SIDEBAR #6- Arias/Alexander forum

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Hallowe'en Party really! :seeya: I always crave raisins thinking about that book! Is the snapdragon scene in it!!

Most definitely! The snapdragon scene is pretty eerie.

I just checked - the whole movie is on YouTube in 10 parts, you should check it out... enjoy!
OMG! I just woke up to more B.S. from this foreman? Who asked him to agree to be on the jury if he finds it unfair that they have to decide between life or death???

Normal life? What???? I can't take this! I really can't!

Where?? I just woke up, too!
I honestly expected the jurors to come out and say that they didn't believe a word she said, that they FEEL for Travis and his family but some felt like JA was too young or too sick to be put to death. I don't agree with those reasons but I can accept them.

But to come out and say he wants her to find peace etc. It makes my stomach burn.
omg thats insane. CMJA found peace when she murdered Travis Alexander. He is the guy that had to pay for what all her exes did to her .none wanted to marry her. they all cheated except daryll. but her decision to leave a man after 4 years of living together she blames Travis alexander for. Travis alexander suffer every pain or disappointment CMJA ever had in her life.Travis Alexander payed with his life for CMJA mistakes in her past.
Foreman on GMA just said it would be easy to look at a Charles Manson and sentence him to death but a young woman is different. This guy should have retired to Pinellas Florida. Manson was just shy of 35 in August 1969.
I can't speak for you but I am shocked because he convicted her of M1 with cruelty. What he is now saying is almost the complete opposite.

i've only watched bits of his interview. i think he should have waited a couple of weeks before giving an interview, since i think he was just emotionally drained from all these months of jury duty and it affected his opinions and perceptions.

Jurors declined to comment and left the courthouse. But on Friday jury foreman William Zervakos told ABC's "Good Morning America" that Arias' testimony didn't do her any good.

"I think 18 days hurt her. I think she was not a good witness," he said.

Now that I have heard from mr. z does his statement above mean that if she wouldn't have testified he probably would have found her not guilty? I'm confused.
Foreman on GMA just said it would be easy to look at a Charles Manson and sentence him to death but a young woman is different. This guy should have retired to Pinellas Florida. Manson was just shy of 35 in August 1969.

Even the P12 did not say they wanted KC to find peace. They said there wasn't sufficient evidence but stated that they did not like her.

You'd think a murder one conviction would help the victim's family but then you have an uncouth, incompetent foreman spewing out BS like this in favour of JA. Almost as bad as finding her guilty of lesser charges...
omg thats insane. CMJA found peace when she murdered Travis Alexander. He is the guy that had to pay for what all her exes did to her .none wanted to marry her. they all cheated except daryll. but her decision to leave a man after 4 years of living together she blames Travis alexander for. Travis alexander suffer every pain or disappointment CMJA ever had in her life.Travis Alexander payed with his life for CMJA mistakes in her past.

Our judicial process can be so dang frustrating! Common sense tells us that this woman should never see the light of day again but here we have a juror concerned about Jodi finding peace? Normally I wouldn't go all bonkers on a juror BUT I'm really feeling like this guy should never have made it through the jury selection process. The same qualities that allow him to feel compassion for a young female defendant, would likely make this juror a wonderful husband but not such an impartial juror. This isn't the victorian era, and women aren't fragile little flowers anymore! We can be aggressive, violent, spiteful and yes, we are even capable of murdering someone without any reason :stormingmad:
Can we please make her wear the prison clothes for the new penalty phase, to counteract her "poor little abused Jodi" look?
I feel really, really sick to my stomach. I feel worse than when I heard KC's acquittal. This is just insane. I'm dreaming? I must be in some big, bad nightmare. Having a hung jury (for the right reasons) is ok. Hearing BS from this guy is just torture. I hope Travis' family don't hear any of it.

Why was he on a jury if he finds it unfair to decide between life or death? Did he do it for publicity? Why didn't he keep his BIG mouth sh$t knowing a hung jury would be devastating to Travis' family? Does he want to hurt them more?

And JA should find peace? How about accountability, punishment, Justice, remorse? This guy is disgust5ing!

If I were interviewing him and he said that...I would have said to him...Travis didn't have a choice between life or fair was that...?

