveled with investigator and mit. spec.

--complained about hotels "no tell motels", stayed at Holiday Inn

--trip lasted several days

--interviews with law enforcement- "objective fact witnesses", held in manufactured home (what L calls "portable classrooms")

--during 1 interview , his investigator asked a question, but JM "advised officer not to answer"- L thought that was because only the atty was allowed to ask- advised JM that she could ask questions- JM argued "reasonable accommodations" and asked investigator to tell question to L and then have L ask question of officer

-" seemed very juvenile to me and gave me great insight into who he was as a person. It seemed to me that he was the type of person or at least the type of attorney who thought he was in control of the crime case. This was one of the first times that I recall of Mr. Martinez trying to bully me, but it was far from the last." (pg. 124), L claims that JM had no right to control situation- officer did answered his investigator's questions

L talks about Salt Lake City Utah: (where the murderer went to meet Ryan Burns)

--arrived on a Sunday and place deserted - most people Mormons and Sunday is for family; L thought it was beautiful city, better than Yreka

interviewed Officer Galetti who pulled the murderer over for upside down license plate

--"As I recall Mr Martinez got quite a kick out of the fact that I got lost [trying to find right police station]. Back then we did not despise each other (or so it seemed) so he was laughing with me, not at me."

interviewed Leslie Udy: "a wonderful person", felt her answers were "honest and forthright and not designed to support either side, only the truth."

interviewed Ryan Burns: he had done interview with media- he was concerned about how he would be portrayed- he had wife, child, and still in PPL, could jeopardize all that; L thought he was "a great guy, who got caught up in a bad situation"

other interviews: crime scene tech, fingerprint examiners, officers who stood guard at house

interview with Det. Flores- L had heard him on audiotape, videotape interviewing the murderer and other civilians (Chris, Sky Hughes); Det was also interviewed on CBS 48 Hours

- Det F made comments during 48 Hours- there was no evidence that murderer slashed TA's tires, did not know who sent "ominous" email to Lisa Andrews, and that contact between TA and Murderer was mutual

-L thought Det F was "a kind mild mannered man...not an agressive cop who got in people's faces...who would simply let a person talk until the person had tied a noose around their own neck...appeared to be very objective...honest when he talked about the evidence related to the crime" (pg. 128)

-when l actually met Det. F, though the was "very likable and professional"

"...once I started talking about the case and asking questions related to the newly obtained evidence, such as the text messages, it seemed to me that he became very evasive and further seemed suddenly incapable of providing straightforward answers to simple questions" (pg. 128)

interview Det. Melendez: performed forensic analysis of camera, TA's laptop

- found out Det M only took quickie computer course - often given to police officers

-L said he lacked qualifications for expert- only knew how to run "Encase" - "...he did not seem capable of performing more complex tasks"- wrote a good report, but "when I interviewed him it seemed to me that, if I was to believe his answers, he could barely turn on the computer or find a web page and that he did not truly inspect what was on the computer, he simply ran the program"(pg. 129)

L states that police officers interviewed were "not impartial witnesses"- claims police officers rarely are

"In my opinion, these men simply wanted to serve whatever agenda Juan Martinez had at the moment"

L talks about Dr. Kevin Horn, county medical examiner, interview (after self-defense and shot TA first claim)

-appeared "very arrogant man who just expected to be believed because he was with the 'good guys' and he was handsome and articulate"- L states- Dr. Horn didn't keep up medical research, knows little about how brain functions

-this was 1st time Dr claimed that gun shot was last "This had to be a coincidence right?", L thinks JM had something to do with DR's change sequence of events of "order of wounds"

more interviews with people who had relationships with TA:

Deanna Reid- (July 2011- in Phoenix Public Defender's office with former co-defender)- took long time to get interview

- not 1st time L met with her- early in case (summer 2010?)

