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This is one of the things that floors me about that jury. How could they have watched those videos and not seen that GA had no idea where Caylee was? They must not have been paying attention.

There were witnesses inside the home who saw George attempting to get the info from Casey. Tim Miller ,Tracy and George's friend from Ohio. Of course,Cindy and Lee ,but they lie.
Too bad not one of them was called.
I have been working more hours lately and have not been following...
I am working afternoon shift this week, What time is the hearing?

I must congratulate you for breaking free. Some of us still require an intervention. :crazy:
I have been working more hours lately and have not been following...
I am working afternoon shift this week, What time is the hearing?

Clerk's site lists it as 9/28 at 3:00pm; but there is some scuttle about that there is something scheduled for 1:30pm (same date) as well...
My opinion is not popular and I wasn't around WS for three years as many of you were but I did follow the saga.

IMO, on June 24th when GA supposedly went to the trunk to get the gas cans, I feel he either saw Caylee in that trunk or signs that she had been in that trunk. I'm sure the smell was overwhelming.

I speculate that he knew all along that Caylee was dead and told FCA to get rid of the body. I don't think he knew where she put her.

On the timeline, the next day, the 25th is when FCA starts talking about the horrible smell in the car.

I feel GA is hiding something and what he is hiding is going to come out eventually. GA lied in his depositions about the duct tape and the gas cans. Why?

I think alot of these questions will be answered when JA releases his book.


George would have gone after Casey then. He was the only one who blew up at her at home and attempted to get info from her . Cindy intervened. There are witnesses.
What he knew on the 24th was that Casey was lying about being in Tampa,but that was nothing new to them. He knew Casey lied about her jobs and Cindy let her get away with it. JMO
Clerk's site lists it as 9/28 at 3:00pm; but there is some scuttle about that there is something scheduled for 1:30pm (same date) as well...

My shift starts at 3pm and I don't get back home until Midnight so it looks like I'll have to watch the video the following day and read the wonderful posts here on WS...

Even if the names are released, what prevents any of them from serving on another jury? The court system isn't going to auto disqualify them from jury service because they served on the Anthony case.

Yes -- I understand the "court system" would not automatically disqualify them for that ... BUT ...

At least the attorneys who are SELECTING the Jury will know that this "particular juror" served on the Casey Anthony Jury and did NOT do their JOB ...

IMO , that is what is important. Kind of like when you go for a job interview ...

I guess that is what I am trying to say ... I hope this made sense ...

MOO ...
..i believe we heard earlier on that all states do have a "sunshine law".

Snipped for space :

:tyou: Thank You, lauriej !

I greatly appreciate all the research and links you provide with your informative posts !

My opinion is not popular and I wasn't around WS for three years as many of you were but I did follow the saga.

IMO, on June 24th when GA supposedly went to the trunk to get the gas cans, I feel he either saw Caylee in that trunk or signs that she had been in that trunk. I'm sure the smell was overwhelming.

I speculate that he knew all along that Caylee was dead and told FCA to get rid of the body. I don't think he knew where she put her.

On the timeline, the next day, the 25th is when FCA starts talking about the horrible smell in the car.

I feel GA is hiding something and what he is hiding is going to come out eventually. GA lied in his depositions about the duct tape and the gas cans. Why?

I think alot of these questions will be answered when JA releases his book.


hello bayouland

Popular or not your opinion and theory is respected.
I have lived this case for 3 years here on WS and in the Orlando area where I live.

I do not believe George or Cindy had any indication that Caylee was dead prior to retrieving the car from the tow yard. After the car was retrieved and they found out Caylee was missing they chose to believe Casey's story instead.

I also do not believe George told Casey to get rid of the body...
IMO...Casey, and Casey alone, is responsible for what happened to Caylee and how she was disposed of. No one else knew the truth but Casey and later on her lawyers :twocents:

George was not able to get to the trunk to retrieve the gas cans..Casey made sure he didn't. Now was he able to or did he smell something that day...:dunno:

I do agree that George is hiding something...I believe he is hiding what really happened between Cindy and Casey the evening of June 15, 2008 (namely the alleged fight).

Your opinion and posts are welcome even though I may disagree. :)
No jury should have been able to get past the duct tape. Their decision shows they basically chalked it up to the dysfunction in the family. The duct tape should have been their main focal point because there was no reason to be there if it were a drowning. jmo

Had the skull not been moved ,or setting in a position that is illogical ,IMO it would have been. The position on the skull screws up the focal point. No matter what skulls cannot land as Caylee's skull is said to be positioned. After flooding and disarticulation, being laid down on the ground to start. Only had it been away from the mandible could it had landed upright. No amount of animal activity (minus human) could have set it in that position either. If I was on the jury I would have to think about that everytime I thought about the tape. I wasnt on the jury and I still think about it when I hear about the tape. Along with the dust in the skull ,which makes sence in the context of how a skull should be laying.
On Geraldo's fb page where he does Q&A he thinks JB needs to distance himself from
KC and this trial. He said he can be very successful in the future so it is imperative.
Wonder what KC thinks when she reads that. She knows she is responsible for his fame or whatever you want to call it. I wonder when she will rebel, it has only been 2.5 months since she was released. I would imagine this life of freedom or whatever you want to call it is getting really old. I bet she wants the real thing. Freedom no stings attached. Freedom =party, men, clothes, car w/ gas card, no more gas cans for this girl:)

