Skyla Whitaker, 11, & Taylor Placker 13 - Found Murdered - #20

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Was there any influential people located on that road? The County doing something for the people? Hmmm. As I stated in other posts here, influential deemed persons in Weleetka area get preferential treatment. Aagain, it would be a good idea to verify that indeed roads are graded, and which ones, if any, are graded after a big rain. And again, check the grader operator and their supervisor for any connection to this horrible murder of two angels.
Consider this excerpt from the link Ruflossn provided earlier.

Investigators think killers were familiar with area
Officials think the slayings may have been committed by people from the local area or who are familiar with the rural Okfuskee County roads.

Wouldn't a grader operator be familiar with rural Okfuskee County roads? Still a good idea to check out, supervisors, friend, and relatives of the operator.
You know...after giving it some might be onto something. There is no one in that county by that time who did not know about those murders. Wouldn't the grader operator have been aware? Why wouldn't he have questioned grading that part of the road? Did he question it? It would have been something I would have mentioned to my supervisor if I had been him. Hmmmm...
You know...after giving it some might be onto something. There is no one in that county by that time who did not know about those murders. Wouldn't the grader operator have been aware? Why wouldn't he have questioned grading that part of the road? Did he question it? It would have been something I would have mentioned to my supervisor if I had been him. Hmmmm...
You know, I do have a thought on this. The County doesn't blade roads on a schedule. Very seldom do they grade roads. Not enough funding. Usually, they grade when someone complains or requests for their road to be graded. I know b/c I live in a rural area. Ruts are bad unless you call to have something done. I wonder if this tells you something or not. I don't know. Just can't image a road grader coming in so soon after the murders. You would think LE or OSBI would be having a FIT that something like that was done. Cannot imagine that grading the road would uncover new or additional evidence. JMO
Hello All~
The questions that you are raising about the road being graded are good ones and have been discussed before. I have no idea how we could research any research relationships between the person who graded the road and someone who may have been involved in the senseless murders of Skyla and Taylor. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

Also, when the road was graded, the crime scene tape had been removed. (And people had been driving on the road before it was graded). I always thought that it was not a big deal that the road was graded because, if LE still thought there was viable evidence still in the area, they would never had cleared the crime scene. I did ask a friend who had been a criminal investigator for 10 years if he thought it was a big deal that the road was graded. He said, personally as an investigator, he would have preferred it to not be but, that it was not that big of deal. He is not involved in this case at all, but from the evidence that he had available, this was his opinon.
Hello All~
The questions that you are raising about the road being graded are good ones and have been discussed before. I have no idea how we could research any research relationships between the person who graded the road and someone who may have been involved in the senseless murders of Skyla and Taylor. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

Also, when the road was graded, the crime scene tape had been removed. (And people had been driving on the road before it was graded). I always thought that it was not a big deal that the road was graded because, if LE still thought there was viable evidence still in the area, they would never had cleared the crime scene. I did ask a friend who had been a criminal investigator for 10 years if he thought it was a big deal that the road was graded. He said, personally as an investigator, he would have preferred it to not be but, that it was not that big of deal. He is not involved in this case at all, but from the evidence that he had available, this was his opinon.
Flossie -- I can't imagine THAT road would be graded so soon after the murders. OSBI came back after the road was graded, which makes no sense. Whatever evidence was there was definitely disturbed by the grading of the road, therefore, the evidence that may have been there was taken down the road by how many feet or yards. Just doesn't make sense. Maybe this case was tainted from the very beginning. Maybe CC is correct. Maybe there is a crooked cop somewhere. But that would mean, local LE and OSBI are in it together. How else could this have happened?
Flossie -- I can't imagine THAT road would be graded so soon after the murders. OSBI came back after the road was graded, which makes no sense. Whatever evidence was there was definitely disturbed by the grading of the road, therefore, the evidence that may have been there was taken down the road by how many feet or yards. Just doesn't make sense. Maybe this case was tainted from the very beginning. Maybe CC is correct. Maybe there is a crooked cop somewhere. But that would mean, local LE and OSBI are in it together. How else could this have happened?

The bolded part. In my home town in Oklahoma the Sheriffs son is a OSBI agent and he works the same part of the state his daddy is the sheriff in. So I could see OSBI and local Le in something together.
I would think grading the road so soon after the murders would be more likely to COVER clues than to UNCOVER them.
I would think grading the road so soon after the murders would be more likely to COVER clues than to UNCOVER them.