-seemed "mystery" to L- "played a unique and undefined role to" TA's life

-"To hear the Hughes talk" she was "love of" TA's "life but she was not attractive enough" for TA to marry

-she was engaged to TA- went on mission- when she was back, TA engaged to someone else- she remained in TA's life-dated again- still remained friends

-seemed to L that Deanna was TA's "back-up plan"- didn't know why she was OK with this

- Deanna not interested in talking to defense- "Looking back we now know that she had something to hide....Knowing that [not interested]...we simply showed up at her house unannounced" (not uncommon for investigators to do)

-she wasn't home, but father was (L's belief-he seemed not to like TA)- then Deanna came home to L talking to father at dining rm table

-Deanna was very cautious about what she said

-- 2nd interview in office: L had more evidence- text messages, sex tape, had email that TA wrote to Hughes "in which he talked about ruining her or words to that effect"- L assumed she had sex relations with TA

-Co-counsel asked most of questions "asked these questions with tact, a tact that would later serve as Ms. Reid's excuse for not admitting that she had sexual relations with Mr. Alexander, but, tact nonetheless" (pg, 132)

"For her part Deanna Reid denied that she knew of anyone else having sex with Mr. Alexander, apart from Ms. Arias at a time when she knew full well that she did in fact have sex with Mr. Alexander"

L thought that they had sex "at least once, what else could Mr. Alexander have meant when he mentioned ruining her?"- L thought she was lying- at trial she admitted she did have sex with TA "one time"

L questions if JM told her how important it was to "cover up" sexual part of relationship?- doesn't know

L states that Deanna told a lot of "untruths to keep Mr. Aleaxander's secrets during his lifetime and that she certainly was not going to stop doing so now after he was killed"
L states Deanna not only one to cover up secrets for
[TA].. she was longest.. had more to lose.. had most secrets.. needed to keep secrets.. likely harm her reputation and/or status in the Mormon community as well"

talks about Mimi Hall:

-friend of TA who TA had "romantic interest in" and who would someday be his wife (according to electronic messages with his friends) -she didn't feel that way about TA- just friends (spring 2008)

-State called Mimi to talk about "what a gentleman" TA was and that TA spoke about having "stalker"

"Though he did not name this stalker the State presumably wanted to use this evidence to argue that Ms. Arias was stalking" TA
before L met Mimi, he "had every reason to believe that she was a proper Mormon girl...followed the rules and presumed that everyone else did as well..shy person"
when he did meet her, "presumptions that I had about her were confirmed"

"...what Ms. Hall had to say solidified my opinion that Ms. Hall was the kind of girl that Mr. Alexander could be a gentlemen with because he had Ms. Arias to handle those things that a proper Mormon girl would never do. In my mind this served as pretty clear evidence that Mr. Alexander was living a double life, he was telling people that Ms. Arias was a stalker while she was serving as his sexual outlet, an outlet to satiate him while he sought our a proper wife. Just my opinion of course, but please tell me how I am wrong. 'Facts are stubborn things'. " (pg. 133) :(

Chapter 24

The State's Interview With Ms. Arias' Actual Guilt Phase Witnesses

Daniel and Desiree Freeman- "who could speak to the way Mr. Alexander treated" the murderer- had "opportunity to see this relationship in a different light than most have"

Dr Richard Samuels- "because Ms. Arias was claiming to have some memory issues, related to the few minutes in time during which she killed Mr. Alexander"

Expert on domestic violence- because the murderer was claiming DV

"Combined, these people along with Ms. Arias herself would all be providing pieces of the puzzle that would help Ms. Wilmott and I would make the arguement that Ms. Arias was acting in self-defense" (pg. 135)

State needed to show it wasn't self-defense- "To some degree...would be attacking the conclusions of our experts"

L thought the tactics used in JM's interviews with these witnesses were designed not only to "attack" them as experts, but as people too

-- JM, in interviews, was professional, calm, listened to answers, interviews took hours- L claims "much longer than most prosecutors would take"

L claims JM disguised "the bombastic nature of the attack to come"

"It appeared to me that he thought he was getting away with something during these interviews. However, the way I saw it, his reputation proceeded him in terms of his demeanor but to his credit over an interview ....., he would manage to trip a person up and use that later. In my mind, not what a prosecutor is suppose to do but this was expected because of who we were dealing with" (pg. 135)

L talks about "a well-qualified domestic violence expert" with "a PH.D in psychology"

- expert believed that the murderer was victim of dom. abuse in relationship with TA: reviewed lots of records, used psychological testing: expert did not take stand 1st trial

- L talks about how this expert would not "give an inch" during JM's interview; made JM angry- she was in court with JM previously "this expert knew his game": expert wouldn't back down that the murderer was abused by TA