Hey Luv,
2.5 lovely months, I'm grateful. Too bad the anthony's had to go on tv. It was almost perfect.
Maybe we'll luck out and not a one of them will go on tv again. I know, I know, the anthony's return is more than likely. Sooner than later. Ick.
I just do not get the whole issue about George and his gas cans! The LE took them twice to test for decomp and to check the type of duct tape on the one with no cap.
These were George's gas cans that he'd had for twenty years. They symbolized one of the few things George had left of his own - his pushy wife left them alone, his son left them alone and his thieving daughter kept taking them, then stealing them. His bastion - representing a different life to him.

The interest for the LE was not the tape on the gas cans but was there anything on them after being in FCA's trunk. George's animosity to FCA about his gas cans were they were his - in his mind FCA ran the household and ran roughshod over everything in his life including his marriage. The gas cans were just special to him. No big deal, no connection to Caylee's death and here we are still being suspicious of him. There is absolutely no connection to George and Caylee's death. George loved Caylee more than anyone else. Now he has nothing and is struggling to survive. He is tormented by his own demons and what he could have done, who he should have been to save her. I'm not sure he will ever be able to do that. But involved or having knowledge of the crime? Nothing anyone could say at this point will convince me to believe that. And it really upsets me to read people still question his involvement - just shows you what an outstanding job the Defense did in planting their SODDI seeds very deep indeed.
IMO, these names becoming public don't serve a good purpose. Why do we need to know the names of the jurors. Yes, I'm angry that they didn't do their jobs. Yes, I am angry that ICA (I will always call her that) is walking around free as a bird... and Caylee Marie will never have justice. That angers me beyond belief... I have followed this case from beginning to end, and I felt CRUSHED when the NG verdict was handed down. But I do not NEED to know the names of the jury members.
Their names do not have to be released to the public in order to have it come out in jury selection that they previously served on a death penalty case and acquitted the defendant. The information would certainly set off red flags with the prosecution... but you can bet a defense team would try to sit that juror.

This is MOO, I just don't think they need to be released.
I knew JB would jump ship as soon as it turned out FCA wasn't going to become a cash cow! The promise of a big payday is what made him stick around.
I just do not get the whole issue about George and his gas cans! The LE took them twice to test for decomp and to check the type of duct tape on the one with no cap.
These were George's gas cans that he'd had for twenty years. They symbolized one of the few things George had left of his own - his pushy wife left them alone, his son left them alone and his thieving daughter kept taking them, then stealing them. His bastion - representing a different life to him.

The interest for the LE was not the tape on the gas cans but was there anything on them after being in FCA's trunk. George's animosity to FCA about his gas cans were they were his - in his mind FCA ran the household and ran roughshod over everything in his life including his marriage. The gas cans were just special to him. No big deal, no connection to Caylee's death and here we are still being suspicious of him. There is absolutely no connection to George and Caylee's death. George loved Caylee more than anyone else. Now he has nothing and is struggling to survive. He is tormented by his own demons and what he could have done, who he should have been to save her. I'm not sure he will ever be able to do that. But involved or having knowledge of the crime? Nothing anyone could say at this point will convince me to believe that. And it really upsets me to read people still question his involvement - just shows you what an outstanding job the Defense did in planting their SODDI seeds very deep indeed.

Respectfully, I agree and disagree. I value your opinion very much but just can't shake off what I feel is hinky about GA.

After this, I promise no more posts on GA but first I want to say that I agree with all of you that GA had absolutely nothing to do with Caylee's death or disposal. I 100% believe that if anyone loved her, it was him. He is genuinely heart broken and it is obvious. I don't think he had a clue where her body was placed but I do think that there are indications however that he knew she was dead.

It doesn't have to do with defense manipulation. It has to do with the discrepancies in his different depositions. They simply don't agree. From the gas cans, to the duct tape, to the when he arrived home and learned Caylee was gone, there are numerous contradictions that make me very suspicious.

I am not writing this to try and change anyone's mind, I just simply want to point out the reasons why my opinion may differ.