Just a little comment about age that I have been reading about this morning..I'm 70..I know it wasn't directed at any WS'S...I just want to say that SEX isn't something new that you young folks discovered...we didn't have sexting, computers and all that...but we did have ink and paper,rotary telephones and could burn up the wires if we wanted...we didn't broadcast our private life so openly thats true... We all knew girl's like Jodi in HS....the kind the guys took out for one reason only....

I think this Juror Foreman being close to my age and all may have thought Jodi was emotinally and verbally abused by Travis because...even though he wanted rid of her and said so in that E-Mail...he still had sex with her on that fateful day and they took pictures of each other other words...he used Jodi...thats the only thing I can come up with and where he forms his opinion....They all found her guilty of murder 1....8 on the Jury wanted we did...4 did not...I'm inclined to believe that going through another phase of this Life Or Death sentence you will end up with at least one that won't give her death....Just my opinion...

Jurors declined to comment and left the courthouse. But on Friday jury foreman William Zervakos told ABC's "Good Morning America" that Arias' testimony didn't do her any good.

"I think 18 days hurt her. I think she was not a good witness," he said.

Now that I have heard from mr. z does his statement above mean that if she wouldn't have testified he probably wouldn't have found her not guilty? I'm confused.

Add in that fact that he also said that Travis abused Jodi mentally and verbally and he thought Jodi lead a normal life, having normal relationships up until June 4th: yeah, I'm pondering the same thing. Color me confused, too...
OMG! I just woke up to more B.S. from this foreman? Who asked him to agree to be on the jury if he finds it unfair that they have to decide between life or death???

Normal life? What???? I can't take this! I really can't!

you have to look at what that jury actually heard as evidence though. what was it? she kicked her mother. she confronted bianca and she kind of stalked bobby, who did end up dating her again. right? i personally thought both those things were pretty weak.

and that doesn't sound abnormal. i'm not surprised he said what he did. the PROBLEM is they didn't hear what her PARENTS said in those interrogation tapes. and that's why her mom never took the stand----that could've come in. so this left the jury thinking exactly what this guy said. i think her childhood was RIDDLED with problems but they didn't hear about it. i think darryl lied as well because no way i believe he never saw the crazy. it's been there all her life, i have no doubt.

oh, and i see once again we're discussing how us old people are too out of touch to be jurors. we just don't understand things well enough to serve on one. we should be tested to see if we have all our marbles. :banghead:

how about this is a MAN? and no matter how old they get, men like pretty white girls. she made herself look fragile. men like to protect. mean ol' JM was beating up on her. boo hoo. that sounds like a male perspective to me, and it has nothing to do with his age.
I think the foreman ought to be given an 'Art of silence' book. I mean, do you really want to pour salt on the family's wounds? How hard would it have been to say "I'm sorry that we were not able to decide the sentence. We tried our best. We cannot imagine the kind of pain that Travis went through. We're so sorry that a man was brutally murdered. A life cut short just like that. I pray that the family finds a little peace that JA was found guilty of premeditated murder." The end. This would have been the right thing to do. As a foreman all you have to do is explain that you did make an effort to reach a verdict but could not do so.. You also say a kind word for the victim and his family.

He so wants publicity or something..."/40280768001/35150280001/2407451853001

These are the interviews I could find .. is this all, I thought there was an interview on HLN as well .. perhaps there's more .. anyway .. I think it would just hurt the family to hear these, and my heart really goes out to them .. for the Alexanders ..

.. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be, and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul. With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world ..

From Desiderata, by Max Ehrmann.

Perhaps a new jury will be the one that is required for this final crucial decision, we have guilty murder one, and aggravators proven, that is a good result so far.

Thank you so much for including the interview links!!! You made my searching easy today.
I stopped watching a lot of the HLN station becuase I feel they are using and exploiting the case for ratings...big surprise I know. I did watch where Nancy Grace said she felt the juros lied in the beginning about the death penalty. That just made me so angry. It's the theme that ran through this trial." If you disagree with me then you are a liar, stupid..deranged."

