SIDEBAR #6- Arias/Alexander forum

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The air is thick with the stench of hypocrisy on that front. If the situation were reversed by rote, and TA was the convicted murderer instead of JA, how do you think the foreman would have voted?

They can save the "witch-hunt" stuff for someone else. It's an insult when you have a murderer courting the media like a reality starlet. Pardon the so-called peanut gallery for being irked that a remorseless kewpie doll can babble and primp and smirk and flirt all day when Travis Alexander has been in a grave for five years.

This case was proven beyond any measure of doubt. They had no business feeling any sympathy toward that monster. And to even have the nerve to say that he (#18) thought Travis was verbally and emotionally abusive. WTF? What the @#!! does that mean. Nothing was proven ... we only have the word of the heinous murder and one very angry (probably justified) text message. What the heck is wrong with some people. That was NOT a mitigating factor ... oh ... and um ... I suppose he bought the pedo theory too. I am so sick ... but I am thankful that the other 8 held out for death ... at least they didn't get bullied.

The Alexanders will get their verdict ... I truly believe they will.

Sorry ... I was all "oh the jury did a stellar job and they got M1/extreme cruelty" for us ... I am VERY thankful for that part. But the more I have heard from #18, the more disappointed I have become. Sorry for the rant. Whew ... okay ... I'm good .... carry on!
Read on twitter that alt juror #17 did state they ALL agreed to rest and wait until Tues to speak..That included the foreman...

Heck, it was probably his idea! I'm pretty sure that if some of these interviews are paying, he probably thought the first one talking would get the most dough. IMO, that was probably his plan all along.

Awhile back someone mentioned about a jury sitting outside during a break and watching JM interact with the crowd, signing autographs. I wonder if that could have possibly be him.

I haven't heard any of the interviews, but from what I read on here, he reminds me a lot of CMJA herself. Ick. :stormingmad:
Not NG! She would scare the pants off of them yelling and interrupting! Only if it was on the NG Mysteries show that she talks calmly on!

She needs to talk to Tricia !
Will she get a word in though? I love dr drew but sometimes he needs to shut the heck up and let people speak

Sent from my 'alternate reality' using my hippocampus

My exact thoughts when I read Dr. D.......will we get to hear much at all?? She needs to have a sit down interview with a reputable station.:moo:

Maybe we could send the jury the list we made of all the things we knew that they didn't? It would be interesting to hear their take on all that had been withheld from them!
Has more of the foreman's interview been released since yesterday?
Respectfully snipped and BBM'd by me.

I glommed onto this during her allocution. At that time I allowed that reality had no place in Jodiland.

But something else had also occurred to me and in light of recent events I'm inclined to give it more weight now. Considering the prison conditions in Arizona, of which I have only become recently aware, I can't imagine Jodi has been oblivious to this all along.

I'm wondering if outlining her plans for projects wasn't a tactical maneuver? The jury, being from Arizona, must be somewhat aware of the conditions at Perryville. Putting forth those plans could gain sympathy. Her defence confirmed a psychiatric disorder; the jury were ill-advised of what that entailed. They see a 'girl' standing before them, so disconnected from the reality of what a prison term in Arizona means, outlining her plans to 'do good' within this system.

Is it far-fetched to think that this may just have been another manipulation?

Oh, I think it TOTALLY was! I never thought it was otherwise!

She's portraying a 'normal' 'naive' idealistic' physically fragile 'girl'. Awwww, how could anyone declare such a horrific fate for this wee, disturbed slip of a thing? Awwwww. :boohoo::boohoo::boohoo:

IMO, there is nothing BUT icy manipulation flowing through her veins. It was pure theatre. Aided and abetted by the DT, and, I think, an exceptionally savvy consultant. If Baez had a fab consultant and the DT were talking with Baez, this entire piece of theatre in the penalty phase makes makes you wonder who they hired. All that posturing by Nurmi and Wilmott was orchestrated, IMO.

