Skeletal Remains of Child Found Near Anthony Home 12-11-2008 #2

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Sorry, not trying to be hateful or anything here---but---if they truly loved this child more than life itself....they would have been out there every day looking for this child. Non-stop. Food and sleep would not have been a necessity. Talking to the media about anything would have been something they would have avoided. I truly believe in my heart that they knew what was going on from the get-go. They may not have known everything, but they knew something. Too many lies from all members of the family. This, of course, is just my opinion.

Exactly! Yes, I feel for them, because they have lost their granddaughter and daughter, but they have lied so many times. They were just trying to save Casey.
Crime Scene tape put up around the A's house live on NG. Now officially a crime scene and A's are not allowed back until further notice.
Can't believe I got on! A couple of thoughts:

I hope LE contacts the lady who took the bag of trash from the Ants' driveway. It's my belief she has the best chance of having a bag that might match!

Question: Is there an autopsy if there are only skeletal remains?

I've not been the most compassionate one in the bunch about the Ants. Right now, I do feel for George and Cindy. Reality will now set in. Personally, I do not want to see them implode on national tv. I just don't. I still feel no compassion for KC. Lee? He's a non-entity as far as I'm concerned.

Hugs to all of you. I know we share a common pain.

Sorry if your questions have been answered, I've been trying to log onto WS since 4pm.

Yes, an autopsy is underway on what is reported as "full skeleton remains"

This is my oldest daughter's birthday and now it's also the day Caylee Anthony's remains were found.
Maybe....there was a cross around her neck....
"IF" they had just exerted ANY effort themselves and searched daily in their OWN area..........they would have found her. HOW could they be so calluous to NEVER EVEN LOOK for Caylee???...........How EVIL - How cruel.

I have NO EMPATHY or SYMPATHY for the Anthony's because they ONLY had SYMPATHY for KC and not little CAYLEE.

To throw a child away like trash like something of NO VALUE in any of their lives is very appropriate for this family.

I hope George and Cindy are devastated, but I doubt very seriously that will happen. I thoroughly expect them to get back on TV and blame someone else.

After everything under the bridge, if they appear on LKL after this discovery IMO it would be so HIGHLY innapropriate. Whether or not they will take the stance that someone other than Casey killed Caylee, HOW could they when they are supposed to be grieving the death of thier grandaughter, even THINK about going out anywhere in public when they should be finally starting the grieving process??

IMO, if they do honor that appearance, I will surely know there is some serious psycosis at work.
There very well could have been a sheet or pillowcase in the bag. Could also be what the search warrant is for. The rest of the set.
Sorry, not trying to be hateful or anything here---but---if they truly loved this child more than life itself....they would have been out there every day looking for this child. Non-stop. Food and sleep would not have been a necessity. Talking to the media about anything would have been something they would have avoided. I truly believe in my heart that they knew what was going on from the get-go. They may not have known everything, but they knew something. Too many lies from all members of the family. This, of course, is just my opinion.

Regardless of how Cindy and George have behaved, they have lost their grandchild. There is absolutely nothing to indicate that they had any hand in Caylee's death or in hiding her body. Whether or not they 'knew' something does not take away from their loss. How could I not have compassion for a family who has experienced the most horrible loss possible? I don't need to defend my feelings.
Crime Scene tape put up around the A's house live on NG. Now officially a crime scene and A's are not allowed back until further notice.

I thought I saw on a ticker that the defense believes this may be Caylee's remains, is that right?
respectfully snipped

I agree with you about the Ant family. They have wanted to believe Caylee was still with us so badly that I believe they have lost their grip on reality. How else could they have sat there listening to KC and not shaken the snot out of her? I understand their desire, I truly do. I'm just sorry they didn't possess the magic beans that could have made the fairy tale true.

With as much strength as it took for them to keep it together for the last 5 mos, I hope they have the reserve they will need to get thru what the real world has in store for them. I pray the humanity we all share will allow them to accept anyone with out stretched arms to help them heal. Hopefully in this season of giving we can all forget the anger and bitterness we have have felt and people will reach out to them with compassion.

