Skyla Whitaker, 11, & Taylor Placker 13 - Found Murdered - #20

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Actually, XPA, I thanked Kathy, because I think you would make a great consultant, not because I thought it was funny! I didn't think her comment was snide either. I felt that she was paying you a compliment. It's funny how people's comments can be so easily misunderstood.

I have always thought of you as one of our most serious posters, someone who thought things through. It's funny how you would misunderstand an offhanded compliment!

Thank you. Even though you have not always agreed with my aggressive positions toward murderers and those who don't use common sense in pursuing them, you have never posted any snide little jokes in response, nor thanked those who do. Is that class vs. no class? Well, again, thanks for your support and encouragement. Anyway, a reporter named Manny G has reported on this as much as anyone. It's a fair assumption he'll be there Monday. His address is but you probably should not mention this forum if you write him. Good luck. Thanks for being a class act throughout your posting on this case.

You are welcome. I have met Manny before. I will e-mail him the questions that you have proposed. Let's see what happens on Monday. I am of the same mind set as you ~ probably not much....... :rolleyes:
As far as I know,the OSBI isn't obligated in any way to release information for the purpose of pacifying folks who think they are intitled to know every detail in a case.Furthermore,the negative comments directed at any branch of law enforcement is most is anyone who bullies others that don't go along with their opinions.Luckily,most folks had good values instilled into them growing having respect for authority.Sadly,some folks didn't have that kind of guidance.Then there are some who just have a beef with LE no matter what.
I have sent Mr. Gamallo an e-mail w/ the questions posed by XPA attached.
As suggested, I did not mention WebSleuths.
Actually, XPA, I thanked Kathy, because I think you would make a great consultant, not because I thought it was funny! I didn't think her comment was snide either. I felt that she was paying you a compliment. It's funny how people's comments can be so easily misunderstood.

I have always thought of you as one of our most serious posters, someone who thought things through. It's funny how you would misunderstand an offhanded compliment!


You know, in retrospect, I misunderstood you and overreacted. I've followed your posts for almost a year now and have a lot of respect for your opinions and your sincerity. Like most others who have occasionally disagreed with and/or corrected me, you were your usual polite self. Thanks for your courtesy and for setting me straight, and please accept my apology.
You know, in retrospect, I misunderstood you and overreacted. I've followed your posts for almost a year now and have a lot of respect for your opinions and your sincerity. Like most others who have occasionally disagreed with and/or corrected me, you were your usual polite self. Thanks for your courtesy and for setting me straight, and please accept my apology.

Thank you, XPA! I really didn't want you to think I was being anything but sincere!
Thanks guys for keeping all the info posted on this case, I read the latest news report and was glad to know that LE still believes someone out there knows who committed this crime. XPA great post.
5) Local people claim that a witness saw the crime scene about 20 minutes before 911 was called, and that it was crawling with family members while others kept the witness from the scene. If that is true, why have no additional charges been filed in the hope of finally getting more light shed on what was going on that day? Are you satisfied that you have applied enough heat (and offers of protection) to potential witnesses?

I can see both sides of this issue. One, there is definitely a younger female in the 911 call that can be heard. I've always wondered who that person was and why were they there? If there were family members there, why?

However, to believe that there were family members there for 20 minutes, you have to explain the emotion in Mrs. Placker. Either she wasn't there for 20 minutes and had just arrived, or she had to do some acting, which I don't believe occurred. Her emotion seems raw, new, and instant.
Hi EnvoyDriver! It's nice to have you stopping in again!

The emotion in that call was definitely raw and gut-wrenching! I agree. IMO, I think she had just arrived. I have heard that about a lot of family members being there, too. Who knows? There are so many discrepancies!
I am praying this is it!

Justice for our girls, Taylor and Skyla!
I totally agree! I wish I could go there on Monday and ask your questions!
Also, thanks for the link to the article. The quotes from the parents brought tears to my eyes. Especially when Peter Placker said he counts every day.
Bless their hearts.

It really was a moving article, and his quotes were the most touching part. In addition to other articles and video excerpts, several posters here have met them (P and V) and have spent considerable time with them. They are sharp people who would not be fooled, and they say that the P's grief is overwhelming and undeniable.

Some of the P's actions in the last year have been questioned by others, including myself. One relatively unknown, recent incident is particularly bizarre and somewhat incriminating. It is hard to reconcile their genuine grief with what little we know and the many unpublished incidents and rumors we hear about. Many are sure P knows what happened and can't understand his patient, non-retaliatory approach. Despite that, there can't be any denying the sorrow that he and V and others are feeling.
I can see both sides of this issue. One, there is definitely a younger female in the 911 call that can be heard. I've always wondered who that person was and why were they there? If there were family members there, why?

However, to believe that there were family members there for 20 minutes, you have to explain the emotion in Mrs. Placker. Either she wasn't there for 20 minutes and had just arrived, or she had to do some acting, which I don't believe occurred. Her emotion seems raw, new, and instant.

There is speculation that the younger female was Jennifer P. Further speculation is that Mrs. P might not have been at the scene when calling 911, and that the delay in calling 911 was due to not being able to locate her right away. Perhaps upon finding the girls, P somehow notified those at the house (or nearby), and naturally they assembled at the scene. There was obviously no need for immediate medical assistance, and the shock and horror probably overtook common sense, ergo no immediate 911 call, and an effort to locate Mrs. P started.

Twenty minutes seems like an awful long time to call 911. They're country folks, it was too late for an ambulance, they thought of family first, and maybe their relationship with LE isn't that great. I doubt any of them were looking at their watches. Almost all of my maternal relatives were/are career LE and calling 911 is the first thing you do in times of trouble, right? Not everybody thinks that way.
Hello all. It's been quite some time since I have posted but this case is still heavy on my heart. I find myself in shock that it is almost a year since this happened.
XPA you make a very good point that contacting LE wouldn't be top priority for the family. It would be interesting to know just how long the bodies were at the scene before LE arrived.
You are welcome. I have met Manny before. I will e-mail him the questions that you have proposed. Let's see what happens on Monday. I am of the same mind set as you ~ probably not much....... :rolleyes:

Any chance of a live online link to the proceedings?
They usually don't have the Press Conferences on a live feed. Usually just a post of it after it's over.
They usually don't have the Press Conferences on a live feed. Usually just a post of it after it's over.
Today, KOTV stated they had a live feed on the Sweeney case (hit man was arrested) presser...but for the life of me I could not find their live stream! Good thing it was covered during the noon news show live.
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