Skyla Whitaker, 11, & Taylor Placker 13 - Found Murdered - #20

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Thanks Claycat! I was curious because she looks familiar to me. Maybe I've seen her in other pics before......
Okay, I have a few questions about LE recently admitted they have some doubts about the POI now.

Initially, LE stated they waited to place the sketch out, hinting that doing so earlier would somehow identify one or more of the persons who came forward. I was also under the impression that more than one person identified the POI and that several witnesses helped in making the composite sketch.

So, how come a year later, LE admits that the POI may never have existed at all? Was that a hidden message to one or more locals who did identify someone that they don't believe their story now? If several people did come forward, is LE saying each of them either lied about the POI or was mistaken?

It just seems kind of strange to me to admit that the POI may never have existed given what they did release about him.
Okay, I have a few questions about LE recently admitted they have some doubts about the POI now.

Initially, LE stated they waited to place the sketch out, hinting that doing so earlier would somehow identify one or more of the persons who came forward.
I was also under the impression that more than one person identified the POI and that several witnesses helped in making the composite sketch.

So, how come a year later, LE admits that the POI may never have existed at all?
Was that a hidden message to one or more locals who did identify someone that they don't believe their story now?
If several people did come forward, is LE saying each of them either lied about the POI or was mistaken?

It just seems kind of strange to me to admit that the POI may never have existed given what they did release about him.....

EnvoyD, Very good questions that need answers.

It sounds like the witnesses were NOT given lie detector test.
WHO were these witnesses, why the big secret? I have always suspected the preacher or uncle J....being one of the witnesses.

Do you think LE was so naive' as to take the witnesses word for the POI without checking out the witnesses motives etc. when they came forward 3 days later?..... ofcourse it wouldn't take 3 days to change cloths and get rid of 2 guns....

Could it be possible the witnesses described the right truck at the murder scene, BUT deliberately 'changed' the ID/description of who was driving the truck to send LE on to a wild goose chase??
Do you think LE was so naive' as to take the witnesses word for the POI without checking out the witnesses motives etc. when they came forward 3 days later?

I may be wrong, but my interpretation of the wait wasn't so much as someone coming forward 3 days later with the information as it was that LE waited 3 days or whatever because the wait would somehow point out like a sore thumb who the witness was. It was protective in nature. At the time, I had wondered, but don't remember if I posted about it, whether the pastor around the road past the bridge may have been a witness and was gone and the whole congregation knew he was gone shortly after the murders (for legitimate reasons) but releasing the information would somehow identify him.

Could it be possible the witnesses described the right truck at the murder scene, BUT deliberately 'changed' the ID/description of who was driving the truck to send LE on to a wild goose chase??

Good questions and ones I hadn't thought of before.
Vine reports that DD, who testified in front of the GJ, has now been released from custody.
Vine reports that DD, who testified in front of the GJ, has now been released from custody.

Thanks RPS! It is good to see you!

Do you know why DD was arrested this time? Was he released on bond? Sorry, I've been out of the loop.....
Wouldn't law enforcement have obtained a warrant to secure DNA samples from these guys, that were arrested, to compare with the DNA at the crime scene? Since they have been incarcerated before wouldn't their DNA be in the CODIS database? Is DD's release indicative of no match with the DNA in Taylor's and Skyla's case?

I hope justice will prevail for these two precious girls but so much time has passed and still so many unanswered questions.
Just a reminder, NO arrests related to this case have been made.
Thanks RPS! It is good to see you!

Do you know why DD was arrested this time? Was he released on bond? Sorry, I've been out of the loop.....

He was picked up on a county warrant, but I have no idea why. Maybe when the Okmulgee County records are posted at the beginning of next month, we'll find out more.
Bumping up for Taylor and Skyla!

Come on OSBI! Solve this case already!
You make a very good point....

Okay, I have a few questions about LE recently admitted they have some doubts about the POI now.

Initially, LE stated they waited to place the sketch out, hinting that doing so earlier would somehow identify one or more of the persons who came forward. I was also under the impression that more than one person identified the POI and that several witnesses helped in making the composite sketch.

So, how come a year later, LE admits that the POI may never have existed at all? Was that a hidden message to one or more locals who did identify someone that they don't believe their story now? If several people did come forward, is LE saying each of them either lied about the POI or was mistaken?

It just seems kind of strange to me to admit that the POI may never have existed given what they did release about him.
Okay, I have a few questions about LE recently admitted they have some doubts about the POI now.

