Sievers Sidebar #3

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Hi Paulas88! It was actually the state who said they'd consider a plea. And that was apparently after telling the judge the DP is still being considered. IMO the state was simply hinting that JRR could potentially escape the DP if he offers to plead guilty rather than going to trial. According to this article though, he's not taking the bait. Not yet anyway.

I only watched that video once, while somewhat distracted, but I noticed Mark's hesitancy when Mummert was waiving their right to a speedy trial. Mummert looked at Mark first, as if to say "okay??" and, though he nodded in agreement, Mark didn't look too confident about the decision. My impression was he's feeling like the caged animal he is and clearly wants outta there ASAP. Especially coming on the heels of BS losing her motion for custody of the girls.
I don't believe it has been determined yet exactly who will take over his current assignments.

Beach- I really need to tell you that I love reading your thoughts. You have worked so hard for this case and for all of us! Thank you is hardly enough!! You make me laugh sometimes and feel like a young kindergarten student afraid to get called in the principals office.
Thank you for being the best mod ever!
Beach- I really need to tell you that I love reading your thoughts. You have worked so hard for this case and for all of us! Thank you is hardly enough!! You make me laugh sometimes and feel like a young kindergarten student afraid to get called in the principals office.
Thank you for being the best mod ever!

:heartluv: Thank you! xoxo :hug:
FYI - I know several of you are following the Bevers case. Something big may be happening - hopefully an arrest. 10 Police SUVs - 4.4 mi from the church where she was murdered.
That is a fact.
This case, with the murdered wife who was the bread winner for the family hits home hard.

If found guilty, these losers conspired to end a wonderful woman's life. In the most heinous of ways, by attack in her own home.

For money.

The betrayal is beyond belief.

The plotting to murder the innocent Mother of your children, whilst recording private intimacy on the web, takes this to a whole nother demension.

I think that Teresa settled by marrying this guy.

I really do.

I sincerely hope that he is exposed for what he really is.

BTW, I hope that his Mother as well as any supporters, read these document dumps!!!!
FYI - I know several of you are following the Bevers case. Something big may be happening - hopefully an arrest. 10 Police SUVs - 4.4 mi from the church where she was murdered.
Here we go! Off like a herd of speeding turtles and I still can't keep up! Today? Really?
FYI - I know several of you are following the Bevers case. Something big may be happening - hopefully an arrest. 10 Police SUVs - 4.4 mi from the church where she was murdered.

:cheers:Thank you!

Here we go! Off like a herd of speeding turtles and I still can't keep up! Today? Really?

Things are tightly sealed over there. Not a peep from LE but locals still see the caravan of SUVs.
The thing that keeps echoing in my head reading MS many times a day overly solicitous text messages to TS is control.

Subtle controlling behavior that disguises itself as care and concern and helpfulness.

The minutia he would text her about on a daily basis. Makes my head hurt.
You got that right!

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I went to this article just now to see about what they had to say about court today. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw what they are using as a screen shot for the video.
Out of all the 1000's of texts, they focused on this one...I honestly believe MS could/might have been secretly setting up an alibi against CWW #justincase

or fantasizing or talking to fulfill your partner's fantasy or fuel the desire, etc. Sometimes it's just talk for those moments and HAS NO BASE IN REALITY. Like the commercial says "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas". Same with bedrooms.

So far, the only time I read any of that crap from him about what TS says to him in that regard - IT'S ALWAYS IN HIS SEX NOTES. Has anyone seen those types of comments in regular diary entries?

*I once said things to and for DH during an intimate time very early in our years (I never did it again, it's just not me, but I tried) and HELL NO - those things would never come out of my mouth during any other time.*

I'm paraphrasing a couple of his texts: "I wish you would have multiple wives" "I'd love to do this to both you and your best friend at the same time" - WHATEVER. If it's during those sexy times, it doesn't count. Is it documented anywhere that they had fully clothed, sober discussions about stuff like this? I haven't seen it so far. If I'm wrong, someone give me a Bates so I'll be informed before shooting my mouth off again, lol.

Good grief.
I had to take a break from WS around the time we were all trying to figure out the identity of the "purple truck person". I've recently been able to make it back on and WOW! Between the Ohio 8 case and this one, I do believe I have reached the apex on a new level of crazy. Following rabbit holes on both of these cases..


I cannot believe the purple truck/RH guy! I haven't been all the way through that thread. After reading a fraction of the latest doc dump, I'm not sure I have the mental fortitude to deal with that joker. I sure wish I could have a glass (bottle) of wine to help me tolerate all the madness. For future reference I'm making a note to myself not to read any new developments right after having dental/medical procedures which require me to refrain from alcohol.

