Skyla Whitaker, 11, & Taylor Placker 13 - Found Murdered - #16

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Interestingly enough, I think it was Thursday...I was at the post office and saw a Native American male that certainly caught my eye. His hair was pulled back in banded three times and it was chopped like it had recently been cut haphazardly. It was still long to the lower shoulder blade area. He was wearing dirty clothes like he had been working and I waited outside to see what kind of vehicle he drove. He was with another white male. He climbed into the driver's seat of a 1965 Chevy pickup that had originally been painted white, but it was sanded and primered off. I looked closely to determine what the paint looked like around the mirrors etc. I did take down the tag number.
Someone posted this at T today.

"The OSBI mailed out letters to have people bring in their weapons and have them tested .... They will be doing this on the 16 and 17 of august !!! at the okfuskee county sheriff's department."

Has anyone else heard this?
If there were two shooters than why did the ear witnesses describe shots being consecutive, not simultaneous? They describe distinct shots from one gun and then the other - if it was TWO shooters they would have been shooting at the same time with each gun - one shooting Skyla, one shooting Taylor - and each girls would have been shot with only ONE gun. Plus each girl would have been shot from a similar distance - it's obvious from the autopsy that the killer was standing much further from Skyla than Taylor initially. Two shooters would make each shot on each girl made from the same distance - not one up close and one 10 - 15 feet away.

To see how fast this would have happened just think - each shot takes one second. Taylor was shot 1st - once = 2 seconds, then turn slightly right, shoot Skyla, 4 times = 8, maybe 10 seconds, then turn back and shoot Taylor again = 2 seconds. Both girls are now down on the ground 1st gun = 15 seconds. Switch guns, maybe = 5 seconds, approach and shoot Taylor twice = 10 seconds, approach Skyla, shoot 4 times = 15 seconds. second gun = 30 seconds.

Total time elapsed from 1st shot to last - one minute - with one shooter. Which is what the ear witnesses heard.

It doesn't take that long to shoot someone - especially when you are as close as the killer was to Taylor and Skyla when he pulled the 1st gun out. As fast as you can bend your finger, you can shoot.
So the killer killed 2 girls in a minute - say he went to check both girls, make sure they are dead (or mortally wounded) - another 30 seconds, maybe a minute. Wipes his hands off, throws guns in bag or trunk or wherever, takes off his bloody shirt, throws it in with the guns, gets in his car and drives away. 2 minutes tops and he's outta there. Off to dump the shirt and the guns somewhere and then home to get out of the other clothes and get rid of them, clean up. He was probably relaxing at home with a beer before sunset.

So if he's pretty cold (which we assume he was) - he is at the scene maybe 5 minutes. That's all. One shooter, no witnesses, job done, 5 minutes and he's home free. Nobody to tell - rat him out or get nervous. If it was two shooters I surmise one of them would have started cracking by now which is why most good criminals who aren't in prison don't do stuff like this in pairs, they don't TRUST other people to keep quiet. They do it alone, and I think this killer did. He had two guns, (and maybe more) because he wasn't sure of the target or if he'd need more firepower or maybe have to shoot his way out of something---since he didn't - might as well use BOTH the guns on the girls, confuse the cops a little.

I think if this was two shooters, we'd be closer to resolution by now...this seems like one guy, lives alone - who is gonna rat him out if HE doesn't tell them he did it? If nobody saw him closely right AFTER or disposing of the guns or clothing, he's gonna be hard to catch unless somebody (like the person he was targeting this toward) drops a dime on him with LE. IMO, It's gonna be the person he was doing this to HURT who will break this case, if they are brave enough to come forward with the whole story (which may even implicate them in other crimes) and tell LE what they know.

The ONLY other scenario I can see is it was the Patterson guy who lives behind and S of the Plackers and he walked to and from the scene thru the woods. Again, he was there, done and home in 10 minutes and nobody would have seen him.

My Opinion
FC didn't mention the two tattoos, BusyLady did!

whoops...that was not what I meant to say. I meant to say that I didn't feel that FlowerChild was harshly judging the family and was agreeing with her post.
In my next statement I meant to say how out of the norm it was for a child her age to have a tattoo...and here we have a 13 yr. old with two of them.
Sorry if I confused anyone!
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Just because Taylor was shot in the face does not automatically make her the target. Skyla (IF there was an intended target) would be more likely since she was actually riddled with 8 bullets.

Someone with the hate and rage that this shooter(s) had might very well have been targeting Taylor but to make her suffer even more, shot her best friend while she watched helplessly. Could Skyla have been hit several times, staggering back away from the shooter, before the deadly bullet hit her? Maggie
Just because Taylor was shot in the face does not automatically make her the target. Skyla (IF there was an intended target) would be more likely since she was actually riddled with 8 bullets.
Skyla was shot 8 times because the killer wasn't close enough to shoot a turning/moving target with a sure kill shot and the body is a bigger, easier target from a distance. It took him four shots to drop Skyla - only one to drop Taylor - after which he shot Taylor in the groin and went back again to shoot her 2 times in the face AFTER she was on the ground.

