Slide Show and Video of 2008.08.14 Jail Visit #2

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understood and agreed
but not just this meeting, all the taped conversations that we have seen with GA, CA . LA.
Did they ever ask KC, how do you explain any of the inconsistancies with the ZG story
except for the very first time when CA basically tells KC, you;re in jail because you of all your lies, or something like that

I would have to go back and watch again, but one question posed to her dealt with the picture with Caylee and the drums. Cindy had her on the ropes then, asking whose apartment that was, imo. Casey looked panicked, and then good ole Cindy threw her a lifeline. "Coz, I know whose apartment that is."
"Oh, yeah, that's R's. It's set up amazingly like Zanny's."

But, it will be interesting to go back and see if there are any real questions. I don't think there were any that dealt with anything other than the nanny took her scenario. Thoughts?
Casey: "Why is she [CA] crying already?" Chuckle.
[Casey seems downright happy until the questioning begins.]

1:01--Casey: "Those are new shirts. I like those."
[Casey could be discussing a new handbag; she's pretty unemotional.]

2:07--Cindy: "Someone said that Caylee is dead this morning and that she drowned in the pool."
2:11--Casey: Casey subconsciously shakes her head no. "Surprise. Surprise."

Casey: "All of the letters I have gotten have been positive."
[Now I'm sure Baez is filtering out the negative mail!]

3:09 Casey visibly starts showing irritation at questions.
3:14 Casey: "Do you understand how *I* feel? I'm completely out of the loop...Every day I have to sit and wonder..."
[Yeah, when will the body be found?]

4:00 Casey when asked which A she wanted to meet with. "I wanted to see Dad."
Cindy replies, "Then here, let me give you to your Dad." [Kind of a manipulative gesture]

4:07 George's STUPID analogy: "You are the boss...Think of you owning a conglomerate..."

4:47 Casey: "Dad, I TOLD Jose...they didn't even give me 24 hours to help them, the police, without PUTTING me here!"

5:18 Casey: "I KNOW you guys want CAYLEE..."

6:25 George: "Number 1...number 1.1 should be you and Caylee..."

6:27 Casey: "Well, it's SPLIT, Dad." [To me, this is one of her most telling comments. She's essentially saying that the concern for Caylee and Casey is split and her position is now SPLIT (i.e. since Casey killed Caylee the concern for one is different than the other).

6:55 Casey: "Dad, I know where everybody's priorities lay...I knew THAT the day I got here." [CA and the police put her there.]

7:10 Casey: "I AM upset now!"

7:15 Casey: "I wasn't supposed to even TAKE this!" [I.e., I'm doing YOU a FAVOR by seeing you...]

wow.. that video. for one thing, i can see why casey is frustrated with Cindy. she never shuts up.

lightbulb moment after watching: i now feel that casey genuinely believes she is innocent.

Reminds me of watching OJ Simpson: i 100% think he was guilty, but came to see that he genuinely believed, or thoroughly convinced himself, that he did not kill 2 people.

i believe that casey is thoroughly convinced she was not Caylee's killer and no amount of evidence would change her mind. (i also think OJ was a sociopath, btw.) This is not something the rest of us can conceive, but some people can be in 100% denial. They are not faking, they believe it.
The conversation should have been- "Mom Dad glad your here, have you heard anything, how is the search going, have you got any leads. While I have been in here I have been thinking maybe try looking here or there etc." But since Caylee was already dead, no need to be of assistance in finding her. Also at one point she is complaining about being in jail and CA tells her we don't have the means to get you out, and KC says well you had an opportunity and you didn't. Which I take to mean an offer of money for an interview or something like that. She basically strung her parents along until they bailed her out and then once she was done using them for that she was done.

Yeah, and IF she knew she was likely getting bailed out soon, then she was also giving them a hearty dose of "Don't question me!" I'm sure this is the stance she "maintained" once she got her behind back to Hopespring.
Makes you wonder how bad she acts when she knows she's not being recorded for the world to see.

The thing is, I don't think she knows it. When JB sez, 'they released the tape,' she's gonna think, 'oh good! *now people can see I'm such a good person!'

What gets me also is when CA says no, our focus has to be Caylee. KC says "mom, if that's my focus, which it is" A more normal response should have been .... Mom that is my only focus. So many telling details in this video.
Great question. Do we know what day it aired? Would be interesting to watch.

A great Q..Finally! :woohoo: LOL!!

We don't know, probably never will, & my guess is JB isn't a happy camper she opened her pie-hole about it..Maybe she'll get a spanking instead of a hug-wug the next time they meet? I'd much rather watch that then another NG show :)
I am sorry, this is how this family has lived long before Caylee born. They all play off each other, IMO.

I agree no mother or child should be treated badly...there is an old saying, 'you get as good as you give', and that seems to be the way of this family.

