Skeletal Remains of Child Found Near Anthony Home 12-11-2008 #2

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They have lost the grandchild that they loved more than life itself. That is all the reason I need to feel for them.

As much as I dislike what George and Cindy have done there is a part of me that feels their loss with them. They loved Caylee. They hurt. It doesn't excuse how they have tried to put the blame on others -- But I do understand their pain and have said my prayers for them. I also pray that they will now be able to understand the "whole picture" and stop trying to blame other people for what their daughter did.
ABSOLUTE love for their grandchild Caylee is what I believe spurred CA & GA's denial and HOPE. I believe we all felt great love for this lost child... and we were not even related to this angel.

I too am giving my prayers to the Anthony family right now.. ( minus Casey ) They truly need it. When time passes and we have moved past this case, it is their family that will feel Caylee's loss FOREVER.

Holding ETERNAL hope their grandchild was alive explains their behavior to me. I CANNOT ever hold it against them. After all, they could do nothing to get the truth from Casey, and I believe their behavior was nothing more than REFUSING to believe their precious angel was gone.

I do understand everyones anger with them.. however, I don't believe they ever held the key to cracking this case & I remind myself that THEY are now without her FOREVER. It is an unimaginable feeling for most of us.

IMO of course.
I just can't get that image out of my head of that monster prancing to Baezs office in those white sunglasses and tshirt tied up, all the while Caylee was rotting in that bag.


A member of EquuSearch — one of the volunteer groups — said they did not check the wooded lot at the edge of the outlying suburb in early September because it was submerged from heavy rains. When they returned in November, the site had been fenced off.

EquuSearch volunteer Deborah Smith said she believed the remains belonged to Caylee.

"I'm glad she was found before Christmas so they can give her a proper burial," Smith said.

Allen Moore, a spokesman for the Orange County jail, said Casey Anthony was told about the discovery. She was placed under psychological observation, not suicide watch, and remains under protective custody. Her attorney, Jose Baez, visited her at the jail for about 90 minutes Thursday.

Forensic experts said it was harder for investigators to identify a child's remains than an adult's, but they would have a few methods to pursue.

Medical examiners would probably look at photos of the child along with the skull, hoping to make a bone structure comparison, said Dr. Lee Jantz, coordinator of the forensic anthropology center at the University of Tennessee.

Dr. Bill Manion, a pathologist and an assistant medical examiner for Burlington County, N.J., said DNA testing could determine an identification even without other DNA from the victim, "as long as we know who the parents are or siblings."

Maybe buried (i should really say dumped and abandoned :furious:)with the missing backpack? At least, I don't remember her white/monkey backpack they described was ever found...
Im in Australia. IVe just logged in to WS

Im in tears.

IVe been googling all the different reports

Dear God :( My heart is breaking for a little girl in America - you didn't deserve this Caylee You were the most beautiful little girl.

I agree with the poster that said about loving the man who decided to relieve himself - I think its usually disgusting too but right now I love this man too !!!

I have only got to page two, gonna read the rest now ...


Jane, don't be disgusted.....people have been doing that from probably the beginning of civilization.........I remember as a child , on a road trip, going off behind a bush to "relieve myself" others here have , too.
what that man deserves is the utmost respect for his integrity .....he COULD have called the NEWS MEDIA and said, "Hey, look what I found!"...but he did the right thing.......for which all of us are extremely grateful........
what a heart goes out to the Anthony's and all of you who love that beautiful child......but she is with the Source of Love now....I take comfort in that......
They had a lawyer - he quit because they were lying to LE.......

In my opinion, they are going to NEED a lawyer. I believe they are going to be charged after the trial.

They just hired one. His name is Brad Conway, there's a new thread just started about it.
Well now that Caylee has been found, the $$$$ could dry up. I guess this puts an end to kidsfinders.

I guess the FIND CAYLEE CASH COW is a dry well now.

I guess they will all have to get a job and go to work and stop living off a dead baby.
Regardless of how Cindy and George have behaved, they have lost their grandchild. There is absolutely nothing to indicate that they had any hand in Caylee's death or in hiding her body. Whether or not they 'knew' something does not take away from their loss. How could I not have compassion for a family who has experienced the most horrible loss possible? I don't need to defend my feelings.