Do we know if the road was ever graded again and if so, did the OSBI go back out and look for any other evidence? I know they went out with the dog about two weeks later. Other than that, did they go back and go through the brush to see if they could find any other clues?
the roads have to be in bad shape, before they are graded. i know cause i used to live on a dirt road, and my mom still does, and now with budget cuts and everything. that road wasn't traveled on enough to be bad enough to have had a grader brought in so soon and especially after the murders. what time was it? around 5:00 if police and sheriff came and closed off road, it wouldn't have been traveled on very much. seems so odd, when you want them to come out they won't. or they just take their sweet ole time coming, like when your bottom if your car is on the road. they just don't come after a little rain. hmmm...
So who lives on that road that has political pull enough to have the road in primo shape at all times? ;)

The bolded part. In my home town in Oklahoma the Sheriffs son is a OSBI agent and he works the same part of the state his daddy is the sheriff in. So I could see OSBI and local Le in something together.
Guys,I totally disagree.What you are implying would mean that every OSBI agent,every member of the sheriff's office,OHP and any other member of LE who is involved in this investigation are all in kahoots with each other.This would involve a large number of individuals covering up for one another.This wouldn't be too practical.Besides,what purpose would it serve?
Yes,It makes us all sick that the killer/s are not caught yet...not that we know of anyhow(could be LE is making damn good and sure they have a airtight case against the killer/s before they lower the boom).Then again,they may not have.I think it's important to keep in mind that we (the public) don't have all of the facts on this case nor are we entitled to know everything.
the roads have to be in bad shape, before they are graded. i know cause i used to live on a dirt road, and my mom still does, and now with budget cuts and everything.
that road wasn't traveled on enough to be bad enough to have had a grader brought in so soon and especially after the murders.
what time was it?
around 5:00 if police and sheriff came and closed off road, it wouldn't have been traveled on very much.
seems so odd, when you want them to come out they won't.
or they just take their sweet ole time coming, like when your bottom if your car is on the road. they just don't come after a little rain. hmmm...

teachmehow, How could we find out WHO requested the road to be graded?

IF a person did request the grading and the grading was NOT on a regular schedule, I would suspect that person of covering the evidence...

What doesn't make any sense to me is the fact, the road was not closed and roped off as a crime scene, all the way to the bridge for 3 or 4 days...:confused:..:waitasec:..:doh:
teachmehow, How could we find out WHO requested the road to be graded?

IF a person did request the grading and the grading was NOT on a regular schedule, I would suspect that person of covering the evidence...

What doesn't make any sense to me is the fact, the road was not closed and roped off as a crime scene, all the way to the bridge for 3 or 4 days...:confused:..:waitasec:..:doh:

Mysterylover, Jessica Brown is the PR person for OSBI. I think she would have the answer. But, I'm a chicken when it comes to talking with authority figures.
Guys,I totally disagree.What you are implying would mean that every OSBI agent,every member of the sheriff's office,OHP and any other member of LE who is involved in this investigation are all in kahoots with each other.This would involve a large number of individuals covering up for one another.This wouldn't be too practical.Besides,what purpose would it serve?
Yes,It makes us all sick that the killer/s are not caught yet...not that we know of anyhow(could be LE is making damn good and sure they have a airtight case against the killer/s before they lower the boom).Then again,they may not have.I think it's important to keep in mind that we (the public) don't have all of the facts on this case nor are we entitled to know everything.

seems to me that closing the road off to look for evidence would of been the most logical thing to do. all i'm saying is that the roads are hardly ever graded, and to be graded so quickly after the murders just seems so odd. i called my mom and she said that you have to call and keep calling to get the roads graded. and that is when they are really bad.
Mystery Lover - You could call the Okfuskee County Commissioner's office and ask about road grading schedules. It might be hard to get answers, but someone there might just tell you how often that certain road gets graded if you do not mention the girls, like you are just someone who might be driving down that road alot and would wonder about the maintenance.
seems to me that closing the road off to look for evidence would of been the most logical thing to do. all i'm saying is that the roads are hardly ever graded, and to be graded so quickly after the murders just seems so odd. i called my mom and she said that you have to call and keep calling to get the roads graded. and that is when they are really bad.
I know where your coming from...I lived on a cleatchey(LOL-sp.) road for many years.At times the roads would be just terrible before they were finally grated.
I just can't see OSBI/LE not securing a crime scene until all evidence is collected though.I know everyone is frustrated,but still it's not right to assume OSBI/LE are not doing everything in their power to solve this case.
Just my opinion.
I thought everyone might like to know what is going on in Weleetka today.

I thought everyone might like to know what is going on in Weleetka today.


Thank you, CC.

I thought the prayer gathering scheduled for today was to help reveal the killers of Taylor and Skyla. But according to the poster, it is meant to "take back our community." Take back from whom? All the bad elements who live there or is it a group of people who are causing all the problems?

Whatever the prayers are for, I will be praying for Weleetka.
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