We can discuss forever snippets of video...but there is something deeper there..something that is hard wired into the family that makes the 'game' part of daily life...though I do believe never did any of them think it would end in the death of anyone..when it did..they all and I do mean all retreated into a fantasy that was created, by one, and rejunivated by others..

I would hate to be Caylee and see this face coming at me.

i know right! what a scary wench.

i cannot get through that video without rolling my eyes, yelling, hitting something, and cussing up a storm. it's just not possible.
Not having any experience myself with the "big house"...could someone tell me if she were to try to pass the papers she is writing on to say..JB, would they be screened by the jail? I understand regular jailhouse mail is screened, but what about these "writings".

Someone has probably told her to start on her memoirs to get a jump on that first advance for the book they are planning.

Judging by her gripping narrative in the newest video, I can't wait to see 460 pages of whining and tantrums about how miserable she is and how unfair everyone is being to her. :rolleyes:
wow.. that video. for one thing, i can see why casey is frustrated with Cindy. she never shuts up.

lightbulb moment after watching: i now feel that casey genuinely believes she is innocent.

Reminds me of watching OJ Simpson: i 100% think he was guilty, but came to see that he genuinely believed, or thoroughly convinced himself, that he did not kill 2 people.

i believe that casey is thoroughly convinced she was not Caylee's killer and no amount of evidence would change her mind. (i also think OJ was a sociopath, btw.) This is not something the rest of us can conceive, but some people can be in 100% denial. They are not faking, they believe it.

None of them ever shuts up, in that they all interrupt and talk over each other. The kicker, though, was Casey wailing that she had listened to what they had to say after interrupting every thing they tried to say.
Watching this made me angry ("angrier than since I've been here"), then I was simply depressed. My God, the dysfunction in that family. GA was revolting with his inappropriate "beautiful", etc., and I can't believe they stayed there the entire time allowed given that they werent' going to get any useful information to help find Caylee and were there simply to make KC feel better.

Her original demeaner, the chipper "Hi!" set me off right away. She couldn't even be arsed to put on an act for her parents of concern for her child's whereabouts. If my child had been kidnapped I would have been frantic with worry- is he being fed, cared for, or his he being abused and hurt? I would be terrified for him and beside myself thinking how scared he must be. I wouldn't have remarked blasely about their t-shirts.

And then the bs about "the police didn't let me help them, they just put me in here." I'm sure it never crossed her mind that the conversations she had with LE in the Universal conference room would be made public and that everybody in America would be able to hear her repeated lies and know about the Magical Myster Tour (she lived there, her mom lived there... but I don't know the exact apartment....), but surely she had to know the police would tell her parents in an effort to get more information!!??!!

My ex is very similar to KC, and I once asked one of his therapists about his lies. Was curious whether he simply did not connect with reality, and why he would lie about things easily disproven. She said he was conscious of his lies and that they were deliberate and done simply to control. My sympathy for him then went to nil, as it has been for KC.

And since it is painfully obvious that the As knew KC had "done something" but still participated in this stupid song and dance, my sympathy for them is rapidly evaporating.
A great Q..Finally! :woohoo: LOL!!

We don't know, probably never will, & my guess is JB isn't a happy camper she opened her pie-hole about it..Maybe she'll get a spanking instead of a hug-wug the next time they meet? I'd much rather watch that then another NG show :)

Same here. About time.

wow.. that video. for one thing, i can see why casey is frustrated with Cindy. she never shuts up.

lightbulb moment after watching: i now feel that casey genuinely believes she is innocent.

Reminds me of watching OJ Simpson: i 100% think he was guilty, but came to see that he genuinely believed, or thoroughly convinced himself, that he did not kill 2 people.

i believe that casey is thoroughly convinced she was not Caylee's killer and no amount of evidence would change her mind. (i also think OJ was a sociopath, btw.) This is not something the rest of us can conceive, but some people can be in 100% denial. They are not faking, they believe it.

Wow. I wholeheartedly see the same thing. "As long as I continue to believe my own lie, nothing else matters. I"m not guilty if I convince myself I"m not. You cannot and will not break me." I think this is what Casey has done her whole life.
It's heart wrenching to watch the emotions on her parents faces. I'm convinced at this point they knew Caylee was gone and were teetering between begging for the truth, and never wanting to face the truth.
I finished listening to the whole video today and just like everyone else.. my jaw dropped too many times to count. She's in her own little world.. she barely listens to a word her parents are saying.. she wants to talk and that's it. I also thought it was incredible how she said now I'm getting sick.. I can feel it (not her exact words) but since her mom said Lee had been sick.. now she is getting sick (a sympathy ploy is what it sounded like to me).

"I'm just as much of a victim as the rest of you" - She's nuts. I don't understand how she can say that with a straight face. Especially after all of the lies she has been caught in!
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