SIDEBAR #7- Arias/Alexander forum

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The Jodster doesn't seem to be able to think too far ahead. But does she even know about the juror interviews, do you think? Does her Best Friend, Donavan, keep her informed?

Not if her best friend Donovan wants to keep her own rear end out of prison. Jodi is now a convicted murderer. Donovan is still not her own woman yet and is not to have contact with convicted criminals. But I'm sure mommy dearest has filled Jodi in about the interviews that the jury that "betrayed" her is giving.
That one is hilarious Mollyf. If only JA knew.
Glad you liked it! He's great, isn't he? All of his songs are very funny.

She knew, but she's a psychopath.

I don't think she killed TA out of jealousy or for jilting her. I don't know what it was, but I'm sure it wasn't a broken heart. Wonder if we'll ever know?
This from your siggy:
"Arias selling domestic violence t-shirts is like Casey Anthony selling shirts for missing children". -Mark Eiglarsh

I love me some Mark Eiglarsh - how on earth did I miss this? I can just hear him saying it in that dry, dry tone!

He said it on Dr Drew on night! It was delivered in his dry tone. Made me laugh so hard I had to add it to my sig :)
He's one of my favorites too.
Juror Number 10 on Nancy Grace tomorrow night. She was quoted in one of the FP's articles:

Carol Gosselink of Scottsdale said Arias showed a lack of remorse. Arias' claims about being emotionally abused also didn't ring true.

"I don't doubt she was in a situation where she shouldn't have put up with some of that stuff. But she had a choice," Gosselink said. "She's a pretty girl. Why did she continue in a relationship that caused that much negativity for her?"

Gosselink said jurors and the three alternates agreed not to disclose which of the four were against sentencing Arias to death. She said the gender of the jurors "didn't make a difference" in how they voted. But she was disappointed that they couldn't come to an agreement.
Sheriff Joe's comments always struck me as odd. Somehow I gotta believe if you're in jail, you abide by their rules. I mean, they do make the rules, and not the inmates, yes?

So, if any inmate wants a media interview it's automatically given? I'm thinking not.

Yes. Since when do First Amendment rights extend to allow speaking with whomever your heart desires??

If that's the case, that prison would be overrun with First Amendment demands to speak to their husband, girlfriend, 3rd grade teacher, Obama and anyone else they choose.

Do I sense some confusion on how a jury deliberates in the penalty phase?

IMO, juror number 16 phrased things very well in terms of deliberation,mitigating factors and respecting one fellow jurors and their votes:

Apologizes in advance for getting up on a soapbox, but it was clearly spelled out in the jury instructions that mitigating factors are not limited to those presented by the defense. People have their own individual beliefs and opinions when it comes to justice and the severity of the penalty, and these can be considered mitigating factors in deliberation.
To throw it out there, does every person who kills another human being deserve the death penalty? If not, why not? This is the kind of question that each and every one of those jurors pondered when they decided as individuals what was the appropriate punishment for CMJA.

I would like to hear from all jurors in this case. I have concerns that some may be reluctant to speak freely about their experience, especially in light of the bashing of the foreman. To me, it would be interesting to learn how they viewed the facts of the case and arguments presented, their theories about events, opinions about witnesses and counsel, and the deliberation process.

Yes, there is confusion. I think Juan needs to make things clearer in his next go-around. I thought JW did a good job in conveying to the jurors that they didn't have to use only the 8 mitigating factors they presented -- they could use other factors. I am confused about what these "other" things could be. I don't think it can just be a free-for-all. That would not make sense. There is a way to do it under the law, but it's just that apparently no one knows how.

To open up everything, I don't see how that's possible under the law. For example, what if someone says I don't believe in the death penalty...I think it's up to God to take someone's life and not me? Well, that is obviously not allowed in a death-qualified jury. Once they are in that jury box, they HAVE to go by what the law of their state says. Furthermore, if a mitigating factor is allowed by law, it has to be substantially proven by the defense. JSs said that means "more often true than not true." IMO, by law that would mean there was NO verbal abuse, because what the defense showed was just one text exchange, and to me that does not meet up to the standard, more often than not. Even if one takes that text messge as verbal abuse, it's still fact based on the evidence, that Travis was NOT verbally abusive more often than not abusive.

So there is some law aspect of it involved in the penalty phase. I thing right there is what Juan needs to make MUCH MORE CLEAR to the next jury. That they cannot go about making up their own laws, even in the life/death stage.
Glad you liked it! He's great, isn't he? All of his songs are very funny.

She knew, but she's a psychopath.

I don't think she killed TA out of jealousy or for jilting her. I don't know what it was, but I'm sure it wasn't a broken heart. Wonder if we'll ever know?

I'm not sure JA even knows why. She just had to do it, just curious. If she is a psychopath it was an uncontrollable urge she had to fill. As many interviews as I have watched of psychopath murderers, I've come to the conclusion that they don't fully know why they do it, they just feel they must. And, they are beyond morbidly curious, it is a much deeper need.
Glad you liked it! He's great, isn't he? All of his songs are very funny.

She knew, but she's a psychopath.

I don't think she killed TA out of jealousy or for jilting her. I don't know what it was, but I'm sure it wasn't a broken heart. Wonder if we'll ever know?

