Site sluggishness

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It finally clicked in my little brain. I had forgotten that when VB put this version together they had used an outdated version of the editor. Unfortunately, that is only one of the reasons why most forums have moved away from vbulletin.

I have made a couple of changes that I can make on my end, combined with users going into profiles and switching the editor mode to "enhanced", that is all that can be done short of updating our vbulletin to the newest. Take my word for it, nobody would like that.
:eek: on the *advertiser censored*!!! Thankfully, that has NOT happened to me!

My problems that still persist:
1. Must use "A" button - Switch Editor to Source Mode, so the letters stop jumping around!
2. Can not use "insert image" - but I can use the "attachment image" on the "Go Advanced", but it comes out as a thumbnail.
3. Must refresh my page to "see" my post I just posted.
4. Lose the top buttons on the "Quick Reply" box - sometimes that also happens when I use the "Go Advanced" box!

Hi Niner, I'm sorry you and Finally Registered are having the same issues as me. Could you please try the following to see if it stops the jumping/missing letters. I sent a PM to FinallyRegistered with this suggestion but didn't get a reply. I really hope it works for you both and would love to hear back from you both on this thread.

Go to Settings and select General Settings. Scroll down to Miscellaneous Options and choose Standard Editor. When I did this and went to the Quick Reply box or Reply With Quote, the Switch Editor was already on. I can now type normally.

I know Dave suggested Enhanced Interface but if I select that, I get the jumping/missing letters.

I've also discovered a work around with Reply With Quote. When I press Reply With Quote I only get a portion of the quote. If this happens to you, copy and paste everything else in the quote that is missing, AND THEN type [/QUOTE]. You must have the forward slash before the word QUOTE and have the square brackets before and after. Then continue on in the normal way with your text. When it posts the quote will appear in a box above your reply. This works all the time for me now. It's a bit of a pain but at least I'm able to do it.

I also lose the top buttons above the Quick Reply Box but it happens randomly. If you want to put something in bold, highlight the text and press Ctrl B. To underline something, highlight and press Ctrl U. For italics, highlight the words and then Ctrl i.

I can sometimes use Attachment Image but 50% of the time my screen freezes. I now create all my posts on a Word page so that I don't have to start from the beginning again.

All my new posts still disappear and I have to refresh the page. Most other problems are still there.
JudgeJudi - yes, sorry I didn't reply to you. I very much appreciated the time you took to help me, but the reason I didn't reply is that I started changing a ton of settings and trying so many experiments to get a fix that I didn't know where to start to tell you what worked and what didn't.

Now that it's been a couple of weeks, I have gotten a little relief from the many, many problems. Here are the things that worked for me (as of today - always subject to change based on what ads are running on WS):

1. Home computer: I had to expand my internet memory to the maximum point. By doing that, I can now have about an hour without problems before I have to clear my cache, do Disk Cleanup, and then do a complete restart.

2. Work computer: I now run WS only through Google Chrome.

My next step will be to mess with Adobe Flash Player, which was another suggestion.
Hi, Finally Registered, just reading your post now. Yes, I remove my cache every day and do disc cleanup once a week but neither makes any difference for me. I also tried disabling Adobe Flash Player and turning off Adbl ocker. Neither helped. Has Chrome helped you?
Hi, Finally Registered, just reading your post now. Yes, I remove my cache every day and do disc cleanup once a week but neither makes any difference for me. I also tried disabling Adobe Flash Player and turning off Adbl ocker. Neither helped. Has Chrome helped you?

With Chrome, I have no issues, other than the basic cache issues.
I have Chrome and it just sits and spins, and maybe if your'e lucky, it loads the page in a minute or two. I clean my cookies and run Avg and Malwarebytes, and clean up my system, but it makes no difference with this site. I never had any problems until the last six months.

I also have the browser Palemoon which uses Firefox or Google. It's like the old Firefox before it wanted to look like Google Chrome. If I wanted Google Chrome I would gone to it.
I'm still having problems posting full-size pics BUT I've discovered something and I can now Reply With Quotes, Edit Posts and Delete Posts.