Chilly-you don't need to defend your feelings. It's perfectly fine to feel the way you do. I'm just stating the way that I feel through this whole thing. It's just frustrating. I'm sorry that I don't feel any compassion towards these people, but I just don't. I can't explain it, because normally I'm a very empathetic human being. Something about them, though. They anger me.
When did MN say he quit because the A's were lying to LE?

It was in the 1st thread I believe. MN was on the phone with NG for an interview on HLN. This is when MN stated that he resigned due to his belief that the Anthony's new what was going on and he did not want to take part in that anymore.
Could someone confirm this is too? I think this happened around noon today.
Tim doesn't know anymore than anyone else does. Just laying on the grass with the recent rains would give that impression.

If it had been there it was less than 20 ft off a sidewalk and couldn't they even take a stroll to look for her.

Chilly, this is really not the time to get me started on them. I believe them to be pure evil just like their daughter.

I think you and I need to make ourselves a stiff drink and shut off the computer. This isn't doing our blood pressure any good. All day I've been glued to the 'puter watching the news live, crying for a baby I'd never met. Ah, I agree with you, don't get me started. . .

Let's take a break before one of us gets in a real :argue:
I know that your local....are the following reports correct?

Tim Miller stated that during his first search he could not search the area that the bag was found in because it was flooded. He also said that he lost a 4-wheeler there.

It's also been reported that The area was flooded with water until only 2 weeks ago & the bag was located 20 feet into the woods. Also, they said that it was apparent that the bag had been there for sometime.

I also heard something today about a fence being put up around that area recently.

I posted before TM on NG said about the indentation on the ground and before I heard that it was steep and full of snakes. So, yes - in light of this information I think it is entirely plausible that it sat there all this time. TM said during his first search when it was so wet that a body in the water will preserve better than one in the open. I imagine speed is of the essence with any evidence they found in the bag.

I also heard about the fence and that would have impeded foot-searchers greatly. These woods are thick and SNAKES! :eek::eek:

Are they saying "item" or "itemS" found with the remains???

I am not a psychic but I bet I can predict the future now - I can hear the insanity defense brewing....won't work though - duct tape? neck-breaking, shovel, chloroform all searched months before? Too much premeditation and planning to be insanity! The lying and covering shows knowledge of wrong-doing! She's TOAST!! C'mon, put ME on that jury!!!

PS they never seem to show or mention my county Brevard as a possibility for change of venue - wonder why? I have seen Seminole, Osceola, almost all other counties in FL but not Brevard...because she talked of the beach? I don't get it - I do know Brevard is notoriously tough on criminals when it comes to juries...maybe that's it....
I think the Feds have an open (albiet unlikely) alleged kidnapping case that they would like to close and that's why they are taking custody of the body and the tests. I think the local police are just not arguing about it because it is in their best interest as well as Quanitco has a more uniimpeachable lab.

Ok, just to clear up something. The unidentified remains (yes, I do think they are Caylee's) are NOT being sent to Quantico. DNA analsysis will be done there, but the autopsy is going to be done in Orlando. I know the Quantico angle is being reported by just about everyone, but I have pretty good sources here in Orlando and that is just not true.
I do believe that they loved her. I do believe that Caylee was loved by George and Cindy her entire life. I can't condone their actions after Caylee went missing, of course. But are you suggesting they never loved her? I'm guessing the only real love that child got was from George and Cindy. It sure wasn't from Casey.

I agree, I think Cindy loved that child with everything she had inside.

I just don't think Cindy has very much inside. But she gave that baby everything she had, lived for her.. that's obvious. Until her baby (Casey) needed her then she split and became Casey's mom again. Back to loving Casey above all else because if something happens to Casey, Cindy will honestly have nothing left to live for.

I don't think Cindy is so much covering up for Casey but aiming to fulfill her own need to have control of this situation. To have Casey home with her and not in jail. Cindy's got some major boundry issues when it comes to Casey, that's clear.. but Cindy is all about Cindy. If she is covering for Casey it's not for Casey's sake.

Chilly-you don't need to defend your feelings. It's perfectly fine to feel the way you do. I'm just stating the way that I feel through this whole thing. It's just frustrating. I'm sorry that I don't feel any compassion towards these people, but I just don't. I can't explain it, because normally I'm a very empathetic human being. Something about them, though. They anger me.

I think some of us "see" things a bit differently than those who are sympathetic. There is no right or wrong - not yet. Time will tell.

My opinion only.
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