Skyla's face wasn't disfigured - and it certainly COULD have been, the killer had enough time and ammo to shoot her in the face once she fell.

It's the 3 face shots (with BOTH guns) that tells me it was Taylor who was the initial target. That he was closer to Taylor (he could just as easily approached Skyla 1st) and that Skyla wasn't shot ONCE in the face (only in the neck) says Taylor was the object he was after initially. If it was just for a thrill, why not shoot BOTH girls in the face - they were already dead, would have been easy - and we KNOW he walked up to Skyla and shot her in the neck - it was probably the final shot on her. 8 shots total and not ONE on her face, and Taylor was shot only 4 times (I think the hand wound was a through and through to her face, not a 5th separate shot) and THREE of those were to HER FACE. Skyla - 8 shots, not ONE on her face, Taylor - 4 shots, THREE to her face.

Shooting one victim 3 times in the face with 2 guns and not shooting the other victim even ONCE in the face makes a definite statement to me.....

My Opinion
Do you think the shot to Taylor's groin area was an attempt to defile her groin area or was it just a shot to the body that hit low? The other shots on Taylor seem very accurate.

If you assume the injury to the hand and cheek are one shot then Taylor was hit four times. Three to the head and one to the groin area. Also notice the angle of the groin shot.

We also don't know how many shots missed or if any missed.
I've been reading the posts for weeks and finally I decided to post something after reading the autopsy reports. Like many of you my thoughts have been back and forth on what kind of person or persons did this horrible crime. When I first heard of the crime I immediately thought of a thrill kill because I know teenagers are capable of such. We hear it on the news all the time. Do you all remember on the very first night or early morning of the crime that the Okmulgee County Sheriff said "we have a suspect in mind" as well as saying that the killer(s) were local. I kept thinking all along it was teenagers with no conscience that did this horrible crime. But then as soon as the OSBI got involved the county sheriff retracted his statement and then we were left with "no suspect or suspects." I thought that was odd. But when no arrests were made I kind of left that idea and with many of you I went to thinking maybe it was some kind of hit or revenge killing. Honestly, after reading the autopsy reports I'm leaning back toward teenage boys possibly even some of those that had been reported shooting from the bridge. Why? The majority of the shots were from a small caliber weapon. I believe it was a .22 cartridge by the size of the entrance wounds. .5 cm isn't very large at all. Look at it on a ruler. I'm convinced it was a .22 caliber weapon and possible a rifle from the randomness of the shots. The shots on Skyla weren't accurate at all in my opinion. These types of rifles are capable of holding lots of ammo. This is the type of guns that most teenage boys shoot. That's what I shot growing up. The ammo is the cheapest you can buy and makes the best just plinking ammo. Also, because of its availability and multiple manufacturers it would be the hardest to trace back to the purchaser. Yes, there was a larger weapon that was used too and what is strange about that weapon is it isn't nearly as consistent in the size of entrance wound. It varies a lot which from .7 to 1.9 cm which just doesn't make sense to me unless it is a bullet that isn't shot through a rifled barrel or pistol meaning a shotgun slug??? Just an idea. That has me puzzled. I don't think a hitman would be using a .22 caliber weapon. They aren't really that powerful or accurate out of a cheap hangun and you don't read of them used for that purpose. Are teenagers capable of such overkill and cruelty? I thought back to a crime that happen several years ago in another small town. In Waurika Oklahoma three teenage boys took a 16 year old cheerleader across the Texas/Oklahoma border and shot her 9 times in the back of the head with a shotgun and threw her body off a bridge. One of them was crowned homecoming king just a few nights later, just like nothing happened at all. I just feel like something happened down at the bridge and the murderers drove up the road to shoot the girls before they got home. The POI could either be made up to throw the OSBI off the trail or a man that is completely innocent but is anti-social or someone with a criminal record that just happened upon the dead girls and just wanted to get as far away from there as possible. Personally, I think since the OSBI allowed the autopsies to be released after being so silent about everything else they are fixing to make a big break in the case. I hope so anyway!
The Z with the lines through it is a gang sign. I still believe these were sweet girls, but that's what that Z usually means.
The scabbing over mark is similar to a branding, but it's usually done with the eraser end of a pencil until the skin is rubbed raw and bleeds. It is done in a pattern to resemble a tat. The procedure is repeated until there is no pigmentation of skin left. I saw this type of deliberate scarring of skin in Oklahoma.
DLTinOKLA, thank you for your post! Don't apologize for the length. It contained very good information. Welcome! I have long thought it was young people!

PGW, that's interesting about the Z cuttings!
I've been reading the posts for weeks and finally I decided to post something after reading the autopsy reports. Like many of you my thoughts have been back and forth on what kind of person or persons did this horrible crime. When I first heard of the crime I immediately thought of a thrill kill because I know teenagers are capable of such. We hear it on the news all the time.

Do you all remember on the very first night or early morning of the crime that the Okmulgee County Sheriff said "we have a suspect in mind" as well as saying that the killer(s) were local.