I used to do advocacy work for parents/caregivers with severely mentally ill children. While it was absolutely draining and some days I did good to keep it together - I loved it. So, I am just curious how those of you that dedicate a lot of time and effort here (especially mods) - how do you manage the ever twisting, changing emotional roller coaster that most of these cases bring?
Frustration. The sequence of calendar entries and texts are so out of sequence makes it extrememly difficult to sleuth. I wonder how much time LE mixing spent mixing all these date sequences up. The first actual data we have of proof of a murder plot is May 29 when MS texted CWW that he wants to talk tomorrow, nothing about CWW/AW, but personal. In looking if something dramatic happened just prior to May 29 that may have set MS off I see nothing. MS/TS texts seem their normal back and forth.
I sort of wish I was a paid LE paid employee and had a huge wall or room and could make a huge calendar. I would print every text/calendar entry and cut/paste on that calendar for better rhyme/reason. What we havent seen that needs to be on that calendar are texts between MS/CWW.
I have spent more time sleuthing calendar entries and texts after the plot was known to be initiated (May 29) to see any major changes in MS actions and I don't see major changes. Also have looked for changes in TS attitude shift in their relationship. I saw a calendar entry where it appears TS or MS or both together I presume had a meeting with with a bankruptcy lawyer/aggressive CPA I think in Oct 2014 but having difficulty finding that Bates # now. No doubt that had to frustrate TS knowing all her actions to generate income (work/referrals/suppliments/speaking engagements/creating videos) was going in totally different direction than the unorganized fiscal MS. Throw in weak parenting and womanizing ways of MS, I could see where that Oct meeting maybe shifted, or confirmed, TS way of thinking of directing her future in a new direction.
Frustration. The sequence of calendar entries and texts are so out of sequence makes it extrememly difficult to sleuth. I wonder how much time LE mixing spent mixing all these date sequences up. The first actual data we have of proof of a murder plot is May 29 when MS texted CWW that he wants to talk tomorrow, nothing about CWW/AW, but personal. In looking if something dramatic happened just prior to May 29 that may have set MS off I see nothing. MS/TS texts seem their normal back and forth.
I sort of wish I was a paid LE paid employee and had a huge wall or room and could make a huge calendar. I would print every text/calendar entry and cut/paste on that calendar for better rhyme/reason. What we havent seen that needs to be on that calendar are texts between MS/CWW.
I have spent more time sleuthing calendar entries and texts after the plot was known to be initiated (May 29) to see any major changes in MS actions and I don't see major changes. Also have looked for changes in TS attitude shift in their relationship. I saw a calendar entry where it appears TS or MS or both together I presume had a meeting with with a bankruptcy lawyer/aggressive CPA???? I think in Oct 2014 but having difficulty finding that Bates # now. No doubt that had to frustrate TS knowing all her actions to generate income (work/referrals/suppliments/speaking engagements/creating videos) was going in totally different direction than the unorganized fiscal MS. Throw in weak parenting and womanizing ways of MS, I could see where that Oct meeting maybe shifted, or confirmed, TS way of thinking of directing her future in a new direction.
DALETRAY, I wouldn't need to be a "paid employee"...I'll do it for a 2 day trip to Disney World!! Whooopeee...that sort of reconstruction of the "financial destruction" is my forte. (But I swear if you guys try to sneak in any of those "disgusting MS deviant notes" I'll quit! Maybe you could "redact the yucky stuff, or better still, fold those in half and put *advertiser censored* in red on the outside?)
I was trying to post about something SURFIETX wrote....April 2, 2015 inquiry "installment agreement" and "e-mail and scan W2"....UH OH! I MEAN UH OH1
What an INTERESTING DATE!! The financial pressure cooker was really building up in MS's head....2014 TAXES (without extensions) were due in 2 weeks, he was already 30K behind from 2013, and NOW he is thinking about an "installment agreement"???? Hmmm, wonder who he spoke with about that? Did he talk to an accountant or did he call the IRS directly? Did they tell him he needed to fill out "special paperwork" because he owed over 25K, or DID THEY TELL HIM HE DIDN'T NEED TO FILE ONE IF HE COULD COME UP WITH THE MONEY IN 120 DAYS OR LESS?????? Oh geeez lahweeez...
I wonder if that phone call was recorded? Imagine if there were notes entered into his file during a phone call? I wonder what MS did? Was he trying to "slow play the IRS" until his financial scheme blew up in his face? Did he realize he didn't want to disclose all the info required on the 9465-FS? And as for the scanning and e-mailing of W2....we only do that for clients who are applying for mortgage loans. (Remember the loan application on his desk? voila!) The good part is, financial docs are pretty easy to access (the paper trail is ALWAYS the easiest, for me) I wonder if Teresa took a salary (ie W2'd herself from her job, or if she gave one to MS, or if he was going to "produce one".)
BTW "Aggressive CPA???"...or at least one who kept good records of meetings and phone conversations, huh?
Aggressive CPA were the exact words on their calendar. I assumed it to be a MS version of creative financing
Okay DALETRAY So, aggressive CPA were MS's words...thanks. So, begs the question....who was doing their taxes until the time he entered that in his calendar? But I think you missed the most important part of my post, (No, not the :mickey: trip:mickey:....but still open to offers) The April 2, 2015 entry so close to end of tax season AND....NO INSTALLMENT AGREEMENT NEEDED IF YOU CAN PAY THE LIABILITY IN 120 DAYS! Do you (or anyone else following his calendar entries) see anything that refers to 120 days.... I'm "going to the dark side on this thought" (Ugh and sometimes I have to when I am trying to figure financial motivations for decisions people have made.) I think he knows he has to have Teresa killed and get the insurance money in order to meet his evil timeline....the "end of June" works in his crazy scheme. He get his money before the lien is filed against his home, and before the 2014 tax return is required to be he hasn't defaulted on any agreement he made by phone. (He has an unusual attachment to that piece of real estate, even insisting his daughters need to "bond with it" within days of their Mother's murder....go figure. Something ain't right with the man!)
(Dale, how hard do I have to work before you give me the "secret Bro' info?")
I'm cross-eyed from reading. Did I miss something from earlier docs, were they ever audited?? IRS would've been in TS office for business & personal $$ info. Office staff would have known. TS would then certainly be more financially aware.