Initially, LE stated they waited to place the sketch out, hinting that doing so earlier would somehow identify one or more of the persons who came forward. I was also under the impression that more than one person identified the POI and that several witnesses helped in making the composite sketch.

So, how come a year later, LE admits that the POI may never have existed at all? Was that a hidden message to one or more locals who did identify someone that they don't believe their story now? If several people did come forward, is LE saying each of them either lied about the POI or was mistaken?

It just seems kind of strange to me to admit that the POI may never have existed given what they did release about him.


I had the same thoughts / questions regarding the statement most recently made by the OSBI. I, like you, was under the impression that more than one person saw the POI and contributed to the sketch of the man. In fact, what I was told was that a family (of 3) were all together in one vehicle and saw the POI. They all contributed to the drawing. There were others that also saw the POI and contributed to the drawing. The 3 family members that saw the POI did not think the sketch resembled the man they had seen and they were not contacted to review the sketch before it was released to the public. There is something very strange about the OSBI's comment regarding the POI. I wish I could figure it out......... :confused:
Wouldn't law enforcement have obtained a warrant to secure DNA samples from these guys, that were arrested, to compare with the DNA at the crime scene? Since they have been incarcerated before wouldn't their DNA be in the CODIS database? Is DD's release indicative of no match with the DNA in Taylor's and Skyla's case?

I hope justice will prevail for these two precious girls but so much time has passed and still so many unanswered questions.

I have wondered about the DNA test results. I would like to know what type of DNA was found at the crime scene. (blood, saliva, epithelial cells, hair etc....) I do think that LE obtained samples from DD and many others. I am inclinded to think that 1) the DNA that was found at the scene was inconclusive because it could easily be explained away as to why it was there. For example, if they have a DNA match w/ DD, it has been rumored he was / is a friend of the famliy. If he was a friend of the family, it could be easily explained as to why "touch DNA" might be found on one of the girls. If he had been a guest in their home, it would be possible for his epethelial cells to be present etc... 2) The DNA that was found at the scene does not match any that OSBI has tested nor is it in CODIS. If this is the case, it leads me to believe the shooter(s) would be young and possibly first time offenders.

I am so disappointed that there has not been any more "movement" with this case. I really thought that with today's scientific technology this case would be easily solved. However, I am now beginning to believe it may very well become a cold case that will never be solved. :mad:
I have wondered about the DNA test results. I would like to know what type of DNA was found at the crime scene. (blood, saliva, epithelial cells, hair etc....) I do think that LE obtained samples from DD and many others. I am inclinded to think that 1) the DNA that was found at the scene was inconclusive because it could easily be explained away as to why it was there. For example, if they have a DNA match w/ DD, it has been rumored he was / is a friend of the famliy. If he was a friend of the family, it could be easily explained as to why "touch DNA" might be found on one of the girls. If he had been a guest in their home, it would be possible for his epethelial cells to be present etc... 2) The DNA that was found at the scene does not match any that OSBI has tested nor is it in CODIS. If this is the case, it leads me to believe the shooter(s) would be young and possibly first time offenders.

I am so disappointed that there has not been any more "movement" with this case. I really thought that with today's scientific technology this case would be easily solved. However, I am now beginning to believe it may very well become a cold case that will never be solved. :mad:

Thanks for your reply. :)
I have always believed the DNA was on the bullet casings left at the scene.

I agree with your second statement.

(Note: I typed this response 3 or 4 times and every time I tried to submit I got kicked off and had to log in again. :confused: My post got shorter and shorter with each retype out of frustration.)
Does anyone think there could possibly be a connection to the SC serial killer? I think it may just be wishful thinking but the height and age are close.
As RoseRed questioned; it there a connection between the Gaffney, SC case and this one. I saw a picture on ABC World News Tonight of the Gaffney, SC suspect. He had a cap on like the one the POI has on in this case.
As RoseRed questioned; it there a connection between the Gaffney, SC case and this one. I saw a picture on ABC World News Tonight of the Gaffney, SC suspect. He had a cap on like the one the POI has on in this case.

Patrick Tracy Burris, the South Carolina serial killer, was incarcerated at the time Skyla and Taylor were murdered.
If the POI sketch looked anything like the killer and he was from that area (which is all small towns) surely someone would have recognized him or his vehicle description. For that reason, I personally don't really think anyone saw a POI.

There was no report of the girls being sexually attacked so it doesn't seem like a murder a stranger would commit. I think the killer/killers knew these girls and lives very close by.
I think the girls angered someone or knew something very harmful to the killer.
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