Skyla Whitaker, 11, & Taylor Placker 13 - Found Murdered - #14

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Mornin' everyone, I'm new as you can see from my lovely icon over there. I've been reading and rereading what's available EVERYWHERE and on this site while trying to get in here to talk to you guys!!! HURRAY, I'M HERE!!! I want to start with a question( I think) if I could. As I said, I've read until my eyes hurt but if this idea has been bounced around previously and I'm cluttering up the board I sincerely apologize.
I find the reasons that they releleased portions of the 911 call curious. They wanted sympathy..Jessica Brown says so after the tape is played. The first words out of her mouth were "breaks your heart, doesn't it?" If we are to speculate that this was the random act of a stranger(s) then we could assume that this stranger(s) had no connection to these girls, saw them as objects, and is completely 'disconnected' as he/they clearly have no conscience. That said, it doesn't strike me very likely that releasing the 911 call would elicit sympathy from anyone involved in this crime...IF it was a stranger.
She goes on to say "Come forward. Even if you're afraid of LE put that aside and come forward." Why would she assume that they are afraid of LE? Is a stranger, who gunned down two little girls in broad daylight, likely to be 'afraid' of LE?
At the beginning of the press conference she states " We know that someone KNOWS what happened. Whether it be a family member OR whether it be someone close to the suspect. She seems to seperate the two groups of people to which she is appealing. Her appeal, imo, is directed at the family of the victims FIRST and to someone possibly close to the suspect secondary. Why would she openly leave room for it to be speculated that she was implying the family knows something that they are withholding? I believe what she said is very telling and the order in which she stated it more telling still.
I know, I'm going on and on and I'm probably not making myself very clear. I've just got so much rolling around in my head right now....this thing with this 911 tape is just really eating at me and I'm not sure why. Maybe one of you can explain what I'm trying to say...TO ME!!!! LOLOL
Welcome to WS, Shutter! It looks like you did your homework before you got here! I think your post is a very good one and certainly not clutter. It did make me stop and think about what you are saying.

You have some good points about the psychological structure of what they said and things I overlooked because I was too ticked off after the presser. LOL OSBI has really let me down in the way they have handled this case.

You could be right. :) They could be appealing to a family member in spite of their declaration that they cleared the family. The question goes back to why?
Is Melissa Placker by any chance married to Joe Mosher?
Nope, Joe Mosher is married to Vicky Paschal's sister Nell. He is Vicky Paschal-Placker's Brother-In-Law. It appears he is also known as William L Mosher - he has a couple of drug convictions for selling drugs on his record.

My Opinion
Peter Placker has 5 brothers - Arvey, Joe, James, Charlie and Darrell and 3 sisters, Phyllis Placker, Rosemary Mares and Bevery Bales

Vicky has a brother Tony and a sister Nell (married to Joe Mosher)

Vicky And Peter have 4 living children, Linda Kaye Placker (boyfriend Mikal Caudel), Jennifer Placker, Jessie Paschal (married to KK) and Chris Placker (married to Touia)
Thanks FC for the information. Then how does Melissa Placker fit into the family, if at all?

If she had that hair pulled back and a baseball cap on, she could almost pass for the POI..............I'm getting delerious now.
If she had that hair pulled back and a baseball cap on, she could almost pass for the POI..............I'm getting delerious now.
At her weight, she no way would look like a slim male.
No, and she's not nearly tall enough. I said I was getting delerious over this.

LOL....that's ok, YellowDog, I've started checking out N/A women now. Some of them really could pass for the POI.
Nope, Joe Mosher is married to Vicky Paschal's sister Nell. He is Vicky Paschal-Placker's Brother-In-Law. It appears he is also known as William L Mosher - he has a couple of drug convictions for selling drugs on his record.

My Opinion

Boy the legal system in that area must keep pretty busy!
Taylor's Uncle Joe Mosher (alias William L Mosher) has multiple firearms, drug and meth related convictions including operating a meth lab/house. He was incarcerated - conviction on 10/23/97
This is on the Paschal (Vicky) side of Taylor's Family- Joe is married to Vicky's sister Nell

Starting in 1997

Not sure if we have this info here.. I found It searching the good-ole-web so It is public information. I f you think it should be removed let me know & I'll delete it.....