As much anger as I have at the way they have been spinning lies. I do feel bad for them, they have also lost their daughter and they know it.
i have a great feeling that the bag found will match the bag that was in the trunk of her car.

i do feel bad for the A's because of the severe denial they are living in, and i really hope that this denial ends, but i have a feeling that it will not. i think they will except that she is dead (if it is her) but i still think they will blame someone else for her death. i can see it now, they'll say ZG broke into their house, stole their duct tape and their garbage bags and buried the body near their house to make it look like casey did it....

I think TL said in his statement that the trash bag in the car came from his apartment. Seems more likely to me that the bag found today came from the Anthony's home, since LE is searching there.
I feel for the Anthony family, honestly, I do. However I cannot wrap my mind around their appearance on LKL tomorrow night, for their sake I hope someone intervenes and advises them against this. They need to take care of themselves first.
I've heard that "No Clothes were found" then I heard that it wan't confirmed that no clothes were found.

Yes, It could be a Barrett or a hair clip.

Tim Miller said that he was told by a member of OCSD that it's definetly Caylee. I don't think they would say that unless they had something that confirmed it was her.

OCSD is putting crime scene tape around the Anthony home at this very moment

LE said there were some items with the body that stood out to them and that's why they want to search the house. I think that is why they think or they know that it might be Caylee but nothing confirmed as of yet.
Well we know this is Caylee, other wise Casey wouldn't be upset.
Did they find her doll? Perhaps the doll was in the bag with Caylee.
they said no clothing found - what if there really WAS a rag and they want to match it to something at the A's house?

I am starting to have real issues with this not having been found before now. LE searched here, TES searched here, individuals (not me) and individual groups searched here. This is only FEET from the sidewalk that kids go down everyday to school since August. Kids hang in these woods. Exactly how long do they think this bag sat there? 5-6 months?

If the skull "fell out" the end was open yet no animals scattered and they "are pleased with the preservation of the evidence in the bag"??? Fay dumped FEET of water in this area according to a neighbor but no algae/water in the bag/destruction of this "preservation" of evidence??????? I just am having a really hard time buying this so close to the sidewalk....

Anyone know if dogs ever searched this area? I am betting no...

You know cocoamom that is food for thought, and it has also been sugested that it was not a coincedence that this happened while the As were gone. That and George's apperance last night makes me wonder if he indeed did know what he was going home too??? :confused:
Yeah, Isn't that interesting though? Caylee is "missing/kidnapped" for 6 months now and Casey is finally you said, for herself, not because of poor Caylee. :furious:

I sure hope someone is with the Great-Grandparents.

I give up on this server, either this will post 1000 times or not at all..errr

Yep, and remember when the were searching Econ River and made the "fingers and toes" find, she was reported to be calm and uninterested even though she had seen part of it on TV. I don't need DNA results, Casey's response to this find versus the reports of bones found in the past tell me everything I need to know.
Sorry, not trying to be hateful or anything here---but---if they truly loved this child more than life itself....they would have been out there every day looking for this child. Non-stop. Food and sleep would not have been a necessity. Talking to the media about anything would have been something they would have avoided. I truly believe in my heart that they knew what was going on from the get-go. They may not have known everything, but they knew something. Too many lies from all members of the family. This, of course, is just my opinion.

I do believe that they loved her. I do believe that Caylee was loved by George and Cindy her entire life. I can't condone their actions after Caylee went missing, of course. But are you suggesting they never loved her? I'm guessing the only real love that child got was from George and Cindy. It sure wasn't from Casey.
On NG they're saying that the conditions of the ground under where the bag was found make it obvious that the bag has been there for many months. The area was totally underwater up until less than 2 weeks ago. Tim says he wishes he could hug George and Cindy.
I've heard that "No Clothes were found" then I heard that it wan't confirmed that no clothes were found.

Yes, It could be a Barrett or a hair clip.

Tim Miller said that he was told by a member of OCSD that it's definetly Caylee. I don't think they would say that unless they had something that confirmed it was her.

OCSD is putting crime scene tape around the Anthony home at this very moment

Do you know if there is live video?
Lee Anthony's girlfriend went into the Anthony home & was "Hustled out of the house"

I know a lot of people are feeling sorry for the Anthony's & that is understandable but I honestly believe that before this case is over we are going to find out that Casey had help.."After the Fact" by at least one member of her family.

Nothing the Anthony's have said or done makes any sense & they have contradicted themselves on numerous occasion.

But what makes me even madder is the fact that they tried to implicate Jessie G. in Caylee's disappearance.
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