Size 12 Panties

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Shylock said:
If that's what happened, only a kid would be that stupid--a 10 year old.

I dont know Shylock, most adult males are that dumb..... :woohoo:

little1 said:
I dont know Shylock, most adult males are that dumb..... :woohoo:
Why, because they don't do laundry?
I think most adult males are smart enough to know that if you put any form of cloth over a liquid it's going to be absorbed.
Men DO see commercials for Bounty, ya know! :dance:
Shylock said:
Why, because they don't do laundry?
I think most adult males are smart enough to know that if you put any form of cloth over a liquid it's going to be absorbed.
Men DO see commercials for Bounty, ya know! :dance:

Shylock it was a joke.
Shylock said:
So was mine.

Sorry, I am having a dumb blonde month, (well, lets be honest, life)

Now I feel REAL stupid! My boyfriend does his laundry, he also opens the door for me and brings me flowers. He has got to be an alien or SOMETHING!
John was asked if he knew where JonBenet's pajamas were kept. He replied "in a bathroom drawer." If John knew where JB's pajamas were kept then I would think he knew her panties were kept in a drawer there also.

The blood on the size 12 panties did not corrrespond with the blood stains found on JonBenet's vaginal area...suggesting that her panties were changed.

Patsy wiped JonBenet down because only a woman would know to wipe the labia.

Let us say that it was Burke who was molesting JonBenet. Does that mean that he changed her panties? I don't believe so.

It appears we've been misled once again.

JonBenet was 6 years old, 47" tall, weighed 45 pounds, and wore size 6 underwear. Here's what the packages at Walmart really say:

SIZE 6 ..... 22" waist; 39 to 49 pounds

SIZE 12 ..... 25" waist; 84 to 95 pounds

There is absolutely no way JonBenet could wear size 12 underwear. Size 12's are for a girl TWICE the size of JonBenet.

With respect to pull-ups, underwear are not needed. The pull-up is the diaper and the underwear all in one, so few mothers use underwear over pull-ups on their child. That includes Patsy Ramsey because the only size 12's in the house were in unopened packages.

Toltec said:
Patsy wiped JonBenet down because only a woman would know to wipe the labia.
I don't agree with that. I think any man who has ever changed a real messy diaper would know that.
Of course a 6 year old could wear size 12 panties for a night, and especially with pants over the panties.

And that's exactly what happened.
LovelyPigeon said:
Of course a 6 year old could wear size 12 panties for a night, and especially with pants over the panties.
Too bad Thomas is not still around. He searched the house with the other detectives. It would be interesting to get his take on why the package of remaining panties was not found and taken into evidence.
Shylock said:
Too bad Thomas is not still around. He searched the house with the other detectives. It would be interesting to get his take on why the package of remaining panties was not found and taken into evidence.

The Ramseys never went back into the home after leaving their precious daughter lying dead on the living room floor. How did they come to possess the package of brand new panties???

The search warrant lasted did the panties go the way of the remaining duct tape, cord, and the red pen?
After conducting a lengthy search of the premises the police turned the property over to the Ramsey representatives. The Ramseys themselves never wanted to set foot in the house again. The Ramsey representatives felt the package of remaining underwear might be important and took it from the dresser drawer and had it saved since they thought it should have been examined forensically, but as with much of the house, the forensic team simply did not bother.
LovelyPigeon said:
Of course a 6 year old could wear size 12 panties for a night, and especially with pants over the panties.

And that's exactly what happened.

And that's exactly what DIDN'T happen. It doesn't make sense and therefore likely didn't happen. Those size 12's had to have been put on JonBenet by the killer.

There's no reason for JonBenet to have worn size 12 panties to the White's. She hadn't worn size 12's before that night because the packages were unopened. Size 12's are for a girl 84 to 95 pounds (TWICE JonBenet's body size) and would have fallen down into her pant legs when she tried to walk.

The size 12 underwear point to Burke putting the over-sized panties on a dead JonBenet because John and Patsy would have known better.

Toth said:
but as with much of the house, the forensic team simply did not bother.
Oh I get it, they took all 15 pairs of panties except the ones that really mattered out of the drawer. Maybe they were just prejudiced against Bloomingdales, huh Toth...
I guess the question might be, was JB wearing the size 12s before she was removed to the basement - or after.

Re-dressing seems contrary to the "intruder" theory
It's a very peculiar notion, that someone who attacked, molested, exacted revenge (or whatever you want to call it), would feel the need to waste time effecting a change of underwear for this child.

I would think that an intruder, (a stranger, or individual who may have performed some sort of repair or service in the Ramsey home, and therefor knew the basement and general room layout of the home), would not have wasted time re-dressing the body. But rather - made a quick exit out of the home. In short, I do not believe an intruder would have re-dressed the body.

JB put on the Size 12s, some time after PR changed her?
A long shot, to be sure - however, I wondered if JB herself, did not at some point in the late night or early morning, replace her underwear with the size 12. Perhaps needing to change again some time later (after PR changed her), and wanting the "new pair, in the package", without regard to the size. Considering that JB was independant enough to get up, and get pinapple, without anyone's knowledge, I submit that she did as she pleased. And at some point after PR changed her and bedding, she changed into the new Size 12s. Perhaps, after tugging on a pair of pajamas, they kinda stayed up, enough to wear back to bed, or to wander out to the living room, where presents and such might be. Or perhaps to awaken BR. Isn't that rather typical, that children might get up very early in the morning, to check for presents?

I have this weird notion, that JB awakened on her own, sometime after PR changed her. Maybe her bed was wet again - who knows. In any case, she maybe wandered into BR's room, for a dry bed and changing help, to avoid her mother's impatience with a second bed-wetting incident.

Why not remove other evidence as well?
If the size 12s are believed to be evidence of a "re-dress" and clean up of evidence, wouldn't we expect that other evidence be removed as well? Such as the garrot/noose around neck, with the attached broken piece of paint brush? Could the blue fibers be evidence associated with perp's clothing (fleece shirting, blue flannel underwear, etc.) rather than something used to surreptitiously wipe down the child's body?

I know I am probably in the minority here, but I am just not sure that I can visualize a perp (intruder or not), re-dressing JB without removing other evidence as well. As I have an admitted bias about the strong possibility of BR's involvement (given the screwy information we have to date), I speculate that JB put on the Size 12s herself.
Toltec, the Ramseys never were in possession of the package of panties. Investigators for their original lawyers collected items from the house as potential evidence after BPD was finished searching. That package was one of the things collected.

When Lin Wood became their lawyer, boxes of stuff was turned over to him from the other lawyers.

LW gave the package, and some other things, to the Boulder DA.
BloodshotEye said:
but I am just not sure that I can visualize a perp (intruder or not), re-dressing JB without removing other evidence as well.
JonBenet was not 're-dressed', she had her panties pulled down and later the intruder simply pulled them back up, but she was not re-dressed or changed into new panties.
And there is no indication that the intruder was in any way familiar with the layout of the basement rooms.
I'm not even convinced that her pants and panties were ever pulled down.

I think it's very possible the killer just slid his hand into her underwear and molested her with his fingers.

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