Skeletal Remains of Child Found Near Anthony Home 12-11-2008 #2

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KC not having "anxiety " attacks--they are GUILTY attacks! no punishment is too severe for her. Mother of the year...she a "mother" alright....poor caylee never had a chance..WHY KC--WHY???
Is the area where the remains were found near or the large wooded area that is behind the A.'s home?

Yes, directly behind their home. As the reporter said, about a football field length away.
I Think where the reamins were found was where Casy placed them.Now I might be wrong but was not Caylee reported missing after the Tropical storm hit the area? And then the place was underwater.I do not think Casey had any help with this crime
I sure hope LE checks the duct tape for dog and cat hairs. I know I watch too many crime stories but I just saw one recently where a murder victim was bound with duct tape and the killer had a dog. The dogs hair was found on the tape. The A's have a cat and dogs so it's possible there could have been some transfer there. My heart does go out to the A's because they have lost a grandaughter whom they loved very much. Maybe now they can get on with the healing part of all of this but I have a feeling CA won't stop this mission she's on and I don't think GA has the parts of his body he was born with to take charge of the situation. Very sad day for all of us but hopefully we will find out the rest of the story and mommy dearest will end up where she belongs. The guy upstairs will take care of business when KC gets there..

Prayers to you for having such a big heart!
As for me, I will remain as I have from day 34. I have no empathy or sympathy for the A's as I just can not put forth the effort. I am giving them as much as they gave to Caylee, not a smidgen. The A's were content just to let that precious baby stay wherever, whoever, dumped her. The A's have put KC on a pedestal and proceeded to worship the MOTY and in doing so Caylee became an afterthought, an ATM. Not a precious granchild.
The A's have looked into the camera and lied directly into it. They get nothing from me. Nada. Quite frankly I could care less if CA withered up a dry old hag and blew away. She has made her bed, now she can lay in it. All my prayers are for that precious Angel Caylee and the justice that KC will soon be facing.
OMG,OMG...Hugs to all of you (((WS))), I was at work all Mom called on my way home and told me to turn on the news and "my site"... I am so sad yet relieved, I am just an emotional wreck!!! Sorry, but you are my only friends that understand!!!
Thoughts - Casey will most likely not confess - she will stay with the kidnap theory - ONLY problem with that is why the kidnappers would put the body by the A's home - oh yeah to frame Casey - NOT

The A's - I'm not sure about them - they lawyered up again? Who with this time? Do we think they will be charged with anything? My thoughts, I'm not sure....will they back Casey still? My guess yes

I just DON'T SEE HOW they can back Casey other than for moral support because she is their daughter - my questions would be, why was the body by the house if it wasn't Casey putting it there? Casey never said Zani has been to the house or even knows where they live - Casey's story just doesn't add up at all - didn't before but even less now

I'm not sure what to expect next - until the trial anyways
Can't believe I got on! A couple of thoughts:

I hope LE contacts the lady who took the bag of trash from the Ants' driveway. It's my belief she has the best chance of having a bag that might match!

Question: Is there an autopsy if there are only skeletal remains?

I've not been the most compassionate one in the bunch about the Ants. Right now, I do feel for George and Cindy. Reality will now set in. Personally, I do not want to see them implode on national tv. I just don't. I still feel no compassion for KC. Lee? He's a non-entity as far as I'm concerned.

Hugs to all of you. I know we share a common pain.
KC not having "anxiety " attacks--they are GUILTY attacks! no punishment is too severe for her. Mother of the year...she a "mother" alright....poor caylee never had a chance..WHY KC--WHY???

I think they are anxiety attacks.
Anxiety that her trial without a body
Her defense that Caylee is out there somewhere
That her belief that she could beat this
Just evaporated.

Casey thought she was smarter than everyone and that she would skate through this like everything else she has ever done.

She is panicking, no doubt about it.
Prayers to you for having such a big heart!
As for me, I will remain as I have from day 34. I have no empathy or sympathy for the A's as I just can not put forth the effort. I am giving them as much as they gave to Caylee, not a smidgen. The A's were content just to let that precious baby stay wherever, whoever, dumped her. The A's have put KC on a pedestal and proceeded to worship the MOTY and in doing so Caylee became an afterthought, an ATM. Not a precious granchild.
The A's have looked into the camera and lied directly into it. They get nothing from me. Nada. Quite frankly I could care less if CA withered up a dry old hag and blew away. She has made her bed, now she can lay in it. All my prayers are for that precious Angel Caylee and the justice that KC will soon be facing.

