Slide Show and Video of 2008.08.14 Jail Visit #2

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You know what I have also seen in this tape - GA and CA DO NOT react to KC at all. They do not show anger, happiness, anything. I think this is how they have conditioned themselves over all these years to deal with her. But as we all know, they are more than capable of showing anger.

Also, I think she (KC) BLAMES Caylee deep down that she (Caylee) is the reason she is in this predicament. My ex was like that. Blamed me for a divorce he wanted because he was having an affair. I made him have that affair because I wasn't what he wanted. If I had only been something else, he would not have had to divorce me. He blamed me.
I think KC is the same. Caylee is the reason she is in jail. It's all Caylee's fault. That's why she HATES to have Caylee's name even mentioned.
I hope that made sense and I am not trying to put "ME" in this....just an analogy.
The part that bothered me the most about that video (the longer, Fox Orlando, version) was actually when Casey said she didn't want to be one of those thousands of parents who live through the horrible nightmare of...WHAT? Wondering if your kidnapped child is alive or dead? Losing a child? NO!!! Living with the thought that MAKES HER SICK EVERY DAY that her child could possibly be ALIVE AND WITH SOMEONE ELSE!!! context with Cindy's threat to take's interesting that Casey's worst nightmare was not Caylee being DEAD but Caylee being ALIVE AND WITH SOMEONE ELSE.

Nice observation. I missed the long version. Good work! :)
If your child had really been kidnapped 2 months earlier, would the thought that she was alive and safe "make you sick every day"? Or would it be the only tiny sliver of hope that would allow you to get through every day?

Insert "Jeopardy" decision-making music here....
The way KC pronounces her words drives me insane. "I can't even schwallow right now", "schtraightener" (hair straightener), "you don't underdschtand"

UGH! It drives me nuts
I've asked myself that many times during this case.

Hi, I've been following this case and trying to keep up via ws and NG.

At the beginning of this case I thought Casey acted like she was on a reality TV show.
But there's no way any reality TV show would stoop as low as to play with people's emotions with a kidnapping.
But is it possible she is mentally ill narcissist who is not in reality and thinks she's playing a game.
I've known a few narcissists possibly sociopaths they all had one thing in common they emulated actors that they admired and followed a playbook of how they should act.
It's some kind of deficiency they have to have real emotions.
One guy I knew even took notes of movies on how to dress and act in given situations. It was the weirdest quirk.
I'd love to read her psychologist report.
Any opinions on this?
I'm watching it again now (4th time). CA looks completely devestated when KC says ".... when this goes to trial."

She's been begging for clues this whole conversation, and she gets that--going "to trial" must have been like a shot in the heart. A bad sign of things to come.

She collapses on the table, looking devestated, and stays down for quite a while and KC doesn't react at all!

This whole conversation is a classic power struggle.

This was the point, I think, where Cindy realized that there were no real clues, that Casey wasn't trying to secretly send coded messages, or protect anyone but herself, that Amy was really just Amy, that Jesse was really just Jesse and that her daughter would be sticking with the Zanny did it lie without providing any further, or any truthfull information.
The way KC pronounces her words drives me insane. "I can't even schwallow right now", "schtraightener" (hair straightener), "you don't underdschtand"

UGH! It drives me nuts

Me too. She draws her vowels out as well and puts something extra in.
The way KC pronounces her words drives me insane. "I can't even schwallow right now", "schtraightener" (hair straightener), "you don't underdschtand"

UGH! It drives me nuts
Don't forget "frushtrated". I think she has a slight speech impediment.
How about when her mom asks what message she should give to Zanny and KC does this little surprised laugh like she can't even believe Mom is still buying that Zanny story...then gives her usual, "I forgive her...or whoever has her" answer.
Okay, just listened to the 31 minutes released by WFTV for a second time.

Casey says I, me or my 318 times in 31 minutes. Andy Caylee 5 times. Mostly in the context of who is at the top of the priority list.

Just before her temper tamtrum she says "I will keep saying whatever I have to about the police" to keep these tapes from being released. That is probably what is cut out of the tape at the end.
Don't forget "frushtrated". I think she has a slight speech impediment.

Brain impediment.
O/T: I have a sister just like her. BTW If anyone could email me or PM me, my sister has been missing for 2 yrs. I didn't want to start a thread, but there is some info, I just would like to know how I can find out when she live at her last address. TIA
but didn't know how.

