Hi all, my first time in today. I don't feel good!!! wont bore you but honest I'm so tired of this!
My get up and go, got up and went!! Maybe check that one newer trial, might be what I need..
weather is on warm side but rain coming. I enjoy reading about your upcoming trip! Loveya all.
Hello Nore,
So sorry you are not doing well. I do hope you can get better.
Just wanted to offer some hope and things to think about. Forgive me if I am way off base as I am not sure I understand your particular ailments and just trying to be helpful.
First off....I am really bad about going to a doctor so I am probably not even good person to talk about health issues but wanted to provide an example that happened to me.
I began having real migraines beginning in high school and all through college years. I went to MANY doctors over the years and not 1 doctor diagnosed or helped me right for them. I had seen some really good doctors too and not a one of them helped me.
After suffering with these real migrains for proably 12-15 years, I finally went to a Neurologist by a recommendation from someone and this 1 doctor diagnosed me with real migraines due to genetics and he prescribed me MAXALT medicine. I was at the appointment for 30 minutes, and that appointment saved me as the medicine was a MIRACLE for me. Any time I get a migraine now (still do about 1 migraine a week on average), I just take a maxalt and it knocks it completely out. No pain and no side affects whatsoever.
I still get the migraines but I at least have a way not to suffer as soon as they start.
I suppose what I had learned from that experience was a couple things. I learned that when dealing with a tough medical problem then LOTS of doctors may not give the right advice or the right help. I had to keep trying new doctors until 1 finally helped me. And it took 12-15 years of trying and I had given up many times over those years but finally found 1 by chance. I wasn't as aggressive as I could have been and gave up many times trying to get help for my condition which is understandable. I think back and how I wish I had by chance found that doctor FIRST instead of having to go 12-15 years of dealing with them.
I also learned that my problem is genetic born and wasn't ever going to really get cured but I finally found something that treats the symptoms and that is all I cared about. Just feeling better and getting rid of headache is all I needed.
Some doctors tried to talk me into sinus surgery and all sorts of other "mistakes" which I am glad to never have agreed with them.
I totally understand getting depressed about trying to find a doctor that can help with a certain ailment. It is very depressing when none of them seem to help.
I was so so happy when I at least found a doctor that helped my symptom and when I learned that I didn't have anything to be worried about as far as a brain tumor or anything like that then I am fine with just taking the medicine on an as needed basis. It was years of trial and error for me and I think back and that is exactly what the doctors were doing. They didn't know so they tried things and most never helped. It sure was frustrating and I honestly thought they would never be able to ever help me. I was lucky I suppose to have stumbled into that 1 30 minute appointment with the Neurologist. I had no idea that person would be the 1 to be actually able to help. b
I hope you can find the right doctor to give you some relief for whatever ails you. If they cannot find a specific problem or even if they do and it is not a curable thing then maybe at least they can provide you some medicine for some relief. Some medicine to help you at least feel better.
I wish you all the best.
Oh, and I had a similar experience with curing my Stomach "ulcer" type pains. I went years and years of suffering with stomach pain issues. When I finally stumbled into a store and picked up "Gaviscon" antacid chewables. They were the only thing in the world that cured my stomach issues I would get.
I had previously tried Zantac, Tums, and a multitude of other stomach medicines and Gaviscon was the 1 and only 1 medicine that would knock out my stomach pain.
Don't ask me why it worked. I have no idea and I didn't care why. Just glad I had found something. And this was after I had seen many doctors for that too and not a 1 of them helped me. Well, I take that back. 1 doctor did find something that worked but it knocked me out like a dead horse and I couldn't take it. LOL