SM as a potential focus of the investigation

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If they are basing search on the SM's cell phone pings, is it possible that she was smart enough to leaver her phone in a location for a few hours while she was somewhere else completely? Just a thought that occurred to me. IIRC, she is a fan of crime shows, so if she did this, I have a hard time believing she didn't know about cell phone pings.

For expample, she leaves the school and drives directly to Sauvie Island. There she leaves her phone in a ditch or someplace where it would not be discovered for a few hours. Then she goes someplace else and does "something," later returning for her phone.
Attention Mothers Everywhere:

Please go edit your facebooks. White glove edit. Now. Lest a house fall on you tomorrow. Or something like that.

This has been a public service message.

p.s. And wear clean underwear. no thongs.
I just don't like this news at all, however if it leads to Kyron so be it. I didn't want to believe she had anything to do with it. In the back of my head I can remember my own stepmom and how loving she was...until she had her own kids 5 years later and how things changed. I know not all step parents are that way, but it happens.
If they are basing search on the SM's cell phone pings, is it possible that she was smart enough to leaver her phone in a location for a few hours while she was somewhere else completely? Just a thought that occurred to me. IIRC, she is a fan of crime shows, so if she did this, I have a hard time believing she didn't know about cell phone pings.

For expample, she leaves the school and drives directly to Sauvie Island. There she leaves her phone in a ditch or someplace where it would not be discovered for a few hours. Then she goes someplace else and does "something," later returning for her phone.

Even if she was smart enough to have her cellphone off June 4th, she might have had it on the day before, or a week before in a "trial" run.
If they are basing search on the SM's cell phone pings, is it possible that she was smart enough to leaver her phone in a location for a few hours while she was somewhere else completely? Just a thought that occurred to me. IIRC, she is a fan of crime shows, so if she did this, I have a hard time believing she didn't know about cell phone pings.

For expample, she leaves the school and drives directly to Sauvie Island. There she leaves her phone in a ditch or someplace where it would not be discovered for a few hours. Then she goes someplace else and does "something," later returning for her phone.

I suppose that's possible.

I keep going back to Kelley's white truck sighting. A white truck with a female driving, sitting there, idling. Twice. I am reminded of Scott Peterson driving out and staring at the bay. I know they've searched the area, but, if that was TH at in the Kelly neighborhood, you have to wonder.

(I'm currently looking through threads to see if it's been established the sighting could not have TH)
Attention Mothers Everywhere:

Please go edit your facebooks. White glove edit. Now. Lest a house fall on you tomorrow. Or something like that.

This has been a public service message.

p.s. And wear clean underwear. no thongs.[/Q]

Forget the white glove...I would pretty much have to set my computer on fire.:crazy:

Off to buy new underwear......:innocent:
I'm still not completely sold on the step mom, and I think in the PC it was clear he was not indicating she was a person of interest.
I can think of several reasons why she might be on SI and not want to admit where she was or who she was with....that would complicate her life but not lead to Kryon's demise.

There may also be someone trying to point fingers at her, that is actually responsible.

(readily admit, I'm always on the side of it not being a parent until proven otherwise)

At the moment, I'm with you Charlie. Something's off here. Distributing this flyer is like having a witness or victim look at a line up with only one person in the line up! And, in this case, that one person is Terri Horman. If Terri is LE's intended focus/target, I have some serious concerns that this information/tip gathering approach will come back to bite someone (like the prosecution...) in the... (you know what) MOATM ~
Wow. I missed all the latest developments, including rumors, over the last 24 hours....I am pretty sickened over the questionnaire, the WW article, and other factors that are taking me right back to the other end of the speculation spectrum, JUST as I had finally shaken my first theory as to what happened to Kyron (SM involvement). I finally truly felt in my heart that his elaborate science fair display was further evidence that there was far too much love in the family to suspect ill-harm by SM. I really am not prepared for this presser today, if it turns out SM is going to be a POI in this case. Sweet Kyron!!!!

I agree with this. I am posting before reading to the end of the thread and am avoiding any mention yet of the presser. This sickens me, if it is true.

I don't get it. When I married DH I inherited stepsons. I later had a daughter. My sons had horrible adolescents (brought on mainly by their mom's lifestyle, sigh) but, I never once thought of them dead. I love them dearly, they are now fine young men, both married to awesome women.

I am just so sad over this. As a step mom, I so want it to be anyone but the SM.
If they are basing search on the SM's cell phone pings, is it possible that she was smart enough to leaver her phone in a location for a few hours while she was somewhere else completely? Just a thought that occurred to me. IIRC, she is a fan of crime shows, so if she did this, I have a hard time believing she didn't know about cell phone pings.