When FCA showed up at the house on the 24th she was surprised to see GA home. GA knew when he reported those gas cans stolen that FCA was probably the one that took them. He wanted to get her in trouble.
GA used the excuse on the 24th to FCA that he needed blocks out of her car. He wanted to see her reaction. He knew she was there to put them back! When she ran past him, he was in no hurry, he knew he caught her. There's no reason why FCA would not have poured some gas in her trunk to mask the smell of decomp. Even with 2 empty cans in the trunk, there would have been a strong odor of gas. You would think by the 24th the odor was getting strong. FCA could have been pouring all sorts of things on the stain to cut the odor. The garbage in the back when found on the 15th had an empty detergent bottle. We know she didn't use bleach on it because that would have left evidence. She could have even poured chloroform on it. What ever she used I believe common sense would say that she put something on that stain before the 24th to kill the odor. When she realized she couldn't kill the odor, she had to get rid of the car. She left garbage in the trunk and parked the car by a dumpster. Who bags garbage and then puts it in their trunk? If your going to bag it and park by a dumpster your going to throw the bag in the dumpster, not put it in the trunk. Every place you go there are trash cans, drive throughs, grocery stores, etc.
Ga does have secrects. CA told plenty of lies during the trial. The cuddle story on the
15th. She just found out that day from her mom that FCA stole money from CA dad. When everyone got home, we know there was a knock down drag out fight between her and FCA. LA repeated the story that CA told him but CA was not going to admit it because that could have been used as motive. I could list pages of lies, the point being that GA knows this family and he knows alot of CA lies that he'll never tell.
From the interviews we learned that FCA had it out for GA way back when him and CA were separated. That was nov. 2005 to july 2006. CA, during the 3rd interview tried to change the date as GA was telling his story but GA kept talking. Nov. 2005, Caylee was just 3 months old when GA left the house. FCA was looking for ammunition from nov 2005 to july 2006 to keep GA from coming back. This was said in 3rd interview!

If you look closely at the time line from when GA & CA picked up the car. Ask yourself why things were done and when.
I just do not get the whole issue about George and his gas cans! The LE took them twice to test for decomp and to check the type of duct tape on the one with no cap.
These were George's gas cans that he'd had for twenty years. They symbolized one of the few things George had left of his own - his pushy wife left them alone, his son left them alone and his thieving daughter kept taking them, then stealing them. His bastion - representing a different life to him.

The interest for the LE was not the tape on the gas cans but was there anything on them after being in FCA's trunk. George's animosity to FCA about his gas cans were they were his - in his mind FCA ran the household and ran roughshod over everything in his life including his marriage. The gas cans were just special to him. No big deal, no connection to Caylee's death and here we are still being suspicious of him. There is absolutely no connection to George and Caylee's death. George loved Caylee more than anyone else. Now he has nothing and is struggling to survive. He is tormented by his own demons and what he could have done, who he should have been to save her. I'm not sure he will ever be able to do that. But involved or having knowledge of the crime? Nothing anyone could say at this point will convince me to believe that. And it really upsets me to read people still question his involvement - just shows you what an outstanding job the Defense did in planting their SODDI seeds very deep indeed.

I agree with you localgirl. When I heard the DT's opening statement I knew that some of those lies mainly the molestation would stick to GA like glue. Not everyone knows the in's and out's of this case like we do. What a horrible thing to be accused off let alone dumping Caylee in the woods. I feel so bad for GA and agree with you that I know he had nothing to do with Caylee's death. It's so sad he now not only has to grieve for Caylee but also has to carry a "sexual predator" label on his forehead! I still can't believe that JB stooped so low.
I think jurors' names should be kept confidential in all trials, not just this one. I see no reason whatsoever to release them. And it can be harmful to all future trials; I can see a potential juror hesitating to serve because they know their name will be made public after a trial. It's a form of intimidation and can prevent a fair trial, too.
I just do not get the whole issue about George and his gas cans! The LE took them twice to test for decomp and to check the type of duct tape on the one with no cap.
These were George's gas cans that he'd had for twenty years. They symbolized one of the few things George had left of his own - his pushy wife left them alone, his son left them alone and his thieving daughter kept taking them, then stealing them. His bastion - representing a different life to him.

The interest for the LE was not the tape on the gas cans but was there anything on them after being in FCA's trunk. George's animosity to FCA about his gas cans were they were his - in his mind FCA ran the household and ran roughshod over everything in his life including his marriage. The gas cans were just special to him. No big deal, no connection to Caylee's death and here we are still being suspicious of him. There is absolutely no connection to George and Caylee's death. George loved Caylee more than anyone else. Now he has nothing and is struggling to survive. He is tormented by his own demons and what he could have done, who he should have been to save her. I'm not sure he will ever be able to do that. But involved or having knowledge of the crime? Nothing anyone could say at this point will convince me to believe that. And it really upsets me to read people still question his involvement - just shows you what an outstanding job the Defense did in planting their SODDI seeds very deep indeed.

Great post!..I don't believe GA had that much attachment to those cans but I do think they were an issue between him and FCA. She kept stealing the gas so when GA would go to mow yard, they would be empty. If my kids did that it would tick me off! I would have to go fill them up "everytime" I wanted to mow.

GA "went to work" the afternoon of the 15th, after they picked up the smelly car. He called LA to go over to the house and deal with things! CA and LA "took care of things"!
GA walked in at around 10 pm to find CA on the phone with LE, CA screaming ..GA, Caylee is missing..FCA said Zanny took her over a month ago!

Before this point CA had cleaned the car and everything in it. GA took the battery out so if FCA came back on her own she wouldn't be able to take off.
LA at one point went to TL to "pick up" FCA things.
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