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Have CEO, tricolor or Paquito spoken at all? And this number 17 (who I'd love to go grab a drink with BTW) what was her nic here? She said online she saw herself referred to as the Manicurist?
Brilliant minds think alike I just tweeted it to Tara. She's being bombarded with tweets though.

LOL! Excellent! I am sure she is overwhelmed with tweets right now but hopefully she will get a chance to look at it before next Tues.
Thank you!
I cant wait to hear what juror 17 has to say. Really wish she hadn't been an alternate.
Been going through all her tweets.


ETA I bet she asked the *advertiser censored* question!

Sent from my 'alternate reality' using my hippocampus
I'd like Ryan Owens (the reporter the CM called a hater) to interview Tara (Alt J 17)
Greta on Fox cable channel would be a good interviewer..and, would have the ability to keep segments long...

Too bad Beth Karas couldn't interview some of the Juror's...but I read on KC thread that she is done working for HLN now, so not sure what her new job will be. I read it will not be Trial related, but she would be excellent.:twocents: :moo:
Gobsmacked is such a good word for this!

What in the world was he thinking, going against the jury's agreement?!

Can you imagine what the other jurors thought when they first learned of his interview????

Why? Why would he do that?
And how in the world does he think that's a good thing?

I don't get it!

I think we're all starting to get it, including the FM's fellow jurors... Where I come from (Maine), it's known as a "snow job."

Tara Kelley ‏@tarakelley320 1m

@MarkEiglarsh yep I will be in studio on Tuesday! Bill told me I could tell now lol! I told him u had to be on though

And re ALV
ugh not a fan whatsoever!!! I felt she was a waste of time and just made the trial last longer!

And RS

ugh just as bad!! I felt this way on almost all the defense witnesses!

Have CEO, tricolor or Paquito spoken at all? And this number 17 (who I'd love to go grab a drink with BTW) what was her nic here? She said online she saw herself referred to as the Manicurist?

ponytail girl #17
Heck, it was probably his idea! I'm pretty sure that if some of these interviews are paying, he probably thought the first one talking would get the most dough. IMO, that was probably his plan all along.

Awhile back someone mentioned about a jury sitting outside during a break and watching JM interact with the crowd, signing autographs. I wonder if that could have possibly be him.

I haven't heard any of the interviews, but from what I read on here, he reminds me a lot of CMJA herself. Ick. :stormingmad:


That is an incorrect statement.

No juror was interacting with the crowd nor signing autographs.

You, or whomever you heard that from, are misinformed.

It's best (maybe even not allowed here) not to spread misinformation.
I hope Tricia is able to get some jurors on her radio show!
and it's curious to me that they agreed to wait, but the foreman didn't abide by the agreement, ensuring HIS opinions would be out there first. i'd be very angry if i were one of 'his' jurors. VERY angry!!

Absolutely. When heard the earliest proclamations from this guy, I felt angry and sick. I stopped paying attention, but read some posts here. He sounded more outrageous with each new utterance. I imagine there will be quite a backlash from most of "his" jurors, like maybe eight.

How did someone who thinks like this get to be foreman? Did he misrepresent himself? The eight could hardly agree with his ALV-DB tainted/ influenced speeches.
This post was also from Tara via the FB page:

A message to you, from juror 17:

Hello all! I was sent to this page thanks to a friend of mine now that I am able to see and hear things! I was juror 17 and later on I was chosen as an alternate. I was so disappointed and upset to hear my number called after all the time and work I put into this trial! Today was a hard day for the jury but it was also a very hard day for me!! To say I am devastated is an understatement! I feel so much pain that I can't even begin to imagine what Travis's family is feeling! Although today's outcome wasn't what I wanted and probably most of you as well, I just ask that you remember we are all human and no matter which juror voted which way, it was a very hard decision for all of them! I want to send my love and prayers to Travis's family and I really hope they get the right outcome next time!!!
Tara Kelley ‏@tarakelley320 1m

@MarkEiglarsh yep I will be in studio on Tuesday! Bill told me I could tell now lol! I told him u had to be on though

And re ALV
ugh not a fan whatsoever!!! I felt she was a waste of time and just made the trial last longer!

Looks like someones got competition for mark :panic:

Sent from my 'alternate reality' using my hippocampus
Darryl, in the interview said that Jodi did NOT tell him she was going to Meza. He changed it from his testimony because it pointed to premeditation.

and JM has him saying that in a deposition somewhere or he never would have asked him in the first place. darryl is SUCH a boob.

no wonder JA liked him. he was and is easily manipulated.
By following the court's instructions, their verdict was not unanimous. They did not go against instructions.

WHen a juror says they reacted to the appearance of the defendant,

"I looked at the defendant, this young women, and with the brutality of the crime, something just doesn't wash."

That goes to the prejudice that we are all aware of that pretty people aren't executed in America because we cannot believe that external beauty can mask a monster inside.

Forming an opinion before having any facts certainly is against the jury instructions, wouldn't you say?

That is an incorrect statement.

No juror was interacting with the crowd nor signing autographs.

You, or whomever you heard that from, are misinformed.

It's best (maybe even not allowed here) not to spread misinformation.

The poster wasn't saying the juror interacted with the crowd. They said the jurors might have seen Juan interacting with the crowd.
He/she is talking about the mistrial motion Nurmi made because Juan was "courting the media".

To the original poster, yes - that was said by Nurmi but by bringing in news reporters to testify it was shown to not be true.

That is an incorrect statement.

No juror was interacting with the crowd nor signing autographs.

You, or whomever you heard that from, are misinformed.

It's best (maybe even not allowed here) not to spread misinformation.

Um, I didn't say that. I said I heard there was a juror outside while Juan was interacting with the crowd and signing autographs watching HIM. The juror was actually just outside on break sitting. I don't know where you got anything different.
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