For expample, she leaves the school and drives directly to Sauvie Island. There she leaves her phone in a ditch or someplace where it would not be discovered for a few hours. Then she goes someplace else and does "something," later returning for her phone.

The only reason I know anything about cell phone pings and how they can nail you forensically is because I am a member of W/S and I watch every news show there is. Any one who might be desperate enough to harm someone might not be thinking straight anyway and cell phone pings wouldnt even cross their minds. They would make sure they had their cell phone with them at all times in case someone was trying to get a hold of them. They might not answer the phone right away but when they would get to a place where they could return the call they would and say, sorry I was busy and couldnt get to you when you called. THAT might be what does someone in..JMHO...
The poster who brought us this info did not say every other weekend. And neither did I. She said THAT weekend - the one he disappeared. Here's her post:

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #14

There's a thread on this, if you are interested.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #14

I've been under the impression it was 'every other weekend' since he went MIA..I'm not sure where it came from now (probably media) & it really had nothing to do with the post saying "THAT" weekend..It was simply a chance to point this false? info out but I guess I picked the WRONG post to do it in..Sorry!!
If they are suspecting the step-mom, and this flyer tactic does not result in a confession, I am wondering if they have now risked a tainted jury argument.

And, I'm thinking ... why would they risk that?

Gosh this flyer thing is odd in quite a few ways...:cow:
I missed HLN when they were talking about the FB comments,did they mention the gymcare one where she was angry that a 7 year old,from what she said "was bullying her daughter"?I wanted to find out if that was Kyron,because he could have just been playing with her,you know how boys are,just teasing and she saw it as bullying.Maybe they'll have more on it later.

This is so odd because I have been a member of many a gym and at every single one of them, they separated children under 2 from the rest of the general pop (so to speak lol) ....except when it was just my two girls, in which case they just stayed together and played.....
OH Lord..... I have so much to say and I have obligations at the moment so I still have to wait. OMG the level of frustration!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've been under the impression it was 'every other weekend' since he went MIA..I'm not sure where it came from now (probably media) & it really had nothing to do with the post saying "THAT" weekend..It was simply a chance to point this false? info out but I guess I picked the WRONG post to do it in..Sorry!!

No problem amysmom. If you have luck finding this answer, many would love to know it! I was under the same impression. Never could find out why when I searched for it! :)
Attention Mothers Everywhere:

Please go edit your facebooks. White glove edit. Now. Lest a house fall on you tomorrow. Or something like that.

This has been a public service message.

p.s. And wear clean underwear. no thongs.[/Q]

Forget the white glove...I would pretty much have to set my computer on fire.:crazy:

Off to buy new underwear......:innocent:

Has anyone seen the presser or has any idea what channel it may be on?
I agree with this. I am posting before reading to the end of the thread and am avoiding any mention yet of the presser. This sickens me, if it is true.

I don't get it. When I married DH I inherited stepsons. I later had a daughter. My sons had horrible adolescents (brought on mainly by their mom's lifestyle, sigh) but, I never once thought of them dead. I love them dearly, they are now fine young men, both married to awesome women.

I am just so sad over this. As a step mom, I so want it to be anyone but the SM.

IMO there's nothing to get. Some people are just plain selfish, evil and stupid, and it's not gender specific. Nothing more complicated that that. LE says many times regarding a strange and senseless murder that "it just doesn't make any sense". Part of the problem here has been applying our own values and logic to a senseless situation. Good for us is that LE is objective and skeptical.
I have wondered why she hasn't confessed since I am sure LE has been all over her but she has that beautiful baby and I am sure she knows that if she confesses she will never be with her again.
That is what I don't understand. She is a very intelligent person. I believe she has a Masters degree. She had to know that she would eventually get caught and it would cost her everything. I am not that educated but the knowledge of the consequences keep me from even jaywalking. I just don't understand who she thought she could get away with this, if she did it. Maybe if she left her cell phone home? Would it have been the perfect crime? I think she had been thinking of doing this for a while and was probably getting down to the wire with school ending. She probably figured out that if she could place him in the school as the last time he was seen then she could blame the school. I don't know. My head (and heart) hurts.
I am not trying to be mean here, but we have no idea if she is "very intelligent," or intelligent at all. Having the privilege of, and the determination needed to get her Master's Degree doesn't make her any more intelligent than you, DairyGirl.

She may be intelligent yet also lacking in a conscience, and lacking in much forethought beyond any immediate desired goal she has.

Just my opinions.
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