Click on the cog (Tools), Compatibility View Settings, and in the small Add to This Website box type in

As far as pics go, I can now also add pics from my PC by using the Insert Image icon. The image looks like a thumbnail but it's not on the strip. If you click on it, it will display as the correct size which in this case is 626 x 543 pixels.

View crime scene to bridge.JPG

I really hope this helps a few people. Please let me know.

All issues with the exception of Smileys freezing my PC occasionally. To get around that I've just made a note of the code underneath the ones I use all the time.

Now that I'm using the Compatibility View settings as mentioned in the previous post, I went back to my WS Settings, General Settings, Miscellaneous Options and re-enabled Enhanced Interface. Now images are posting full size again.

Since I stayed up half the night to figure all this out, now I'm going to go to have a bit of :bed: to revive myself.



  • Breakfast.JPG
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Haven't been back in here for awhile....

JudgeJudi said:
snipped by me....
Go to Settings and select General Settings. Scroll down to Miscellaneous Options and choose Standard Editor. When I did this and went to the Quick Reply box or Reply With Quote, the Switch Editor was already on. I can now type normally.

I've also discovered a work around with Reply With Quote. When I press Reply With Quote I only get a portion of the quote. If this happens to you, copy and paste everything else in the quote that is missing, AND THEN type

I now create all my posts on a Word page so that I don't have to start from the beginning again.[/quote]

Okay - I'll try that Settings after I post this.

Yes, can't "Reply With Quote", as I lose most of the quoted parts!!

And I use Notepad to create most of posts - and yes, my new posts still disappear, but living with it! :)

JudgeJudi said:
snipped by me....
Click on the cog (Tools), Compatibility View Settings, and in the small Add to This Website box type in

As far as pics go, I can now also add pics from my PC by using the Insert Image icon. The image looks like a thumbnail but it's not on the strip. If you click on it, it will display as the correct size which in this case is 626 x 543 pixels.

I definitely try this too - let's see if it works in a post after this.... :crossfingers:

Thanks a bunch JudgeJudi!
Well - it looks like everything is quished on the top of the page - here what it says:

ovide', 'adblockTracker', function(tracker, opts) { var ad = document.createElement('ins'); ad.className = 'AdSense'; = 'block'; = 'absolute'; = '-1px'; = '1px'; document.body.appendChild(ad); tracker.set('dimension' + opts.dimensionIndex, !ad.clientHeight); document.body.removeChild(ad); }); ga('create', 'UA-7620263-1', 'auto'); ga('require', 'adblockTracker', {dimensionIndex: 1}); ga('send', 'pageview');


I didn't have to press that AA button - no skipping. Now let's see if I can "insert image" -

This is a koi pond at my local mall!

Well, everything is working except for those crazy things on the top of my page....


  • Spice Mall Koi Pond.jpg
    Spice Mall Koi Pond.jpg
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Any suggestions on "how to get rid" of that top part?? Wonder if that's from adding in the Compatability View Setting under Tools - or that misc. option to Enhanced interface that you mentioned JudgeJudi ???

Otherwise - it seems to be working okay now.
Does anyone else have a problem deleting blog posts? I get some "You do no have permission" thing.

A bit nonplussed, color me.
I get ads daily here telling me I've won something ... pages are slow to load ... WS freezes up ... refreshes page when I'm trying to type a post ... freezes up mid-typing. ZERO problems if I'm NOT logged in, but as soon as I log in it's nonstop problems.

I'm mostly on my iPhone Using Safari .... I clear my cookies and cache all the time, but the problem persists. It is exactly the same when I'm on my desktop using Internet Explorer, Chrome or Firefox. Doesn't matter which device or browser. This stuff ONLY happens on Websleuths, not a single problem or complaint on any other website, including the pop up ads.
If Dave is still around - :crossfingers:

These are the problems I had beginning in May -
*couldn't edit my posts
*couldn't "insert image"
*couldn't "Reply Quote" - no quote appeared
*sometimes could "attach image" if I went to "advanced"
*couldn't "see" my post after posting, so had to hit "refresh:
*couldn't type without using the double AA button - which I think is called "Switch Editor to Source Mode".

so I did these things per JudgeJudi's instructions just the other day:
Click on the cog (Tools), Compatibility View Settings, and in the small Add to This Website box type in

and this
Go to Settings and select General Settings. Scroll down to Miscellaneous Options and choose Standard Editor. When I did this and went to the Quick Reply box or Reply With Quote, the Switch Editor was already on. I can now type normally.