L talks about Dr. Samuels:

-longest interview that L ever saw; (L makes comment that JM worked many more hours than he did- JM worked non-stop- "the taxpayers are getting their moneys worth" re: hours JM put in for his salary ["and only in those terms"])

- L thinks Samuels is a "learned of the kindest and most empathetic people I know"

- L claims that JM putting words into Samuel's mouth that "would undermine his position"

-L claims that JM attacked Samuels in trial "on a personal level"

- L talks about pic that TA took of the murderer's "anus from a very close range, not her butt, but her anus"- Samuels thought/could have TA had a "anal fixation" and said to Jm in interview that he couldn't diagnosis TA because he was "deceased"- this angered JM who argued with Samuels for "several minutes" ( "meaningless" to L because Samuels wasn't going to "testify to this belief")

Prior domestic violence expert could not testify- then ALV replaced her "I liked Alyce as a person but this was not a good exchange for Ms. Arias"

-JM interviewed her for several hours- more time than with other experts (most of the time used was because of ALV's terrible handwriting- she had not type written a report

"..her conclusions were her beliefs based on what Ms. Arias had told her and we all know Ms. Arias had a history of lying" so they were not "subject to any legitimate challenge" by JM- couldn't prove ALV wrong

"What makes you, the trial watcher, so positive that Ms. LaViolette is wrong? What makes you, the trial watcher, think that you know more about domestic violence than" ALV?

L talks about the Freemans:

-just because the murderer was calling them as her witnesses, that didn't mean they were for her/against TA

- L though they just wanted to tell what they knew

-interviewed in their parent's home (L always liked going to Freeman's home- whole family kind - had a "great dog")

- JM asked Daniel about LDS religion and if he had "any romantic interest" in the murderer

"..seemed to me that Mr. Martinez was convinced that the only people who were willing to testify for Ms. Arias were those who wanted to sleep with her" (pg. 139)

End of Section 3 (pg 139)


Section 4
Preparing for the Mitigation

Chapter 25
What is the Point of the Sentencing Phase and Mitigation

Chapter 26
The Mitigation Investigation by Prior Counsel
Just one more thing: :stormingmad:

I had some comments on Lawrence's following statements:

"...what Ms. Hall had to say solidified my opinion that Ms. Hall was the kind of girl that Mr. Alexander could be a gentlemen with because he had Ms. Arias to handle those things that a proper Mormon girl would never do. In my mind this served as pretty clear evidence that Mr. Alexander was living a double life, he was telling people that Ms. Arias was a stalker while she was serving as his sexual outlet, an outlet to satiate him while he sought our a proper wife. Just my opinion of course, but please tell me how I am wrong. 'Facts are stubborn things'. " (pg. 133)

I haven't commented too much on Lawrence's words so far in his book because I was waiting to read the complete book, I know these are his thoughts, and he has a right to his thoughts, but this paragraph has made me very angry and I'm telling him he was/is wrong.

I think that Travis would have considered marrying the murderer if she hadn't thrown "it" at him and had behaved "like a proper Mormon girl". Blaming Travis is so wrong, IMO. The murderer knew what "a proper Mormon girl" should act like, but she thought she could keep Travis tied to her by "throwing 'it' at him every chance she got. Well she was wrong. She acted just like a prostitute because in the Morman faith, women did not act the way she did and she knew the rules. Of course when Travis found out what the murderer really was, he knew she was not marrying material for him and continued to look for a Mormon wife who followed the rules and was more in line with the Mormon faith.

Where was there "evidence" that Travis was living a double life? Because he didn't broadcast his sex life with his Mormon friends? That's not evidence, IMO.

Travis was duped by the murderer and she wouldn't stay away from him. She. was. his. stalker. and the worst thing that ever happened to him (may he rest in peace). :candle:

Lawrence's "facts" are skewed in this instance, IMO. :mad:

Just saying :)
Zuri, any reports on Knox?

How kind of you to ask. I dozed most of the night, expecting to get THAT dreaded phone call. Apparently, he was very uncomfortable and they had to start him on a lidocaine drip. Around 3 am, he passed a large amount of manure and all the gas was gone. He is as happy as a clam and was trailered back to the barn a short time ago.