Role Number Info
Click here: role number info
2007hello my name is Linda Placker and I was trying to find out if you can tell me if this my families role number when i lived in oklahoma city oklahoma my indian advicer gave this number to my mom and told her it was our role number so can you see if you can help me out some the role number is xxxxx
it should belong to Nora Lee Moore or Amos Elick Drennan or Lucinda Morgan .. and my mothers names is Vicky Ann Paschal--Placker.. thank you very much ..
We believe the number is more likely Nora Lee Moore ..
my great grandmother Nora Lee Moore was cherokee and and my great grandfather was creek and irish.. My mother rembers her grandmother Nora Lee Moore getting her commoties when she was a child and her mother as well .. how else can we find out role numer if this is not it.... Or is it possible that the role number may be long to my other grandmother or grandfather sarah louida clanton or carl lee paschal .. Sarah was cherokee and carl was part comanchee.. thank you for your time and help my family and I realy do appreciate it alot ...
Linda Kaye Placker & Vicky Ann Paschal PLacker
GetSmart, did you notice the date of Linda's post? May 13, 2008, just about two weeks before Taylor was murdered. How sad.
I saw that it was recent but missed how close it was.. That is sooo sad this whole senseless crime is beyond sad.

As I have said before every nite I pray that the Lord puts such a heavy burden on someone to come forth with info..
I'm sorry! Anymore I'm at a loss for words. We keep going around and around on this vicious merry-go-round. It doesn't stop. We can't get off. I believe I need to give it a rest.

I'm sorry! Anymore I'm at a loss for words. We keep going around and around on this vicious merry-go-round. It doesn't stop. We can't get off. I believe I need to give it a rest.


I'm begining to feel the same way, Claycat. Without more evidence from LE, it's practically impossible to figure it out.
I think we are all feeling this. i keep checking in to see if a miracle has taken place.
With Joe Mosher's arrest history, could these killings have been retaliation for something he did or didn't do (that he was supposed to do)? The more I read and hear about the criminal past of relatives in this case the more I wonder if they are covering up for someone. Meth addicts don't usually kick their habits and if someone is selling or making meth, they are likely into it as users.
They said the POI had a ponytail stretching to the small of his back. Now, this is one long ponytail and would probably go below his waist if not tied back. There can't be that many male Indians around the area with hair that long. It would take years to get it to that length. Maybe they should concentrate on looking for someone with hair that length instead of relying on the drawing exclusively.
They said the POI had a ponytail stretching to the small of his back. Now, this is one long ponytail and would probably go below his waist if not tied back.
There can't be that many male Indians around the area with hair that long.
There are many in my neck of woods! Many are NA, and others aren't.

Peace And Love

So, now that we are NOT SPECULATING but KNOW there is a connection between Joe (Bandidos) Placker and his brother Peter (Taylor's GP) Placker the theories that it might have been a "retaliation" murder by someone within the criminal element that is (and surrounds) the Bandidos ARE possible. As in - perhaps the killer wasn't a Bandidos member but a friend of a member or a family member of a Bandidos member?? Since we have no info about the Cigarette/Guns Bandidos case or it's disposition there are at least a dozen scenarios that MIGHT have led to someone being angry enough at "A (Joe or his wife or his brother?) Placker" to retaliate by killing Taylor and Skyla - possibly without even knowing who either of them was - just that they walked out of the Placker house. Maybe the killer though they were Joe's Grandkids or something???

It sounds like the killing was done by someone with "experience" and Oklahoma prisons are filled with those types and they get paroled every day. It wouldn't be a stretch for someone in or around a group like the Bandidos to find someone like that (totally unreleted to the Plackers or the area) and send them to give the Plackers a message. And despite what OSBI says, if WE can Google the address and find the Plackers listed online - so can anyone else who can walk into a library. That house isn't THAT remote and is actually very close to HWY 75 and it's clearly easy to locate in Google Earth with a detailed map including topography. I don't think the location makes it definite in any way that the killer knew the area or was from around there. With the internet, he could have been from ANYWHERE and still have found the house and been able to exit right back onto HWY 75 in minutes.

My Opinion

FC posted this June 17.............

Absolutely spot on. Thanks for bringing this forward. We were speculating based on facts regarding the Banditos. Easy for a broke convict to be hired to pay some dues for the Banditos.

Sad to say, but makes the most sense to me.
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