Just watched the video everyone is talking about. Could KC have a split personality? Comments please.

PS I'm new to posting but have been a lurker for many years

Welcome to WS!

No split personality, no mental illness, no convincing herself she didn't do this. She's wearing a disguise, a mask. She's a sociopath. Below is a good link on sociopathy in a nutshell.

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Now add to this strange fantasy the ability to conceal from other people that your psychological makeup is radically different from theirs. Since everyone simply assumes that conscience is universal among human beings, hiding the fact that you are conscience-free is nearly effortless. [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]You are not held back from any of your desires by guilt or shame, and you are never confronted by others for your cold-bloodedness. The ice water in your veins is so bizarre, so completely outside of their personal experience, that they seldom even guess at your condition.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]In other words, you are completely free of internal restraints, and your unhampered liberty to do just as you please, with no pangs of conscience, is conveniently invisible to the world. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]You can do anything at all, and still your strange advantage over the majority of people, who are kept in line by their consciences will most likely remain undiscovered.[/FONT]
Hi, I've been following this case and trying to keep up via ws and NG.

At the beginning of this case I thought Casey acted like she was on a reality TV show.
But there's no way any reality TV show would stoop as low as to play with people's emotions with a kidnapping.
But is it possible she is mentally ill narcissist who is not in reality and thinks she's playing a game.
I've known a few narcissists possibly sociopaths they all had one thing in common they emulated actors that they admired and followed a playbook of how they should act.
It's some kind of deficiency they have to have real emotions.
One guy I knew even took notes of movies on how to dress and act in given situations. It was the weirdest quirk.
I'd love to read her psychologist report.
Any opinions on this?

Yes! Sociopath's do this because they have to pretend to be normal and have feelings. Unfortunately, they still get it wrong and their comments come across weird and innapropriate. Their sentences are mixed up and wrong words used because they don't comprehend the emotional meaning of a certain word to be able to use it correctly. IMO, Casey and Lee both do this.
The way KC pronounces her words drives me insane. "I can't even schwallow right now", "schtraightener" (hair straightener), "you don't underdschtand"

UGH! It drives me nuts

Oeeey.....and that whiney, nasal sounding voice! I just want to shove a block of cheese down her throat.

OOOO JB is on GVS now! GAG!
I'm no expert at all, but I believe that Casey could have some mental illness and possible psychosis along with being a sociopath. Casey would have to of been diagnosed a lot younger to get help and that's hard to do. I don't blame her parents though, because if she'd had drunks or dope heads as parents she'd probably already be a serial killer. Anyone who would premeditate and then kill a baby couldn't have been helped a whole lot IMO unless hospitalized for years in an asylum.
that not once did Casey ask for an update on the search for Caylee. What I also find odd - the parents didn't update her on the search efforts.
I...can'! Watching that video literally made me sick to my stomach. The line that really got to me was when she was saying that she would give anything to see any of them but that she wanted to see her dad the most because she's been so disconnected from him. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!!?!?!?! How about your baby!? I literally wanted to pound my fists against the desk in fury at the video. Selfish. Selfish. Selfish. Selfish. The word doesn't even begin to describe her. Why the defense wanted this video released I'll never understand.
Listening and watching several runs of this and marveling at the way her parents handle the prisoner with tongs, I wondered what their tolerance level must be to bear so much unpleasantness from her. When she was home on bail, this attitude would have continued. In fact, without restraint of jail prohibitions, she may have been more rabid.

For what she did to Caylee, I fail to understand their support of her. For the way she treats them, very immediate and very personal, how can they stand her!

Astro Crimes Thread is now in the general forums as Forensic
Astrology. Caylee's thread is there along with other topics and crimes.
The way KC pronounces her words drives me insane. "I can't even schwallow right now", "schtraightener" (hair straightener), "you don't underdschtand"

UGH! It drives me nuts

I'm glad you pointed this out-- I hadn't really thought much about it, but your post prompted me to--
She doesn't doesn't always pronounce "s" sounds like this-- so I don't think she has a true speech impediment, or, problem with phoneme production.
Rather, this "sch" sound can result when one is producing an "s" sound through their teeth with a VERY clenched jaw. If I clench my jaw really tightly, and tensely say the "s" sound, it comes out "sch"-- IMO, when she's producing this "sch" sound she's probably trying to conceal her abject rage and talking thru clenched teeth. -- Something I guess we already know, but it's interesting to see how the littlest details can help paint the big picture.
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