I got a call from Dr. Southwood, the pre- eminent scholar on colic. She wanted to reassure me that any time was the right time to put him down; that I had gone above and beyond to treat this horse; there was nothing to lose at this point so to try some other things to see if we can get his colon calmed down.

Knox basically has Irritable Bowel Disease and Crohns. Not good in horses. Some horses will colic once and be done. Not mine. I realized some things had fallen through the cracks since 10/31/15 when he colicked and we were up all night with him at the barn. I need to be much more vigilant and make sure the changes are implemented and there is follow through. There was a miscommunication and I didn't realize that he had not resumed his normal schedule. I have left a lot of his care up to my daughter, but I realized yesterday that it was unfair to do so. I have a much better understanding of his condition than she does as it is not that far off from people medicine. I didn't ask her enough questions. My brain and memory has been so off as I come down off of the prednisone, that I forget then remember and then forget again.

It would be so much easier to put him down if he had a surgical condition. Each time he has colicked, he seems to come out of it so I haven't hesitated in treating it. This is the problem for me. If he has a chance, I take it. And yes, it costs me a lot of money over the long run, but he is happy when the colic is gone and he feels better.

What would you all do? Would you continue to treat him? I keep trying to find a solution to keep him from getting these bad episodes, but I can't control the weather which has a profound effect and causes many horses to colic. There were 4 other horses that were admitted to New Bolton after Knox. The weather has been warm and cool and very unseasonable.

I have been waiting to put him down until he gets a really bad colic episode and nothing works. I don't know if this is the right thing to do anymore. How can I put down a horse that is happy except when he colics?

Can you tell I am exhausted lol? Thank you for your jingles and hugs. They mean so very much. Sorry for the long post too.

Sky goes on to discuss CMJA testimony and refute it, much like we have done on WS. She has worked in the DV field and has a very good understanding of abuse. She wrote that if Travis' was truly into little boys, he wouldn't be interested in her. Also, he wouldn't be into little girls either. She discussed CMJA journal entries that certainly didn't back up her claims. She also made a very good point: Who cleans their attic? There were no toys in Travis' attic either as she claimed. Her whole testimony consisted of lies IMO.

When Sky was in AZ to testify at a hearing, she ran into Mr. Arias in the hall. Sky had felt bad for CMJA's sister Angela being portrayed as stupid. She told Mr Arias that CMJA had always spoken highly of Angela and loved her very much. He asked her if she was a friend of CMJA's to which she replied no, a friend of Travis'. He then asked her if she had a little boy....

Mr. Arias told Sky that in November 2007, CMJA told him that she would always keep an eye out for her little boy when Travis was around. Sky questioned the date as she was shocked at that statement. He then said yes, he was certain and that he had seen CMJA's bruises... Sky went on to inform him that none of that was true and walked away.

The retro pedo allegations didn't surface until January 2008, but the pedo letters were dated January 2007. Sky wrote that Mr. Arias could have disclosed any of that in his police interview, but he didn't, so again, none of it was true. Sky explained that she felt badly for the Arias family as it must have been a terrible shock to learn that their daughter committed such a heinous and brutal murder.

The Hughes were really hoping that Nurmi would not drag Travis through the mud. Sky got her first indication of the defense strategy after her brother Zion was interviewed by Nancy Grace and heard off camera something about the pedo accusations. She was panicked, wanting to preserve Travis' good name. Abe was due to go on NG so she called him and let him know that something might come out about the fake letters and asked him to defend Travis' good name. Fortunately, it didn't happen that night.

Nurmi criticized JM for not putting the Hughes on his witness list so HE could call them, basically bashing him for not doing Nurmi's job. Sky wrote that CMJA's lies seemed infinite. The penis pic was studied and although not certain, she thought that the fingers looked more like DB. The background flooring of the pic could be seen online in the Zillow MLS real estate listing.

She described how some of the most graphic texts that were attributed to Travis never came from Travis' phone. CMJA was most likely behind them and could assign a phone number to Travis that wasn't his and send herself texts. Sky wondered if CMJA started plotting to kill Travis long before May 26th and as early as May 2nd. She also wondered if moving back to Yreka was part of the master plan, supposedly giving the appearance of distance.