Now EVERYTHING works fine like it did before my May problems, EXCEPT!! I get this message - sometimes it's very short, or longer than this, at the top of my WS page.','ga'); ga('provide', 'adblockTracker', function(tracker, opts) { var ad = document.createElement('ins'); ad.className = 'AdSense'; = 'block'; = 'absolute'; = '-1px'; = '1px'; document.body.appendChild(ad); tracker.set('dimension' + opts.dimensionIndex, !ad.clientHeight); document.body.removeChild(ad); }); ga('create', 'UA-7620263-1', 'auto'); ga('require', 'adblockTracker', {dimensionIndex: 1}); ga('send', 'pageview');

Should I be worried about this?? :thinking:

I'm going to "Alert" this post, so a Mod can direct you to my post!

TIA, Dave! :wave:
I get ads daily here telling me I've won something ... pages are slow to load ... WS freezes up ... refreshes page when I'm trying to type a post ... freezes up mid-typing. ZERO problems if I'm NOT logged in, but as soon as I log in it's nonstop problems.

I'm mostly on my iPhone Using Safari .... I clear my cookies and cache all the time, but the problem persists. It is exactly the same when I'm on my desktop using Internet Explorer, Chrome or Firefox. Doesn't matter which device or browser. This stuff ONLY happens on Websleuths, not a single problem or complaint on any other website, including the pop up ads.

Sounds like a problem - Spellbound - had on their computer. I posted my problem above - and hopefully Dave will see yours!
I get ads daily here telling me I've won something ... pages are slow to load ... WS freezes up ... refreshes page when I'm trying to type a post ... freezes up mid-typing. ZERO problems if I'm NOT logged in, but as soon as I log in it's nonstop problems.

I'm mostly on my iPhone Using Safari .... I clear my cookies and cache all the time, but the problem persists. It is exactly the same when I'm on my desktop using Internet Explorer, Chrome or Firefox. Doesn't matter which device or browser. This stuff ONLY happens on Websleuths, not a single problem or complaint on any other website, including the pop up ads.

I get the "congratulations, you've won" page occasionally, too. I posted about it in the Malicious Ads/Redirects, but have had no response.

.... when I hit "Post Quick Reply" I get the following page and it will not let me go back ... I have to close the unwanted page and I lose my WS page and have to reopen. (This does not happen if I use an ad-block, but only (and often) when I do not. And I am using an IPadPro)



  • IMG_0328.JPG
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I get the "congratulations, you've won" page occasionally, too. I posted about it in the Malicious Ads/Redirects, but have had no response.

.... when I hit "Post Quick Reply" I get the following page and it will not let me go back ... I have to close the unwanted page and I lose my WS page and have to reopen. (This does not happen if I use an ad-block, but only (and often) when I do not. And I am using an IPadPro)


That's the pop-up I get, too. My biggest peeve is the keyboard on my iPhone "freezing" when I'm typing. It takes a long time to type a post because each word takes several minutes to finish. I've never had such an annoying problem on any device or website before.
Same here, missgulfsouth. What I find is that I can move about here with no problem at all if I use an ad-block program; it is only when I try to do without it that I have problems here. And I never have a problem on other websites or forums. I am all for supporting our WS site with ads, but I cannot comply if it won't let me roam freely. It is annoying that I have to keep turning ad-blocker program on and off for this one site .... I can do everything else just fine on all other pages without it.

Do mods or Dave really check on these "help me" threads? Pleeeze. Help us..
Does anyone else have a problem deleting blog posts? I get some "You do no have permission" thing.

A bit nonplussed, color me.

Are you sure you're logged in when you have this problem. If you don't click the Remember Me box when you log in, you'll find you're only logged in for a very short time.
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