I believe there is a well compensated puppet master in the wings. And the DT did not want the details of finances made public. I wonder how many tax payers' dollars went to this genius?

Maybe we could send the jury the list we made of all the things we knew that they didn't? It would be interesting to hear their take on all that had been withheld from them!
Brilliant minds think alike I just tweeted it to Tara. She's being bombarded with tweets though.
I don't know if it's political, but there's definitely something nefarious going on. And if the DT leaked the jurors' boggles the mind.

I agree elementary. . .Nurmi with his grandstanding mistrial motions, stating that the jurors were exposed to the media,bla,bla,bla, that the prosecutor was disrespectful, bla,bla,bla,, etc,etc,etc.. . .DT tried so hard to get the judge to declare a mistrial, then there were so many unwarranted delays. Then the CMJA goes on dozens of interviews after the verdicts. Now the foreman mouths off, even criticizing the prosecutor. Seems the DT created all this confusion and ruckus for some reason, something is rotten in denmark.
-OMG thank you thank you! I need to get on twitter just to follow her! (I am not currently on twitter). SO THANK YOU THANK YOU GAUNTLET for re-posting this. IT lifts my spirits!!

-I love how she said she is in touch with Travis' sister and friends....I think that speaks volumes of the kind of person she is. I wish wish wish she had taken the place of Mr. FOreman.

-I think Foreman wanted to get his story out before others b/c he did some shady business trying to deceive them about the last question/verdict b/c he didn't want them to know what he thought (inaccurately) that JSS would decide life if they couldn't be unanimous. IMO he got nervous and wanted to tell his side of the story right away. He seemed to be blindsided when she said "mistrial," and realized the other jurors would be questioning his motives about the whole "question/verdict" incident.

-I want to thank this juror for sitting there the whole time, even when she was picked as alternate, and for actually saying something nice about the Alexander family.

-Foreman did not ever mention Travis specifically. He mentioned the family, but mostly it was JODI JODI JODI. I am so disgusted with him. Did he not see the poor guy's autopsy pics? He claims to have put emotion aside, yet he was filled with emotion for CMJA. Disgusting.

I hate to say this (and it's just my opinion), but it seems to me somehow CKJA made some form of positive impression on the foreman. Just by his saying he would like to talk to her, makes me realize he doesn't get her at all. What good would it do to speak to a pathological liar???? And now finding out all the jurors agreed not to speak until next week , and then he does this behind their back, makes me think he has his own agenda - whatever that might be.
Wonder what his problem with Martinez if that is case? I mean, heck, it isn't like Martinez suddenly changed his style "just for this trial". This is why I don't understand what makes this so different vs 30 years of being the same style of prosecuting in cross examining? Kiefer has been a journalist in that county for a long time, he should know Martinez's style. This isn't Martinez first high profile case either.

Curiouser and Curiouser


From comments: I get the vibe an Alpha male Juror, felt intimidated by a true Alpha, who had to be forceful in his fight to convict.
How the Juror could not see the subterfuge tactics by the defense, and mistake a Prosecutions Passion, for Arrogance, is beyond me..
Which brings my impression back to..
Some Alpha dominants cant handle looking at each other without jealousy.
C'est la vie, and good-bye to that Juror.
Guess what I'm listening to right now? His full album is on YouTube:

Seal - Soul (2008) Full Album - YouTube

(and of course, I love PR - make it work!)

There you are Vivian, hugs! Thought I lost you -- the room got so crowded. :)

Here's something soulful and mellow for Saturday, may have posted it early on can't remember. But worth hearing again.

My exact thoughts when I read Dr. D.......will we get to hear much at all?? She needs to have a sit down interview with a reputable station.:moo:

Greta on Fox cable channel would be a good interviewer..and, would have the ability to keep segments long...
This brings tears to me my eyes. God bless Travis, his family and all the jurors who know to stand up for the poor, poor victim.

Yes, and who have a sense of common decency, which seems to be in short supply these days.
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