Sky had respect for ALV and believes she was duped by CMJA and only given info that might support CMJA's claims (if you twisted them enough). ALV didn't recognize that it was Travis that was the true victim of DV and that was where she erred. ALV never talked to any of Travis' friends and did not have a complete picture. If Sky were ALV, she would have refused to testify until she had a complete picture of everything, and then with that info, base her opinion. ALV slandered Travis horribly on the witness stand.

Sky wrote that a lot of people were duped by CMJA, including 2 of Travis' closest friends, Aaron Dewey and Dan Freeman and his family. They both had a hard time believing that CMJA could have killed Travis. Aaron came around much faster than Dan and his family. (Does anyone else think that Dan had a "thing" for CMJA?)

Sky continued to write about all the good that came out of the trial, with people reaching out to support the Alexander family. KCL and WS weren't mentioned, but Michael from WS was given a lot of credit in the book for his generosity. She also included real life examples of forgiveness that was far more powerful than holding onto hate, backed up by Bible verses.

CH wrote a chapter about himself and his upbringing, tying in the similarities between himself and Travis. Travis never got a chance to write that book, so Chris included a lot of their philosophies. There was also a chapter where Travis' friends wrote individually how Travis had touched their lives and made them better people. There were a lot of touching tributes and he definitely had a positive impact on many people.

In conclusion, the Hughes just wanted to give their perspective on Travis and his life and what a great man he really was. They wrote of his inner turmoil and conflicts and had no doubt, had Travis lived, he would have achieved great things.
Wagara, have a wonderful Happy Birthday. May all your wishes come true. :bdscroll:

Zuri.... jingles to you and Knox. Once again, you have brought him relief and hopefully continued good health.
I honestly don't know what I would do in your situation. If I could afford it, I imagine I would keep bringing him to good care. Unfortunately, financially I would never have been able to continue these treatments as long as you have. He has been lucky to have you! I guess my best words would be to not allow this to come between you and your husband. And do not let it interfere with your own health. So... health, marriage, Zuri ... in that order. Although, I must admit, I often put my own health on the back burner when it comes to others, including my pets.
How kind of you to ask. I dozed most of the night, expecting to get THAT dreaded phone call. Apparently, he was very uncomfortable and they had to start him on a lidocaine drip. Around 3 am, he passed a large amount of manure and all the gas was gone. He is as happy as a clam and was trailered back to the barn a short time ago.

I got a call from Dr. Southwood, the pre- eminent scholar on colic. She wanted to reassure me that any time was the right time to put him down; that I had gone above and beyond to treat this horse; there was nothing to lose at this point so to try some other things to see if we can get his colon calmed down.

Knox basically has Irritable Bowel Disease and Crohns. Not good in horses. Some horses will colic once and be done. Not mine. I realized some things had fallen through the cracks since 10/31/15 when he colicked and we were up all night with him at the barn. I need to be much more vigilant and make sure the changes are implemented and there is follow through. There was a miscommunication and I didn't realize that he had not resumed his normal schedule. I have left a lot of his care up to my daughter, but I realized yesterday that it was unfair to do so. I have a much better understanding of his condition than she does as it is not that far off from people medicine. I didn't ask her enough questions. My brain and memory has been so off as I come down off of the prednisone, that I forget then remember and then forget again.

It would be so much easier to put him down if he had a surgical condition. Each time he has colicked, he seems to come out of it so I haven't hesitated in treating it. This is the problem for me. If he has a chance, I take it. And yes, it costs me a lot of money over the long run, but he is happy when the colic is gone and he feels better.

What would you all do? Would you continue to treat him? I keep trying to find a solution to keep him from getting these bad episodes, but I can't control the weather which has a profound effect and causes many horses to colic. There were 4 other horses that were admitted to New Bolton after Knox. The weather has been warm and cool and very unseasonable.

I have been waiting to put him down until he gets a really bad colic episode and nothing works. I don't know if this is the right thing to do anymore. How can I put down a horse that is happy except when he colics?

Can you tell I am exhausted lol? Thank you for your jingles and hugs. They mean so very much. Sorry for the long post too.

Oh Zuri. So sad to hear the quandary you are in. You have done an amazing job and doing so well for your horses.

I don't know the first thing about horses but I can relate to what you are describing. It is very tough situation as you already know.

The factors that could help you are the FREQUENCY and SEVERITY of the episodes. When you examine those 2 things it may help you decide how to proceed. No matter what choices you make you can be assured that you have done a wonderful job and I am sure your horse knows it too.