Truth - this is the absolute best post today and one that I wholeheartedly agree 100%. The only thing lacking to me today was for the Orange County Sheriff's Dept meeting the Anthony's at the airport and putting handcuffs on them and escorting them right down to the jail with their sorry-butt daughter and I don't mean in protective custody. They all deserve to be right smack in the middle of general population and let the inmates deal with them for about a minute or so, that's about all it will take.
NG just said on HN no clothes found in bag.

Reminds me of when KC said....Pfft, they haven't even found her clothes yet. My words, not hers.

Investigators expected in hour or so at A house.
I am trying to be nice to them---mom taught me right--"don't say anything if its not nice..."---BUT if they start calling kc the victim and think she should attend a funeral service....all bets are off----I do feel for the loss but am so much more grateful that little Caylee will be laid to rest & finally get the honor that wasn't bestowed upon her.....

most of the anger would have been contained but that family and their associates make it hard to really dive in the deep end on that one ---- but I do get it.....

I do pray for that dear little baby and feel God heard her cries and God bless that bladder of the man who found her....


OMG,OMG...Hugs to all of you (((WS))), I was at work all Mom called on my way home and told me to turn on the news and "my site"... I am so sad yet relieved, I am just an emotional wreck!!! Sorry, but you are my only friends that understand!!!

I could not agree more
I am ready for a drink.

Now attention turns to the forensic treasure trove the tiny body and garbage bag represent. The sticky side of the gaffer tape used is an excellent surface for preserving fingerprints, lasting even after being submerged. If traces of chloroform are found in the bag, then that might add weight to the theory that the child was killed accidentally after being dosed by a reckless and selfish young mom who wanted the baby to sleep when she went out to party. We do know that Casey researched chloroform on her home computer.

On the other hand, if the tape found was found on the child’s body and not just used to seal the garbage bag in which the missing child was reportedly disposed, then that indicates the child suffered during the commission of her murder. If that is so, then the death penalty would again be very much on the table.

But there is a new caveat for the prosecution. If the fingerprints on the tape or garbage bag do not match the defendant Casey Anthony then, the investigation would have to widen to include either accomplices or the ‘real’ murderer. Having built the initial murder charge on the wealth of circumstantial evidence, now prosecutors must hope the physical evidence matches their initial theory. Much more to come.

She makes my skin crawl...
The A's want to keep defending Casey and they dont want to believe that their grandaughter is dead until they received evidence of such. I give them evidence. Take the A's and Casey down to the medical examiners office and let then id the poor baby. Let them see the small dirty bones, let them smell the decomposition, let them hear the stillness and let them have the grief that they will never be able to touch their grandaughter again.
Rest in peace Caylee...........even if your own family wont acknowledge you and give you a proper burial....America will. You are Americas angel.
I think they are anxiety attacks.
Anxiety that her trial without a body
Her defense that Caylee is out there somewhere
That her belief that she could beat this
Just evaporated.

Casey thought she was smarter than everyone and that she would skate through this like everything else she has ever done.

She is panicking, no doubt about it.

Yeah, Isn't that interesting though? Caylee is "missing/kidnapped" for 6 months now and Casey is finally you said, for herself, not because of poor Caylee. :furious:

I sure hope someone is with the Great-Grandparents.

I give up on this server, either this will post 1000 times or not at all..errr
Thoughts - Casey will most likely not confess - she will stay with the kidnap theory - ONLY problem with that is why the kidnappers would put the body by the A's home - oh yeah to frame Casey - NOT

You are so right about way can the A-team even expect anyone to believe that the "kidnappers" would after the fact go so close to the A home after the fact...not only has that area been under a microscope since July 15, we have been watching that area via live cam for crissakes!

Nope, that just won't fly, not even in a fantacy.
I am very thankful that the lord sent this man off into the woods at the right time. I pray so hard for the gentlemen who found our Caylee, and I pray hard for those there now working the crime scene. I pray that the world gets closure, and mostly I pray for the Anthonys not because of anything they did wrong, but for all that they did right in this child's life. I pray for Tim tonight, I pray for Leonard, I pray for Yuri and all of the detectives, and I pray for each of you here at Websleuths to be able to sleep tonight with a lighter heart than what we have had for months.
I thank Caylee for teaching this cruel world the signs to look for in parents who do not need children.
That is beautiful....we did get what we wished for, as sad as it is. She can be buried with dignity as a precious little girl should be. I would love to know what led that man to that peticular spot, maybe angels?
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