We don't factually know of any other cell phones LE got from MS other than knowing about TS personal phone, MS personal phone with Missouri area code, and the office cell phone (Mark & Teresa Sievers). Did LE find any burner phones MS had? I don't think so but don't know----texts between MS & CWW vs communication on their regular phones??. OR if LE did get them, info is not yet released.

Regardless of how long MS was planning or thinking of getting rid of TS 'someday', seems he suddenly needed to act quicker than 'someday'. Per TS, I think he knew it was The End, they were headed North, he & kids were staying longer while she would return earlier = perfect timing. Then in the 'perfect end' CWW would be to blame (all along). AND no tellin' what's been dropped in CWWs' lap pressure-wise as too the Bolin case (maybe nothing but ya never know what insinuated threats may yield).
In reading all of this I too wondered why we never saw any calls to CWW. Nor even mention of his name, especially when there seemed to be computer problems. Nobody was saying "Hey, could you give CWW a call so he can figure out what's going on." Nobody was saying "I'll get ahold of CWW so he can take a look and fix things."

Strange that if CWW was their computer guru that his name was never mentioned when there were problems.
RE: The mother/son relationship between MS and BS, go back and re-read and re-listen to the interviews with the female friend of MS who came into town for the funeral. The one MS talked to in the car about the 17 blows to the head.

She talked about the dysfunctional relationship between MS and his mother even when they were fairly young. I got the idea she was describing a high school time frame. Does anyone know at what point BS "came out of the closet"? Is that what caused divorce between MS's parents? (I am unsure if I am allowed to ask this. If not, mods, please just snip.)

I would think a parent announcing a change in sexual orientation could adversely affect the parent/child relationship - especially back then.
Okay DALETRAY So, aggressive CPA were MS's words...thanks. So, begs the question....who was doing their taxes until the time he entered that in his calendar? But I think you missed the most important part of my post, (No, not the :mickey: trip:mickey:....but still open to offers) The April 2, 2015 entry so close to end of tax season AND....NO INSTALLMENT AGREEMENT NEEDED IF YOU CAN PAY THE LIABILITY IN 120 DAYS! Do you (or anyone else following his calendar entries) see anything that refers to 120 days.... I'm "going to the dark side on this thought" (Ugh and sometimes I have to when I am trying to figure financial motivations for decisions people have made.) I think he knows he has to have Teresa killed and get the insurance money in order to meet his evil timeline....the "end of June" works in his crazy scheme. He get his money before the lien is filed against his home, and before the 2014 tax return is required to be he hasn't defaulted on any agreement he made by phone. (He has an unusual attachment to that piece of real estate, even insisting his daughters need to "bond with it" within days of their Mother's murder....go figure. Something ain't right with the man!)
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Jun 2010
May or may not be important, but on 04/02/2015 there is a calendar entry by Mark about setting up an IRS payment plan. Oh yeah, it is important. The day prior, there is an entry about scanning and emailing a W2 (doesn't say to whom or why).
Bates 36852
Just thought I would make note of it on this thread for future reference if needed.
ETA: Scout, if you see this, can you enter it on the case calendar? Thank you!

B-I-N-G-O! Did he go through with setting up a payment plan....or did he decide he could come up with the money in 120 days or less?? HH Subpoena those records!
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