Bless you.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY WAGARA! I think of you often when I recall driving in that snowstorm earlier this year. Next time I am down that way, I am stopping by!
Oh Zuri. So sad to hear the quandary you are in. You have done an amazing job and doing so well for your horses.

I don't know the first thing about horses but I can relate to what you are describing. It is very tough situation as you already know.

The factors that could help you are the FREQUENCY and SEVERITY of the episodes. When you examine those 2 things it may help you decide how to proceed. No matter what choices you make you can be assured that you have done a wonderful job and I am sure your horse knows it too.

Bless you.

Ok. You brought me to tears with such a lovely, touching post. Thank you so much..
Wagara, have a wonderful Happy Birthday. May all your wishes come true. :bdscroll:

Zuri.... jingles to you and Knox. Once again, you have brought him relief and hopefully continued good health.
I honestly don't know what I would do in your situation. If I could afford it, I imagine I would keep bringing him to good care. Unfortunately, financially I would never have been able to continue these treatments as long as you have. He has been lucky to have you! I guess my best words would be to not allow this to come between you and your husband. And do not let it interfere with your own health. So... health, marriage, Zuri ... in that order. Although, I must admit, I often put my own health on the back burner when it comes to others, including my pets.

Oh Spellbound, thank you. Fortunately, I am blessed to have the money to continue to treat him. My DH is one of the kindest, most patient people I know. He knows how much this horse means to me and he also recognizes my need to do everything in my power to save this horse.

I am hoping Knox will let me know when he is ready. I am dreading that day. Thank you again for your kind post. Xoxo
Morning all! :wave:


WOW! on the excerpts from the Hughes' book! :tyou: a BUNCH Zuri for posting all those for us here! Very interesting about Travis "visiting" the Hughes in Cancun! I believe!

Hoping Know is feeling better this morning! ?? JINGLES!!!

Nice to "see" you here Steve44!
Love your posts on the other thread! You definitely keep me :laughing:


snipped by me had to comment on this one! :D
YESorNO said:
"It appeared to me that he thought he was getting away with something during these interviews. However, the way I saw it, his reputation proceeded him in terms of his demeanor but to his credit over an interview ....., he would manage to trip a person up and use that later. In my mind, not what a prosecutor is suppose to do but this was expected because of who we were dealing with" (pg. 135)

Excuse me, but isn't that what a prosecutor is SUPPOSED to do??!! :thinking:
And againa BIG THANKS for posting these excerpts!! I'm :waiting: for the book from another poster! Hopefully, I can pick up some stuff that you haven't already posted!

YESorNO said:
-longest interview that L ever saw; (L makes comment that JM worked many more hours than he did- JM worked non-stop- "the taxpayers are getting their moneys worth" re: hours JM put in for his salary ["and only in those terms"])

And he DID!! Inmate #whatever :jail: sits where she belongs!!

snipped by me
Zuri said:
I have been waiting to put him down until he gets a really bad colic episode and nothing works. I don't know if this is the right thing to do anymore. How can I put down a horse that is happy except when he colics?

Can you tell I am exhausted lol? Thank you for your jingles and hugs. They mean so very much. Sorry for the long post too.

I don't know "what" to tell you - if you have the $$ to keep up with these Vet bills, than I would do what you're doing! Lots of JINGLES!!! for Knox!

Okay - this is a very long post too! :giggle:

Tons of stuff to do this morning! Lot of errands... so...


Thank you Zuri- this last post made me cry. I have no doubt he would have too. Travis has had a positive impact on people he never even knew! (((hugs))) to you- hope your beloved horse makes it through this. I couldn't put him down either- but that's just me!
Zuri, I am so sorry about your beloved horse. I used to ride horses when I was younger. I still have my stuffed animal that looks identical to the horse I always rode, my daughter sleeps with it now. The last time I rode was in Ireland, it was breathtaking riding on cliffs along the ocean, galloping across the beach, and riding through forests with old castles everywhere, it was like a scene out of a Disney movie. Horses are such beautiful creatures and I know the bond you must have with your horses.

If you can afford it, and it is not adversely affecting your personal health, then I see nothing wrong with treating the colic episodes as they arrive. I firmly believe you will know when it is time to say goodbye.
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