I beleive in the DP and would have answered yes to that Q and might not have given JA the DP. I still can't answer that Q becuase I would really need to deliberate without the emotion. My reference to the trial comes from watching the proceedings, HLN and this site. All which are so over loaded with emotion that I would need fellow jurors to sift through it all. I do understand the reaction to JM and I posted along time ago that I felt his style was counterproductive,unprofessional and by the nature of that style, he did treat the jury like they were stupid..although I beleive it was not intentional. I stopped posting anything re JM becuase I got hit with cyber tomatoes and was in the minority. But I think there is a lesson here. If you are not part of the media frenzy the focus is different and there may be a different view. I live in a state where we have the DP and it's used. But victim impact statements are not considered evidence and cannot be used in determining sentencing. And I think that's the way it should be.I shall start ducking right now to miss those tomatoes.LOL
He said they were horrified to find out it was a mistrial. iirc he said they thought it would go to the judge to decide. Someone misdirected them. He was the Foreman, perhaps he did. They had no problem with questions in the past, so why in deliberations did they not ask for clarification? Again, I don't get it.

How did a jury that sounded largely so astute and intelligent suddenly veer into ignorance and stupidity? Something does not add up.
you have to look at what that jury actually heard as evidence though. what was it? she kicked her mother. she confronted bianca and she kind of stalked bobby, who did end up dating her again. right? i personally thought both those things were pretty weak.

and that doesn't sound abnormal. i'm not surprised he said what he did. the PROBLEM is they didn't hear what her PARENTS said in those interrogation tapes. and that's why her mom never took the stand----that could've come in. so this left the jury thinking exactly what this guy said. i think her childhood was RIDDLED with problems but they didn't hear about it. i think darryl lied as well because no way i believe he never saw the crazy. it's been there all her life, i have no doubt.

oh, and i see once again we're discussing how us old people are too out of touch to be jurors. we just don't understand things well enough to serve on one. we should be tested to see if we have all our marbles. :banghead:

how about this is a MAN? and no matter how old they get, men like pretty white girls. she made herself look fragile. men like to protect. mean ol' JM was beating up on her. boo hoo. that sounds like a male perspective to me, and it has nothing to do with his age.

The jury had enough information about JA's abnormal life prior to June 2008. They did not hear it all but they heard enough. Also, a sociopath/psychopath can pretend to be normal for decades before they snap. It's so unfair to blame the chosen target of the murderer and say 'aha, this criminal was fine before meeting this person so the victim must have triggered it all.' How cruel!

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Travis made two mistakes. He was too kind to Arias. He was much too attracted to her. Poor Travis.

JA had never met a man like Travis before. He was young, good-looking, well-off. He had it all. Travis was much too kind to her. No other man like that treated JA so well. Sharing food with her, taking her on trips, teaching her the Mormon faith. She became obsessed with him. Why is this so hard to understand?

I still don't believe the age of jurors has anything to do with the verdict.
I hope other jurors come forward and have their say; surely the stuff coming out of Mr. Jury Foreman's mouth can't be the representing voice of them all. Hearing him say that Travis abused Jodi verbally and mentally, and that Jodi had a "normal life" with "normal relationships" up until June 4th, is nauseating.
Maybe that explains why JA was crying, she expected life and got hung instead?

I also think she was crying because she thought she was going to her new home, to start all these lovely new causes Garbage Rec., Book Club, Teacher shall I say Professor, I believe she was smart enough to ask what would happen if she went back to where she had been while awaiting the verdict, and she knew that she is now a convicted Murder of the first degree
and she would be in lock down, which meant no more get to gethers with the
other inmates, nothing except lock down 23 hours a day 24/7, and I am sure she does not have canteen privileges anymore to buy food, books, etc.
I just wonder if she still has the TV in her cell or if Sheriff Joe removed that also, he is a very strict man I believe, and whatever he is allowed to do with her, he will, and remember she said on the TV interview, which I am sure she now regrets, that if she was provoked she would attack in order to defend herself, well after that comment, he can not have her on the loose in his jail any longer, as I am sure there would be some inmates who are not happy having a Diva like her. Any thoughts?
I bet most of the other jurors are appalled by Mr. Foreman and his public "we" this and "we" that. He's abusing them all by making a fool of himself before a national audience and implying he's their sanctioned spokesperson. He disgusts me.
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