Jodi lost control of Travis. If you look at the past relationships that we know about Jodi kept control in them. With Bobby she called and called until he called her back. With Matt she kept in touch with him and used him to her advantage long after they broke up (actually she dumped him as with all of her other guys except for Travis). Matt was even willing to lie under oath for Jodi no matter what it did to his new family and job. Daryl is another that has continued to cover for Jodi and do what she wants. Now, is there some blackmail that Jodi has on those guys to keep them in "check"? Knowing her the answer is obviously yes.

Jodi used her guys and moved on when there was nothing left to offer her. But she kept them on a leash just in case latter on down the road they could be useful again.

Travis was different. Jodi wasn't done with him, he still had so much that she had not taken away. He still had his nice home, his good job, his close friends. There was so much that Jodi could still take away. But Travis was smarter than the other guys, thanks in part to his very good friends. Travis saw the writing on the wall and knew what this leach could do if he let her. Travis dumped her. Travis took back that control. Travis knew the real Jodi and was going to tell her new "fishing pond" of Mormon men all about her. Jodi couldn't let any of that happen. Like most psychos Jodi decided that what she wanted was the only thing that mattered and Jodi wanted Travis dead.

I think some jails allow highly publicized murder inmates these interviews, when there is no Gag Order in place, because the inmate usually reveals more about the truth in that "backward" sort of way. The more they talk, the more bits you can pick and eventually snag them.
Not if her best friend Donovan wants to keep her own rear end out of prison. Jodi is now a convicted murderer. Donovan is still not her own woman yet and is not to have contact with convicted criminals. But I'm sure mommy dearest has filled Jodi in about the interviews that the jury that "betrayed" her is giving.

The injection (pardon the pun) of a convicted arsonist into this situation really has me scratching my head. As if it weren't sordid enough...

The woman was introduced on national television as "Jodi's best friend" --no mention of the felony conviction for setting a building on fire! :facepalm:
I think some jails allow highly publicized murder inmates these interviews, when there is no Gag Order in place, because the inmate usually reveals more about the truth in that "backward" sort of way. The more they talk, the more bits you can pick and eventually snag them.

Then Sheriff Joe should have never allowed the interviews since they occurred after Jodi was found guilty of premeditated 1st degree murder. Unless of course Sheriff Joe wanted to be asked to give some more interviews himself.
The injection (pardon the pun) of a convicted arsonist into this situation really has me scratching my head. As if it weren't sordid enough...

The woman was introduced on national television as "Jodi's best friend" --no mention of the felony conviction for setting a building on fire! :facepalm:

Ahh but her girlfriend was Jodi's cell mate at one point wasn't she? Or was it her pod mate? Either way that was how Jodi and Donovan met. And isn't it just oh so sweet that Donovan and Jodi's mom have become soooooo close as well during this whole thing?!?!
Hi ATL. What was it with S Joe saying he couldn't do anything about the media interviews because of her 1st amendment rights, and now he SAYS no more? Did her rights simply vanish, or was he breaking the rules to start with?
I read that lights out were at 10PM, yet the interviews took place late into the night. Did he break the rules not making her be in her cell by lockdown?
How about the number of hours and number of peeps allowed to visit each week? That rule was definitely broken.
I for one, will be shocked if he sticks with his,"No more interviews" statement. I think he likes the publicity.

Inmates are allowed only so many interviews/time allotments, and frankly, they're idiots for pursuing media attention because.........their statements can be used against them in court. Rarely, have I seen ANYONE use those 1st amendment rights.
I don't know whether it's broken down by "time" or how many media outlets they can speak to. She reached her limit set by jail rules.
As far as visitation, I don't see where there was any rules broken/changed to accommodate for "family members" who came to visit.
She got her "15 minutes" in one big shot, and that's it. If the sheriff hadn't consolidated all the interviews in one night, with staff inconvenience and lights out be damned, we would have suffered through days of interviews. Set it all up once and forget about it. If she gets anything more, it'll have to be through some wrangling with her attorneys and the Sheriff.
As far as Sheriff Joe, he's got other matters to deal with. Some Judge ruling, the ACLU, and "profiling"........not EVEN going to go there, have friends in LE down on the Border, the media will distort the truth however their agenda needs to be, to appease the masses, JMO.
Ahh but her girlfriend was Jodi's cell mate at one point wasn't she? Or was it her pod mate? Either way that was how Jodi and Donovan met. And isn't it just oh so sweet that Donovan and Jodi's mom have become soooooo close as well during this whole thing?!?!

It makes me wonder if this isn't one of the things the jurors are likely discovering right about now...:floorlaugh:
I think about the media surrounding this crime. The producers meeting where it was just an idea in a spitball meeting. The story was most likely discovered because of the 2008 Pres election focusing on that part of the country. It had all the intrigue.... Mormons, sex, PPL, young up and comers.
Guess Who? It's Lil' Buddy!


Entirely By Permission of Lil Buddy herself.
I'm down! Someone mentioned Alcatraz! Great place to visit! They have picnic benches outside too! We could BBQ!

:seeya:If Alcatraz is a go I would be thrilled! AND all of our Chicago area sleuthers can take the California zephyr to San Francisco! Heehee midnight readings of murder on the orient express in the observation car anyone? :seeya:
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