I kept thinking all along it was teenagers with no conscience that did this horrible crime. But then as soon as the OSBI got involved the county sheriff retracted his statement and then we were left with "no suspect or suspects." I thought that was odd.

But when no arrests were made I kind of left that idea and with many of you I went to thinking maybe it was some kind of hit or revenge killing. Honestly, after reading the autopsy reports I'm leaning back toward teenage boys possibly even some of those that had been reported shooting from the bridge.
Why? The majority of the shots were from a small caliber weapon. I believe it was a .22 cartridge by the size of the entrance wounds. .5 cm isn't very large at all. Look at it on a ruler. I'm convinced it was a .22 caliber weapon and possible a rifle from the randomness of the shots.

The shots on Skyla weren't accurate at all in my opinion. These types of rifles are capable of holding lots of ammo. This is the type of guns that most teenage boys shoot.
That's what I shot growing up.
The ammo is the cheapest you can buy and makes the best just plinking ammo. Also, because of its availability and multiple manufacturers it would be the hardest to trace back to the purchaser.

Yes, there was a larger weapon that was used too and what is strange about that weapon is it isn't nearly as consistent in the size of entrance wound. It varies a lot which from .7 to 1.9 cm which just doesn't make sense to me unless it is a bullet that isn't shot through a rifled barrel or pistol meaning a shotgun slug??? Just an idea. That has me puzzled.

I don't think a hitman would be using a .22 caliber weapon. They aren't really that powerful or accurate out of a cheap hangun and you don't read of them used for that purpose.

Are teenagers capable of such overkill and cruelty?
I thought back to a crime that happen several years ago in another small town. In Waurika Oklahoma three teenage boys took a 16 year old cheerleader across the Texas/Oklahoma border and shot her 9 times in the back of the head with a shotgun and threw her body off a bridge. One of them was crowned homecoming king just a few nights later, just like nothing happened at all. I just feel like something happened down at the bridge and the murderers drove up the road to shoot the girls before they got home.
The POI could either be made up to throw the OSBI off the trail or a man that is completely innocent but is anti-social or someone with a criminal record that just happened upon the dead girls and just wanted to get as far away from there as possible.
Personally, I think since the OSBI allowed the autopsies to be released after being so silent about everything else they are fixing to make a big break in the case. I hope so anyway!....

Good points..
Who saw the POI in extremely important to this investigation...IF they are anyway connected to the girls or LE or any powerful people in town, I would have to 'question' what they said..
Another question I am waiting to hear answered is, Why did it take "anyone' 3 or 4 days to say they saw the POI...
Where was the POI on what road, each time HE was seen? I suspect someone on one of those roads knows the POI...

It's just possible the Okmulgee County Sheriff is SMARTER than we think...but what shut his mouth?.....jmo
Oh, I knew this would happen, attacking the familes again. Judging, Judging...I won't be back to this forum, you people have no feelings, just pointing fingers.Bye, and when one of your family members are murdered, the same might come back to you.

ah, LS I'm guessing you needed a way to "gracefully" exit WS after being caught in a lie by Tom'sGirl. So you ARE the poster at T with the exact same avatar.

FC - I was shocked when I read the tatoo part. In a normal world (and I have a teen daughter) a 13 yr old would definitely NOT have a perm tat much less TWO OF THEM. But in Taylors normal world it may have been the norm. Not shocking in the least when you look at it that way. Sad but true.
I have been mentoring two sisters, 12 and 16 yrs of age, who have such similar families as Taylors. They have no relative, on either side of their family, that doesn't have an arrest record. Even the 16 yr old was arrested at 13! They have grandparents in a motorcycle gang, meth addiction, dui, grand theft, sex abuse, alcoholism etc. The only thing that I haven't heard of in their family is anyone being a murderer. It is so common for them to have a step parent, parent or bro or sis in jail that they don't know any different. I have been trying to teach them differently but not sure how much of a difference it makes. But I am getting an education myself, never having been around anything like this b.s. before. It is sickening to me.

Now Taylors family seemed to be much more in touch with Taylor than "my: two girl's and Taylor had such good grades and was very involved in school so I guess that is part of what is hard to understand about her having a tatoo, even with her families backgrounds.

I am going to ask the girls if they or any of their friends have perm tats at age 13. I would have been shocked if the answer was yes, before reading the autopsy reports yesterday, but after reading them, I won't be shocked if the 12 year old has a perm tat. Sad but true.
I don't mean to be disgusting but I think that groin shot on Taylor could be very important. The location and the angle.

If I was going to defile the groin area of someone lying on the ground on their back I would make the shot different depending on if they were a man or woman. For a man I would be almost right on top of him, shooting down. For a woman I would be much farther back away from her feet. I shouldn't have to say more.

Now look at the angle of the groin shot on Taylor. The shot missed to the left but I think the intent was there. The bullet traveled up her body and partially exited by her shoulder blades. Could that angle even be obtained without bending down. Unbelievable.
I think stuff has ALWAYS been weird at "T". JMO


You're right, but I can't seem to stay away from there anymore than I can from here. I need to take a vacation from the internet!

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